teddy bear

can you smile for me?

Your POV

Mr. Byun started his lesson already. You're not in the mood to listen to him. You just stared outside the window since the window is beside you.. Minutes passed you noticed someone threw a paper into your table.. You picked it looked around until you saw Myungsoo waving his hand to you, you chuckled..

YAH! Listen to the teacher and lets eat icecream later, arrasso?
Its my treat dont worry.. Ppyong~ ^^

-Myungie <(^__^<)

You smiled in his note. Even if its just short, you cant help it. Your heart beat faster again and you put your hand into your chest.. You can feel it. You can feel your own heartbeat.

"~~~, what flavor do you want?"
You tapped your lips and pointed the strawberry flavored icecream. Myungsoo smiled at you and nodded.
He told to sit down already while waiting for your orders..

The order came and the two of you delighted. After eating few scoops of icecream, Myungsoo spoke up.
You looked up at him and used tissue to wipe the stains in the corners of your lips, "Waeyo?"
"Lets play a game~"
You blinked, "What kind of game?"
"A staring contest~" He grinned
"A- Im not good at that~"
"Thats okay~"
"Ok~? Whats the punishment then?"
"I'll flick your forehead~" He smiled widely
"Ani!! Andwaeee~" *Its his strength. His eyes. Its so sharp and fierce.. Im dead*
He pouted and crossed his arms
"Just change the punishment~ I dont know how to flick. Its unfairrr~" You pouted
"I'll just you something if you win then" He smiled
You nodded

The two of you started the game. Youve been playing for 3 times already and still you didnt win..
"I won again~"
"Aishhh~" He giggled
"Another one game~"
"I'll definitely win this one!!"
"No. You wont~" He stucked his tongue out *He's cute*
You stared at those eyes again. Seems like its saying something to you but you cant read it. His eyes looked fierce and sharp but when you stare at it, its soft. Just like him. He looked mysterious and cold but when you get to know him, he's a guy full of fun and cuteness. You stared at it but suddenly your heartbeat fast again and it made you blink.
"YAYY~ I won again~" He laughed, you pouted
"Last one!"
"You sure? You havent win yet"
You nodded eargerly
"A- Arrasso~"
This time you put all of you attention to him. Not miding all of the person entering the store. You tried to read what his eyes are saying. Youre not good at this but youre determined. Seconds passed and he blinked. You still stared at him and seconds passsed again, you noticed hes not staring already..
"YAYYYYY! I finally winnnnn!" You celebrated, he smiled at you..

Myungsoo's POV

"YAYYYYY! I finally winnnnn!" She celebrated, I smiled at her..
I didnt mean to blink and let her win. I dont know why did i blink too~ Aish. And now i need to give her something. But what? I dont have anything~ Aigoo~ What should i do?
"What do you want me to give you then?"
"I also dont know~" She laughed..

We finished our icecreams and went outside
"Thank you for coming~ Come back again~" The worker said
"Neh~" We both bowed at her

While we were walking around Seoul, we passed a toy store. I looked at her and she was gone. I looked back and saw her staring at the store, I chuckled.
I went behind her and whispered, "You like that?"
Her eyes widened and stepped few steps and turned around to look at me, "A- Aniyo~"
I pretended not to hear her and went inside the store she followed me. I got the teddy bear she was looking at. Its color gold pearl and so fluffy and its furs are so soft. I went to the cashier when she blocked me..
"Don't buy that." She pointed the teddy bear
"And why?"
"Its so expensive! Can't you see its price tag?"
"And so what? You like this!"
She looked away and i went closer to her, "Its okay. This is your price for winning~" I smiled at her
She looked at me and pouted
"Don't pout~ *laugh* I'll buy whatever thing you want." And i paid for the teddy bear

I looked at her, "Hmm~?"
"Thank you"
"I already said stop saying thank you to me right?"
"But i wanted to~"
"Aishh~ Arrasso."

"Can we go there?"
I looked at what she was pointing and saw a playground
I nodded and smiled at her

(A/N: Well, the swing is by two. And you and Myungie are seating together in one swing.. Ppyong~)

"Why are you so good and nice to me?"
I looked at her "I just want to see your smile. I want to see you always happy"
"You did made me happy everytime im with you. And thank you for making me smile and being always there for me"
"No prob."
I smiled at him and enjoyed the moment..


Hell yea~ 2 updates in 1 day, XD Well, because i cried all day (yesterday, =)) I decided to write an update for you (Yea! I wrote this while crying and listening to Infinite's songs, XD) Well, enjoy~ =)) And i said we'll spazz about Dongwoo oppa right? Well, here it is~ =DD

His hairrrrr! I love its color~ =DD And do you know whats the question here? Why did he choose yes? XD

BULLYING!! XDXD But hey, wait.. The thin and skinny Sungjong can push the Dongwoo who have abs and muscles?! Cooooool~ XDXD

Aigooo~ Look at Myungie oppa's face.. XDXD That was epic! Also Woohyun and Sunggyu oppa not minding them hugging each other.. XDXD

Aigooo~ Sungjongie ruined Dongwoo oppa's moment. XDXD

*close and open my mouth too* XDXD

This crazy guys are cute. =))

OHMYY. What that? What did he just do? O_________O

Okay~ I just cant find any gifs of Dongwoo oppa waving his hand and im lazy to find any other member saying goodbye so~

Ppyong~ ^^ Enjoy reading. And these gifs and pics arent mine, credits to owners~ ^^

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)