waiting for her patiently

can you smile for me?

L.Joe's POV

Wha- What was that? Did i really did that? Was that me? Was that realy L.Joe? I- I cant remember i did that 'thing' to that Minah. She was a . A . The heck Lee Byunghyun!!

I went to the garden first. I remembered the time when i first saw her here. ~~~ was like a fallen angel.. So beautiful, have a nice heart, intelligent.. She was perfect. A real angel. And what the heck did i just did?! I had with a random girl without her notice. Doing crazy things without her knowing about it. And know that theres a video about me doing it LIVE, i think its about time to tell her everything.. I'll face it. I'll face everything i did. I'll tell her everything. I know she will hate me after doing this but, its okay. I want to be true to her. I want to face the wrong things i did in the past. I want ~~~ to be happy with a guy not like me.. But that Bang Minah should do something do. She should realize that what she did hurt ~~~.. I realized everything C.A.P and Chunji hyung said to me yesterday. Im a jerk. A bastard. I already have the perfect girl but i still look for someone else. Im not contented with her.. I want everyones attention.

I was walking alone going to my classroom until i saw ~~~..
"~~~!" I called her but she didnt look back. She pretended like she didnt hear me..
"~~~!!" I ran up to her and held her hand to make her face me..
"~~~-" I called her again and saw her teary eyes. Its already red. And it means she cried all day.. Her puffy cheeks and trembling lips.
"~~~-" She slapped me. She slapped my face.. "~~~.."
"How dare you Lee Byunghyun!!" She shouted my name. Its the first time i heard that name from her. Its the first time she called me by my real name..
"~~~-ah let me explain-"
"Explain?! HUH?! You want to explain?! Explain to me that you had fun having with that girl?!! Explain to me how hot it was?!!"
"~~~ its not what you think-"
"Not what i think?! *laughs* It is Byunghyun! It is!" She was about to leave when i blocked her way
"~~~, No. Wait~"
"What?!" I can see that she is really angry at me so i just let her.. I slowly get out of her way and she passed on me. I turned around and watched her walking away.. And away.. I ran up and followed her. She stopped in the school's garden. She sat in the bench, covered her eyes with her palms and cried, hardly. I softened and guilt flowed in every veins i have. *She cried because of me.. Because of a bastard me..* I sighed and let her cry alone because i know she doesnt want to see me..

Minah's POV

I smirked in satisfaction. After what i saw a while ago.. Theyre going break. Those kind of misunderstandings, fights and scenarios would result to break up. And L.Joe oppa will be mine.. MINE. Atlast! He will be mine and mine only..

"Yah~ Seems like your happy this past few days. Your smile is so~" Sojin scratched her head trying to find for any word that will suit for her sentence
I smirked at her
"Unnie is happy because of L.Joe and ~~~'s fight, *laugh* Unnie is a genius~" Jihae grinned
*evil laugh* "Of course i am~"

We continued out conversation.. The topic became bags, clothes, hair styles and more..

Myungsoo's POV

I entered the room first to see if ~~~ is okay already. I want to see her sweet smile again. The smile which is so attractive. The smile of her that can make you smile too.. I knowww~ I love her. I really do. This time, im not happy because she and L.Joe will break already and she's mine already. I don't care if i wont get her. As long as shes happy, i'll be happy too. Thats how i love her..

I sat down at my chair and watched every student enter the room. *Where's ~~~? Is she late?* I frowned. The students started to fill up the room. From being silent and quiet, the room now became noisy. I just patiently wait for her. But suddenly..


Mianhe i cant post some pics and gifs spam today because i need to go to our speech choir practice later.. Im really sorry *bows* I'll post so many pics and gifs in the next chapter.. Sorry again. But hope you still enjoy this update even if theres no pics and gifs, =(( *bows again* PPyong~

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)