October 10. Lover's Night


*picture not mine. credits to the owner of the pic.

At the office:

"OMONA ___(you)____-ah!!!! you sure are one lucky girl! it was all over the news last night!!! A giddy officemate greeted me as soon as I entered the room.

"hahaha! YAH!!! I sure am! wasn't totally expecting that to happen!" I exclaimed as I tossed my bag on top of my desk, went to her and shared more of my feels last night.

I feel like i'm still in cloud nine from what my Teuk love did yesterday. I'm all smiles right now...


I looked back and got surprised from who was standing behind me. 

"hi noona!" Donghae squealed the moment he saw me turned around. 

Oh this forever feeling maknae at heart... What is he doing here at this hour? I checked. 10am.

"hello there!" I said and stood up, raising my arms to give him a hug.

"noona!!! these are for you..." he said and handed me a white plastic shopping bag.

I gladly took it and grinned at Donghae who is now staring at me in confusion.

"uh, wae?" I asked now looking more confused.

"noona, open it!" he said and grasped my arms.

I was left with no choice but to open it infront of him, aigo... an early morning surprise from Teukie...I smiled and looked up at Donghae who is now looking up with a slight grin painted on his face.

"Yah! youu really are such good in conniving with your hyung eh?!" I slapped his arms and took out what was inside that plastic bag, 3 boxes of my favorite peppero: ... :)))

and a note was neatly posted in one of the boxes: *hey love, for you to be more energized at work. sweets for my sweet!

Donghae then held my chin after I finished reading Teuk's note and stared at me. "wow, seeing you this surprised noona made my morning! hahahah!" he said as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you so much for bringing these dongsaeng! Teuk must've bragged you again, here, take one of these," I said as I handed him one box.

"jinjja?! kamsa noona!!!!" he shouted in glee, "ani, fyi noona, hyung sent me here since he has a premier night to attend to with me later this afternoon.." he said

"okay, you said the event's going to be held this afternoon? well, why didn't he bring it himself?" I asked scratching my head.

"he said he has to see Kangin this afternoon that is why I was the one he sent to hand that over to you." (points at the white shopping bag.)

"oh, arasso..." I said "I'll text him then...thank you again!" I said.

"gwenchana...i have to go, eunhyukkie is waiting outside! kkkkkk." Donghae blurted and chuckled.

"ahhh...I see, okay okay, you can go now, tell eunhyukkie I miss him! umm and take care tonight! go look after your hyung okay?!" I said and raised an eyebrow on him... :)


I had just finished unpacking my things when my I felt my phone vibrate inside my bag. Oh it's Teuk,

"annyeong love! where are you now?" I asked immediately the moment I pressed the answer button.

"we're fine!....(I then heard Donghae, Siwon and Minho's voice from behind all shouting my name) wait for me, we'll just drop by this poor minho at the studio and we'll head straight there, arasso?" he said while panting as they were walking their way towards the parking lot.

"alright then! tell me later about the movie you had just watched okay?" I answered back.

"oh definitely! I'll see you! bye!" he said and put down the phone.

around 6.45 pm

He texted and directed me to go outside the building since they'll be arriving in 5mins. 

"annyeong!!!" Donghae shouted as he opened the window from inside the car as they were fast approaching, I smiled and wave back and waited for them to come to a full stop.

Siwon then got out from the passenger seat and held open the door for me. "Thank you!" I politely said and entered the car.

"hey love!" Teuk put an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek. I smiled and returned his kiss with a kiss too at his cheek.

"noona!!! soooo... how were the peppero's?" Donghae joked and winked at me from the rearview mirror.

"hahaha! I only ate 1 box of it since it my favorite and so that I have stock for tomorrow's work. kkkkk" I replied.

"hyung! where are we going now?" Siwon interrupted the moment Teuk took a left turn as we arrived at an intersection. 

"somewhere... ummm. Donghae! wanna take a cab at the next street?" Teuk asked.

puzzled, Hae looked around and asked "waeyo hyung?"

"uh, let's just say we have a scheduled "lover's night" tonight..." he said, then took my hand and winked at me.

"aigo, can I come too?! pretty please?" Hae pleaded, batting his eyelashes trying to get sympathy from his hyung.

"aniyo..aniyo...you can come some other time, now, eunhyukkie and the others are waiting for you at the dorm..." Teuk said sternly as he came to a full stop at a corner.

Donghae had no choice but to get down from the car, he scratched his head and looked down as if scolded by his parents. 

"it's okay haeee! we'll bring you whatever's left from tonight's session!" Siwon managed to joke at the poor dongsaeng.

Donghae then shut him a look, a look of frustration.

Aishh this is so heartbreaking, I thought. Poor dongsaeng should have his own source of inspiration of love and life, aside from eunhyuk...haha

After a few turns we had finally reached our destination: Al & Ez's humble abode.

"Annyeonnnggg!!!" I shouted as I went down the car

A brisk shadow of a well-built man came running towards the front gate. 

"Kangin-ah!!!" I said and he smiled and welcomed me inside.

"Al! Ez! we're here!" I shouted since they were obviously not in the living room when I entered.

"yah! arasso! coming!!!" Al yelled from the kitchen.

I can't wait further so I decided to go at their kitchen and help them finish fixing our dinner for tonight.

"hey Ez! how's you and Kangin?" I said as I took the plates and utensils to be used.

"ah, we're good, he's been changing his ways lately, like he lessens his drinking spree sessions..." Ez proudly answered while pulling the jar of water inside the refrigerator.

"omo! that's good! maybe I should tell Teuk to bring him along if he goes to the gym." I suggested wherein Ez responded with a nod.

"and maybe Siwon should come with them too! I'll tell him later!" Al added.

We all had a fun time conversing with each other during dinner. Everyone had a story to share. But the highlight of the night was  watching their random performances on stage starting their debut days. 

We all relieved the Kang-Teuk moments, at this time, Teuk and Kang changed seats with me and Ez at the living room, their such good trollers! Siwon on the other hand got 'jealous' and sat at the middle of Kangin and Leeteuk pretending to be the bridge of both boys. It indeed was a "lover's night" as Teuk named it. This was definitely a moment us 6 will forever cherish and treasure.


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Hey subscribers! Hwait for the upcoming chapters! Patience is a virtue. Ne? Will post it this weekend! Saranghae~~~~


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Chapter 24: Nyaaawww... :3 eeteuk-ssi is such a cutie! So to anyone whose trying to break them apart, better back off now! I mean it! Eeekkk it's really sweet! Eeteuk leadernim jjang!!! :D
Eonnie! me and yb? hahaha!!! he better get things straight or else i'm gonna tie his braids to his nose hair!!! hahahaha thanks for the update huggies dear! and i shall continue to write my yb fic too hahaha :D
Chapter 21: Aigooo... Merry Christmas huggies-unnie!!! You definitely made an ear splitting smile on my face while reading this!!! I can just imagine my road trips on Sunday mornings.. You can still remember when I took you there right?! Eeekkkkkk!!! I miss writing masi fanfics tuloy!!! Kkkkkk thanks so much huggies!!!
Chapter 19: Oh my, so that's what happened before masi and al were such ers kkkkk
Anyways, you kept my toes curled as I read along!!! Waaahhh asfgsjagshshshah!!! Well done Teukie leader-nim! Please make me the godmother of your baby!!! Waaahhh kilig! Congrats huggies :D
Chapter 14: You..you huggies you! I cannot unsee what you did write there! Wahahaha :D
I was squealing in front of my lappy that mama had to knock on my door to check me, wahahaha :))
Al and Wonnie are such ers! Go Teuk! You can do it! Will play Hot Times for you two if you want to kkkkkkk =))
Fighting unnie! :D
Chapter 14: I want to know the details~ *Q*
Chapter 11: aawww, why am i so close to crying with chapter 11...
but you gave me sooo much feels at chapter 9!!! you silly you unnie!!! i love it :D
i'm giving you a big virtual hug! :D
Chapter 6: okay Siwon's giving too much info there :)) *blush* *blush*
aigoo huggies! you never fail to make me kilig hihihi :D
what a sweet and caring eeteuk-shi right there :D
Chapter 5: Can i give you a big virtual hug right now? I swooned imagining siwon's outfit...and it had to be white vneck with blue stripes? My favorite!
Anyway, i really love the update :D grinning from ear to ear here :D