My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

omg sorry for the delays~ i've been so stressed and workedup with homework and procastinating... =.= yes procastinating.. xD and i've been writing my oneshot tht is around 35-40% finished xD OMG LOOK AT THE PIC~ ADVERTISEMENT!!(  as well i've been listening to jay parks album. HES SOOO FREAKING HOT!!

if u guys didnt know he made a new yt account cuz yt closed his other account this is his new one: 

and heres him singing abandoned in eng! ^ ^

now enjoy~:


alison yelled as i told her about our plan after he gets discharged.


"NO BUTTS RUMI-SSHI! NOW EXPLAIN!" she dragged me into her room and slammed the door. OMG SCARY ALISON!!!!! x(

"Well, i mean....its only 1 date. It cant hurt...right? " i said innocently as i spun in her spinny chair.

"ugh. Wht am i gonna do with u rumi-sshi! U said it urself about wht might happen if junhyung finds out tht ur brother is gin sook! and even worse wht happens if gin sook finds out that u r still seeing Junhyung." alison said as

she sat down on her bed and threw a pillow at me. Of course being the #1 gansters sister, i had my ways to protect myself.... I caught the pillow and threw it back....a bit to hard to her stomach.

"Well...... Let me just give it a try." I said as i got up and went to see if alison was okay.........  "Kenchana?"

"de~ kenchana" she got up and hugged her pillow. " This is my final warning. Dont get caught."


Authors narration: Weeks past as the two, rumi and junhyung, enjoyed each other company almost every day AND got closer. Finally it was time for junhyung to be discharged from the hospital with not even a scratch on his

skin/ body. Little did they know, they both were falling for each other slowly....

-Rumi's pov-
" Yah~ Remember a few weeks ago, u promised me that u will go on a date with me, Rumi-sshi?

      -Junhyung- "

"hehe~ this guy...... remembers everything huh?"  i giggled as i replied back to his text.

" Of course! y would i forget our promise?

  -Rumi <3 "

For the past few weeks, we were like oreos and milk. Cant live without each other. What am i gonna do when i leave you, junhyung? Will we be hurt? Will u cry? Will i cry? What would happen?..........

~ring ring~

"annyeonghaseyo?" I answered.

"annyeonghaseyo, Its me junhyung ^ ^ "

"Oh. Hey whts up?" i asked as i picked out my clothes for the day.

"Im free today.... so do u want to go on a 'date' with me?"

"ummm~ Should i or should i not~ hmmmmm~" i teased through the phone happily.

"Yah~ i asked u to go on a date with me~ dont hesitate~ either way, u have to go on a 'date' with me... CUZ U PROMISED~"

"haha~ ^ ^ alright alright. ^ ^ meet u in front of xxx coffee shop. okies?"

"Alrights. See ya there!"

"Bai Bai"

-junhyung pov-

After i hung up. I got ready and dressed. On the way out of my dorm, i remembered my present for her. I snatched it and was about to leave.

"Yo~ junhyung-sshi. where are u going at 10 am in the morning dressed all secertive and casual?" a voice said behind me.

"huh?" i turned " Oh its u hyunseung-sshi. ^ ^ im going out....for....some fresh air! yea fresh air ^ ^ " i said trying to get out as fast as i could.

"Or ur going to see tht rumi girl." he teased

"heh.....wht are u ever so talking about. hyung?" *hyunseung stares at junhyung with fierce eyes* "........... Okay.....okay...i give up! Im going on a date with Rumi-sshi. Got it?"

"heh~ Arrosso Umma, dont come back so early~"

".... arrosso?" i left knowing i would've started a fight with him for calling my umma. But hey, im just a guy that wants to get to the meeting place earlier than his date right? ^ ^ 

~hyunseungs pov~

"heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeehehehehehe~ Lets see wht junhyung is going to do with rumi-sshi. :) " ( OMG STALKER!!! lol) i said to myself as i went back into my room. I opened my phone and texted


" Hello my beautiful baby~ Want to go out today? Cuz our junhyung is going to a 'date' with rumi-sshi and i wanna know wht happens~ >.<

     -Hyunseungie <3 "


Now time for my fashion skills to kick in. ^ ^ I ran to my closet full of awesome clothes, and belts, and hats, and beanies, and scarfs, and mittins, and gloves, and other clothes stuff. xD

-ring u have 1 new message-

"Yah~  ur 'beautiful baby'  part is getting really cheesy~  lol jkjk I love u too Seungie~ expecially when u put u and junhyung together~ or or or u and kikwang <3  lol. im just kidding u <3 u know the best person that can be

with u? hell ya! ITS ME!!! UR GIRLFRIEND xD lol. anyways  okies~ lets stalk junhyungie~ oppa, ^ ^ i want to know whts he gonna do~ xD

        - iris <3 "

i  read the text and answered
"i was like okies fine ill change beautiful baby to sumthing else.....then i was really angry when i saw me and junhyung and me and kikwang.....then i was like awwwwwww and now meet me in the back of the coffee shop at

xx place since i know tht junhyungs gonna be there xD  see ya there baby~

      -hyunseung <3"

~junhyung's pov~

-waiting at the coffee shop-

"tick.tock.tick.tock" my watch sounded. I started to tap my foot to past the time. Every second i check the time. Every minute felt like hours.

"GAHHHHHH!!!!! WHY ISNT RUMI HERE?!!!!!!!!!" i yelled as loud as i could......then remembering that i was in public..........I slowly turned seeing heads staring at me and i walked out slowly.....and....awkwardly......

"YAH!!!!!!! AWKWARD OPPA!!!!!!!!!"

"huh? o.o"


-iris pov-

"yah~ hyunseung-oppa... move....u have so much space there!" i whisphered as we hide behind a bush behind the impatient junhyung.

"no~ imma stay here ms. demanding person. x)"



"xD "

"im leaving.... goodbye jang hyunseung." i whisphered as i got up.

"noo no no no! fine ill scoot. dont leave me~ T^T "

"i wasnt gonna break up with u but okay. o.o "

"=.= *scoots* happy i scooted."

"yea~ love u honey *pecks cheeks and went back to watching*" hehe~ evil girlfriend wins.

"GAHHHHHH!!!!! WHY ISNT RUMI HERE?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"OMG!!!" i whisphered in suprise.tht scared me. We both looked at junhyung and starred.... then we saw him awkwardly leaving the area........ LOL!

" ummm....... hello........" me and hyunseung both turned around and saw a random teen girl with her friends.

"we were wondering if ur jang hyunseung from beast?" one of them asked.

" no no no~ hes not hyunseung! hes my! yea!" i turned to hyunseung " right jaeyong~" *stars back like i was crazy.*

*makes face tht said improve with me!*

" ummm.... no like wht my GIRLFRIEND said im not jang hyunseung... im Kim Jaeyong."

"u sure?! ur not lying to us right?!" the other girl said.

" OF COURSE NOT! y would we ever lie to u ppl?!" i got up with my blood starting to boil

"calm down iris-sshi. they just want to know" hyunseung got up and patted my back.

" Yep. Im certain ur jang hyunseung."  the first girl said.

" No im not im jaeyong. y would hyunseung go out without telling his fans right?"

"true. Minsoo hes right. We didnt read any thing about hyunseung going out with anyone."

"true true Eunjia....true. Well... Mianhe for mistaking u as hyunseung. hope u couple will have a great day. Annyong~" and the 2 girls left.




lol and then stop! xDDD

next chapter is junhyungs and rumis date!! xDDD and more of hyunseungs and iris's stalking. ^ ^ its gonna be sooo good~ i think



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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD