
Beauty Is Only Skin Deep


‘Well… I… really like you…’ He whispered and lowered his eyes down to his lap; cheeks turning 3 different shades of red.

Was this what Ae Cha meant at the athletics carnival…? Does he have… actual feelings for me…? *gulps*

He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. ‘I-I get if you don’t agree…’ He mumbled. I looked at him and sighed softly. I liked him, but only as a friend. It was hard, and I didn’t want to break his big, warm heart. I patted his hand. It felt surprisingly cold.

‘I’m sorry… I do really like you… But only as a friend. If it makes you feel better, do you want to hang out for the whole weekend?’ I asked, hoping that he wasn’t too depressed. Chanyeol looked up. His eyes had traces of despair in it, but most had probably disappeared. He smiled wholeheartedly.

‘Ok then. But do you really want to hang with me on Saturday? Just us two?’ He said. I nodded, not the least bothered by the thought.

‘Definitely.’ I said, and I meant it.

Chanyeol’s grin grew wider. ‘Ok then~! I should go now. Do you want me to walk you home?’ He sang out. I laughed and shook my head. He gave me one last look before hugging me for a few seconds, and running off.

‘Bye~!’ I watched his figure disappear into the distance.

I’m glad he’s happy and is still the old Chanyeol… I hope it didn’t affect him too much >.>

I walked off home, thinking of what we should do when the weekend arrived.


I woke up early, a bit drowsy. 8:00 am. I rolled out of bed and landed on the ground, not really caring. I picked myself up and prepared for the day ahead. I put on my light pink long sleeved tank top and black genie pants, letting my dark hair fall around me loose. I smiled, satisfied with my look. Chanyeol had said that we’d meet at the park. I looked out my window realising that the day had come with gray, heavy-looking clouds.

Let’s hope it doesn’t rain…

I retreated downstairs and found umma and appa, cooking and reading the newspaper.

‘Morning umma and appa~’ I smiled cheerily.

‘Morning dear~!’ They replied back. Umma handed me a glass of orange juice and put a plate of pancakes down. I sat down happily and devoured my food.

‘What’s with the outfit? Usually you’re still in your pajamas at this time of the morning.’ Appa remarked. I finished gulping down my juice.

‘I’m meeting a friend today at the mall.’ I replied.

Umma squealed. ‘Ooh~ Is it a guy? Are you dating him?’ Umma bombarded me with questions. I grew nervous.

‘A-ani umma! It is a guy… Just a friend though!’ I waved my hands in front of me.

‘I volunteer to drop you off at the mall! Maybe I’ll get to see this “friend”.’ Umma snickered and started to wash up the dishes. I blushed.

‘Umma~! I can walk!’ I whined. Appa chuckled and winked at me behind his glasses. I placed my dishes at the sink and raced up to my room and grabbed my mobile and purse.

Mwahahaha~ I have you now purse! I didn’t forget you like last time!

I bid appa goodbye and found umma waiting at the door for me, car keys in her hand and sunglasses on her head.

‘C’mon _____! Let’s go! I want to see your “friend”.’ She chuckled and dragged me to the car. I smiled at her child like behavior and hopped into the car. Once we were on the road, umma started to pester me with questions again. I had to remind her that Chanyeol wasn’t my boyfriend. Each time I said that, I couldn’t help but think about his confession to me. The scene replayed in my mind, and I felt really guilty. Soon, we arrived and umma was about to come in with me, but I had already said goodbye and ran off. I searched about for Chanyeol, forgetting which exact spot we were going to meet. I pouted after an unsuccessful search and flopped down on a bench by a huge fountain.

Curse you stupid short term memory!

At that moment, my phone started to ring, which scared the daylights out of me. Unknown ID caller.

Hm… I wonder who…?


‘Hey _____! Where are you? Meet me at the Lucky Coffee café~’ I heard Chanyeol’s voice.

How did he get my number…? Ah, nevermind. To the café!

‘Ok! I’ll be there in 5!’ I said. I quickly saved Chanyeol’s number to my sim card and rushed to the 2nd floor, where the café was located. I suddenly felt uneasy; the feeling of someone’s eyes on my back invaded my body. I turned around, only to see a crowd of people. I continued walking, except I walked swifter, practically running to the café. I looked around the café, confused since Chanyeol wasn’t there. Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

‘Guess who~’


My eyes were immediately uncovered, and I saw a pouting Chanyeol.

‘How did you know?’ I chuckled and dragged him into the café. There, we enjoyed coffee and cupcakes. I was soon touring about the mall, looking around and getting to know Chanyeol better. My eyes were wandering around when I spotted a familiar person in sunglasses.

Umma? What is she… OMO, is she here because of Chanyeol!? Gah… =.=

I started to steer Chanyeol the other way. He didn’t mind. I sighed with relief as a crowd of students covered umma’s view of us. I was walking towards a candy shop, enticed by the sweet smell. Chanyeol followed me, also being lured towards the shop. I entered the shop, and found myself in candy land. Chanyeol and I went hunting for our favourite lollies. I was too busy admiring some funny looking lollies. I gasped as I bumped into someone with a broad back.

‘Ah! Sorry sir!’ I peeked up and realized it was Kris.


‘Oh, er, hi Kris!’ I was about to ask him why he was here when a little kid bounded up to him.

‘Hyung~ Can I have these marshmallows?’ He asked in a cute little voice.

Well, here’s my answer. Such a cute little boy! Kya~ <3

‘Sure.’ Kris ruffled the child’s hair. Chanyeol came up beside me and grinned at Kris.

‘Babysitting your cousin again?’

Kris looked at him surprised.

‘You’re here with _____?’ Chanyeol nodded while still grinning. I had decided to play with the boy, whose name was DuHo.

‘Your cousin is so cute!’ I squealed happily.

‘When did you guys start dating?’ Kris asked. My eyes widen and so did Chanyeol’s. My mind immediately went to the confession night. I waited for Chanyeol’s response.

‘Wait… What the hell Kris!? We’re not dating, just here for fun!’Chanyeol explained. Kris seemed relieved and so was I. I kept on thinking that Chanyeol might have been deeply affected somehow. I knew how it felt to be heartbroken. I thought back to some distant and dusty memories that I tried hard to forget.

‘Ahaha… Just curious… You guys seem like a couple…’ Kris said as he clear his throat awkwardly. I blushed . DuHo tugged Kris’s sleeve.

‘Hyung, I like this noona! Can she come over and play with me sometime?’ I giggled at the kids sweetness. Kris nodded and ruffled the kids hair. I suddenly caught  sight of umma in the shop across us, pretending to be browsing through a rack of dresses.

Dang it!

‘Bye Kris! We have to go somewhere… My umma is onto me!’ I said and bought the lollies while running out of the shop without an explanation, trying to avoid umma’s eyes. Chanyeol ducked and followed, careful not to bump into anyone.

*Late in the Afternoon*

I smiled at Chanyeol, a bit high from all the lollies we had eaten.

‘Thanks for such a great day! See you at school~!’ I waved goodbye and ran to umma’s car. Umma was waiting inside, looking as if she hadn’t seen anything.

‘Umma, I saw you today at the mall…’ She immediately broke into a wild grin.

‘It seemed like you had a lot of fun! That guy you were with… So cute~ I also saw that other dude in the sweet shop; handsome as!’ Umma chuckled, not even bothering to pretend that she wasn’t there at all and admitted everything. I face palmed, but couldn’t help and smile. 

A/N: Did you guys enjoy this chappie? ^^

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Sorry readers, but I won't be able to update for a while (nxt 4 weeks) since I'm going overseas and I have the yearly tests! Really sorry TTATT


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YouDunnoMe #1
Chapter 15: OTL. What happened between her and Kris? XD
OOOH. And Myungsoooooo! X)))
OTL. Cho Hee is dead.. Imma kill her. LOL. JK. XD
OuO Thanks for updatiiing! :DDDDD
Chapter 15: what the hell... she actually got back together with him? like... so fast? so seriously?

Chapter 14: WAAAAAH! MYUNGSOOOO~~~~ ;~~~~~~;
OTL. I hope it's not KRIS! T^T

Welcome back~ :DD
Chapter 13: WELCOME BAAAAACK!!!!!! :D
Chapter 13: wait... is the name Cho Hee supposed to be in there in the last with Kris when she sarcastically say something?

and the new student is Myungie isn't it! lol
Chapter 14: lol, it is spam~
but oh well.
have a fun and safe trip!
Chapter 12: OTL. I can't waiiiit!!! >3333333<
Chapter 12: aww it's okay~
i can wait.
have fun on your trip wherever you are going or whatever. =]
Chapter 11: well.. i'm not the one for drama...
but i'll go for yes!
since... L will realize that n'ek didn't even cheat on him! >O
Sohee was probably jelly and so made it up because she wanted L for herself. -___-
anyways... i see Kris kissed her~
and yup, she still likes him, she just got used to his presence. :D