Dark Secert

My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

omg = = my internet explorer isnt working >:(  ;~; so now im at my friends house updating :P Im amazing arent i? yes i am lol



*3rd person*

"SAY IT NOW~" amelia squealed

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!!! Here." alison picked up the photo and showed us. and turns her head away from embrassment.

"YO-YO-YOSEOB?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" all of them screamed (whisphered) together in harmany.

*turns back and nods*

" I was sure it was going to be kikwang! I mean he has tht feel for you!" iris said.

" Yea but Yoseob.....i just fell for Yoseob okay? I cant help it = = "

"She has a point." Rumi said as she compared pictures for fun. " Heh~ I like this picture :3" ( http://chanjilovesme.tumblr.com/post/7146173174 ) *shows*

" Of course you do~ after all its ur FUTURE husband :) you can keep it ^ ^ I'll just get another one tomorrow."

"REally?! Gomawoyo~ Iris unnie! :)"

"No problem. Lets go to sleep and PLAN sumthing tomorrow :3"

"mmhmm~ I get it i get it. ^ ^ good night~" amelia said as she went to sleep

"..... i dont know but i dont really care. Goodnight" alison said as she soon fell asleep.

"Goodnight Rumi-sshi~" iris said

 *everyone falls asleep*

~meanwhile at Beast's dorm~

" Yo~ We are back from the gym~ " junhyung said as he had sweat all over his body as he entered after the sweaty hyunseung that ran to his room to get ready for a shower.

"Hyung!Finally your back I need to talk to you ASAP!" Dongwoon said as he came up to junhyung worried

" Whats wrong Dongwoon-ah?" he asked with a question mark on his head.

"Park Jinsook.....is the person tht beat u up right?"

"WEll... I wouldnt really call it 'beat' I would call it hitting another person while they arent ready to fight yet...."


~junhyung's POV~


i looked at the serious dongwoon " OKay okay yes he'beat' me up."

"He's.....Rumi-ssi's....older brother..."

After tht I softened " I know... Rumi told me when I ask her out."

"Wht you say?"


" Hyung, I know you love Rumi-ssi, But what are you gonna do about Jinsook? If he finds out your dead"

" Dont worry no matter what, I will win even if it costs my life. I will win."

"Hyung. J-Just be careful.okay?"

"heh Of course." I reached out to pat the maknae's head and left to my room.

~dongwoon pov~

I hope your right. you better be careful hyung.  "GAHHH!!!!" Wht? Whts wrong with my head? Why..why does it hurt? I opened my eyes to find everything blurred and I fell and fainted~. " Dongwoon-ah! Shoot! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE! NOW!"

~dongwoons dream thing~

" Huh where is this place? Why is there so many doors? " I looked around me and saw only doors all around. Every one of them with the same design. " Whts going on?"  I started walking to the first door and opened it. There i saw a memory of me and my older brother playing around in the backyard of our house when we where litte.
I went to the second door and opened it. There i saw my middle school self getting a love letter from a girl.  I closed tht door and went to find another door, when some thing caught my eye. A door with a different pattern, and a different  key whole. I appoarched the door and tryed to open it. "What? Why wont it open?" I tryed even harder. When suddenly *cling cling~*

*cling cling*

"Whts tht noise?" I asked myself and followed the sound to another door and I opened it.

" Nooo! Oppa! STOP THIS! HE'S INNOCENT! PLEASE STOP!" a girl said as she was on the floor crying.

" WHAT?! WHY SHOULD I?! NO ONE GOES OUT WITH MY SISTER WITHOUT BEATING ME!" The guy said as he punched and kicked.  I fantickly looked at who he was kicking. What is this? Me? Is that me? I then closed the door quickly and slid down to sit. Sweat built up as i franticly tried to remember what i just saw. The person I saw was...Rumi-ssi, no doubt about it. Definitely. And that man i-is JINSOOK.

" Tht man was jinsook and that girl is Rumi. But why was i being hit and kicked? "

*cling cling*

"tht sound again. Its back" I got up and followed the sound. And found the key. I took it and looked at it. IT was golden, and long with the same pattern for the key hole. But whts this door about? I opened it.

" Pabo! Pabo! Pabo!" a girl said as she cried for someone that was lying on the floor bloody. Wht is this?

"WAe? WAEYO?! WHY'd u do this?! Tell me Dongwoon-ah! Please why'd you try to face my brother?! WHY?!"

huh? I looked at the bloody person. I-It was me.

"B-because *reaches to touch her cheek* *she touches his hand with her hand* I love you rumi-sshi. I Loveyou. Thats why im doing this."


before finishing what she wanted to say I closed the door. What? Why? How? I dont understand. I looked at the key. Yes, this key is my answer to everything. I walked to the mysterious door and slowly put in the key. *click* and slowly turned it *click*

*door opens a bit making tht sqeeky sound*  And opened up. This...looks like a hospital. I looked at myself in this memory. MY eyes looked like i had no emotion. I was sitting up on the bed, bandages everywhere and around my head.

" Noo!!! PLEASE DONT LET ME LEAVE HIM! PLEASE PLEASE!" I turned my attention to the matter. There i saw rumi crying and being forced to get out of the room. " LET GO! DONGWOON-AH! PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT! PLEASE! L-LET GO I SAID! LET GO! I NEED TO SEE HIM!" *SLAP*

MY eyes widened in horror. I slowly turned to who slaped her. "D-Dad?"


"No PLEASE MR. SON! PLEASE! H-HE NEEDS ME! I NEED HIM! PLEASE." she screamed crying. falling to her knees. "Please let me see dongwoon-oppa. Please."

" NO! NOW GET OUT!" the secerity guards took her away.

I looked at myself. " What are you doing right now? DO YOU NOT SEE A GIRL CRYING FOR YOU. WHT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?! SHOULDNT YOU ARGUE?! WHY ARENT YOU TALKING?!" I yelled as hot tears filled up and fell. "Mr.Son, I have some news."

"Please Doctor what is it? "

"Your son lost his memories."


"now now not all. Only the memories of his dating experience with that Rumi girl. "

" Oh... Thats fine. "

"But he may remember it again soon in the future."

" We will thinnk about that later. For now we should be fine."

"If you say so." and left.

" Dongwoon-ah, Dad's here so dont worry you will be alright. I promise to protect you. You will nvr get hurt like this again. You hear?"

I looked at myself. my eyes with no emotions, I saw myself slowly nodding my head. After that i closed the door.

"So this was my past. I cant believe it. " Tears filled up And slowly i regain all my memories of me and her.

~end of dongwoon's dream~

~meanwhile jinsook~

"Looks like you finally have your 'first boyfriend' Lets just hope its not gonna be the same ending for him as your real first boyfriend."


"Nooo! Please let me see dongwoon-oppa. Please." I saw he kneel in front of Mr. Son.

"No! NOW GET OUT!" and so me and the secerity guards took her away.
~at home~


"Because, its for your own good."

"MY own good? Shouldnt you be happy for me that someone loves me for who i am when people see me as a unsocialable person? I HATE YOU OPPA! I HATE YOU!" She screamed and ran to her room.

" Im only doing this to protect you. Im sorry Rumi-ssi. I just had to."

~next morning~

"Rumi-ah? im coming in." i said as i knocked on the door and i slowly went in.

" hmm? Oppa? Whats up?" she said as she rubbed her tired swollen eyes.

"Im sorry for....beating up him okay? Just forgive your oppa. hmm?"

"Who you beat up?"

What does she mean by that? " Your Son dongwoon....."

she looked at me and replied " Who's son dongwoon?"

~end of flashback~

"And that was 1 1/2 years ago too." *sigh*



 Did you guys enjoy it? lol When it came up to my mind i was like hell yea!!!! EPICNESS :)



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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD