With Kris

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


‘Aw, pretty please? Can’t you please let me stay with you guys?’ Umma pleaded me.


‘Fine, fine. I won’t stay… But I’m not talking to you ever!’ She turned her back to me with her arms crossed.


‘Why don’t you help me pick out an outfit…?’ I asked, trying to get her talking. She turned back to me slowly and eyed me suspiciously.

‘Really…?’ I nodded.

‘DEAL!’ She yelled and raced up to my room, and immediately started to throw clothes everywhere around my bedroom, scavenging for the perfect outfit. I walked up slowly, taking my time with the stairs. Suddenly, umma appeared and shoved an outfit into my arms, and pushed me into my room.

‘Try it on!’ She urged me. I came out in shorts and a black and white striped top.

‘Kekeke, you have a good fashion sense umma!’ I beamed at her.

‘Now… will you let me stay with you?’



I looked at the front of Angel Café. It had been decorated beautifully, a light brown colour, with orange and pale green. I stepped inside and admired the room. It was a cozy café, with the lights a dim, warm yellow colour and the walls painted soft brown. The orange circular lights dangled above the oak tables. A long mirror filled the wall at one end of the room. I swept my eyes over the place, scanning for Kris. I spotted him in the corner of the room, next to the window. He l=saw me and waved me over, grinning wildly. I plopped onto the seat in front of him.

‘Hey.’ I greeted. He smiled.

‘Hey ______. Wanna order something first?’ He slid a menu across the table to me. I skimmed through the contents, unaware of Kris’s eyes on me. A waiter approached us.

‘Hello~ I’m Myungsoo. But you can call me L. I’ll be serving you today.’ He said cheerily.

That name… That voice…

I glanced up and my eyes widen.

It was him… What was he doing here…?

I hid behind my menu.

‘Can I have the latte? What about you ______?’ Kris asked.

‘_______?’ Myungsoo cut in. I peeked out from behind the menu.

‘I-I-I think I’ll h-have the um… ice coffee…’ I stuttered, avoiding the eyes of L. He continued to gaze at me for a while but then nodded and scribbled our orders down.

‘Your orders will be ready soon~!’ He replied with a grin and walked off. I slumped down in my chair.

‘What’s wrong? Does it have anything to do with that guy just then?’ I smiled weakly at him.

‘Uh… No, no, I just thought of something. Don’t worry!’ I replied quickly. Kris nodded and we started to talk about life. Soon, our orders arrived, brought by Myungsoo. I swear I saw him smirk as he turned away to attend to another costumer. I fiddled with my straw nervously. Kris noticed and placed his hand on top of mine. I shivered slightly at the contact, but didn't flinch away.

'Whats wrong? Please tell me.' Kris stared deep into my eyes, searching for an answer. I sighed and closed my eyes.


'Hello oppa! How are you today?' I asked, cuddling up to L. He glared down at me.

'Why didn't you tell me?' I grew confused.

'Tell you what?' I asked curiously. 

'Tell me that you're cheating on me. SoHee told me so.' I gasped, shocked at the accusation. 

Me, cheating on him!? Never!

'I'm not, I swear! SoHee must have given you false information!' I replied. Myungsoo glared angrily at me still.

'SOHEE MUST BE RIGHT! SHE IS MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND! We're OVER! I never want to see that hideous face of yours every again!' He stormed out of the room, fuming with anger and hatred. The tears fell, dropping bit by bit on to my skirt. I chewed my lip. 

I loved you Myungsoo. I truly did. I never cheated on you. Never...


I stuffed my belongings into my suitcases and boxes. I looked out the window for the last time ever. Goodbye Kim Myungsoo...


I opened my eyes, vison blurred by forming tears. 

'He broke it. Just simply broke it.' I mumbled. Kris squeezed my hand.

'Forget about him, just forget him. He's not worth your tears. Definitely. Do you want to go?' I gazed at his angelic face and refused. 

'We can't go; don't worry. Let's just forget this. I'm sorry for even bringing it up.' I said and sipped my drink, trying to smile my usual smile. Kris sat back and nodded. 

'But if you ever want to...' He didn't finish it as I already knew what he was going to say. We sipped our drinks quietly. Kris suddenly let out a chuckle.

'Hmm..? What's so funny?' I asked. 

'I was just thinking about your umma. I want to have an umma like yours.' He explained, smiling goofily. I blushed. Kris continued to chuckle and we began swapping jokes around. Soon, we were both a giggling mess. I exited the shop with Kris, still laughing; all thoughts of Myungsoo had disapeared. Kris walked me home. I stopped in front of my house and turned to Kris, thanking him for the good time. He smiled and stepped forward, before leaning in and giving a soft tender kiss. I gasped as he pulled away. I felt my heart pumping away violently.

So I still do love him after all... I just got used to his presence...

Kris smirked at my flustered face and hugged me goodbye, and walked away, whistling a jolly tune. I touched my burning lips. it wasn't the first, but it still felt new to me. My knees almost gave way, but I managed to walk into the house with one thought in my mind.

I love you Kris!

A/N: Should L be a cameo? Or not? Yes, no or maybe? Lol, pls reply in the comments! Thanks for reading and subscribing and commenting! SARANGHAE~! <3 --throws hearts--

Also, I'll be going away on Saturday, so please be patient~ --bows--

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Sorry readers, but I won't be able to update for a while (nxt 4 weeks) since I'm going overseas and I have the yearly tests! Really sorry TTATT


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YouDunnoMe #1
Chapter 15: OTL. What happened between her and Kris? XD
OOOH. And Myungsoooooo! X)))
OTL. Cho Hee is dead.. Imma kill her. LOL. JK. XD
OuO Thanks for updatiiing! :DDDDD
Chapter 15: what the hell... she actually got back together with him? like... so fast? so seriously?

Chapter 14: WAAAAAH! MYUNGSOOOO~~~~ ;~~~~~~;
OTL. I hope it's not KRIS! T^T

Welcome back~ :DD
Chapter 13: WELCOME BAAAAACK!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: wait... is the name Cho Hee supposed to be in there in the last with Kris when she sarcastically say something?

and the new student is Myungie isn't it! lol
Chapter 14: lol, it is spam~
but oh well.
have a fun and safe trip!
Chapter 12: OTL. I can't waiiiit!!! >3333333<
Chapter 12: aww it's okay~
i can wait.
have fun on your trip wherever you are going or whatever. =]
Chapter 11: well.. i'm not the one for drama...
but i'll go for yes!
since... L will realize that n'ek didn't even cheat on him! >O
Sohee was probably jelly and so made it up because she wanted L for herself. -___-
anyways... i see Kris kissed her~
and yup, she still likes him, she just got used to his presence. :D