phone call~

can you smile for me?

Myungsoo's POV

After talking and laughing with ~~~ for hours, we cooked dinner together. We both ate dinner together, still laughing, talking, knowing more things about each other.. Well~ We've been like these for months i think? I dunno~ Im not counting it though coz everytime im with her.. I cant trace the time~ I just want to be with her all day and all night~ And- Oh wait.. OHMYY~!! Am i being greasy?! &%!@$%@%*^@ I knew it!! Im already infected!! Aish~ Curse that greasiness of Woohyun hyung and now im saying greasy words too, im corrupted already.. -______-

~~~ and i decided to walk around a bit coz she said she'll really gonna miss this place. We got ready first.. While i was changing clothes coz its a kinda cold outside, i recieved a call..

Incoming call: Greasy hyung

I sighed and answered it..

"Hey~ Myung-goon~ Nyeong~"
"Nyeong hyung~ Whyd ya call~?"
"Well~ I just miss my Myung-goon~" He whined
"Aish hyung. Shutdap"
I heard him chuckle, "So~ Tell us some news on whats going on between you and your princess ~~~, hmm~?"
"Ah- Eh-"
"YAHH! Tell us already!!" Sungyeol whined
I chuckled, "Its okay. Everythings perfect"
"What do ya mean~?" All of them yelled
"YAHH! You dont have to yell! I heard it you @#%$*&@! And now my eardrum hurts!" I roared
"Tell us already!!" They yelled again, but its a kinda soft already
"Well~ I confessed to her already~" I smiled
"She said she feel the same way too~"
"We kissed under the rain"
"Then? Bwoh?! What you guys wanna know more about?! Nasty things?! Yah~ Thats all that happened!!"
"What are you saying nasty things huh~?" Sunggyu asked
"Yea~ We werent even asking for it" Hoya yelled
"Yea~ And hyung~ Im so young to ask you about those kinda things~" Sungjong whined
"Ok~ Mian" I said, retreating
"So~ Myung-goon, you didnt ask her to be your girlfriend?" Hoya blurted
"I asked you if you still didnt ask her to be your girlfriend~?" He repeated it
"I- I- Well~ YAH! Do i have too ask that?!"
"Ofcourse you pabo~" Woohyun hissed
"Yea!!" They all yelled in unison
"But- But i- YAH~ You all didnt tell me to ask her that~"
"Its common sense you pabo~" Dongwoo said
"Bwoh?! And what are you trying to say here hyung?! That i dont have any common sense?!"
"Yah~ I didnt said that~"
"Aish~" I hissed
"Yah~ Just tell us if you didnt"
"Well what?!" They shouted
"Okay, okay~ I still havent asked her that thing" I scratched the back of my neck
"BWOH?! Aish~ You pabo!!" They complained
"AISH! *&$#@&*@$#~" Sungjong whined
"Oh nothing Gyu hyung~"
"Oh~ I thought you just cursed"
"So~ Myung-ah~ What are you planning to do?" Hoya asked
"I'll go ask her that thing ofcourse"
"And when?" Sungyeol butted in
"Days after we get back there i think"
"DAYS?! You can wait for that~?! Seriously?!" Sunggyu hyung yelled
"Yah~ Ofcourse i cant! But i want it to be sweet and memorable. That why.. I need to plan things for that!"
"Ohh~ Lover boy's voice is getting high~" Woohyun sang
"Naww~ Im not"
They all sighed
"Oppa~ Let's go now~" ~~~ knocked
"Oh- Ok~ Wait a minute"
"Yah~ Gotta hang up now"
"Hyung~ Lets plan things when you get back arrasso? I wanna see you and noona as couple already~ I cant wait~" Sungjong jumped
I laughed, "Arra~ Bye"
"Neh~ Annyeong~" They all bid goodbye and hang up

I opened the door and saw ~~~ smiling
"Kaja?" I asked
She nodded, i smiled
We then locked the door and walked outside.. *sigh*Fresh air~ Peaceful~ Clean environment~ No noisy Infinite dudes~ and staying in this paradise with ~~~.. Its really perfect* I and ~~~ walked freely into the silent roads in this place. Talked about everything, laughed into both of our jokes, singing random songs, dancing weird steps, everything~ We enjoyed our last stay here coz we'll be leaving here tomorrow. Well~ We really should be driving on our way back home at this time but we decided to stay a bit because of the rain.. Its a bit hard. Good thing it stopped by this time already. 

We were walking and i felt something. Felt like someone's following us, but HAHAHA! I just shrugged it off. We were enjoying our lives together here for about days and still didnt notice that the dudes are stalking us..

Infinite's POV

"Look! Look! Theyre walking around again!" Dongwoo said while putting his binoculars into his eyes
"And hey~ Myung-goon held her hand~ Aigoo~ Kyeopta" Sunggyu clasp his hands
"Ya know where he learned that~?" Woohyun proudly asked
"Naww~" They all said
"Who else~? Ofcourse~ From me~" He pointed himself with his two thumbs
"Huh~?! Who else? Ofcourse! Its from that greasy guy" Sungyeol rolled his eyes
"Yah~ Im not greasy~ Im sweet"
"Psh. Sweet my " Sungjong hissed
"Yah you maknae!! I heard that!" Woohyun whined
Sungjong stucked his tongue out
"Aish~ Be quiet you kids. They might hear us. And that Myungsoo will kill us he would know that we were stalking them from the start. You knew him right" Sunggyu a finger into his lips, signalling us to keep quiet and we all followed since we dont want to experience Myungsoo's wrath .. AGAIN.. Ya know~ It was like the end of the world for us. Like a world war, naww~ Its more than a world war, a universal war i mean. Yea~ We kept on experiencing that. We just wanna add some fun~

Hoya, Dongwoo and Woohyun kept on stalking and checking them out while us, the 'sung' brothers were just sitting there.. Making ourselves busy coz were bored already.. We're tired already~ We've been stalking them nonstop. WE.NEED.REST. Especially this old- granda-gyu-hyung here.. Urr~

L.Joe's POV

Yea~ Long time no see you guys~ Well, now.. Im here at XXXX dance workshop, why? Coz i'll fetch Minah up. Why? I- I also dunno~ I wanted to~ And i dont have any other things to do so yea~ I already fetch her up and we're currently walking in the streets. Im walking her home since its dark already.

And the time? Its 9p.m.. Do you think its dangerous already~? Hell yea~ Ofcourse. So being a nice-gentleman i am, here~ Im walking her home. I dont have any feelings for her though. I still remember what she did to ~~~. But yea~ We also need to forgive her coz i know thats what ~~~ will do. And hey~ She's really a nice girl. All she want was a person to understand her. Me? Am i that person? I think so.. *groan*



I updated and no one subscribed so yea, i felt sad. No one liked it~ =(( And one of you unsubscribed this, so i felt really really really really- Aigoo~ XD But yea~ I have nothing to do, thats your choice, ^^ And oh~ I need to finish this story already~ XD =((


So~ Thats all for today.. PPYONG~ =))

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)