Chapter Twenty One

Soul Searching (JeTi)

Hey guys! I'm back with another update after finals! Woooot! :D We all passed, right?! RIGHT?!


Anyway, I was out last night and got a bit wasted and decided 'Hey, I should write while drunk' and so here is my drunken update. lol


A total of 8212 words! WOOOOOOT! 


Hope you enjoy it. I think you will! :) I 

I decided to not cut the update so it wouldn't be weird and all. 

Again, enjoy! :)




Chapter Twenty One



After dinner on a Thursday night, Jessica and her friends decided to break the stressful - at least for some of them it was stressful - week. Since the blonde had dinner with her father and some of his colleagues, she then headed to the bar near her condominium after that ordeal. Had it not been very important people for their company and her future career, she wouldn’t have gone; she didn’t like that Tiffany would be having dinner alone so she asked Hyomin to simply just take Tiffany with them for dinner, hoping the girl didn’t feel like the third wheel when she was with her cousin and Sunny; although, she highly doubted that since her cousin liked Tiffany a lot. Plus, even Sunny was actually clinging to the girl lately. So the blonde was just hoping the girl had fun.


Since Monday, Tiffany and Jessica had been spending a lot of time together. Despite her father’s pleas to spend more time with her, the blonde preferred to simply go home and have dinner together with the girl. Today, since her father’s friends were in town, she really couldn’t turn him down. At least, that also made her father happy in some way or another, even though she really didn’t want to be there. But thank goodness she was excused since they were heading to another bar, talking about their private lives; the blonde didn’t need to hear this so she took this chance and jumped in her car and headed to the bar.


She parked her car and hurried to go inside since they had been blowing up her phone, asking where she was for the last hour. Once inside, she skimmed the area and found her friends occupying two tables beside the bar area. Hyomin was sitting beside Sunny and that was to be expected; those two were inseparable. Taeyang and TOP were actually there as well. The other table there was occupied by Yuri and Taeyeon. The blonde’s pace got slower as she saw Taeyeon; she really didn’t expect for her to be there. But what could she do? They still had the same group of friends. She made up her mind that she would just ignore her and try to act as normal as possible. “Hey, sorry I’m late,” she said as she sat in front of her cousin.

“Look who decided to show up?” Taeyang made a comment as he got up from his seat and sat next to Jessica. The blonde looked at the seat, making note that it would be where Tiffany would be sitting. “You need to take two consecutive doubles, Jessica.”


“Rules are rules,” Hyomin chimed in.


Well, it wasn’t like she could do anything at all. They all agreed if they were late to the bar, they would end up taking a shot for every fifteen minutes they were late or simply a double for every thirty minutes. “Open a tab,” she said as she grabbed her wallet, looking for her card. She found it and handed it to Taeyang, which he gave to TOP so he could give it to the bartender. “Where’s Tiffany?” she asked as she skimmed through the bar, not seeing her anywhere.


“She’s with Heechul and the others,” Sunny said as she sipped her on the Beach, while she pointed at the other side of the bar, where they had the pool table and the dart boards.


“Others?” She looked at Sunny and then TOP. “Can you tell them to get me Kraken and Coke too?”


“Someone’s planning to get drunk,” Yuri made a comment from the back. “Drink a lot, Sica!”


She didn’t know about what Taeyeon did? Well, if that was the case, the blonde wouldn’t be the one to open a can of worms for Taeyeon or Yuri; they were still her friends and were still precious to her. Even Taeyeon for that matter. Sure, the blonde was upset, but she wouldn’t be the one trying to cause trouble. The blonde smiled at Yuri, “I just think I should catch up to you guys. Sunny seems to be out of it already.”


“Shut up! I’m still sober!” Sunny exclaimed as she glared at Jessica.


“Nope.” Jessica shook her head. “You shut up. You look like a kid.” She then looked at Hyomin. “Where’s Tiffany? I thought you had dinner together?” There was this mischievous grin on her cousin’s face that the blonde didn’t like.


“Jessica, we already told you she’s with Heechul.” Hyomin narrowed her eyes on the girl. “But if you’re really curious, they’re playing couple’s pool on the other side of the bar.” Couple’s pool?! With Heechul?! Heechul was great with words and the girl might end up falling in love with the guy, and Jessica didn’t like that. Before Jessica could say anything, her drinks were delivered so she figured she should take some shots. “Chug it already so we can go have some fun,” her cousin said as she pushed the vodka closer to the blonde. Of course, because it was their rule, Jessica grabbed the glass and chugged it. As soon as she did her cousin then said with a smile on her face, “Maybe I should buy a really thick rope tomorrow. I feel like I should hang something upside down,” causing the blonde to choke on her drink. Oh god, the burning sensation was in her nostrils and it stung. Really bad.


“Oh god, are you okay?” Taeyang frowned as he patted Jessica’s back with one hand, while offering a glass of water with the other, which Jessica took and had a quick sip.


Hyomin was laughing and just had enough breath to say, “She’s okay. She won’t die. Yet,” and continued laughing.


The blonde swore that if her cousin did buy the rope, she would make sure she’d end up tying her cousin to the back of her car and drag her dead body across Seoul. “I’ll kill you.” Jessica glared at Hyomin while Taeyang still patted on her back.


“Oi, Jessica.” Hyomin eyed her cousin. “When you finish, can you go to my car with me? I just need to grab something, please?”


“Hell no!” Jessica exclaimed as she took another shot of vodka. After this, she would wonder what her cousin would do to her, so there just wouldn’t any way she’d go outside with the b!tch.


“I need to tell you something about Grandpa Park, okay? It’s about that.”


Well, since they didn’t invite her friends to come along, they really couldn’t talk about it in front of the others. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Take it easy,” Taeyang said as he returned to TOP’s side.


Just when they were away from the group, Hyomin then said, “Do you want to tell me something?” she asked as she linked her arm to Jessica’s, not letting the blonde escape since she knew her cousin was the queen of dodging questions.

“Is this the ‘that’ that you were referring to?” The blonde sighed, knowing exactly why her cousin dragged her away from the group. “Well… you know?” The blonde tried to shake her cousin’s hand off as the exited the bar.


Hyomin shrugged. “Know what?”


“That!” Jessica exclaimed, not caring what others would think since they were already outside. Her cousin remained mute so the blonde groaned, knowing full well her cousin was only playing innocent and wanting for her to actually say it. “Like… you can seriously help me hang myself upside down and slap me a couple of times kind of that.” Her voice was low, as though she didn’t want anybody else to hear her, but it was loud enough for her cousin to hear.

Jessica felt a stinging pain on her shoulder from the slap Hyomin gave her. “Oh my god! I can’t believe you finally realized it! I’m so happy for you!” She gave the blonde a tight hug. “I can’t believe you’re over Taeyeon! Finally!”


With the mention of Taeyeon’s name, she cared had others heard about it. “Shut up! People will hear you!” Jessica elbowed Hyomin’s side. Once she got away from her cousin’s grip, she started walking back inside the bar.


However, Hyomin rushed to her side and then started talking, “So is this why you wanted to take Tiffany to the villa? So you can confess to her under the stars? I never knew you were cheesy, Cous.”


The blonde glared at her cousin. She just knew she would make fun of her because of this; this was why she didn’t want to tell her ever since she realized it. “Ew. Really? You think I’m that cheesy? Hell no!”

Hyomin laughed. “Well, when are you going to ask her out?” The blonde never thought about it yet. Until now, she tried her best to remain the same when she was around her friend; she didn’t want to seem odd and so far it was working. “Don’t tell me you don’t have any plans!?”


Once they were inside the bar, heading to their group of friends, Jessica then said as she looked at her old love, “I still don’t know. But at least I’m over Taeyeon.” She smiled at her cousin. “But then, another problem arose,” she finished with a sigh, but the smile never left her face.


Hyomin shook her head. “I just don’t want you to miss out on being with Tiffany just because you’re scared. Taeyeon and Tiffany are two different people, Cous.”


“I know.”


“Jessi!” Tiffany yelled from the other side of the bar, waving her hand as she seeked for Jessica’s attention. She flashed a smile at the blonde, so a wider smile crept in the blonde’s face since it was so contagious. Before she ended up drooling at how adorable Tiffany looked, she mentally slapped herself to go back to reality.


Hyomin pushed Jessica to where Tiffany was. “Go. She’s been waiting for you since dinner.” Not bothering with another word, she simply walked back to where Sunny was while Jessica headed to where Tiffany was.


“I made new friends, Jessi.” Tiffany linked her arm with Jessica’s. “Can you believe it?” Now that the blonde was close to Tiffany, she noticed that the girl’s face was already red and her breath reeked of alcohol. “I didn’t know Heechul knew some of my former classmates.”




“Hurry. I’ll introduce you.”


Heechul was holding a beer while standing beside the pool table, analyzing his shot. He looked up to see why Tiffany was loud and saw the blonde. “Hey, guys! Meet my friend, Jessica.”


There were a girl and a guy standing next to each other close to Heechul with the guy’s arm wrapped around the girl’s waist, and another couple stood by a table, while talking to each other and laughing. “Hello,” Jessica waved as a greeting, “My name’s Jessica and I’m Heechul’s and Tiffany’s friend.” She was Tiffany’s friend. As much as she didn’t like that title, she couldn’t do much about it since it was the truth. Even with bitter feelings in her, Jessica kept the smile on her face.


“My name’s Nichkhun and this is my girlfriend, Victoria,” he introduced himself as he flashed a smile at Jessica, his hand still on the girl’s hip. The blonde smiled at them and then looked at the other couple who introduced themselves as Shin Hye and Min Ho, Jessica just thought both the couples suited each other. At least, to her, they complement each other.


“We’re playing against these couples that’s why I had to borrow Tiffany,” Heechul said as though apologizing to Jessica.


“It’s fine. I don’t really care,” Jessica said as she stood beside TIffany. She looked at the latter and saw a frown on her face, but it only lasted for a second and then it turned into a smile. Did that offend the girl? Would Jessica be wishful to think Tiffany would be happy had she said something different? Would Tiffany want for Jessica otherwise? There was this spark of hope in Jessica that she didn’t understand; did she really have a chance with Tiffany? She wouldn’t ruin anything between them, right? “Actually, I came to get Tiffany from you, Heechul.”


“Oi!” Heechul pointed his beer at the girl. “You can’t! We’re still playing and Tiffany’s my other half!” How could he just say things like that? Even the blonde was very careful about these things. Then again, just a week ago, she was joking with Tiffany at the airport, so the blonde couldn’t really complain at how friendly the others were.


“Are you even good?” She looked at Tiffany with her arms crossed on her chest. If this girl wasn’t, they probably would end up staying there for awhile.


“That doesn’t matter. Tiffany’s my partner and we’ll beat Nichkhun and Victoria,” Heechul said as he started to aim for the ball with the stick.


Tiffany started to cheer for Heechul, so there was just no way the blonde would interrupt this fun. Maybe she became a little cocky, thinking the girl frowned because of what she said, or what she didn’t say for that matter. At least, she knew her place right now.


Feeling defeated, the blonde smiled at Heechul’s and Tiffany’s friends and said, “I’ll just be with the others. I’ll see you guys there.” She turned around, heading to the other side of the bar, where the rest of them were. She was actually really disappointed, thinking she would spend a lot of time with Tiffany. But then, she really should control her emotions; Tiffany wasn’t into her the way she was with the girl. She should just accept that even if it was painful.


“Jessi!” Tiffany called, which caused the blonde to look over her shoulder. “Save a seat beside you for me, yeah?” She said while flashing a big smile on her face. Jessica tried her best to remain calm so she acted as she always did, only nodding at her friend as she walked away while telling herself to keep herself together. Tiffany didn’t mean anything more, Jessica thought. It was nothing but her usual clingy self. Yes. That was that. Jessica, it meant nothing. You know this. But even with these thoughts in her head, Tiffany didn’t need to tell her to save a seat for her since she would regardless. In her head, the seat beside her would always be just for Tiffany.




Since Jessica had too much workload, she had to stay until really late last night or should it be so early this morning. She even begged her cousin to be the one driving for their trip today. Even though she didn’t really want to go on a road trip since work was so hectic - she was off work for three days so she needed to catch up - they still went since she already promised Tiffany they would go stargazing at her grandparent’s villa.


She sighed as she carried her duffle bag with one hand and hugged a rolled up blanket with the other, heading downstairs where her cousin and Sunny waited. She would probably just nap in the car just so she would have enough energy when they get there. Since they would be there, she figured they would end up riding horses or something that required for her to be awake.


“You seem really tired,” Tiffany said as she reached for the handle of Jessica’s duffle. “I’ll carry it.”


Stop. Just stop being so nice, the blonde thought. The lack of sleep might delude Jessica more to thinking there was something in Tiffany’s gestures, but really, there wasn’t any. She didn’t want to end up hoping something would come out of this friendship; she was just happy that she got to live with Tiffany. For a week now, she would be woken up by Tiffany, who would eat breakfast with her. Sure, it wasn’t something extravagant since they usually just had cereals or waffles, but it made her mornings brighter. Actually, the way Tiffany made coffee was really good so that was a plus. And after her long day at work, she would go home to Tiffany, already ready for dinner. Jessica would admit, the girl’s cooking wasn’t the best since it was mostly bland or too salty, but the thought that Tiffany did things like this for her made her happy. However, she always reminded herself that Tiffany was doing this because she lived with the girl. There was nothing more to it. Actually, this only made her realize her position even more. If she confessed to Tiffany, would she simply say yes because of this debt she never really owed?


“Jessi,” Tiffany called as she grabbed the bag from the girl, but the girl’s grip was tight on it.


Before answering, Jessica yawned. “It’s fine. I got it,” she said as they headed for the elevator. It wasn’t like she would just hand it to Tiffany and let the poor girl carry it. If it wasn’t too out of character, she would’ve asked the girl for her bag so she could carry it, but then the blonde thought Tiffany would end up being suspicious.


Once they were at the lobby, they could see the couple outside, waiting beside Hyomin’s car. They headed for the exit and Jessica asked Hyomin to open the trunk so they could put their things in. “I heard you stayed up until almost five, Jessica?” Sunny looked at Jessica, faces inches apart as she exam the dark circles underneath the girl’s eyes. “We could’ve gone next week if you were busy.” The blonde shook her head and reassured her concerned friend that she was fine, of course she was lying. Had Tiffany not been the one who wanted to go on this stargazing trip, Jessica would still be married to her bed. “Well then, it’s just two hours and a half anyway. It’s not that bad.”


“Yeah. And since it’s really hot today, we can swim there,” Hyomin said. It was actually good because their grandparent’s swimming pool there was an infinity pool, overlooking the land.


The blonde yawned once again. She should really sleep soon. “You did check the weather, right?” she asked as she grabbed her sunglasses that was hanging on her collar, preparing to finally get in the car so she can sleep peacefully without the sun bugging her.


“Yup. It’s summer, Cous. It’s not like it’ll just start snowing. We’ll swim! You brought bathing suits, right?” Hyomin looked at Jessica and then Tiffany.


“Yeah,” Tiffany answer, and Jessica simply nodded.


“Let’s go! Tiffany and Jessica can sit in the back,” Sunny said as she was already heading to the passenger seat. And they all followed, sitting on their respective seats. It wasn’t like she wanted to be there anyway; where Tiffany sat, Jessica followed. That was basically the blonde’s logic now. So obviously, she would be back there with the girl. Although, she really wouldn’t be able to do much since she was planning on sleeping.


“Jessi,” Tiffany called and then tapped on her lap. “You can sleep on my lap if you want?”


To put her head on the girl’s lap? Was she on crack? There was no way in this lifetime would the blonde seem like a ert, trying to take advantage of an innocent girl. She made a mental note to inform Tiffany to always take caution no matter who it was. Because Jessica, as a friend, failed. Tiffany was offering it without malice, but Jessica became all fidgety, not wanting to lay on it. Jessica didn’t realize how much self-control was needed to be around Tiffany, while loving her in secret. Taeyeon wasn’t as clingy and friendly as Tiffany, so Jessica never had to worry about things like this. It was nice, but she had her conscience as well. “No, it’s fine.” Jessica tried her best to flash a smile at the girl, hoping she didn’t look creepy. “It’s illegal to not sit straight, you know? Hyomin might get a ticket.” This comment made Hyomin snort a laugh, which Jessica glared at the rear-view mirror. Even though she was wearing really dark glasses, she knew her cousin could see or at least tell from there. So she hoped she got the idea that she should keep her comments to herself. “I’ll be fine like this.”


“Your neck’s going to hurt,” Tiffany said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and then moved closer to Jessica, and fastened the seatbelt. “Here,” she tapped on her own shoulder, inviting Jessica to rest her head on there. “So you can sleep better.” Jessica sighed. It wasn’t like she could argue more. It wasn’t like it was her lap; it was just the shoulder. Even before realizing her feelings, she would’ve taken the opportunity. So, trying to act normal - she actually liked this skinship - she rested her head on Tiffany’s shoulder.  It was as though the heavens were the one telling her that it was fine; it wouldn’t make it seem like she took advantage of the girl. “Good girl,” Tiffany said as she patted the blonde’s head.


Jessica’s eyes were getting heavier, so she managed to say, “Idiot,” while smiling softly. Maybe, this was a payment for this trip. At least, even though she was tired, she figured this was worth it.




The blonde woke up since the radio was pretty loud, but she didn’t mind since she had enough rest. Even though she was awake, she kept her position and kept her eyes closed; at least her cousin wouldn’t annoy her with discreet comments about Tiffany.


“We’re here, right?” Sunny asked.


“Yeah…” Hyomin sounded dejected.

“Jessica will kill you,” Sunny said.


“Just… the rain might stop.”


Rain?! What rain? Jessica opened her eyes to see droplets of water on her window. “I thought you checked the weather report!?” Jessica bellowed as she swatted her cousin’s shoulder. So much for being sunny. She couldn’t believe she trusted her irresponsible cousin on this.


“Now, how the hell are we going to stargaze if it’s raining?!”


“Maybe it’ll stop later, Jessi,” Tiffany said as she placed her hand on Jessica’s thigh. The blonde swore to God that Hyomin was just lucky that Tiffany was there to defend her; otherwise, she would’ve choked the girl to death.


“Yeah, Cous!” Hyomin chimed in, laughing nervously as she scratched the back of her head. She was lucky she was keen to Jessica because sometimes the blonde really would love to hang her by the neck.


“Yeah your face. Pull over the front door so we don’t have to get wet since we don’t have any umbrella anyway,” she said as she rolled her eyes. She placed her sunglasses on her collar, knowing she wouldn’t need it anyway.


Sometimes, Jessica was thankful her grandparents had this covered roof for their guests. Well, it was probably because they used to invite too many people at the villa, holding formal parties, dance parties, or any type of social gathering. They had the extended roof made for times like this, guests would be able to pull up without getting wet. Someone opened Tiffany’s and Sunny’s doors so the blonde figured they were the help; not long after, her door and Hyomin’s door was opened as well. “Welcome back, Miss Jessica, Miss Hyomin. Your grandparents are in the back, waiting for you.”


Yes. Because ‘the back’ wouldn’t really mean the whole lot. Jessica sighed, still annoyed by the current circumstances. But she didn’t want to take her frustrations out on anyone else.“Can you just get our stuff for us and take it to our rooms?”


“Of course,” the man bowed a little. “We have prepared two rooms for you like Miss Hyomin instructed.” Two? Jessica looked at her cousin, who was smiling at Jessica and winked at her. Sometimes, she was lucky to have such an idiot of a cousin.


“Take the Bally duffle bag to mine along with that black and pink one,” Jessica instructed.


She looked at her cousin’s luggage, which she didn’t even realize earlier. “Really? Louis Vuitton? For a traveling bag?” Jessica looked at her cousin from top to bottom, sizing her down. “You’re such a brat.”


“You’re one to talk. Really, a Bally duffle bag? It’s the same price as mine, brat.”


The blonde shrugged. “They make their own leather, that’s why I got it. It’s not like the logo’s plastered everywhere like yours. So gaudy.”


“You know you owe me, right?” Hyomin crossed her arms as she looked at the other side of the car, where Sunny and Tiffany stood.


“And you do realize you screwed me over, right?” Jessica narrowed her gaze at her cousin, but the latter just laughed it off as she walked towards the two, who were happily talking. So, in the end, Jessica just followed.


“Let’s go greet our grandparents,” Hyomin said to Sunny.


“Our? We’re not married yet, Babe.”


Hyomin laughed. “Well, we can always fix that.”


“Shut up and just head inside,” Jessica said as she rolled her eyes and started to head for the front door; she stopped midway and looked over her shoulder, “Fany-ah, follow me.”


It had been awhile since the blonde visited this place since the signal’s usually bad, so she hated coming here. The only times she would agree would be if it was either of her grandparents’ birthday or Christmas day, but even though it probably had been a year since she had gone there, everything was still so familiar. The enormous formal living room decorated with different paintings and statues, where guests would usually stay when they were tired of being at the social hall; Jessica remembered she waited for her father a lot when he had to entertain some guests there. As they walked to the  back, they passed by the familiar formal table - it used to have a gigantic center piece, but now, there were three flower vases - where they held their Christmas lunch every year. She figured since the place was too far to have dinner at, they just had lunch there.


“So you’ve been here a lot, Jessi?” Tiffany asked when she was beside the blonde, as her eyes wandered at the well designed villa. She looked out the big panels of windows that were on her left, looking over the beautiful Japanese style garden.


Glancing to her side, the blonde smiled at Tiffany. “Yeah. Hyomin and I were always here when we were younger with our other cousins. But lately, not really.”


“Why’s that? It seems like a nice place.”


The blonde snorted a laugh as she thought of their excuse. “There’s no signal here. Plus, it gets boring here after a while.”


“Should we have someone install a satellite so my two idiots of grandchildren would actually visit?” Jessica’s grandfather asked as his eyes were plastered on the newspaper in his hands; his legs were crossed as he sat on a chair in the sunroom.


“Hello kids, welcome back,” Jessica’s grandmother stood from where she was and walked over to them. “I’m sorry that the weather didn’t agree with you.”


Jessica sighed as she gave her grandmother a hug. “You can blame it on Hyomin, Granny. She’s the one who, apparently so, checked the weather forecast.” Her grandmother only laughed and ruffled her hair a little. “It’s true,” she said as she sighed.


“You know she’s special, Jessica.”


“Yeah. Special ed,” she mumbled at her grandmother. Again, the older lady just laughed, causing for Hyomin to question her if she was siding on Jessica on this.


Their grandmother didn’t say anything more to Jessica and went ahead and hugged Hyomin. “So you checked the weather? Because it’s been raining for two days now, Dear,” she said as she pinched the younger’s cheek.


Two days? Jessica swore to never trust her cousin ever again. This was why her own parents were worried about her and always nagged her to change her ways; why hadn’t Jessica learned her lesson? Because everyone around her seemed to do so. She really should start to do so.


“Granny, this is Tiffany and she lives with me now,” Jessica introduced as she placed a hand on Tiffany’s shoulder.


The older Park smiled at Tiffany. “I heard from my daughter that you will be living with Jessica; I just hope you take care of her and you won’t get sick of her,” she said as she gave the girl a hug. “Jessica may seem cold so you might end up thinking she’s upset or something, but please, she’s a nice girl.”


Hyomin snorted a laugh. “Jessica? Nice? Grandma, you’re just blinded by your age,” causing her grandmother to hold her by the ear, pinching it. It caused Sunny and Tiffany to giggle.


“I’m sorry for her behavior,” Jessica said as she looked at her grandfather.


The old man just sighed as he shook his head. “She’s a handful. I’m just lucky that you can actually tolerate her unlike the rest.” By that, he probably meant Jessica’s and Hyomin’s other cousins. Sure, they all got along and there was no bad blood amongst them; however, it was only the blonde who was close with Hyomin. She was a bit silly, and the between them and their other cousins were a bit big. Teddy, Bom, Sandara, and Sang Hyun  were their eldest cousins, the first grandkids from their oldest uncle, Jin Young. They were so much older than the two they never really bonded aside from being the older cousins, looking out for them. Sure, Sang Hyun was only four years older than them, but that was still an . Then there was Jiyeon and Soyeon, they were their second to the oldest uncle’s, Myung So, kids; he was the comical one. He and Jessica got along fine, even her cousins were really cool as well; however, they didn’t live in Seoul anymore so they didn’t really count. Then the middle child, Hyomin’s father. Obviously, he produced the black sheep of the family; that was why they always tried their best to guide the idiot to the right direction. Her grandparents only had two daughters, the blonde’s mother being the youngest. Her Aunt, Ah-Joong, was now a Kim with four kids: Rae Won, Tae Hee, Bum, and Jiwon. Since Rae Won and Tae Hee were a bit older, he got along with the elder cousins. The other three were fine with Jessica, but they usually kept their distance since Jessica seemed to be the apple of everybody’s eyes. Maybe because Jessica acted like an adult most her childhood; she sat properly, never whined in public, and could hold a good conversation with the adults. While Hyomin was the prankster. Even as a child, she was already mischievous, so not a lot of their cousins their age liked her since she always got in trouble. But Jessica didn’t really mind how annoying her cousin could be since with Hyomin around, her days there weren’t all that bad when she was at the villa or any family gathering for that matter. Maybe that was why even until this day, she bore with her. But sometimes, she wondered if they seemed to be a comedic duo when combined.


“I’m used to being her keeper,” the blonde said as she sighed.


“Sunny,” the grandmother said as she hugged the girl. “I’m hoping Hyomin’s not giving you a headache.” She sighed. “She can be a handful sometimes.”


“No worries, Grandma, I don’t really mind her that much. She’s lovely most of the time.”


That was right. Hyomin did introduce Sunny as her girlfriend last year. The blonde couldn’t believe she did that at the last family gathering, but that was good. It gave her something entertaining while she stayed there. Her cousins were asking her questions, but they were mostly welcoming, but they couldn’t please everybody. Some were just indifferent, but they didn’t voice anything out. The blonde remembered her uncle’s face when she did that, he was pale but he laughed it off. But because of that, the blonde respected Hyomin much more. Even though she was they happy-go-lucky-type, she had the courage to introduce Sunny, her girlfriend, to the whole family.


The blonde looked outside, blankly looking; things were just popping in her head like wondering  if she could be as courageous as Hyomin. Her whole life, Jessica was the good daughter, granddaughter, cousin, or even niece. Would it be wrong if she found out someday that she really was indeed gay and ended up disappointing everybody by coming out of the closet?


She then looked at Tiffany, who stood beside her. If by any chance, they were in some alternative universe and Tiffany loved her back, would she be able to stomach disappointing those who loved her? Her eyes then landed on Hyomin, whose arm was wrapped around Sunny’s waist as they both merrily chatted with the elder Park. Sometimes, she envied Hyomin; she could do whatever she wanted, she could be whoever she wanted to be - to an extent. As for the blonde, she was unsure if she was really afraid of disappointing everybody around her or if she was just afraid to know if Tiffany didn’t love her. But why worry now, when that wasn’t even a real dilemma?


“Jessi,” Tiffany said as she held Jessica’s arm. “Is anything wrong?” She looked at the blonde with worry. As Tiffany’s eyes held Jessica’s, the blonde couldn’t help but adore Tiffany more. She had always been so caring; however, that was the blonde’s problem. Tiffany was too caring to everyone that it was hard to tell whether she, too, held some special feelings for the blonde, which the latter doubted. But even though there was doubt, the blonde couldn’t stop those hopeful feelings that were rushing in.


The blonde only smiled softly as she nodded.


“Ladies, you can do whatever you want in the house. You can ask anyone anything, too, if you’re hungry or if you need something,” Grandma Park said. “We’re actually going to Seoul now since my sister is there.”


“Oh, you should’ve told us, Granny. We could’ve visited some other week,” the blonde said as she looked at her grandmother and then to her grandfather. “Going by land?” The blonde knew her grandfather hated traveling by land for more than an hour, especially when it was raining.


Their grandfather sighed. “I’m still trying to convince your grandmother to just use the helicopter.”


“Hey, grandpa, if you die, can you leave me your helicopter?” Hyomin said with a huge grin on her face.


“What the are you saying?! You idiot!” Jessica bellowed as she glared at her cousin.


Hyomin scowled as though she didn’t say anything wrong. Well, to her, it was a genuine request. She really liked their helicopter and her grandpa used to fly it when he was younger with Hyomin and Jessica. “Don’t worry, Jessica. I expected that from Hyomin,” he said as he laughed.  “If you actually graduate in time, I just might.”


“Yes!” Hyomin exclaimed as she curled her fist. “Hear that Jessica? I’ll own that helicopter someday.”


The blonde rolled her eyes. “I don’t care.”


“Sure you don’t,” Hyomin said teasingly. “You know you want it.”


“I really don’t care. Since I’ll be successful in the future, I’ll buy a jet and then crash it to your stupid helicopter.”


“Real mature; real mature.” Hyomin said as she looked at Jessica.


“Stop it,” Sunny said as she spanked Hyomin’s arm.


But Hyomin didn’t listen. She then looked at Tiffany and then said, “This is Jessica’s real nature by the way. She’s really immature, who hates to lose. That’s just a heads-up.”


Smiling at Hyomin, Tiffany then said, “I know. And I don’t mind.”


The blonde felt her cheeks get warmer so she knew she should change the subject. “Granny, maybe you should start heading to Seoul before the rain gets any worse.”


Their grandfather stood up from his seat and left his newspaper on the chair. He walked up to Jessica and said, “Watch over Hyomin. Every time she’s here, she breaks something.”


“She’s an idiot, that’s why,” Jessica said as she looked at her cousin. “And you trust her with flying objects, Grandpa?”


“Hey! Stop talking him out to giving me the helicopter!” Hyomin said as she came to her grandfather’s side, hugging him. “You’ll give me the helicopter, right?”


“Yes, yes. Don’t worry about it,” he said and saw that Hyomin stuck her tongue out to Jessica. “But that’s the only thing you’re getting. Jessica’s getting the villa.” He laughed, causing Jessica to laugh along with them.


“Wait, what!? I want this villa then!” Hyomin said.


“Well, isn’t it too bad, Cous? You asked for the helicopter.” The blonde was loving this. The elder Park and she were ganging up on Hyomin.


“Well, that’s because Jessica already has a penthouse in Gangnam. So the building there,  I’m not leaving it to her. That’s going to be split between Jin Young’s and Ah Joong’s kids.”


“And Hyomin’s left with her stupid helicopter.” Jessica snorted a laugh, which caused the eldest Park to chuckle. “She wouldn’t even have a place to park it,” the blonde added. Even Tiffany joined in the laughter.


This was nice since Jessica and grandfather got along really well, ganging up on Hyomin, while their grandmother was Hyomin’s savior. It wouldn’t surprise Jessica if her grandmother leaves all her personal assets - the one she inherited from her parents - to Hyomin. And to be honest, Jessica wished she would since her cousin was unpredictable. She would need all the inheritance she could get in order to survive. “Okay, enough with the jokes. We’ll leave now, okay? Lunch is already being prepared so go settle in your bedrooms and we’ll see you when we get back tomorrow,” their grandmother said.


“Okay, kids. Have fun, okay?” Their grandfather kissed their foreheads. “Even though it’s raining, you can still swim. We installed a new heating system so you’ll be fine.”


They all bid them farewell as they went upstairs to their respective rooms - they were being guided by one of the helpers. They agreed to meet downstairs in fifteen minutes after they had changed into their swim suits. Since Jessica and Tiffany shared a room, the blonde waited for Tiffany to finish changing since they shared their on-suite bathroom, she was looking preparing her change of clothes when Tiffany walked out of the bathroom with her hair pulled up in a ponytail; the pink two piece bikini she wore accentuated her porcelain skin. “Can you pass me my hoodie?” she asked as she pointed at the white sweater on the bed close to Jessica.  “Thanks,” she said when Jessica did so.


“Don’t catch a cold,” Jessica said, trying her best to distract herself from adoring the girl more. “I’ll go change now and then we can have lunch.” She just couldn’t be around Tiffany like that because, even without makeup on and her hair was just pulled up, the girl was still stunning. Why hadn’t she realized it much sooner? Or, why had she realized it at all? Had she not, it would have been more comfortable to be around the girl especially now that they lived together.




Even though they came there to stargaze, the blonde wouldn’t deny that despite the rain, they did have a good time. They just finished having dinner, but Hyomin and Sunny already retreated to their room since they were already tired. The blonde didn’t really care since it would give her more time with Tiffany. Sitting in the sunroom, Tiffany was just looking through the window and the glass ceiling. She sighed as she said, “I really wanted to see the stars.”


“I’m sorry,” the blonde said; there was sadness in the girl’s voice, or maybe it was just disappointment, whatever it was, the blonde didn’t like hearing it from Tiffany. If she could make the stars appear, she would. But it wasn’t like she could.


Tiffany looked at the blonde. “It’s okay. I had a lot of fun because of you,” she said with a smile on her face.


If Jessica could move the world to keep that smile on Tiffany’s face, she actually would. But Jessica couldn’t even bring Tiffany to stargaze, so that upset the blonde a little. “We’ll come back here to stargaze. Just you and me.” There was just no way her cousin would ruin everything yet again.  Wait. Stargazing, she thought. If it was only stargazing, the blonde had people come in this morning to fix the ceiling. They said it should be done in three hours, and that was this morning. So if they leave now, they still would get to Seoul at a reasonable time. “Just wait here,” the blonde said as she hurried to Hyomin’s room. “Hyomin! Hyomin!” she yelled as she was climbing up the stairs. “Hyomin!” She was knocking on the door. “Give me your car keys! Hurry!”


The door cracked open for a little bit. “What?!” she said, only head head could be seen through the door.


“Give me your car keys! I need to do something.”


“What?” Hyomin glared at her. “If you want to buy something, just have one of the maids do it.” She shooed her cousin away.


“I need to leave for Seoul now.”




“Just give me your key! I’ll owe you big time.”


Grunting, Hyomin closed the door and few seconds later, handed Jessica her car key. “You owe me big time!”


“Tell grandfather you’ll borrow the helicopter; I’ll give you permission to land on our helipad at my condo,” she said as she kissed Hyomin’s cheek. “I love you, Cous.”


“What’s gotten into you?” Hyomin asked as she closed her door.


“Oh, Hyomin, one more thing. Can you bring our bags back home tomorrow? Thanks!” Jessica didn’t wait for a reply and then jogged back downstairs to where Tiffany was. She grabbed Tiffany by the wrist. “Follow me.”


“Huh? Where?” The blonde didn’t answer so Tiffany said, “Slow down, Jessi. Where are we going?”


“Just trust me on this,” Jessica said as they hurried to the front door and to Hyomin’s car. She opened the door for Tiffany. “Get in!” she said as she hurried to her side.


“Where are we going so late at night?”


“It’s not that late, but will you just trust me on this?” Jessica said as she turned the engine on; she looked at Tiffany, waiting for a reply and then soon smiled as she saw Tiffany nod.




“Jessi, you’re kidding me, right?” Tiffany said as she entered her bedroom in Jessica’s penthouse. She was asking the blonde this since they parked the car.


The blonde looked over her shoulder, smiling. “Do you not trust me?”


“It’s kind of hard to do that now when you dragged me back to my room when we’re supposed to be stargazing,” Tiffany answered as she sat on the foot of her bed, sighing. “Well, if it wasn’t raining we could’ve been stargazing.”


“But it’s raining there so we can’t.” The blonde saw the tablet on Tiffany’s desk so she grabbed it. She opened the command log of it, hitting the Black-Out Curtains On button, causing it to slowly shut. She then sat next to Tiffany, who was looking at her panoramic windows. “Lay down,” she said while she did so.




Patting the bed, she looked at Tiffany as she invited her to copy her. “Lay down.”


Tiffany closed her eyes, sighing, as she did what she was told. “I sometimes wonder what’s running in your head.”


Well, aside from making you happy nowadays, not much, the blonde thought. She wished she could’ve said that outloud. But whatever, it wasn’t even her intention to drop hints of liking the girl; she just wanted Tiffany to be happy.


“Now what?” Tiffany asked, so Jessica turned off the lights. “Are you planning on scaring me?” The blonde snorted a laugh and didn’t answer. She simply hit the button Show on the tablet, which would make the stars glitter and change constellations. “Just watch.”


“W---wow,” Tiffany said as she stared at the ceiling. “It’s beautiful, Jessi.”


The blonde couldn’t believe at how real it seemed. She saw this during day time once, but at night just made it seem like they were in space in their own little bubble. She couldn’t help but smile at the pretty view.  


They were just silent for a couple of minutes; the blonde didn’t mind since she wanted Tiffany to savor this moment as the blonde did the same. It was a good idea to add this to the room’s plan; it actually came in handy since she couldn’t bring her to stargaze at the villa. At least in her little way, she was able to do so.


Realizing how much emotion she kept on investing, it was becoming a problem to Jessica, at least to her, she didn’t know if it was right for her to confess to Tiffany. Because if Tiffany said yes, it might even be out of debt, and the blonde would hate for that to happen. The blonde realized that everything she did might be because of the fact that she wanted the girl close to her. Why else would she ask her mother for a scholarship? Even before her thoughts caught up to her actions, everything was subconsciously done due to the fact that she held some special feelings for the girl.


Now, should she just say whatever she was feeling? She would surely want to be something more with Tiffany, but at the same time, she couldn’t think of why the girl would approve to going out romantically other than the fact that she owed Jessica. There was this hope in Jessica’s heart that whatever her thoughts were would end up as just mere thoughts, and nothing else. But it was hard to disregard the thought because it was a great possibility.


Maybe if she asked Tiffany out, saying if she didn’t feel the same as the blonde, it would be fine. There would be nothing in collateral - not the scholarship and definitely not their friendship. Just before she could talk, Tiffany then called, “Jessi?” Her eyes were still fixed on the ceiling.


“Yeah?” Jessica looked to her side, looking at Tiffany’s side profile. She had known this girl for months now, but why did it take her so long to realize how beautiful she was? Was it because she disregarded love? Or was it because she wasn’t truly over her past one back then? But that didn’t matter now since she finally realized her feelings for the girl.


“You’re really, really rich, huh?” Tiffany asked; her eyes was still glued to the ceiling.


The blonde was taken aback, not knowing where this was going. “I don’t know what you mean.”


Tiffany sighed. “I mean, I knew from the beginning that you’re an heiress to a billion dollar empire, but then, I didn’t realize the other side of your family’s rich also.”


“And? What’s your point?” The blonde didn’t like where this was going. “Had I been poor, we wouldn’t be here,” she said, hoping this would lift the mood up even just a little.


“Yeah…” Tiffany said no more.


This made the blonde wonder, what was going on in Tiffany’s mind. The girl claimed she could never guess what was in the blonde’s mind, but she was one to talk. It wasn’t like the blonde could easily know what the girl was thinking either.


But who care what the girl was thinking. She had her own thoughts in mind that she needed to sort. At this moment, Jessica just wanted things to be over with. She didn’t want whatever happened with her and Taeyeon to happen with Tiffany; she let Taeyeon slide, and maybe that was a great idea since she found Tiffany along the way. If she asked Tiffany out now, she might be laughed at, accepted, rejected, end up being awkward with each other, but shouldn’t that be a risk she should be taking? Because losing her now would be more painful than not speaking up now. Because not speaking up might mean somebody out there would have the courage to do so, and snatch Tiffany away from her; just like what Yuri did.


There was a lump the built in , but she knew she should fight the nervousness away.  “Fa---”


“Jessi,” Tiffany called yet again after being silent for awhile.


Great. That was just a great way to blue ball Jessica. She was already ready to ask the girl out on a date, but then the girl decided to speak. Just wonderful. “Yeah?”


Tiffany looked to her side, meeting Jessica’s eyes; their faces were just inches apart. She closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath, as though preparing herself for something. “Jessi,” she called once again.




“Would it be a burden to you…” Tiffany paused and took in another deep breath. The blonde just waited; her gaze not leaving Tiffany’s. “if I told you I love you?”



So... what do you guys think? I just hop you liked that. hahaha


I love it. Squeeeeeallll! LOL


Comments? Concerns? Questions?


Thanks for always supporting me. haha


Until next time!


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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good