Shopping with the PANDA

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


I groaned as the familiar pitter-patter sound of raindrops woke me, drawing me back to the cold world. I was about to get up, when I remembered that today was a Saturday.

Has the blackout ended yet…? Wait… What’s this warm feeling? And this heavy weight on my shoulder? Whaa~?

I looked and saw a pair of arms encircling my waist. My eyes widen and I glanced next to me and saw Kris’s head resting on my shoulder, incoherent words escaping his lips and his ruffled golden hair tickled my face. He cuddled me like I was his personal teddy bear. I gasped and felt giddy with excitement and surprise. I really wished that this moment could last forever, but unfortunately, I really had to use the bathroom. I tried to pry Kris’s arms off, but they were practically super-glued to me. I started to shake Kris awake.

‘Psst. Can you please get off me? Wake up…’ I whispered urgently. Kris just muttered some words and loosened his arms, much to my relief. I escaped to the bathroom, where I happily discovered that the electricity was back on. I got ready for another day. After showering, I slipped into dark skinny jeans and a plaid shirt, while pulling my hair into a messy bun. Eventually, I emerged from the bathroom, and saw that Kris was still asleep. He was hugging my pillow and drooling a bit. I giggled at his cute expression and poked his soft cheek playfully. He swatted my hand away and I pouted. I got up and gazed out the window, discovering that it was still raining softly. I picked up my phone and dialed my parents, wanting to see if they were alright.

‘Hello?’ A sleepy voice answered.

‘Umma? Are you alright? Did I disturb you?’ I asked worriedly.

A tired chuckle escaped . ‘I’m fine dear, just tired. Appa and I are just going to stay at work for a while to rest and catch up on work. We’ll be home by 1 or so.’

‘Ah~ Ok, umma. Bye~’

‘Bye dear.’ I hung up, still staring out the window. A warm breath started to tickle my neck. I jumped slightly and turned to find a sleepy Kris behind me.

‘Morning Kris.’ I said. He grinned and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly, his phone started ringing again.

‘Where are you hyung!? I thought you promised we’d go shopping today~!’ A voice whined on the other end. Kris immediately hung up, only to have his phone to start ringing again.

‘HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME! Hurry up hyung and come to the shopping mall! I want to—‘

‘OK! Fine Tao! Give me 15 minutes!’ Kris shouted into the phone in an irritated tone.

‘Thanks hyung! You’re the best!’ Tao exclaimed. Kris sighed. I was silently giggling at the conversation.

‘Why don’t you come with us?’

‘Who me?’ I pointed at myself. Kris rolled his eyes playfully.

‘No, I was talking to my imaginary friend.’ He said sarcastically.

Fine, two can play at that game.

‘Really? Where? Can I meet him/her? Please?’ I joked. Kris face-palmed. I laughed.

‘Come on, I need to get to my house to get ready.’ Kris said and dragged me out.

‘Can I invite Ae Cha?’ He nodded. I quickly texted my parents and Ae Cha a message and pulled on my converses. I went outside and saw Kris wiping his motorbike. I didn’t know whether I could put my life on the line by getting onto that thing. Kris offered to help me on. I hesitated, but got on, after a short debate in my mind. Kris instructed me to hug his waist. I paused, feeling embarrassed, but did it anyways for the sake of safety. He gave me his helmet. I smiled at his sweetness, but felt bad since Kris didn’t have a helmet himself.

‘Don’t you need one too?’ He smiled gently at me and shook his head as he started the engine. I squealed a bit and my arms tightened around his waist. I heard him chortle. He started to drive faster. I ignored the queasy feeling in my stomach and enjoyed the fresh feeling of wind rushing into my face, blowing away bits of hair and the soft drops of rain landing lightly against my face. By the time we arrived at his house, my face and hair had glittering droplets everywhere and my face was rosy from the coldness of the wind. Kris led me to the front of his house and told me to wait there, away from the rain. I was astounded by the size of his house and the fresh modern look of it. I stood there gaping foolishly, until Kris came back, snapping me out of my little trance. He was wearing a simple black V-neck and jeans.

OMG… So hot~ *Squeals in mind*

I got back onto the bike and the cool wind was soon blowing back into my face.

*At the Shopping Mall*

‘HYUNG! I THOUGHT YOU’D NEVER COME~!’ Tao squealed and hugged Kris.

‘______! I thought you’d never come and I would have to be stuck with this shopping obsessed dude and his gang!’ Ae Cha smiled cheerfully and pointed to the rest of EXO mooching about behind her. Tao shot her a glare and started to drag everyone to a cozy coffee café to eat. Chanyeol saw me and hugged me really tightly.

‘_____! I missed you a lot!’ He exclaimed cutely. I laughed. Ae Cha was muttering to herself, trying to decide what to order. I suddenly realized that I had left my money at home.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! =.=

‘Aren’t you going to order something _____?’ Suho asked. I shook my head.

‘Forgot my money.’

‘You can just use some of mine.’ Kris piped up.

‘Nah, it’s alright.’ I waved my hands in front of me, not going to accept his money. Everyone went to order their food, while I minded the table and talked with Lay. A cup was placed in front of me unexpectedly.

‘Eh?’ I grew confused as I saw that it was my favourite drink, lychee flavoured bubble tea. I saw Kris towering over me and grinned.

‘I heard it was your favourite.’ He said and sat down.

‘Wait, how much did it cost? I’ll pay you back!’ Kris ignored me. I saw Ae Cha silently laughing beside me. I nudged her.

*Sighs* Ae Cha probably told him that it was my favourite. Mental note: Pay Kris $5

After finishing, we all went and started to shop.

*After about 3 hours*

1 pm. I looked at my phone.

‘I’m so hungry!’ D.O complained with Chanyeol. Tao hushed them.

‘I still have to buy that and that…’ He started to point at random plushie toys.

‘TAO!’ Everyone yelled.

‘Fine…’ Tao said sulkily. ‘I promise we’ll eat… After I buy those gorgeous Gucci shoes!’ A loud groan rose up into the air. As soon as Tao had purchased the shoes, which he apparently already had; it was just a different colour, everyone rushed to the food court and bought food to eat. Once again, someone bought food for me, except that it was Chanyeol this time. I made another mental note to pay Chanyeol $7. Tao spent most of the time admiring what he had bought, which most of it was Gucci things.

‘Kris!’ A honey-coated voice rang through everyone’s ears. I cringed as I recognized the voice as Cho Hee’s. Ae Cha decided to hide underneath the table. Sehun and Chen joined her as well.

So childish…

‘Ah~ Why didn’t you reply my texts from last night? What happened? Did ______ do anything to you? I was so freaking worried!’ When everyone heard my name, they turned to me questioningly except for Kris. I raised my hands.

‘Long story, I’ll tell you later.’ I could feel Ae Cha’s you-better look on my legs from underneath the table. Cho Hee surveyed to table of people and realized I was there as well. She gasped.

‘You invite her, but not me!? You should be ashamed!’ Cho Hee exploded. I sighed. It was clear that she really hated me, but I don’t know why. All I wanted was to hide underneath the table with Ae Cha and Chen and Sehun. She then her heels and went back to her friends before Kris could even utter a word. I was hoping that he saw her real personality, but I could see that his eyes were still gazing upon her outer cover. It seemed as if the words haven’t even gone through his ear and into his brain to be processed.

Love can be so blinding… Why can’t he see she just wants his popularity and wealth?

I lowered my head.

‘Hey ______, aren’t you supposed to tell us about what happened?’ Ae Cha said, emerging from underneath the table.

‘Er… Well…’ I managed to choke out the whole story. Once I finished, I bit my lip and hoped my face would cool down. Fortunately everyone didn’t think much of this and didn’t bring up the topic again, but Ae Cha was teasing me about it. I gazed at Chanyeol. He seemed to have stopped talking for a bit.

Did I say something…?

‘Chanyeol… Are you ok? You seem down.’ I said. Chanyeol looked up and flashed me his familiar derpy grin.

‘Yea, I’m fine~!’ He sang out, but it all seemed fake to me. I dropped the topic, although something in my heart was bothering me a lot.

‘Let’s go shopping again~!’ Everyone rolled their eyes and got up slowly, trailing behind Tao, feeling as if it was a death sentence to go shopping with the panda.

A/N: Double update~ I wonder what shopping with Tao would actually be like… Sorr for the mistakes, I didn't edit... Not that I really do for any... >.>


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Sorry readers, but I won't be able to update for a while (nxt 4 weeks) since I'm going overseas and I have the yearly tests! Really sorry TTATT


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YouDunnoMe #1
Chapter 15: OTL. What happened between her and Kris? XD
OOOH. And Myungsoooooo! X)))
OTL. Cho Hee is dead.. Imma kill her. LOL. JK. XD
OuO Thanks for updatiiing! :DDDDD
Chapter 15: what the hell... she actually got back together with him? like... so fast? so seriously?

Chapter 14: WAAAAAH! MYUNGSOOOO~~~~ ;~~~~~~;
OTL. I hope it's not KRIS! T^T

Welcome back~ :DD
Chapter 13: WELCOME BAAAAACK!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: wait... is the name Cho Hee supposed to be in there in the last with Kris when she sarcastically say something?

and the new student is Myungie isn't it! lol
Chapter 14: lol, it is spam~
but oh well.
have a fun and safe trip!
Chapter 12: OTL. I can't waiiiit!!! >3333333<
Chapter 12: aww it's okay~
i can wait.
have fun on your trip wherever you are going or whatever. =]
Chapter 11: well.. i'm not the one for drama...
but i'll go for yes!
since... L will realize that n'ek didn't even cheat on him! >O
Sohee was probably jelly and so made it up because she wanted L for herself. -___-
anyways... i see Kris kissed her~
and yup, she still likes him, she just got used to his presence. :D