Mianhe Im late

My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

yo~ sorry guys i havent updated in like so long. >.< i've been so busy with so many things to do :( so yea

mianhe its so short :) i needed a hangover :) im evil arent i :)


"I...umm...... Went to Ali (alison)-sshi's place. We...uhhh...had a project due next week, and we decide to work on it today." i failed lying and oppa knows tht. Omg plz dont find out plz....

" Rumi-sshi u know when u lie ur voice aways have tht high pitched voice right?" he glared at me with a death glare. shoot.

" Mianhe Oppa! Im just trying to--"

"Trying to do wht Rumi-sshi?! Trying to save tht drunk 's life?! I know wht u were doing today!" he yelled at me.

"Oppa! Let me explain!"

"No i will not let u explain. " He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the the dark big closet with whtever tht was in there. He then shoved me inside and locked the door behind him.

"Oppa. Mianhe.. Oppa.....plz dont lock me in this room." tears began to swell up.  I remembered the last time i was in here, i was almost ually harrassed by one of his men. but luckily he fell asleep ( cuz

he was drunk).

" Op-pa...y r u like this now? Wht ha-appened to the nice protective brother tht loved me." i asked as tears fell down

" He died along with our parents Rumi-sshi, hes no longer here." he glared at me as he the lights in the closet. He took a plastic hanger from the left of him and walked towards me.

"Oppa...plz dont do this." i crawled backwards. My glasses falling off of my face.

" Rumi-sshi. im doing this to disapline u. U know how much i hate it when u lie to me." he cornered me.

" Oppa! Im begging u! dont hurt me! plz... *sobs* plz oppa." tears were falling out of my eyes. I was afraid of my own brother when he was like this.

"Kahhhh!!!!!!"  I slamed my head against the wall. Tears immediately started to follow.  I placed my hand on my wounded and bruised arm.

"Mianhe Rumi-sshi. U know y i gave this to u right?" he kneeled and touched my cheek gently and wiped my tears. I flinched. My body was shivering and my tears started to fall again.

" Oppa. I....l-learned my lesson....plz stop."

"U better have learned ur lesson Rumi-sshi. The nxt time u lie to me. Something worse than this will happen. u got tht?" he whisphered in my ear and left closing the lights and dorr behind him.
Wae? oppa! WAe?! it wasnt ur fault tht appa and umma died. They did it in order to protect us. so plz go back to ur normal self please. I sat in the corner in the dark narrow long closet  emotion-less. my wound from tht hanger stinged and hurted but i didnt care. This pain is nothing compared to GinSook-oppa's accident.

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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD