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My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

MIANHE GUYS!!! im so sorry i havent been able to update twice each week. >.< I've been very busy with school projects and hw. =.= and worse of all, i caught a cold and a bad cough from swimming in P.E. Yes my school is making us swim in P.E. and let me tell u that i was placed advance in my class with 3 ATHLETIC GUYS! im like wht the heck!!! DONT GO SO FREAKING FAST!!! and at the end i died. =.= yep :) and i got sick sadly. very sad......


Anyways enjoy or be depressed in this chapter xD:

This pain is nothing compared to GinSook-oppa's accident.


*2 years ago*

"Appa! Umma! Oppa!Im home! " I ran towards the living room wanting to show the grade

i got in math to my parents.

"U have until tomorrow to pay ur debt"  
 huh? wht did he say?  i saw a man with black sunglasses with a black suit and a breifcase.

His face covered with many scars that has never healed. " If u dont pay, ur son will die in

the place of the debt u low lives casted upon urselves." he glared at my parents.  with tht i

hid from sight by that man.
wht is he talking about? wht did he mean my brother will pay the price? Whts this have to

do with my parents? Questions filled my mind.

" Please...... if we cant pay the debt by tomorrow......I will pay the price with my life and

not my son. " my father began and kneeled in front of him begging and pleading.

" Ur life wont be enough old man." he jerked off of my fathers grisp.

"Then i'll take the price as well." a voice said. My mother...... she kneeled down nxt to

appa and pleaded as well.

"Now Now lets dont make many conclusions shall we? We will come to collect ur money

tomorrow." he said amused.He let go of my parents grip and left. I ran to my parents to

comfort them.

"Umma, Appa! Kenchana?" I kneeled in front of them worried. I patted their backs. They

looked up with their watery eyes and hugged me. They embraced me and cried for a long


"Rumi-sshi?" my parents asked as they let go of me.

"yes? Umma, Appa?" I asked

they looked at each other and nodded "U and Gin Sook are at a reasonable age to feed

and live with each other now..." my father began. "We are at our end Rumi-sshi. I know u

understood wht tht man said. I saw u hid in the corner. Its no mistake. Rumi-sshi, look at

me." my mother said. I did as i was told.

 " U are a big girl now. ur 16 and your such a talented young lady and u must keep doing

well. We will probably leave this....earth tomorrow...but me and ur appa will always be

with u and gin sook."

"Wait Umma! Appa! U cant be serious right?! u cant leave us here! we still need u guys! " i

said as i started crying.

"plz dont cry Rumi-ah." appa said as he wiped my tears off my cheek." We will be happy if

u and gin sook move on."

"But...but.... I dont wanna let u guys go! Its not fair!!!WAE!! " i bursted into tears.

"Plz, Umma cant take this anymore if u keep crying Rumi-sshi. I know u'll miss us but u

must move on. arroso?" my mother said as she patted my back trying to comfort me.

"...Arroso Umma. I will try."

"u wont try u will." appa said as he my long straight hair. I nodded as i wiped my

tears off.

tht evening i spent my whole time with my parents. every minute with them and we spent

our final hours together sleeping and embracing each other...

-end of flashback-



-Gin Sook's POV-

"Dont worry Appa, Umma. I will get ur revenge on that man." i talked  to mysef. I will. I

promise i will.


i was skipping back from school. Skip~ Skip~ Skip to my loop~ xD  as nerdy as i am, im

just awesome enough tht i skip :) i did my annual hellos to the adjusshi s and adjimmas as i

walked past. when i saw someone in a black suit following me. I stopped skipping and

walked faster. he walked faster. I started running and ran to a dead end.

I turned and faced him. My body shivered. and i was able to manage some words. " W-

What Do you want from me?" i asked the man.

" I want you" he smirked.

"Wait Wa---" someone threw themselves onto me and rapped a napkin with some kind of

liquid onto my mouth and nose. I accidently breathed into it and fainted.

the next thing i knew, i was tied up on a chair. Hands cupped behind and my legs moved

as one. I looked up and saw a man. " Y-Yah! Where am i?!" i demanded to know.

"heh~ wht a demanding lil boy." he came out of the shadows with a whip in his hands. I

wanted to take back my words. "U r in my building,my place, and under my roof. u have

no right to *whip on the floor* talk back, talk * again but closer*, or annoy me. *as close

as possible without hitting the person* Arrosso?"

i gulped and answered "Deh."

"Now be a good boy and be quite as i go sumwhere." and  he stormed off. tht basta*d.

Who does he think he is?! omg i need to get out of here!

*looking around* Yes! i spotted a sharp broken glass on the floor facing up. I got off the

chair, with my hands and feet still cupped ( of course ) and jumped to it and fell.



did u guys enjoy it? btw gin sook's flashback didnt end just so u know :)



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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD