Duty Calls

OPERATION T.R.E.E. 3: The Sixth Sense


At the TREE Headquarters, Hyuna frantically rushed to Onew’s office in her heels, nearly tripping in her hurry. Upon reaching Onew’s room, she bust through the door, hyperventilating and holding some papers in her hand.

“Sir, I have some reports...” she said gasping for air. Her exhaustion was evident in the way she spoke. “The Brown Eyed Girls...they have returned!!!” she cried out in fear. It was as if Hyuna was hopeless and did not know what to do.

“The Brown Eyed Girls!” his voice rose in terror. “The world’s notorious demon-princesses.”

“Sir?” Hyuna asked in confusion.

“Yes. These girls are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They appear to be normal human beings but when they summon their inner demons, they turn into the most monstrous, most diabolical yet most angelic creatures there are.”

“So you’re saying-“

“This is beyond criminal activity...” said Onew in a trance. “This is supernatural.”

All of a sudden, Onew’s phone started to ring. Onew and Hyuna both jolted in surprise. Onew picked it up and answered the call.


“Uncle Onew! What’s going on?!” it was his nephew Nichkhun. Nichkhun had always looked up to his uncle and aspired to be an agent like him.

“Nichkhun, I don’t know why you turned up all of a sudden but I’m in the middle of something very important. Now-“

“I know. There’s something going on here in Korea and I would love to very much be a part of it!” Nichkhun enthusiastically said. Onew’s jaw dropped and in annoyance, he rubbed his forehead and tried to keep cool.

“Nick, this situation is complicated. I know you want to become a spy and all but now’s not the right time.”

“Please uncle. I really want to train...” Nichkhun begged of Onew. Onew did not want to entertain his nephew at a critical time but he knew that if he declined, Nichkhun would only persist.

“Alright alright. I’ll go over there and pick you up. There, happy?” Onew finally gave in to his nephew’s request to get him off his back.

“THANK YOU UNCLE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!” cried Nichkhun. His dream was finally about to come true and he was about to be a spy.

Onew on the other hand, wasn’t so happy about it. He didn’t want to have the responsibility of training a younger one in times of crisis. But if it meant Nichkhun not annoying him for the rest of his career, then by God he shall turn into a trainer.

“What the hell?!” was all Hyuna could muster. She had her hands outstretched in confusion. “You’re going to play sensei to your nephew at a time like this?”

“Hyuna, I had to do it. You don’t know how tough it is to have to look after a young man for your brother...damn that boy’s like my son and sometimes, you just gotta say yes to it, no matter how dumb it sounds.”

“I can’t believe you.” Hyuna shook her head and walked away. Onew rubbed his temples and looked at the phone.

Well you’re right. I should have said no. But blood is thicker than water. Onew sighed and thought of phoning the girls. They were all he needed and the world needed to be saved.

You girls are my only hope... Onew grabbed the phone that was a few inches away from him and dialled their numbers. Though the phone lines in the entire country were down, the TREE Headquarters installed backup lines in the phones they gave the girls-the alternate mission phones-that enabled them to work in the middle of power shortages and phone line troubles.

The country needs you, ladies. Onew thought. Grabbing his phone and making the brave and quick decision to do so, he dialled their numbers and waited for their voices to affirm their partaking in this perilous mission.


CL was hiding underneath her sheets and trembling like crazy, even more afraid upon seeing the red sparks hovering above her blanket. The lights it emitted were so bright that staring right at them with your eyes could cause the same burning sensation felt when done so at the sun.

RIIING~ RIIIING~ came her phone. CL was puzzled and relieved at the same time, puzzled because she wasn’t quite sure how her phone’s signal got revived and relieved because this could be an opportunity to call for help.

“Dammit. I’mma have to make this quick!” CL said to herself. She knew the bright devil sparks were above her and had to make a run for it. Deciding it was time, she swiftly rushed out of the sheets and saw her phone on the floor, blinking and ringing. The leader of  Operation TREE picked the phone up before the call got missed and answered it.

“Hello?” CL frantically answered.

“CL! It’s me, Onew.” CL’s heart leapt for joy.

“Onew! Oh God! Thank God! Please Onew, you have to do something. We have to do something about this!”

“That’s what I’m doing right now. I want to get you girls to assemble so we can put a stop to this.”

“Oh sir...I don’t think this is something that is within our control.” CL responded worriedly.

“Nonsense. This is but a supernatural force being brought upon us. Someone is controlling it.”


“No buts. I need you and the girls. The country needs you.”


            Jessica was with her parents who, despite the darkness, were still arguing. Because of this, Jessica was able to sneak her way into a small corner to collect her thoughts and try to spend some time thinking about what is going to happen to her and her family now that they were broke and falling apart.


It slipped Jessica’s mind that she had her Operation TREE phone with her and that  Onew was calling. She lethargically answered the phone and sighed with a depressed tone in her voice.


“Jessica, it’s Onew. I’m going to have backup in your house ASAP. No questions asked.” Jessica wanted to get away from the depressing situation at home and without hesitation, agreed.

“I’m on it. Just tell me what I have to do.” she replied. Onew smiled assertively as it was starting to come together.

“Wait outside your house. The agents are tracking you down.” Jessica crept out of the house from the back door undetected and escaped, waiting for the agents to find her and bring her to the headquarters.


Sohee and her dad were in the car driving fast when Sohee’s phone, the Operation TREE phone which she carried with her wherever she went started ringing. Her father heard the sound and asked her if she had a signal.

“Your phone is working? But all lines are dead right now.” her dad was confused and curious.

“I have something to tell you dad. But I’m not sure if I should.” she worriedly said as she looked down, debating whether she should tell the truth or lie to her dad about it.

“What is it?”

“Dad, I’m a secret agent.” Sohee admitted, not being able to look her dad in the eye. Her father took his eyes momentarily away from the road, in total disbelief of what he had just heard.


“I’m a spy dad. I fight crime. I work of a government organization. I don’t know how to say it to you but...it’s so hard to hide it right now.” her phone continued to ring. Mr. Ahn was disheartened, knowing that his daughter had been performing dangerous missions for the government without his knowledge. It was too late to get angry, but his heart was broken.

“You have been saving the world...behind my back...”

“I’m sorry dad. I know you’re disappointed.” Sohee apologized, tears forming in her eyes. To her great surprise, she saw her father smiling a forced smile, acting like he was happy to hear it. “I just wanted to make a difference.” Suddenly, Mr. Ahn stopped the car in the middle of the road.

“Dad! What are doing?!” Sohee cried. Her father smirked and turned the car around.

“Let’s take you to your headquarters.” said her cool father. Sohee smiled with glee and embraced her father who drove like the speed of light.


Nicole’s mom was in deep fear but Nicole knew she had to be brave for her mom. While mother and daughter were in the kitchen, trying to devise a plan for defense and survival.

“I don’t know what to do, sweetie.” Nicole’s mom fearfully resigned to her greatest fear. She was out of ideas on how she and her daughter were going to defend and save themselves. Nicole felt weak and bad for her mother but knew that she mustn’t give up.


“Mom! Here’s our answer!” Unlike her friends who kept the agent thing a secret, the very open mommy’s girl told her mom about the solution she had.

“What?! What?!” her mother frantically scooted over to her side. Nicole answered the phone.

“Onew? Right now? I’m on it!” Nicole swiftly said without hesitation. She stood up and told her mother about it.

“Mom, the agency’s calling me. I have to go!”

“What about me?!” her mother cried, now dependent on her daughter for safety.

“Just stay put and stay hidden. Don’t let go of that knife. I gotta run! I’ll be back!” Nicole dashed out of her house upon hearing the engine of the TREE Headquarters car.


            Gahee decided to savor the moment of coolness and darkness and stepped outside of her house. There were no signs of violence or anything so she deemed it safe to step outside of the house and get some fresh air. Gahee brought with her her phone and her Operation TREE phone in case Onew and the guys over there would like to call her about the quite bizarre power outage.

“This night is so beautiful. I hope that I could enjoy it longer.” Gahee said to herself, feeling the cool breeze through her hair and on her skin.  The sound of her phone ringing and the feeling of its vibration in her jean pocket distracted her from appreciating the beauty of the night.

“Dammit! What could it be this time?” Gahee reached for her Operation TREE phone and saw it violently vibrating and creating noise. Sensing that it could be something grave, she answered it immediately.

“Hello? What’s the emergency?” Gahee worriedly yet readily replied.

“Gahee, it’s Onew. Agents are gonna come pick you up. We have to discuss this. It’s a matter of national security.”

“Alright. I’ll be waiting.”Gahee said. Faster than the speed of light came the agent’s car, ready to chaperone her to the headquarters.


            In the heart of the city, the Brown Eyed Girls were in their home, the crystal ball. The crystal ball that had red spirits swarming inside of it was already working its black magic. From a far, it had the capability to send people into a trance, hypnotizing them and making them forget their true identities.

            Everyone in Korea was starting to become a drone, controlled in the brain and soul by the evil spirits that they had unearthed and these spirits possessed a great deal of citizens, those who were too weak to actually stand their ground, preferring to give up their freedom in exchange of a life serving the Brown Eyed Girls. The drones started to wreck havoc in the city, destroying homes and murdering people, keeping their hearts saved in a jar to bring to their queens for sacrifice to the demons.

            One house in particular was raided. It was the house of mother and son, Choi Jin Lee and her son Choi Minho. That night, they were sitting at home, talking about things under the sun in the dark when a group of hypnotized citizens seized Jin Lee, killed her, ripped her body apart and took her heart. Minho, the good son, wasn’t able to fight but instead ran for his life and hid inside a cupboard, emerging only after the demon possessed ones had left.

            “MOM!” he cried out loud, emotions of sadness and anger heard rattling in his voice. He was remorseful, guilty for not having done anything to save his mother, just hiding in the cupboard and watching everything unfold. It was unfair, he said. There was something he could’ve done to stop it but he chose to remain a coward.

            “Don’t worry mom...” cried the young man. “I will get my revenge. Our revenge. And I won’t stop!” Minho stood up and headed to his father’s cabinet where the guns were kept. The rebellious mama’s boy took all the guns and all the boxes of bullets and placed them in his numerous pockets. With this, he dashed out of his house in search of his mother’s assailants.

            In comes a new character in our story. Choi Minho was a junior college student in a prestigious university in Seoul. He wasn’t always the most intellectual one in the class but his real passion was music and activism. Yes, you read it, activism. Minho was deep into fighting for human rights, exposing government wrongdoings and standing up for equality. He was also a talented writer and a skilled artist who wrote various editorials in his university’s school paper, most of which were criticizing the government. He was often under fire for it but a lot of students and some professors praised him.

            Minho got around using his skateboard, which along with drumming was his hobby. He idolized Tony Hawk and spent hours practicing exhibitions when he had free time. This mode of transportation was what he used to track down the killers when the unexpected happened.

            “We should be there any minute now...” said the agent driving Gahee’s car. Gahee was nervously twerking her phone when the driver failed to see a pedestrian crossing because of the darkness and was only able to see a slight silhouette thanks to the headlights.

            “OH MY GOD LOOKOUT!!!!” Gahee cried. The driver stepped on the brakes before he could crush the pedestrian. Gahee rushed out of the car to help the injured pedestrian, only to discover that he was fine.

            “Sir, sir are you okay?” Gahee asked helping him up. Turns out the guy was Minho and the shock the sudden brake of the car gave him was enough to make him topple off his skateboard. Gahee helped him up and dusted his jacket.

            “Yeah, I’m fine.” Gahee looked into his eyes and saw the bad boy she always liked. The bad boy of her dreams that had no name.

            “Y-You sure?” Gahee’s eyes started to sparkle as she stared at him, eyeing his every detail. From his messy hair, to the way he carried his skateboard down to the way he stood an observed the place.

            “What’s going on here?” he asked.

            “Huh?” Gahee was out of her element. She forgot about Eli for a short while.

            “What’s happening, I said?”

            “Some bad guys cut the power.”

            “Bad guys huh?” Minho looked straight into the horizon. “Maybe those are the same guys that killed my mom.”

            “Killed your mom?” Gahee pretended to sound concerned.

            “Yeah. I better get to the bottom of this.” he looked back at her. “Where are you headed miss?”

            “Uhm...some organization. To save the world.” she proudly professed. Minho smirked at her and nodded.

            “Take me with you. I need to be a part of this.




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Chapter 11: awwwwwwwwwwww already finished????
thekeytodestiny #2
Chapter 11: Aww... Too bad it's finished already. Are you going to start another one?
thekeytodestiny #3
Chapter 7: Aww... Love the SoKhun moments. I sense some Minho/Jessica too...
Chapter 7: Oh Sica you badass! :P I love 'Bulls on parade' by Rage Against The Machine. Awesome song choice! But what if Minho turns out to be an to CL? *_* Damn.
thekeytodestiny #5
Interesting, love the suspense. Update soon!