October 21. Sunday Morning


*picture not mine.credits to the owner

*I dedicate this chapter to my very good chingu star070187, jeongmal mianhe for the late post. anyhow, here's another addition to your Masi feels! saranghaeyoooo~~~~ kkkkk.

"Hyung wake up!" Siwon whispered at his Teukie hyungs ears and shaked his arms making Teuk grab him and pull him closer, his lips pouting...

"AAAHHHHHH!!!" he roared in fright after seeing Siwon's face super close to his.

"hyung!!! i...i..." Siwon started, "aisssshhhhhhhh~~~~~....what the hell was that siwon-ah!!!!" Teuk continued pushing Siwon away from him.

"mianhe, mianhe teukie hyung, you started it anyway!" Siwon explained and composed himself as he sat down from the corner of the bed.

"what? how?" startled, Teuk asked. "I was just trying to wake up but it ended up you pulling me close to you...." Siwon sighed and shook his head.

"jinjja?! omo...mianhe Siwon-ah..." Teuk immediately stood up and bowed causing Siwon to chuckle a bit.

"what now?" Teuk annoyingly asked. "nothing. you looked cute though when you pouted your lips hyung! hahahah!" he couldn't help but laugh. "ahhhhh...stop it!!!!!" the humiliated hyung rushed to Siwon and mockingly punched his arms causing both of them to roll on the floor in laughter.

"yah! yah!" the boys stopped and turned to who just went inside the room. "oh hi there love!" Teuk waved his hand at me.

"hello boys! seems that you guys woke up on the right side of the bed eh?!" I asked in glee.

"oh..yeah...you see..Siwon-ah just gave me the exact feels early in the morning.." he said, stood up and brushed some dust from the floor.

"that's good! well, Al already prepared our breakfast downstairs..sooo..ka ja!" I grabbed Teuk's hand and excitedly pulled him, Siwon following closely behind us.

"oh, where are the others?" Siwon asked as he pulled his chair at the dining table. "they left early..." Al quickly responded and gave a hearty smile to his prince.

"ah...waeyo?" Siwon asked after receiving the bowl of rice that Al handed. "Yesung was saying something about his soon to be opened cafe, when the others learned about it, they all pleaded that he take him there..so there..." Al explained.

"oh I see, but why didn't they wake us up?" the worried leader asked. "simple. I told them not too!" Al butted in.

"and why is that?? where's Ez by the way?" Teuk asked seemingly bothered. "you'll know later, and Ez left with Kangin a few minutes ago." said Al.

"yah love, what was Al pertaining to?" Teuk whispered. "I too don't have any idea, she just asked me to stay too." I said.

After breakfast, Teuk and I helped clean up the table while Al and Siwon took the job of washing the dishes.

meanwhile, at the kitchen sink:

"it's a sunday today dear don't you remember?!" Al tugged Siwon close to him. "I know..but what was it again you said that we're supposed to do today? mianhe for my memory gap..." Siwon whispered. "aissshhh~~~" Al shook her head in frustration but kept calm and went on with her speech..."it's our monthly sunday morning drive today dear!" she tiptoed and whispered back, unluckily outbalanced herself but Siwon had great ninja skills and was able to catch Al and wrapped his arms around her. "ohhh..be careful dear.." Siwon held Al's face and kissed her forehead. "yeah,yeah...mainhe.." Al hushed and stared at Siwon, her face now all flushed up on what Siwon just did. He poked Al and said "ah, yeah I remember, but this time let's use our new baby, i'll have it sent here.." Siwon smiled and winked at Al. "yaaayy!!! and oh, let's tag Teuk and __you__ along so that they too can have some more quality time together." Al added. "oh sure! that'll be great!" Siwon ended and got his phone inside his pocket and called home.

"psssttttt...." Teuk tugged the end of my shirt, "what do you think are the two up to now?" he whispered. "I have no idea love, let's just wait and see, go up now and get fixed..." I replied. "okay, okay..." he smiled, flashing his killer dimple smile again. I died. 

"unnie!" Al called from the kitchen, "waeyoooo?!" I rushed to her side. "go upstairs now and get dressed.." she said in a hushed tone. "uh..sure sure but...i didn't bring extra clothes remember? this sleepover thing was not in our plan...Teuk has no problem since he always brings his favorite extra white shirt with him..."

"hush..hushhh...unnie, calm down...remember you still have some clothes here you left the time you almost ran away from home." Al reminded me, "oh...jinjja? hahahha...well...that was a few years ago, boy you've got some sharp memory...hahah!" I answered and swiftly her back. "but of course unnie! what are you waiting for? GO!!!!" she yelled, turned her back and went back to washing the leftover plates. 

That was weird, Teuk was right, what are the two up to now? I sense something...but I won't assume first...for the meantime I'll go and get myself dressed for whatever the royal couple prepared. 

An hour had passed, I'm almost done, I stood up and brushed the ends of my hair... "unnie, all set?" Al out of the blue pushed open the door causing me to almost suffer from a mini-heart attack, "aigooo..AL!!!!" I replied in a shocked tone and looked back at her "oh,jeongsahamanida unnie, Teuk and Masi are already downstairs waiting for us." 

"wow..that's a first for Teuk! he always finishes late on days like these! hahahah!" I let out a laugh and followed Al as I close the door behind.

"well, looks like we're all set, ka ja?" Siwon excitedly spoke and took a quick glance on Al who looked extra gorgeous wearing her sunday checkered plaid dress. 

Al blushed and playfully ran towards her prince. "aigo..this is what I miss the most..." he exhaled and caressed Al's wavy shoulder length hair. 

"We know Siwon-ah, I suggest from now on have your drama taping schedule done on weekdays so that you get to spend your weekends here.." Siwon nodded as to what his hyung advised him to do. "neh hyung, I get your point well i'll try my best to convince the production team if it's possible...but right now let's shift our focus on something more thrilling than the usual work stuff." Siwon spoke, "shall we?" he gently lifted his arm enough for Al's to hand to perfectly fit inside and grasp on his lean arm muscle.

Beep.beep. (sound of a vehicle that just got unlocked)

"woah, how'd that happen? have you by chance performed your ninja skills again?!" Teuk asked and jumped right across the couple and landed just in time the couple opened the door. "you'll see hyung." Siwon snickered. "I know but we were together almost the whole morning and the last time I checked we arrived here alltogether..Aisshh~~~" he had no choice but to swing his head side to side. "your such a worry wart hyung.." all of a sudden Siwon was cut off with a loud "WOWWWW...."

"so this is it..." Teuk gasped at the sight of something extravagant right in front of his eyes. 

"SURPRISE!!!" Al and Siwon both screamed.

"wowww!!" was all I had in mind...

a brand new Audi r8 Spyder was parked right in front of us, I mean, what else can I say?! my jaw dropped for like 20seconds, who woudln't right? what's sooo cool about this is that it's a limited edition..soooo lucky chingus I have. kkkk.

"weellll, we want you to meet our new baby..." Siwon cleared his throat and continued.. "well actually it's not solely mine, in fact Al and I will share this car." he winked at Al. "aigooo..thanks dear, that's true, and since you guys both played an important role in our relationship, we want to share something we do every month." Al ended.

"what is it!!!!?" I asked in pure excitement.

"We will bring you guys to some place we call sacred." Al answered. "yeah you see, we haven't told anyone about this, it's our sweet escape, we do this once a month." Siwon ended and tugged Al close to him.

"ohhh...sounds coool! where's that place by the way?" I asked, starting to get impatient.

"oh, it's somewhere near the woods..an estimated 10minute drive from here." Siwon proudly said. 

"well, should we test drive this new baby of yours now?!" Teuk ran over to the side of the passener and hand gestured for Siwon to hurry up.

"Al, you got me surprised eh, so that is why you're always not available on some Sundays...." I whispered as I placed an arm around Al.

"hahahahha...neh unnie, mianhe for that..." Al replied and gave me a tight hug while giggling.

"you and Siwon-ah fit perfectly for each other, you guys are so secretive!" I continued. "well, your right! this too is our mini surprise for you and Leeteuk-ssi, you need this time for yourselves too. sooo...ka ja!" Al dragged my arm and motioned for me to enter the car. 

"ah..this is life..." Teuk gasped and raised his hands while savoring the fresh air, "Masi, this new baby of yours really is great for trips like this, ah...fresh air..." he inhaled and exhaled. "yes hyung, I purposely bought this for Al and I's monthly Sunday morning driving, right dear?" he took a glimpse on the rearview mirror and winked at Al. 

Al then quickly grabbed my hand and pinched me causing me to wince in pain. "oh,oh.mianhe.mianhe unnie..." she giggled and unknowingly repeated it again, "Al!!!!" I shouted and the boys looked back at us worried on what just happened. "oh, what is it?' Teuk asked. "uh.nothing,nothing, go on with your boy talk, don't mind us..." I explained and shot a death glare at Al. 

Al snickered and that pinch turned into a tickle, causing us to laught uncontrollably at the back of the car. "Al! stop it!" I slowly pulled myself from Al's grip but she was just so happy that she just wouldn't let me go....until the car went on a full stop. 

Siwon pushed open his door and rushed to Al's side and gently opened it. Teuk did the same too. 

"Well, this is it, we're here!" Siwon announced. Teuk grabbed my hand as we both explored the place and left Al and Siwon standing at the side of their car. 

The place is so Daebak! the warm and cozy atmosphere. We were standing on a hill, overlooking the busy streets. It was plain beauty and simplicity. The scenery is just so overwhelming, I wouldn't think twice of not coming back here. Now I know how Al and Siwon re-energize their relationship. hahaha. Everything was so romantic. I moved closer to Teukie and placed my arms around his waist. "ah, love..." he muttered and wrapped his arms around me...

From afar,

"oh look at them now..." Al grabbed Siwon's face moved it towards our direction. He sighed and looked back at Al, "aigooo...seeing hyung and __you__  happy and contented beside each other makes my heart really melt." Al's cheeks flushed feeling giddy inside, hearing those words coming from his prince Masi plainly crushed her heart. "yes dear, they look so happy together." Al said almost teary-eyed. Siwon noticed Al's eyes and with no hesitations seized Al and tucked her close to him. 

Ahhhh...this sunday really is such a daebak sunday to me and my Teuk. And of course to our good friends Al and Siwon, thank yew very kamsa for making our weekend an awesome one.

After a few hours of admiring nature's wonders and each other's company, we decided to call it a day.

*HELLO YEOROBUN! I conclude this as a christmas special chapter. Thank yew readers for your patience in hwaiting, take this as my mini xmas gift to all of you! hope i still get to see you in the following chapters! only few more days to go till d-day of this story!

MERRY KEURISMASEU YEOROBUN!!!! Saranghaeyoooo~~~~~^^



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Hey subscribers! Hwait for the upcoming chapters! Patience is a virtue. Ne? Will post it this weekend! Saranghae~~~~


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Chapter 24: Nyaaawww... :3 eeteuk-ssi is such a cutie! So to anyone whose trying to break them apart, better back off now! I mean it! Eeekkk it's really sweet! Eeteuk leadernim jjang!!! :D
Eonnie! me and yb? hahaha!!! he better get things straight or else i'm gonna tie his braids to his nose hair!!! hahahaha thanks for the update huggies dear! and i shall continue to write my yb fic too hahaha :D
Chapter 21: Aigooo... Merry Christmas huggies-unnie!!! You definitely made an ear splitting smile on my face while reading this!!! I can just imagine my road trips on Sunday mornings.. You can still remember when I took you there right?! Eeekkkkkk!!! I miss writing masi fanfics tuloy!!! Kkkkkk thanks so much huggies!!!
Chapter 19: Oh my, so that's what happened before masi and al were such ers kkkkk
Anyways, you kept my toes curled as I read along!!! Waaahhh asfgsjagshshshah!!! Well done Teukie leader-nim! Please make me the godmother of your baby!!! Waaahhh kilig! Congrats huggies :D
Chapter 14: You..you huggies you! I cannot unsee what you did write there! Wahahaha :D
I was squealing in front of my lappy that mama had to knock on my door to check me, wahahaha :))
Al and Wonnie are such ers! Go Teuk! You can do it! Will play Hot Times for you two if you want to kkkkkkk =))
Fighting unnie! :D
Chapter 14: I want to know the details~ *Q*
Chapter 11: aawww, why am i so close to crying with chapter 11...
but you gave me sooo much feels at chapter 9!!! you silly you unnie!!! i love it :D
i'm giving you a big virtual hug! :D
Chapter 6: okay Siwon's giving too much info there :)) *blush* *blush*
aigoo huggies! you never fail to make me kilig hihihi :D
what a sweet and caring eeteuk-shi right there :D
Chapter 5: Can i give you a big virtual hug right now? I swooned imagining siwon's outfit...and it had to be white vneck with blue stripes? My favorite!
Anyway, i really love the update :D grinning from ear to ear here :D