
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


I held my breath as I watched the ball fly through the air and hit the back board and spin around the hoop, before it finally fell through the hoop. I let out a wild cheer with my friends and we went down to Chanyeol to congratulate him for earning the three-pointer for his team and winning the game of basketball. Chanyeol flashed everyone his famous smile. I laughed and handed him his drink bottle, while fangirls struggled to get to Chanyeol. I was pushed back and landed on the ground. Ae Cha helped me up and started to scold the girls. I dragged her away, assuring her that I was alright. I saw Kris by himself, lonely and quiet. He was gazing over at something in the distance. I followed his gaze and saw Cho Hee flirting with another guy from the opposite team. I sighed and shook my head before bouncing over to Kris with Ae Cha eyeing the basketball he had in his hand.

‘Hey Kris… Um, wanna play a game of basketball?’ I asked, trying to distract him from the sight he was observing. Kris looked at me, averting his eyes away from Cho Hee and looked at me and Ae Cha.

‘Sure… But there’s only 3 people.’ I grabbed the nearest person I could see, and realized that it was LuHan. He stared at us with surprise. I held up a peace sign and asked him to play a game with us. He shrugged and joined Kris.

‘1…2…3… GO!’ I yelled and we started to compete.  Ae Cha passed the ball to me and I immediately dribbled towards the hoop, but Kris snatched it off me.

Wow… This is going to be a very heated game… :D

Everyone who had been on the court now moved off, and watched our mini game of basketball with awe. My cheeks turned pink from the game and all the eyes focused on us. I watched as the ball rebounded off the hoop, causing Ae Cha to start muttering curses at the ball. LuHan sprinted up to his side of the court with the ball. He took a shot at the hoop. I had my back facing the hoop for a moment, when a loud shrill cry from Ae Cha was heard.

‘_______! LOOK OUT!’ I turned, making the most stupid decision ever and got the ball right in my face. I yelped at the impact and fell backwards. I crashed to the ground and out.

*A while later*

I woke up, dazed and felt a dull ache on my face. I glanced around and saw that I was in the infirmary. Voices echoed in the hallway outside.

‘What if she doesn’t forgive me? What if—‘

‘Shush LuHan! Stop worrying!’

‘Is she alright? That accident might leave a mark…’

‘Hopefully it doesn’t…’

‘GUYS! Will you just shut up already!’

‘You’re the one yelling though… Ow! What was that for?!’

I chuckled as I saw 7 figures tiptoe into my room. Kris was rubbing the back on his head, glaring at Ae Cha, while Chanyeol stood awkwardly beside him. I assumed she had hit Kris on the head when he had retorted at her. LuHan didn’t look well. Min Hee was clutching onto Eun Mi’s arm. Ae Cha rushed to me when she saw that I was awake.

‘OMG! Are you alright _____? I was soooooo worried!’ Ae Cha said in a flurry.

I'm lucky to have such good friends…

‘Mm, I’m fine.’ LuHan walked up to me, eyes wide with worry and fear. He was also slightly pale.

‘I’m terribly sorry! I-I-I guess—‘ I cut him off and shook my head, smiling.

‘It was an accident.’ I patted him on the back. LuHan sighed with relief, the colour rushing back into his cheeks.

He looks better when his happy… Any other emotion that isn't related to happiness doesn’t fit his cute little face…

I felt like something really bad had happened to me with everyone crowded around me, not like I had only been hit by a ball. At that moment, the nurse walked in. She glanced at everyone and told me that I was dismissed. I thanked her and walked out with the others.

‘How long was I out for?’ I asked curiously.

‘Only 2 hours.’ Chanyeol replied.

Only!? To me, it’s such a long time… That means its three something now… End of school~!

I skipped around the guys, being my usual self.

‘Let’s have ice-cream~!’ I said happily. I suddenly remembered that I had to pay Chanyeol and Kris back. I hurriedly took out my wallet, and tripped over a crack. I fell and landed on the ground for the third time. Everyone immediately froze. I sprang back up.

‘I’m fine! Just a bit clumsy!’ I quickly said. Everyone sighed. I mentally face palmed.

Me and my clumsiness.

I took out $5 and $7. I stopped Kris and handed him the $5.

‘Here, I owe you. You too Chanyeol.’ They both shook their head and walked around me.

‘Yah! Accept my money! Please~’ I gave them my puppy eyes. That failed. I looked at LuHan and handed him the money instead.

‘Can you slip Kris the $5 and Chanyeol the $7 when they’re not looking?’ I whispered to him. LuHan nodded. I thanked him. Soon we all arrived and we bought the ice-cream, before sitting down at the park nearby. We talked, laughed and smiled, enjoying the moment. But the joy-killer just had to come. Cho Hee strutted to us and plopped herself on Kris’s lap.

‘Hey Kris~’ She crooned. Everyone cringed, including Kris. Cho Hee saw me and shot me a glare.

‘You know _____, I reckon your face just got uglier after that incident. I bet you that “accident” was also staged, just for attention.’ She snarled.

Who does she think she is? The queen?

‘Go away Cho Hee. Quit bullying ______. No one wants you here.’ Kris’s stern voice cut through the air and he pushed Cho Hee off his lap.

Did he just say that? I thought he wouldn’t hear like always… But… YAY~ He finally saw her true personality!! \(^^)/

Cho Hee gawked at him, just as surprised as I was. She opened to protest, but Kris’s glare made her shut and walk off. Everyone was shocked too.

‘What?’ Kris looked at us weirdly.

‘Nothing~’ We all chorused together and continued to eat and talk.


6:34 pm. Everyone had gone home, except me and Chanyeol. I decided to stay for a while since I knew umma and appa were going to work late again. I gazed up at the stars, thinking how fast time can go by. It was autumn, and winter was nearing, each second growing colder with the winter air. Rusty orange, red, brown and golden leaves scattered around the park, occasionally the breeze picking them up and fly them to a new spot. Chanyeol started to show star constellations in the sky, pointing to each one separately. I clapped my hands excitedly.

‘Beautiful, isn’t it?’ Chanyeol smiled. I nodded in agreement. Chanyeol then turned his head to me, his eyes gazing down lovingly at me. I gazed back up at him, oblivious to the love-ish look in his eyes.

‘Is something wrong Chanyeol?’ I asked, concerned. He shook his head.

‘It’s just… I have this really big problem… and… do you mind if I share it with you?’ He softly stuttered out. I shook my head and smiled, waiting patiently for him to continue.

‘Well… I…’

A/N: Cliffhanger~! I bet you guys can probably predict what’s going to happen next… Anyways, I already told you about what was happening for the next 4 weeks in the story feed… so yeah. But I’ll post up another chappie before I go if I can ^^

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Sorry readers, but I won't be able to update for a while (nxt 4 weeks) since I'm going overseas and I have the yearly tests! Really sorry TTATT


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YouDunnoMe #1
Chapter 15: OTL. What happened between her and Kris? XD
OOOH. And Myungsoooooo! X)))
OTL. Cho Hee is dead.. Imma kill her. LOL. JK. XD
OuO Thanks for updatiiing! :DDDDD
Chapter 15: what the hell... she actually got back together with him? like... so fast? so seriously?

Chapter 14: WAAAAAH! MYUNGSOOOO~~~~ ;~~~~~~;
OTL. I hope it's not KRIS! T^T

Welcome back~ :DD
Chapter 13: WELCOME BAAAAACK!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: wait... is the name Cho Hee supposed to be in there in the last with Kris when she sarcastically say something?

and the new student is Myungie isn't it! lol
Chapter 14: lol, it is spam~
but oh well.
have a fun and safe trip!
Chapter 12: OTL. I can't waiiiit!!! >3333333<
Chapter 12: aww it's okay~
i can wait.
have fun on your trip wherever you are going or whatever. =]
Chapter 11: well.. i'm not the one for drama...
but i'll go for yes!
since... L will realize that n'ek didn't even cheat on him! >O
Sohee was probably jelly and so made it up because she wanted L for herself. -___-
anyways... i see Kris kissed her~
and yup, she still likes him, she just got used to his presence. :D