DuHo brings us together

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


Summer Holidays has begun~

I smoothed my blue-and-white striped V neck and glanced up nervously at the huge towering house in front of me. I stepped forward and knocked on the door timidly, wondering whether anyone could hear my knock. It wasn’t long before the door opened, revealing Kris with DuHo hugging his legs. I smiled and bent down to hug DuHo, who ran into my arms happily.

‘Noona~! I missed you!’ I laughed at DuHo’s words and ruffled his hair.

‘I did too, little one!’ I stood back up, with DuHo still in my arms and faced Kris happily. Kris stood there awkwardly for a moment and stared at me. DuHo gave him a weird look.

‘What’s wrong hyung? Why are you just standing there?’ DuHo asked innocently. Kris chuckled dryly and stepped aside for us. I entered and once again was amazed by the size of his house mansion. DuHo squirmed about in my arms and I put him down. He immediately started to tug at my hand and started to drag me somewhere.

Wow, for a little kid, he is strong…

I trotted after him, hoping my hand wouldn’t be bruised. I became dizzy, running through the tall and beautifully decorated hallways. Soon, we came to a huge room, filled with cushions and toys of all sorts. DuHo smiled up at me.

‘This is my playroom. Do you want to play?’ I nodded and bounced over to a small basketball and picked it up. I traced my hands over the lines of the ball and looked up at the child.

‘Um… Do you know how to dribble a ball?’ I asked.

‘Kris hyung tried to teach me once… but failed.’ DuHo answered back. I saw Kris blush by the doorway and step back so he was just out of my sight. I ran over to fetch him.

‘We’ll teach you~!’ I said.

‘We?’ Kris raised his eyebrows. I nodded and handed him the basketball.

‘You can show him a demonstration.’ I instructed. Kris began to dribble the ball slowly.

‘Next step, you try Duho.’ Kris passed the ball to him. DuHo tried, but the ball kept escaping away from him. I laughed when DuHo frustratedly threw the ball at Kris. Kris caught just in time, an inch from his face.

‘Here, try again.’

*1 hour later*  

‘You did it DuHo!’ I grinned happily and hugged him. He puffed out his chest proudly and nodded. Kris laughed.

Knock, knock.

‘Ah! I forgot! Lay, Chen, Xiumin, Tao and LuHan said that they were going to coming today!’ He face-palmed and hurried to the front door to greet them while I continued to play with DuHo.

‘Yo man! Wassup!?’ I heard their voices ring through the entire mansion.

‘Mm! Let’s play hide-n-seek from the hyungs!’ I bit my lip.

‘Won’t they worry though?’ I asked uncertainly. DuHo shook his head.

‘Nah, I always do it when they come over. Come on~!’ I trailed behind him as he ran out of the room and up some stairs. He stopped in front of a cupboard.

‘It’s my new hiding place~!’ DuHo exclaimed and clambered in, leaving a lot of space for me. I scrambled in as well when I heard approaching footsteps and slid the cupboard door shut quietly.

‘Aigoo~ I bet DuHo took ________ to hide from us…’ I heard Chen sigh. I bit my lip again. At that moment I received a text message. Lucky my phone only vibrated slightly and didn’t make a noise. The screen lit up, showing a new message. DuHo peered over my arm, trying to read the text.

Where are you _______?

DuHo took you away to hide right?

Could you tell us where?

Please~ Buing Buing~


I stared at the screen, re-reading the text.

How did he get my number? From Chanyeol or something?

I began typing in a message to him.


Yup, DuHo and I are hiding right now…

I can’t tell you where; it’ll ruin everything right? ^^

Lol, I’ll give you a clue though: I have no idea where I am and I’m sort of squished~


I replied back and chuckled silently. I heard footsteps again.

‘What place is squishy for them two?’ I heard Lay ask.

‘Molla… What is with DuHo and his hiding games~!’ Xiumin replied.

‘You have to admit though, its pretty fun.’ LuHan retorted. I shook my head.

Those guys~

My phone vibrated again.

Aw~ Please?

One more clue at least; I’m dying to know!

Aren’t you hungry anyways?

Please tell~


I felt my stomach rumble after reading that sentence. I realized that I was actually hungry, but I wouldn’t give up that easily. DuHo suddenly slid the door open and climbed out, motioning me to follow him quietly. I came out as well and we tiptoed away back to the playroom. DuHo hid underneath a pile of cushions and blankets.

‘They’ll never find us in here~!’ DuHo whispered cutely. I buried myself next to him, giggling quietly and replied Kris.

Kekeke~ I’ll tell you where we were.

We were in this spacious cupboard with a sliding door.


I immediately got another text.

What do you mean you were?

This is frustrating cos you guys are so small~! =.=

No offence of course ^^


Hey~! I’m not that small!

Anywho, we swapped hiding spots now, lol :D

We aren’t coming out till you give up~!


Fine, we give up.

Meet us in the living room. Food there.


I pouted.

‘Aish! He’s no fun, giving up so soon!’ I exclaimed loudly. DuHo looked at me wildly and put his finger to his lips. Too late. The pillows and blankets were thrown off us, the bright light slightly blinding me.

‘Aha! Found you!’ Kris cried out, laughing. I pretended to be angry at him for tricking me.

Xiumin rubbed his stomach. ‘Now can we eat?’


I was lounging on the massive beanbag in the living room, watching a movie and with DuHo sleeping on my lap, murmuring softly in his slumber. As the movie ended, everyone was asleep besides me and Kris. I had called my parents to tell them that I would arrive back home a bit late. Of course, umma made no objection at all since she knew I was with the “guy from the sweet shop”. Kris took DuHo from my lap and carried him up to the guest room. I rested my eyes for a moment, tired from the fun I had. Kris returned quickly and shook me by the shoulders gently.

‘C’mon ______. You need to go home.’ He said and handed me a helmet.

‘The motorbike?’ I asked, half asleep. Kris nodded as he led me outside.

I hugged his waist as we sped off, arriving my house faster than I expected. I hopped off, followed by Kris and stopped at my house gate.

‘Thanks for the great day Kris~! Hope I can come over more often.’ I flashed him a grateful smile. Kris shook his head modestly and patted my head.

‘No worries _______.’ He chortled and embraced me into his arms surprisingly. He pulled away and jumped back onto his bike.

Did he just hug me?

‘Bye~’ He waved and drove off. I walked into the house. Umma greeted me excitedly.

‘I saw that hug~! Are you guys in a relationship? A special one?’ She wriggled her eyebrows. I smiled and shook my head.

‘Funny umma~’ I said as I went upstairs to prepare for bed. Soon, I sat down at the edge of my comfy bed, when I realized something.

My heart wasn’t beating like crazy as it usually does when I saw or hugged Kris… Have I lost my love for him…?

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Sorry readers, but I won't be able to update for a while (nxt 4 weeks) since I'm going overseas and I have the yearly tests! Really sorry TTATT


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YouDunnoMe #1
Chapter 15: OTL. What happened between her and Kris? XD
OOOH. And Myungsoooooo! X)))
OTL. Cho Hee is dead.. Imma kill her. LOL. JK. XD
OuO Thanks for updatiiing! :DDDDD
Chapter 15: what the hell... she actually got back together with him? like... so fast? so seriously?

Chapter 14: WAAAAAH! MYUNGSOOOO~~~~ ;~~~~~~;
OTL. I hope it's not KRIS! T^T

Welcome back~ :DD
Chapter 13: WELCOME BAAAAACK!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: wait... is the name Cho Hee supposed to be in there in the last with Kris when she sarcastically say something?

and the new student is Myungie isn't it! lol
Chapter 14: lol, it is spam~
but oh well.
have a fun and safe trip!
Chapter 12: OTL. I can't waiiiit!!! >3333333<
Chapter 12: aww it's okay~
i can wait.
have fun on your trip wherever you are going or whatever. =]
Chapter 11: well.. i'm not the one for drama...
but i'll go for yes!
since... L will realize that n'ek didn't even cheat on him! >O
Sohee was probably jelly and so made it up because she wanted L for herself. -___-
anyways... i see Kris kissed her~
and yup, she still likes him, she just got used to his presence. :D