not lovers but friends

can you smile for me?

He leaned in more, you closed your eyes.. Few seconds passed, you opened your eyes and saw Myungsoo smiling..
"YAH! WAE?!!"
He shook his head, you glared at him which made him chuckle..


Your POV

You glared at him even more
"You're cute ~~~-ah" He chuckled
You turned around and went inside the changing room to hide your red face
"I'll wait you here arrasso?"

You went outside and saw a girl talking with Myungsoo. You can see that she's really happy talking with him, smoke came out

from your ears. You approached them..
"Oppa~" You called
"Oh~ ~~~-ah. You okay now? Kaja?" You nodded
"Oh~ Minri-ah~ See you next time arrasso? Ppyong~" He waved his hand and the two of you made your way into the counter

Myungsoo got the dress and paid for it but you refused since your angry in him. You waited for him outside with your arms

crossed and stomping your feet. He went out of the store and saw you. He approached you and held the paper bag (Containing

your dress ofcourse, XD) higher. You stared at him, he blinked at you.
"Waeyo ~~~-ah~?"
You shook your head and started walking, he followed you. Then, inside a shop, you saw the girl earlier with a guy. They

looked so happy and they're sweet. You stopped which made him stop and look where you are looking..
"Oh~ Its Minri and her boyfriend~" He giggled
You looked at him he looked at you too
"Wae ~~~-ah?"
"She had a boyfriend?!"
"Ofcourse~ She's cute!! Who wouldnt like her?!!"
You stared at him he blinked
"You like her?"
He laughed, "Oh the heck ~~~-ah~ What are you saying?"
"She's my cousin. Why would i like her?"
You mentally slapped yourself, "A- AH~?! Chincha?!"
He nodded, you looked away which made him chuckle.
"Let's go now ~~~-ah. We shouldnt ruin their cute little date"
You nodded

Myungsoo told you that he wanted to walk you home and you agreed. While walking, the two of you talked about the infinite

guys, how stupid, dorky and crazy they are. About the things you both like, and more things you wanted to ask him. Everyday,

the two of you became closer and closer to each other and the feelings inside your body is getting more and more frequent but

you just shrug it off. The two of you reached your condo building..
"Goodbye ~~~-ah~"
You smiled at him, "Bye bye Oppa~ Thanks for today~"
He smiled and nodded. he then turned around and started walking then you shouted, "Oppa~"
He turned around
You ran up to him and pecked his cheeks, "Bye bye, take care" And you did a little wave with your hand and ran back inside

the building.. Myungsoo was left there, dumbfounded. Then, he touched his cheek where you just kissed a while ago, and


You reached your condo's floor and went outside the elevator. Then, you saw a guy leaning in the wall with his head down and

wearing clothes with dark colors. You approached him since he looked somewhat familiar..
"Uhmm.. Hello?"
He looked up and he surprised you.. *HE!! This jerk!! We faced again*
I stared at him
"Please listen to me.."
"Ok. I know im wrong. Thats true! That video.. I was really that guy. They got the video and sent it to you. But ~~~-ah, you

know? I did so many worst things before that.. I really do that thing to random girls. I spent nights with them. I made them

happy. I date other random girls even if youre my girlfriend.. I kissed so many girls even if were together.. I did so many

things ~~~-ah. And i face it. I told you this things because i don't want you to love someone like me. Im a jerk, a bastard.

He looked at me
I smiled at him, "Thank you.."
"Thank you because you have the courage to tell me these things. Thank you because you made me happy and made me feel that im

not alone.. Thank you for all the things youve done for me. Thank-"
"~~~-ah. You dont need to. I did many wrong things. I can understand if you cant forgive me but-"
"I forgive you oppa"
"~~~-ah. Please be happy arrasso? Please keep that smile of yours always seen in your face"
Tears began to fall into your eyes and you hugged him. He hugged you back, you sobbed into his chest..
"~~~-ah. I love you.. Remember that. I really do. Even if i did those things with others, i still love you. Please be happy

for me, no. Please be happy for yourself ~~~-ah"
You looked at him and nodded as more hot tears fell from your eyes
He cupped your face, "Move on ~~~-ah, arrasso? Fall in love with someone else and be happy with him"
You sniffed and nodded
He smiled and kissed your forehead

You let him enter your condo. The two of you bond and talked together. But not as lovers, but as friends. You knew it, hes

really warm and nice. He let you go already and let you be happy with someone else and you want him to do the same too. You

felt sleepy..
"Hmm~?" He looked at you
"I'm sleepy already"
He nodded, "Sleep here first. I'll just carry you later"
You shook your head
You pouted

Minutes later and you can't take it. You fell asleep already..
"Sorry for all of the things i've done wrong ~~~-ah. Always smile arrasso?" He whispered and kissed your forehead


And i'll say sorry because i can't do the spazz today. Well, i made this chapter quickly coz if my mom see me doing this instead of reading my notes, she'll nag and scold me again.. And ohh my mom's voice~ -_______________________-

Really sorry~ I'll just post many pics next chapter. Don't worry~ Its the last day of our examination tomorrow~ YAYYY! And its also my mom's birthday tomorrow~ YAYY! Foods~ XD

Ppyong~ Need to study for our Hangul test too~ ^^

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)