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My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

ahehehehehehehehe....he.......chapter 9 was suppose to be updated last week wedssenday..............before i went on my music trip..........but i guess i clicked the save as draft button......heh.....i fail in life....... anyways~ look at the bright side! 2 chapters!!!!! xD and im on spring break!!!! YAY!!!!! :) omg so i went to mexico! and i went to the flee market and had fun bargainning :) im so azn like tht xD


enjoies :


"huh? Alison-ah? why are u here? why is rumi here?!" amelia asked as she and doojoon turned around suprised. 

"cuz this persons oppa --------mmffffmmfffmfmff"  i covered before she could say anymore and took her out. I let go of her.

"YAH! PARK RUMI!!! WHT WAS THT FOR!!!!" alison yelled attracting attention.

"yah. Yoon alison, quite down a bit would u. I dont want junhyung-oppa to know im his bully's sister!!! He could hate me for life!!!" i whisphered to her in her ear.

"u know rumi, u dont have to be so secertive! Almost all the gangs, no wait all the gangs in Seoul know tht ur his sister! its not gonna be long before he finds out who u are!"

"well then.... we will see.... i will make sure he will nvr find out who i am before i leave him and nvr see him again." i said calmly knowing tht i felt very uneasy.

" u know rumi, i get the feeling tht u guys are gonna be more than just friends. so be careful" alison said as she left to go inside.

"We will see about tht yoon alison." i whisphered to myself determined. I then went in and greeted them.

"Annheseyo everyone. " i greeted. On the corner of my eyes i saw another 5 ppl i didnt know other than junhyung, doojoon, amelia, and alison. (hehe~ so many ppl in such a small room huh?)

"Oh! I didnt introduce u to these ppl yet huh?" alison popped in. she guided me to the people. " This is Choi Iris, remember? Amelia's best friend. This is her boyfriend,  Jang Hyunseung. Also another member of Beast." she

stopped and i took a good look at a tall and slim man in front of me with a unique sense of fashion .

" Annheseyo Rumi-sshi." both iris and hyunseung said as they bowed. "Its nice to meet u."

"Its nice to meet u too." I bowed 90 degrees. " Iris unnie, Hyunsueng-oppa." then alison guided me to the other 3 other ppl tht was sitting on the couch playing around and taking pictures.  she pointed to the first one with a

baby face and said " tht is Yoseob."

"huh?" he looked up with his innocent eyes and smiled. " Annheseyo, Im yoseob the mankae. May i ask who u are?"

" Annheseyo Im Park Rumi." i bowed.

" Awww~ how cute!! " a voice came out of no where. I turned and saw another baby face but with a muscular body.

"uhh....... Im--"

"Annheseyo, Rumi-sshi, Im Kikwang. Alison-sshi's future boyfriend." he wrapped one arm around alison and took out his other hand to greet me by shaking hands.

before i was able to shake his hand. " GAH!!!!!!! My stomach!" kikwang screamed in 'pain'

"thts wht u get kikwang-oppa. tsk tsk u should've known tht was gonna happen. " alison said as she crossed her arms. "Come on rumi-sshi theres one more." she pointed to a man with blonde hair tht was spacing out.

"Ill get u one day alison-sshi, i'll get u one day. :)" kikwang said as he rubbed his stomach and went somewhere else to talk to someone.

"Hey dongwoon-sshi~" alison kneeled down and waved her hand in front of dongwoon's face. "Mankae~ wakey wakey~ theres a girl here~" dongwoon then caught alisons hand and looked up. "huh? u call urself a girl? " he

joked. " YAH! IM A GIRL!!!!!!"

"haha~ im just joking alison-sshi. " he noticed me. " Hello there, im dongwoon, the real mankae. He took my hand and shook it.

"Im Rumi-sshi. Its nice to meet u.. dongwoon-sshi. ^ ^ " I looked around remembering y i was here. 

"ummm.........wheres junhyung-sshi. o.o" i asked. As i looked at the empty bed. I swore i saw him inside his bed before i was introduced.


"KWAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" i jumped up and hugged the person whom i thought was alison.

"wahhhhh~ Alison-sshi. Someone scared me."I hugged even closer. Huh? i dont remember ali being so tall and yea. I looked up and saw junhyung in front of me.

-junhyung pov-

i got up from my bed while rumi was being introduced to go use the restroom.... When i got back i was walking ( with those leg supporter things) and in front was rumi who was being introduced to dongwoon.

"umm....wheres junhyung-sshi. o.o" she asked as she was facing dongwoon and did not notice me yet.

"BOO!" i heard and looked at who did it.Turns out it was doojoon joking around with rumi.  before i could react. I felt someone hugging me. I looked down and saw rumi with her big glasses , assuming she closed her

eyes,hugging me. Ammused, i waited for her to notice.

" wahh~ alison-sshi.Someone scared me." 

"heh~ last time i checked i wasnt alison. " I said smiling like crazy wanting to laugh.

"KWahh~ Junhyung-oppa!!" she let go of me  and back away " M-Mianheyo."

"hehe~ Mianhe Rumi. I just had to scare u. " doojoon said as he patted her head.

-rumi pov-

" hehe~ mianhe rumi. i just had to scare u." doojoon said as he patted her head. 

">///< its okay. Oppa." i said as i calmed down from my heart beating 200% more and flushing bright red.

"aww~ Oppa is very sorry! " he started to pat my head even more ruinning my hair.

"umm.....doojoon-hyung...... i dont know how i can tell u this......... its uhh.....3 pm........manger is gonna kill u........................remember..... cough.... RECORDING!!!!! SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!! IN!!!! JAPANESE!!!!!...cough"

dongwoon said behind him.

frozed as the leader he is " Oh yea, did u also know tht ur the one that has to record today with me. and i cant drive yet." dongwoon added.


ANNYONG~" he took both amelias and dongwoons hands and dashed out like the speed of light.

"ANNYONG~" we all waved as they left.

"Well~ u guys should listen to doojoon. Remember last time u guys didnt listen to him?" junhyung started to talk as he got on to the bed.

"Yea.... T^T i wasnt able to go to the gym for 2 weeks. T^T"


"Then shouldnt u get going?" i asked giggling inside.

"omo! i almost forgot.... Yoseob? can u teach me how to dance to soom?" alison asked.  Leaving me behind.....

"WAit! Alison-sshi! wht about junhyung-oppa?!"

"U can hhave 'one on one' talk with him about 'stuff' " Im sooo gonna kill u soon alison just watch me.

"Mmmmhhmmmmmm! of course i'll teach u! u'll get it once i teach u! Lets go!" yoseob took her hand and left with kikwang running behind them....leaving me behind.....




".........................." ( lol cingular, raising the bar ^ ^ )


-alison's pov-

Mianheyo rumi-sshi. I overheard the conversation with the clerk and u. And wht the clerk said after u left. U really need junhyung in ur life, and i know he will fall for u for sure. Right now he needs u to heal his broken heart.

Im such a good friend arent i :) im sure u'll make the right choice. U guys are like mustard and ketchup :) dependent on each other. ( lol opposites :) )

~back to the scene~

-rumi pov-
" ............."


Omg.... AWKWARD SILENCE!!!! wait a minute. If its awkward silence tht means a new gay baby is born...... Kewls :) ( NO OFFENSE TO GAYS!!! I LOVE U GUYS!!!and yes im straight dont woory :) ) Omg wht

am i thinking!! WAIT EARRINGS!!! YES! " Omo~ junhyung-oppa."

"yes? "

"I have something for u. I hope u like it." I gave the bag to him. " The clerk said tht the earrings will help u decide on future life choices......and stuff"

he raised his eye brows... and opened the box. " Heh~ u sure know how to suprise me rumi. These earrings are amazing. Gomawo~"

"Ur welcome :) "




dont worries after the next chapter..... LOVE IS IN THE AIR!!! XDDDDDDDDD okies? okies :) then the love story shall offically begin :)




love u guys~

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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD