Junhyung's and Rumi's 'date'

My Side of the Story ( Sequl of a sad beginning, a happy ending?)

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! beast's 1st mini album in 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLS Yea!!! SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! CANT WAIT TO SEE MY HYUNSEUNG <3333333333333333333333333333 Kwahh~ Jang Hyunseung <3 I LOVE U~~~

oh yea and sorry guys i didnt update at all last week, had drama, and tests all over. so yep ^ ^ and finals are coming :/ in 2 weeks TT^TT after this week its dead week...... and then in 3 weeks SCHOOL IS OUT! HELLO Summer school ( TT^TT), Part-time job ( xD ) ,and more jobs! hehe~ if i get any students for my privite lessons ting yea....

enough about me being happy enjoy this ;)


"happy now? " she came out wearing her contacts and clenching onto her glasses case.  *heart beats fast* I clenched my shirt where my heart is located.  Amazing, how ppl can look so cute when they change just a bit.

back to story~

~junhyung pov~

"of course i am!"  i said as i joyfully took her hand, i mean risk and started to walk faster dragging her small body around. "So where do u wanna go?" I asked.

"I dont know acutally, y wont we just walk around and ssee whts good? ^ ^" she suggested

" sure. :) Omg omg omg~ ( like a 5 year old) lets go over there at the Flee Market!!!!! Time to bargin~ xD "   i said as i clapped my hands and pointed at the narrow street with many cart-shops.

" okies!" she agreed and reached for my hand and grabbed it. *heart melts*

~rumi pov~

" Lets go over there at the Flee Market!!!! Time to bargin~ xD " junhyung said childishly as he started to speed up.

"okies!" i agreed. And before i could think, my hand reached out to junhyungs hand and grabbed it tight. I looked at junhyung seeing if he had any reaction. But i guess its okay....considering...his..face..is...a...bit...red.

Together silent we walked hand in hand to the flee market. (omg so cute!)

We started to look around and i saw this super cute pikachu backpack (http://www.google.com/imgres?




%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=541&vpy=143&dur=4102&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=214&ty=110&page=1&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 ) ( lol srry its so long) . I kept staring at it not knowing that we had


*dragged to tht cart*

"Sir how much are u willing pay this pikachu backpack?" junhyung asked as we held hands.

" Well, for u couple, i will sell this for $25. is tht a great deal or wht!" the barginer said as he held it out.

" It cant be tht expensive. What about $15 dollars?"

"What no no no *no motions with hand* cant u see this is in high quality. Just look at it. Its durable, it has high quality cotton." the barginer.

" hmmm~ then where is it made from?" i said getting into the convo.

"Why where else?! Japan of course!"

"really? then how come it says 'made in china' " i said as i pointed at the tag. xD

"fine. Ill sell this to u for $15. Got it?"

" Go--" junhyung started

"$10 dollars." i said

"Wht?! NO! of course not!"

"well, okay, *clenches junhyungs arm* We'll just go sumwhere else and get it from other ppl~ *sigh* and u lose business cuz of the other ppl~ An---" i acted

"Alright Alright!!!! u win. $10 dollars and thts final."

"hehe ye~ :3"  i said giggling. When i turned to see junhyung, he stared at me with huge eyes (eyes are signaling a omg sign)

"junhyung-oppa? u okay?" i waved my hand over his face.

*shakes head and snaps out* " Oh okay $10 dollars. Here ya go adjushi." gives a 10.* takes back pack and puts it on me*

"Gomawo~ Junhyung-oppa. :3"  i said as we started to hold hands again. I could get use to this. WAIT~ WHT AM I THINKING?! i cant be with him. In order to protect him. I cant go out with him. Thts all i know. If i do,

ginsook oppa is gonna be so angry at him. And who knows wht might happen to Junhyung.  *heartaches* wait wht the heck is this pain in my chest. I cant be falling for him can i?...nah~

*hours pasted and junhyung went to buy food* I started to look around  and saw these 2 really cute matching neckless (http://www.google.com/imgres?




%3Disch0%2C561&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=357&vpy=181&dur=46&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=141&ty=104&page=2&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:13&biw=1362&bih=528) (pretend the key top is a skull plz~ i

want it to look manly~ lol ) Best friends.... hmm~

"Adjimma~ how much is this?"

"for u, any price my dear."

 i fished out my wallet and check inside. i have only $15 dollars.

"is $5 okay?" i asked as i took it out.

"sure sweetie. " she said as she took the box of neckless(s) and wrapped it in a plastic bag and gave them to me.

"Kasamida Adjimma." i bowwed and walked to the find a table.

when i sat down. I opened the box and jusy starred. Best friends :) " r we just best friends or more?" i said out loud. -sigh-

"Rumi-sshi! there u are~! " i heard junhyung in the distance. and i hid the box from site


"r we just best friends or more?" i overheard rumi speaking to herself. does she mean us?  wht does she mean by more? Omg~ does she mean like dating?! I would be soooo freaking happy. Alright junhyung. Today is ur

day to ask her out. :)

"Rumi-sshi! there u are~" i said as i went to her and sat down across her, holding our fries, and drinks.

"heres ur pepsi and fries. And heres my pepsi and fries xD "

"Gomawo~ Junhyung-oppa~"

"No problem Rumi-sshi. :)" i said " I never knew u are such a good barginer Rumi-sshi! " i started as i fixed my disguise.

" Thxs~ well i've been doing this for a around two years now becuase---" she stopped " Umm~ yea~ two years now :) Omo~ the food is getting cold. Lets eat it before it gets cold." she started dipping her fries in the

ketchup. " say ahh~ oppa~" she held it up.

"heh~ y are we acting like a couple now? " i asked as she 'fed' me.

" I..dont..know.... well we held hands like a couple, we talk to each other like a couple, y not act as a couple? ^ ^ ...unless u dont want too." she answered

"ah~ its fine. ^ ^ i like having the idea of having a girlfriend" i said. Rumi-sshi i really wish that ur my girlfriend. I would take care of u sooo well.

" really? Then are u able to accept this?" she asked as she pulled out a box

~rumi pov~

"really?then are u able to accept this?" i pulled out the box tht had the necklesses in it. " i know its a bit girly~ but ppl cant tell :) " i opened the box and showed him the neckless. " I mean just look at the key. Its so manly

with tht skull head :) "

"wow~ its nice.. So u get the heart right? and i get the key right?"

"No really, i get the skull key and u get the girly heart. ^ ^ " i said with sacrasm. He took the box and took the heart.

"Need help putting this on?" he asked me as he held it.

"sure ^ ^ " i said as i ate some of my fries.  he got off his chair and walked behind me. He slowly put the neckless around my neck *babump* and went back to put on his.

"arent we matching :3" he asked

"haha~ i know right :) "

~finished eating and started barginning again~

3rd person:

Hours pasted and these are the things junhyung and rumi got...... even though junhyung paid for all of them.. lol

junhyung bought himself: a belt tht rumi helped him get for $8, a pair of black diamonds earrings (course its fake) with rumi's help for $5, and a kewl looking jacket for $12 on his own (proud of himself lol)

rumi bought (junhyung bought) : 2 cute headbands by herself for $2 each, a pack of hello kitty pins for $3, and a black and white knee-length skirt for $6. :)


"Omo~ its already tht time?" junhyung said as he looked at the time with one hand while holding rumi's hand with the other.

"Lets go and eat~ ramen? (lol its like the 3rd time?)" junhyung asked as he walked toward the resturant.


~rumi pov~

I've been here before..... hmmm~ this place feels so familiar.

" Adjimma~ Its me, Junhyung!"

"omo! coming!" a lady said as she ran over and looked at us...and again  " omo, this young lady... Its Rumi-sshi!  Its so nice to see u again!"

"hmm?" i asked in confusion

"Oh u dont remember?u,ur brother and ur parents used to always come here 3 years ago. Aigoo~ its such a small world. Plz come sit" she said as she led us to a table. she gave us 2 menus and left.

"Now i remember this place. *smiles* i used to love coming here with my family......so many happy memories here. " i looked around the small cozy diner remembering the happy times.

"this place is pretty special to me too. When i just want to get away this place is always open to me. :) " junhyung started " so many memories."


~ both orders pork flavored ramen~

" im going to go to the restroom. Be right back" junhyung said as he left.

~enters restoom~

the adjimma comes along and sits where junhyung sat

"aigoo, rumi-sshi. Wht happened? "

" Adjimma, kenchana. Nothings wrong"

"Dont play with me girl, i know somthings wrong. I remember u used to come to me and talk about r family problems since me and ur parents were so close."

"Adjimma..... can i really tell u....."

"ye, rumi-sshi, u can tell me anything."

~summarizes everything in 1 minute~

"Aigoo~ u poor thing, if adjimma known i would;ve helped u so much!"

"Adjimma, kenchana, me and oppa are ok now. He has a day time job. and its enough to pay everything ^ ^ "

"u sure?"


"aish~ okay.... but if anything goes wrong come and tell me and ill try to help anyway i can. Arrosso?"

"Arrosso Adjimma~"

~junhyung comes back after super long time in the restroom~

*sees rumi being very joyful made him feel super happy*

*pays and said bye to the adjimma and leaves*

" Omo~ its still open! Lets go Rumi-sshi"

"To where Junhyung-oppa?" i asj=ked cursiously.

"u'll see"

~takes rumi to ferris wheel~

" 2 tickets please"

" ye~"

*gives tickets*

"Lets go~ rumi-sshi"


~walks in~

i walked in and sat across junhyung tht was looking out the window. He took off his disguise. And i starred at his face. Seeing his perfect passionate eyes and his round side. *babomp* i cant deny it anymore huh? I clenched

my heart. I fell in love with junhyung.

"hmm? is something wwrong rumi-sshi?" junhyung snapped out of his world and asked me

"mmhmm. kenchana"

~almost half way up~



~junhyungs pov~

okay its almost time. The moon in the sky the river view. Clear night sky. Okay im ready. I clenched onto the rings that was suppose to be iris's and mine.

" Rumi-sshi?"

"hmm?" she asked as she sat perfectly like a lady.

i bent down on one knee

~ half way perfect time~

" will u be my girlfriend?" i asked as i started blushing.


It felt like the perfect monment.The moon clear as ever, a full clear sky full of stars, the street lights reflecting over the river. It felt as if time has stopped. It felt so perfect. And i didnt know wht to say. Yes i have to say im in

love, but wht about gin sook? will i be able to tell him it? I mean i already know tht junhyung is probably gonna find out sooner or later. might as well take the risk now and take the challenge in the future. If we truly love

each other we will be able to conquer anything.

"junhyung my answer is ---"

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I LOVE BOTH ALBUMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope both grps win no. 1 soon ~~^^ UKISS n b1a4 hwaiting!!!<br />
Kya~~~~ he got approval ^^ nice
AznAmericangirl #2
no o.o they hired ppl to mow their lawn... it was 9am! ITS TOO FREAKING EARLY SINCE I SLEPT LIKE AT 2AM!!! OMFG I SHOULD SUE THEM FOR NOT LETTING ME SLEEP~!! UGH
kpoplive #3
did you mow their lawn???
AznAmericangirl #4
Lolololol I have to update my other story too...if u'll excuse me I have a headache Thxs to my neighbor's lawn ppl = =
kpoplive #5
co author what are you suppose to be doing?! hello?~ my story!
AznAmericangirl #6
Gahhhh!!!!! Stop hurting everyone jinsook!!!!
AznAmericangirl #8
Get off her back jinsook!!!
AznAmericangirl #10
Mwahahahaha~ after this chapter I have no clue Wht happens next o.o :P but I'll thunk of sumthing xD