Naps are good :)

My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

yo~ long time no type? lol anyways B2uties i was really busy this spring break for some reason.......T^T and i had no ideas......very very sad :/ anyways why is spring break so short. T^T i swear this week went by to fasst. Its already 4:30pm friday :( noooo~~~~~~~~~~~

*changes mood* 

BUT~~~~ did u guys hear B1A4 yet?! I did and im obessed with jinyoung the leader <3 hes sooo cute. But dont get me wrong.  Beast is  still my  #1!!!! and forever my #1 :)  omg and i learned all their names. Right now im learning Block B's names. They won on Music Bank~  amazing and fast too~ ^ ^

oh yea. if u love hyunseung, g-dragon, jinyoung, and the bands they r in. Follow me on tumblr xD link:

anyways enjoy~ :


-rumi pov-

After the awkward silence and the present giving. We started to talk about many things tht we had in common. Before we knew it.

"Yawn~" ( lol. i actually yawned when i typed yawn. not even joking) junhyung said covering his mouth.

" looks like someones tired." i started to yawn after him.

" heh~ look whos talking missy."

"yah~ ur the one who yawned first! "

" going to take... *yawn*....a *closing eyes*....nap.." and falls asleep. Lol this dude falls asleep pretty fast. I looked at the time and it was only 5 pm and i had to get back by 6:30pm... i tapped my chin

thoughtfully. "hmm... should i take a nap...or should i leave?" ill take the first one ^ ^

soon after i fell asleep ...on the side of junhyungs bed.... while he gets to sleep on the bed......not fair.......

-dongwoon pov-

i was dragged out of the room by doojoon. Y does tht girl looks so familiar?  where have i seen her before? her long hair, her big glasses.... it cant be gin sook's sister right? she could be......... Nah~ it cant be. but i have to

make sure.... *bites lip*  i looked at amelia.... wondering if she knew the answer.

~recording place~

it was doojoon's time to record so i was able to talk to amelia for a bit. I went up to her.

" ummm....... Amelia-sshi?"

"hmm?" she looked up from reading her magazine.

"Does.... Rumi-sshi, have an older brother?"  i asked nervously

" hmmm......" she put down her magazine. " i think she does. I dont really know. Im not very close to her. Only alison-sshi knows almost everything about her."

"Can u tell me wht u know?" i asked

"hmmm i dont know can u?" ( lololol manners tsk tsk dongwoon)

"-sighs- MAY u tell me wht u know?" i said defeated thanks to my curiousity.

" haha~ okies. Well, i know that her parents died around 2 years ago. " wait.....gin sook became a gang member around 1.5 years ago.... " Oh! and she does have a brother.... wht was his name..... g-gin something..."

"Is it G-Gin S----" before i was finished

" DONGWOON-SSHI ITS UR TURN TO RECORD~! " doojoon said as he came up to us. damn it..... I'll talk to her about it later.

"Okies Hyung-nim....." i went in and slammed the door.

" dongwoon alright?" doojoon asked

"i dont know" amelia answered

~back to the junhyung and rumi <3 ~

-junhyung pov-

i woke up from my long nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nap~ (lol)  i took the box of earrings and looked at them. Is it really true, wht rumi said. Tht these earrings will help me? I mean im still in love with iris. Its not

working quite yet hmm? ^ ^

I put down the box of earrings and saw rumi sleeping on the side of the bed. ( u know shes sittiing on a chair and her arms are crossed and her head is buried in it..yea). She looked a bit un comfortable with her glasses and i

decided to take them off. My hands reached to her face and i got the edges of the glasses and gently took them out.

Soon i found myself staring at her angelic face. Her eyes were closed with long eyelashes. It also looked like she had double-eyelids as well.  Who nvr knew that she hid her beautiful face with just these big geeky glasses.

*ba-bump ba-bump* huh? o.o y is my heart beating crazy? im not possibly falling for rumi just cuz of her angelic face?! i mean i've only met her for like a few days?.......... i looked at the earrings.... this is all ur fault.... u

made me confuse........


"hmmmmmmm~" I looked at rumi. Shoot shes getting up. uh uh uh *turns left to right*

" kwah~~ tht was a good nap. hmm.. junhyung-oppa is still sleeping.* rubs eyes* i dont remember taking off my glasses."

i slowly got up like a dead mummy. xD and blinked my eyes like i just woke up. i scratched my head and said " tht was a good nap huh? ^ ^ "

"hehe~ tht was... now if i remembered where i put my glasses....." oh sh*t! i have it in my hand...... i looked at my hand and clenched the glasses.

"Oh! Rumi-sshi, do u mean this?" i held it out. 

"YES :) junhyung-oppa! Gomawo~ ^ ^ " she took her glasses and put them on.

"ummm.... wht prescription are ur glasses?"

"the left is -6 and the right is -5.75. wae?"

"oh nothing." *bites lip*  " umm....Gomawo Rumi-sshi ^ ^"

"wht for?" she asked.

"for being with me when im stuck in this boring hospital."

"OH! theres no need to thx me. :)"

-rumi pov-

"OH! theres no need to thx me :) " i said joyfully.

" But i want when i get discharged... i want to go on a...... date with u. >///<"

"Joker say wha?! " i said in suprise and awkwardness

"Its not wht u think!!! i dont like u ( yet)... I mean i do like u but as a friend......... omg tht came out wrong...." 

>///< omg wht should i do? i know tht if i-i keep hanging around him, he'll figure out tht im gin sook's sister. And how knows wht might happen. Shoot...... wht should i do...... ummm ummmmmmmmm......... i mean i guess

one date wouldnt hurt right. but wht happens if he finds out....... *bites lip* ugh~ wht should i do.... >.< wahhhh~ i dont want him to get hurt...but i dont want to hurt his feelings.....

" Rumi-sshi? can u go on a thx u 'date' with me. so i can show u my appreication?" he asked

 "ummmm" i mean i guess ONE date wont hurt......... "s-sure ^ ^ i would love too."

"Thanks rumi-sshi. ^ ^ hug?" ( omg joker said wha? hug? yes he did~) 

" why not?" *hugs him*


did u guys like it? i thought it was okay. sumwht boring, but hey? Rumi gets a date with the famous and hot rapper Junhyung ^ ^


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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD