can you smile for me?

Your POV

You woke up in the morning and saw Myungsoo sleeping while sitting. You were lying down and you used his lap as a pillow. You gasp which made him awake..
"O- Oh. ~~~-ah" He scratched the back of his neck
"Myungsoo, you.. slept.. here?"
He slowly nodded, "Butididntdoanything!CHINCHA!Icantjustleaveyoualonehere.."
You laughed, "I cant understand what you said Myungsoo-ah. All i heard was 'CHINCHA'" You imitate the tone when he said it
He awkwardly laugh while scratching the back of his neck
You chuckled.. "Oh~ The fact that you slept here.. Its okay to me.." You stood up, "Because i trust you Myungsoo-ah" You smiled at him and went to the kitchen..
His heart beat crazily.. His face was hot.. His palms were sweating.. He shrugged all of that and smiled to himself. He also went to the kitchen to see what were you doing..

You opened the refrigerator when Myungsoo went in the kitchen too.. (But you didnt notice him so, you just kept on finding foods for the two of you..)
You looked up to him, "Oh~ Myungsoo-ah~ Waeyo?"
He peeked inside your ref, "Can i?"
You blinked at him, "Can you what?"
He chuckled, "Cook for you ofcourse"
"You will?!"
He nodded, you looked excited. He giggled
"No. I wont let you.."
He pouted, you looked at him..
He did bunny ears aegyo, he stared at him..
He did bbuing bbuing, it made you smile.. He stopped doing it and you still smiling like idiot with your heart beating fast.. You stopped doing what you were actually doing and just stared at nowhere.. Myungsoo let you sit and you obeyed. You sat there for a bit and snapped out of reality. You realized that Myungsoo already started cooking.
You approached him and, "Shoo~"
"You were not allowed to cook missy"
"And why not?! This is MY house FYI" You emphasized the word 'MY'
"Just stay there~ This will be finished already.."
"No buts missy. Now sit there" He pointed the chair you sat awhile ago.
You pouted and just obeyed him, he smiled in satisfaction *I'll make you mine ~~~-ah. Just wait..* He thought

Myungsoo's POV
(A/N: In the previous chapters, i wrote 'L's POV' but now its 'Myungsoo's POV' already. Hohoho. Yea~ Because your calling him Myungsoo already.. But yea~ Its harder because 'Myungsoo' is longer than 'L'.. But its okay, just for all of you~ =DD)

"The food is served~" I called
You snapped out of your little world when you heard him. You smelled the food he cooked at its nice.. No. Its AWESOMEE~
You smiled like a kid seeing her mom bought her a doll.. Yes! You were excited to taste the food Myungsoo cooked for you..
He put the plates in the table and you got your fork and knife.. The first plate is a pancake with ---- (A/N: Put your fav. pancake syrup.. ^^) and the second one is ----- (A/N: Since i cant think of any.. Just put your fav. food and imagine that our cute Myungie-oppa cooked it for you. That sounds good right? Please say yes~ XD)
You looked at him and smiled, "Lets eat now.."
he nodded and sat down..

He wiped the corner of his lips and looked at you, "Hmm?"
"This is great!!" You put your two thumbs up and smiled
he smiled back, "Anything for you ~~~-ah"

"Can i call you oppa?"
His heart beat so fast like it was going out of his chest, "Uh- Yea~ Whatever you want ~~~-ah" He smiled
I should call you Myungie-oppa then~!"
"Uh- Yea" *awkward laugh* *You just dont know how you make my heart beat this fast ~~~-ah.. But one day, you will. And that day.. You will be mine.. Thats for sure* Myungsoo thought
"Myungie-oppa~ What are smiling at?"
"Ah- Ah~ *awkward laugh* Naww~ I just remembered something funny thats all.. Hehe"
"CHINCHA~?! Whats that? Tell me~ C'mon~"
Myungsoo kept on thinking about something funny, "You know Dongwoo? Jang Dongwoo? He acted like his throat ached but we all knew hes just acting... And he even put a fake blood on his nose and lips to make us believe him.. Hahaha!"
"Oh~ He must look like a total idiot by doing that~"
"Uh~ Yea. Haha."
"But thats not funny at all.." You gathered the plates and went to the sink to wash them. Myungsoo wiped beads of sweat in his forehead *Phew~ That was close..* He thought..

(Another A/N: Did you watched that episode of Infinite oppas Sesame player? Well i cracked up. I was laughing from the beginning up until the end of that episode. Dongwoo-oppa's acting was EPIC. HAHAHAHA! XDXD And other infinite oppas cant hide their laugh. Jongie-oppa even faked a cry to make it believable.. *squeals* Theyre cute. Thats why i love them.. Now, i miss them, =(( Dont you?)

L.Joe's POV

I came at our hideout.. C.A.P hyung was waiting for me.. I had a huge smile glued in my face.. I just passed C.A.P hyung  without greeting him..
"Yah~" C.A.P called
I looked at him still having that big smile on my face, "Neh hyung~?"
"Whats with that big smile huh?! You happy having with that girl?!!!" C.A.P roared
(A/N: C.A.P and Chunji was the only one in their hideout/dorm at that time..)
Chunji looked at L.Joe, "You happy now? Huh?! LEE BYUNGHYUN?!!"
I smirked, "Ofcourse hyung.. Who wouldnt?! I already got her ity.. Isnt that great?!" I my lips
C.A.P punched me in my face, blood started to come out from the corner of my lips.
"HYUNG?! WAE?!" I roared
"WAE?! Huh!! Didnt you know that you hurt ~~~?!" C.A.P hyung yelled and Chunji hyung just staring at me with a i-cant-believe-you-said-that-L.Joe expression on his face
"~~~?! Oh~ She think that she cant in 2 days because we did the hottest everrrr~"
"BWOH?!" Chunji hyung asked
"Waeyo Chunji hyung? You jealous that i had with the girl i love already?"
C.A.P hyung's jaw dropped
"L.Joe.. Who's the girl you had with?"
"BWOH?! You dont know that its Minah?! Bang Minah?! And not your ~~~?!" C.A.P hyung asked
"Minah?! *laugh* Naww~ Shes ~~~"
Chunji hyung threw a dvd to me and i catched it, "Watch that.. I think youre drunk last night and didnt remember the girl youve been with.."
I give them the what-are-you-saying look they shrugged it and the three of us went to the living room to watch this..


Sorry for the late update.. But i think only few people waited for this fanfic of mine but it's okay.. XD

And its my first time to write those kinda words.. Its.. Its so awkward.. XD

I dunno who will we spazz about in this chapter.. Until LeaderGyu came into my mind.. So yea~ =))

LeaderGyu and his blue eyes are... *speechless*

*squeal* WooGyu couple~ *blush*

Oppa's lips.. I think its soft.. OHMYYY. My mode is on, >____________<

Another WooGyu~ *squeal*

The way he stare at us.. >________________< That! That y stare!!! Its killing meeeeeee~ AHH! *dies*

This part is long.. (Again, XD) But yahh~ I enjoyed it. Dont you? I think you already saw this pics but its good to see it again right? Hohohohoho.. And sorry if the gifs are just few.. I cant find many.. >< And this pics and gifs arent mine.. Credit to the owners~

Lets let the star of this gifs and pics section of the fic to say goodbye~

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)