call me Myungsoo

can you smile for me?

Your POV

Its breaktime already when L.Joe approached you..
"~~~! Baby!!" He called
You turned around and smiled at him, "Oppa~"
He was panting and told him to relax..
"Th- The new student.." He sighed
"Urrg~ Shes seducing me" *he showed you a disgusted face* you chuckled
"YAHH! Im serious here~"
You nodded telling him to continue
"Shes always staring at me. She kept on clinging on my arm.. URR! Shes like a leech"
The two of you kept on talking and didnt notice that someone is listening to your convo with L.Joe..

No one's POV

*smirk* "Who the heck is that ?" She stormed away..

"Unnie~ Why are you angry?"
"Oh~ Is it about that L.Joe guy?"
"Yea~ I heard he already had a girlfriend.."
She glared, "WHATT?!"
"Oh~ Unnie didnt know?"
She glared her even more
"Youre really interested in that guy?"
"Who?" Someone entered the room
"The L.Joe guy.."
"Oh~ Hes hot"
She glared at her, "Opps~ Sorry unnie. Hes all yours.." She smiled

"~~~-ah!!!!" L.Joe opened the door when our teacher is about to say goodbye. Everybody looked at me and i awkwardly laugh.
"Yes Mr. Lee?" My teacher asked
"A- Ani~" *awkward laugh* He pointed me and shouted "I'll wait for you outside 'kay?"
You nodded, everyone cooed.

Your teacher dismissed your class already. L.Joe was patiently waiting for you outside. But when youre about to ran to him, someone clung into his arm..
"Oppa~" Minah called in a so-tiny-annoying-disgusting voice of her
"Eww~ Minah-ssi, go away, i'll see my baby. Now shoo~ Shoo~" L.Joe tried to push her away but Minah pulled L.Joe and they went to nowhere even Author didn't know, *sigh*

L saw your disappointed face and approached you..
"~~~-ah. You okay?"
You pouted to him, he blinked
"The new student, Minah, pulled oppa and they went outside TOGETHER" You emphasized the word together, L chuckled
"Wae? Were you and L.Joe was about to have a date?"
You nodded
"Well, since that Minah-ssi pulled him, can I?"
Your eyes widened
L giggled, "Hmm." *nods* "Well, seems like you dont like though" *sigh* He turned around and arranged his things
You arranged yours too and approached him. You poked him, "L-ssi~"
He turned around, "Hmm~?"
"Kappshidaa~" You pleaded
He chuckled, "Bwoh? What did you said?"
You pouted, "Kappshidaa~"
He giggled and pinched your cheek. *laugh* "Arrasso~"
You smiled at him and he smiled back

"YAHHH! Get off meee~!!!!" L.Joe whined
"No, no, no. Oppa is just mine. Heard that?! Mine~"
L.Joe groaned

"L-ssi~ Where are we going?"
L stopped walking, you stopped too and blinked at him, "I- I also dont know where" L scratched the back of his neck
You laughed and he laughed too.. You stopped laughing when you saw an arcade house and stared at it.
L noticed it, "Wanna go inside?"
You nodded eargerly, he chuckled
You roamed around until you saw a kitty plushie.
L saw it too and, "You like that?"
You looked at him and smiled, "Well then c'mon, lets gather tickets so that we can get that"
You nodded, he smiled

"L-ssi~ Lets try that!" Your pointing into the basketball shooting game.
L chuckled, "Kaja~"
You got a ball, then pouted. L saw you pouting and asked, "Hmm~ Waeyo?"
"I- *awkward laugh* I dunno how to play this"
"You just have to sgoot the ball and thats all"
"I know that~ I mean, i cant shoot it *awkward laugh again*"
"Come here, i'll teach you"
L went to your back and held the ball you were holding. His chest resting on your back *ohh~ Abs! OHMYY! ~~~ what are you thinking?!* He then whispered, "Just let me do it first arrasso?" You nodded

You kept calm the whole game. But in your inside, you were crazy. You fet something was flying in your stomach. You felt your face became hot. Sparks when L was whispering to you because of the fact that his face is near yours. You can't understand why. You just feel this feelings when  youre with L.Joe. And now, with L too? You can't understand whats heppening to you..

The two of you already had a good number of ticket and went to the cashier to get the kitty plushie..
"Sir, can we change this with that plushie?"
L handded the tickets to the guy in the cashier and handded the two of you 2 kitty plushie. The one is a guy and the other is a girl.. L blinked at the guy..
"Waeyo?" the cashier guy asked
"You gave us 2 plushies"
The cashier guy nodded, L and you still confused.
"Arent the two of you a couple?"
L awkwardly laugh, "Ani~ Were not"
"But you like one! Especially when the two of you were in the basketball game"
The two of you blushed
"Well Mr. and Ms. just keep that. I know the two of you will be a soon. I can feel it!"
"Oh well~ Thanks you sir"
The guy shook his head, "Don't tell others that i gave that to you arrasso?"
We nodded, the guy smiled at us.

We got the plushie already so we went out of the arcade house.
"I had fun!"
L looked at me and eye smiled *dugeun*dugeun*dugeun*
"Wanna call me in my real name?"
"YEAHHH!" Myungsoo chuckled
*OH~ She called me in my name. AHH! her sweet voice called my name~ Am i in heaven?!"
"Oh! Yea~ Hehe. Waeyo?"
"Can we stay there for a bit?" She pointed the playground
"Mmm~" Myungsoo nodded

"Hohoho~ Nothing. I just love your name"
*OHH! She loved my name, OHMYY! Did i heard it right?"
Myungsoo smiled at her.

The two of you kept on talking about each other until you heard a scream..

"Yah! Yah! YAHH! Go awayyyyyy! Leave me aloneeeeeeeeeeeeee~"
"Yeolieeeee~ Don't runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~"
"Aish! This author!!!!"

Myungsoo chuckled and you looked at him. The two of you laughed..


YAYYY! I posted aa update. Well yea~ Hope you like it, =))


My friend is real Inspirit now, *wipe tears away* Im proud i made her an Inspirit.. I already have someone to spazz with~ YAYYY! =DD

Hoya-oppa is her bias and i love Hoya oppa too~ So, lets spazz about him, =)) (I really choose this color bcoz we will spazz about Hoya-oppa.. And we all know he loves purple right? Well i know its not the exact color.. But, urr~ XD)


Oh how my friend wish she was that dog? Cat? Well yea~ Whatever specie is that.. XD

Oppa looks so hotttttttttt~ >____________<

Infinite: Ppyong~ *others waves hand* Fighting~ *waves fist? XDXD*

And lastly.. To end this..

Howon: *looks at you*holds something* Ppyong~

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Yema_kim #1
Chapter 12: i love da way u appear suddenly in da story XD its creepy in very good way XD i love d way u writin 2 <3 <3 u r daebak
Sarahjoyce #2
Chapter 29: I like the ending...
Woohyun-ssi and Sungyeol-ssi shouting together... :D
Chapter 29: Iloveit..<3<3<3<3
yachtalmighty #4
Chapter 26: Lol @ Dongwoo XD
erm, honestly, I still don't like Minah for Ljoe or anyone. but hehe~ whatever. it's okay ^^
Chapter 2: LOL at the lollipop incident XDD
Chapter 25: OMO
I really need to know what happens next~
yachtalmighty #7
Chapter 25: AAHHHH!!! What happened? Such a cliffhanger author-nim eh? XD

Oh no. I like Myungjong ^^
Chapter 21: aaaaaaaaaaa ! ~~~ - ah tell him . tell him . i know you loved him too . </3 update soon .
bmb022611 #9
Chapter 20: Myungie!! Why don't you just confess to her already?? Halmoni and haraboji approve the both of you!! ^^
bmb022611 #10
Chapter 19: Who could the woman be?? Please update soon :)