Chapter Sixteen

Soul Searching (JeTi)





Sica-ah, what are you up to?


WORK. :’(

I have to meet up with an interior designer after this. Dx

How about you?


Oh? You started already? We just got out of school days ago!

And nothing really. I’m bored. Booo!//3


You’re not going to visit your hometown?


I fly out in two weeks and then come back for summer classes.


Oh? Summer classes for you and summer job for me.

We’re really aging. Dx


You’re telling me!

Let’s hang out after your work, yeah?




“Jessica,” the blonde’s father called as he walked by her cubicle.


Putting her phone down on her desk, she then looked at her father, who stood behind her as he fixed his red neck-tie. Like always, her father looked his best, wearing an expensive tailored suite to work. It was only natural since he was the managing director after all. “Yes?” she answered as she smiled at him. “Do you need anything, Dad?”


“I just came by to check on you,” he answered as he pushed his glasses, fixing it. “Did everyone introduced themselves to you?” Her father’s voice was louder, and she was pretty sure most of the employees around heard him. Maybe it was his doting side, but Jessica never really needed much support; she knew most of the people since she spent all her summer vacations here, and she knew what they thought of her – this usually ending up as the, apparently so, brat that she was or sometimes the unoriginal comment of her being the princess of the company. She didn’t care if they welcomed her or not since regardless of what they do, she was here and she would never go away. So to her, it was unneeded for most of them to introduce themselves since she never cared if they wanted to up on her or not; however, it never stopped executives or good-leveled employees to say hello to her. Even today, she met some familiar faces, obviously trying to be on her good side - she was used to this. Plus, she understood them – she was the granddaughter of the Chairman and daughter of the Managing Director of this family owned business. Why else wouldn’t they try to either hate or up to her?


She smiled at her father, trying her best to act normal around him and to look thankful. “They’re very welcoming,” she said. It wasn’t like she lied since some of them were welcoming, some looked at her as though they didn’t want to babysit; that was perfectly understandable.


“That’s very good,” he said as he took a step forward and then grabbed one of Jessica’s paperwork. “Are you in charge of this?” To which the blonde nodded. They gave her the simplest work at the office, and she usually did this on her first day every time. “Well, make sure the receipt numbers you enter in the system are accurate, okay?”


“I never fuc---“ Jessica stopped midsentence; she couldn’t believe she almost used a cuss word in front of her father. “The last time I made a mistake was when I was younger, Dad. I don’t know why you worry,” she said as she beamed a sweet smile at her father, hoping this would do the trick.


He smiled back at his daughter. “Tomorrow, I need you to review our delinquent customers; I need them done the next day, okay? I’m sure you can handle that.”


“Sure, just tell me what to do,” the blonde shrugged since she really didn’t care whatever work was thrown at her.


“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said as he ruffled her hair.

“Dad! You’re messing up my hair!” she whined as she swatted his hand away.


She then grabbed her phone so she could reply to her best friend.



Sure! Where do we meet?




It was a long day at work since she wasn’t used to this yet again. Sure, she seemed like a lot of people were trying to guide her since it seemed like she was a princess trying to play ‘work’ at her father’s office so some probably disliked her for being so privilege, while the rest of the employees treated her like a royal; she didn’t mind whatever others were thinking since it was true. She was her father’s daughter and she couldn’t change that. There was no way in hell would others think she got an internship position simply because she was good, and it was just so happen that she was directly related to the owners of the company. But her lineage was never a factor of her capabilities since she knew from the start that she was an excellent employee; she could do anything that was thrown at her given the right training, and was that because of her blood? No. Of course not. So whatever other people were b!tching about, she didn’t have control over and she never bother giving her two cents on the matter.


“Jessica!” Taeyeon, who sat on one of the couches at lobby, waved her hands as she tried to get the blonde’s attention. The blonde threw a smile at her best friend as she got closer to her.


“Have you been waiting long?” Jessica asked.


The shorter girl shook her head. “Nah. Not really.”


Remembering her appointment with the interior designer, Jessica then said, “It’s really okay if you go with me to my meeting? You won’t get bored?”


Flashing a huge, comforting smile, Taeyeon then said, “No, I really don’t have anything to do. And plus, I really missed spending some quality time with you.”


The blonde simply scoffed a laughed. “We just saw each other last week.”


“I still missed you,” Taeyeon said as they started to head for the parking garage.


During the car ride, Taeyeon looked at her best friend, who was driving. “It’s been so long since it was just the two of us,” she said with a soft smile on her face.

When reaching a stoplight, the blonde looked at her and for whatever reason her smile was contagious. That soft, contented smile on Taeyeon’s face was one of the things she fell in love with, and couldn’t help but reminisce on the time they had together before Yuri was in the picture. The blonde remembered how they both spent all their free time together doing nothing but talk, eat, watch a movie, or sometimes not bothering with anything even; Taeyeon was just there, and that was all that mattered.


Not liking where her feelings and thoughts were heading, Jessica then looked ahead, focusing on the drive. “We’re always so busy, that’s why,” the blonde said. “But bonding is a good thing occasionally,” she finished.


“So I’m just on the ‘I’ll bond with these people occasionally’ list?” Taeyeon joked, laughing. “Since when did this happen?” she continued. The blonde simply laughed along since she couldn’t say that they haven’t really been bonding like they used to ever since Taeyeon got a girlfriend; no, she wouldn’t say it because it would hurt the girl and it would also make it seem like she was pathetic – her ego would never let her admit to that.


“You’re being silly, Taeyeon-ah,” Jessica said.


“I’m always silly,” Taeyeon answered as she giggled. “Anyway, why do you need to see an interior designer? You just got your place done less than a year ago.”


“Oh,” the blonde started as she looked around, concentrating on finding a parking spot. When she found one, she then continued, “My mom wants to redo my guest room, so yeah. She made me come here.” It wasn’t like she needed to disclose that all these efforts were for Tiffany.


“Your mom really likes redecorating, huh?”

The blonde simply snorted a laugh as she recalled how many times her parent’s had their whole house redone since her mother usually gets sick of their decors or wall color. Before being able to say something, her phone started ringing so Jessica asked Taeyeon to grab it for her from her bag, which Taeyeon did.


After reaching for it from Taeyeon, Jessica then greeted, “Hello?” as she placed it next to her ear as she got out of the car.


“Jessi!” Tiffany squealed. “How are you?” she asked in a zealous tone. The blonde could only imagine Tiffany as though she was an excited puppy, who knew it was going to the dog park, waiting on its master as it waggled its tail, and this caused her to laugh hard enough, causing Taeyeon to look at her questioningly.  “Is there something funny?” she heard Tiffany say.


“I just imagined a dog version of you, and I can’t help but laugh.”


“What?! Are you taking drugs, Jessi?”


“Retard, I just think you’re so hyper.”


“I’m just excited that I got to call you since last time I called, you were asleep.” Tiffany explained.


“Yeah, I saw your call the next morning. I didn’t bother calling you back since you might be sleeping, so I didn’t bother,” Jessica explained as she and Taeyeon headed for Missis Im’s office.


“What are you up to?” Tiffany asked.


When Jessica pressed the button for the elevator, she then said, “Walking. I have a meeting that’s why.” She kept it short since she didn’t want Tiffany finding out she and her mother were about to do to her bedroom.


“Look at you being all important,” Tiffany joked. “That’s an office lady’s life for you.”


The blonde simply rolled her eyes and then said, “Shut up. Anyway, I’m here now so I’ll talk to you later, okay?”


“Okay. I just called to see what you’re up to and all that.”


“You just miss me. Admit it,” the blonde playfully said.


“I do. I miss you a lot.” Tiffany said in a soft tone, but suddenly started to giggle. “Don’t make me say embarrassing things! Anyway, keep in touch!”


“Bye,” Jessica said before hanging up. She opened the office door and talked to the receptionist, “I’m here to see Missis Im,” she said, and was then asked for her to check-in on their log, which the blonde did. After that, they were instructed to just wait at to lobby and Missis Im would be with them shortly.


“Was that Tiffany you were talking to?” Taeyeon asked as they waited for Missis Im; she looked Jessica in the eyes, waiting patiently for the answer.


“Oh,” Jessica started but paused when she saw the door open, and someone called them to enter Missis Im’s private office. She really didn’t want to start anything about Tiffany when Taeyeon was around since it seemed like she wasn’t very fond of the girl; however, Taeyeon was the one who grabbed her phone so there was no point in lying now; she might know the answer anyway.“Yeah, that was Tiffany being silly,” she answered as she got up and headed for the door, not wanting to continue on the topic.


“I see,” was all Taeyeon said in a hushed tone and just followed Jessica in.


They were greeted by the famous designer as she got up from her seat and headed for the blonde with arms wide open, “Jessica, honey,” she said as she kissed the blonde’s cheek.


“Hi Auntie Im, how are you?” she said as she placed her cheek onto the woman’s and then the other. “I haven’t seen you since last year.”


“I’ve been busy,” the woman said as she looked at Taeyeon. “Hello,” she greeted as she hugged the girl lightly, and Taeyeon greeted her with a soft smile on her face. “But since your Uncle Im got transferred here in Seoul, I’ve been flying in and out of the country since the rest of the family is still in New York,” she explained and then told Jessica and Taeyeon to take a seat in the tiny living room she had in her office.


They were talking about the possible layouts of the bedroom and it would be up to Jessica on how the layout should go, but she noticed that there was no desk in there, and knowing how much Tiffany studied, it was one of those things that needed to be in there. “Well, we can’t use this design since it wouldn’t have enough space for a desk,” she pointed at the one with a glamorous white couch on there as though it was ready for a pictorial.


“Well, I just designed this based on what your mother told me. It needs to be done in less than three weeks, right?” Missis Im said as she pointed at the designed. “I thought it was something you would like since this is somewhat similar to your room now.”


Jessica just sighed; her mother usually did this. Her mother failed at communication since there was always a third party involved like her secretary. “Did Mom talk to you or one of her assistants did?”


“It was through emails and her assistant usually did all the talking.” Missis Im smiled softly at the blonde since she knew Missis Jung and how busy she really was and sometimes how vague she was.


Sighing once again, Jessica then paused to think on what Tiffany would really need and want in her room. Tiffany was a simple girl who liked shopping so a big closet would be nice, which they already had in that room. She would need a lot of storage space as well. Jessica then looked at the layout of the one she complained about for having a couch in there. Why would there be a couch in Tiffany’s room? What was her mother thinking anyway? It was a college student’s room, not a hotel room. Given, her room was more elaborate than this, but it had the space for it and she had a separate study room. “How much is my mom’s budget anyway?”


“Honestly?” the woman asked and Jessica simply nodded. “The sky.” And this again made the blonde sigh for the umpteenth time. But at least she wouldn’t have to hold back on anything. “Is someone occupying the room?”


The blonde didn’t want to say that Tiffany was going to move in with her in front of Taeyeon since her friends would find out and eventually about it. “Well… yeah…” she said as she looked at the woman after meeting Taeyeon’s for a quick second.


“Tell me about her. What does she do for fun, what does she like, what is her favorite color,” she bombard Jessica with things that might help her with designing the room. “Anything that can help us make her the ideal bedroom, then please.”


“Her favorite color is pink,” Jessica started. “But I wouldn’t want all the walls painted pink. God no.” She paused to think for a second if she could reconsider about the pink walls since she knew Tiffany would love it, but no. She wouldn’t be able to stand that much of it since it would probably give her a headache.


“The walls can be a nice tone of grey and there are silver linings that swirls around, you know?” the woman said as she drew the supposed pattern on a piece of paper.


The blonde nodded and liked the design. Actually, it was way better than pink. They grey would be soft on the eyes and it would also be very calming, so that would also be good whenever Tiffany was studying. “I also think white leather pieces of furniture would fit her best since she’s a girly girl,” she added. At least she was actually thinking about Tiffany because she knew the girl would love these types of furniture.


“That’s doable. We can have her sheets pink and her curtains pink, too, since she likes that color.”


As long as the walls wouldn’t be pink, she was contented with it since she trusted the woman with her home last time and she did an amazing job. She was sure that she would do a great job on Tiffany’s room as well. “To be honest, as long as it isn’t tacky, I would be fine with whatever you do there,” she said. “I’m sure she would love the pink in there. I just don’t want a lot of it. Just enough to not look like Hello Kitty puked in it.”

Missis Im laughed at Jessica’s remark. Remembering Jessica was still a client, she then said, “So you don’t want to add anything? Anything that would make this room special?”


Thinking of possible things to add to Tiffany’s room, the blonde stared blankly at the woman. Stars popped in Jessica’s head. “You know what,” she started and then smiled at the woman since she was excited to explain what came to mind. “Is there a way for you to install LED lights on the ceiling and make it seem like the sky at night?”


The older woman smiled brightly at the blonde and said, “So you want a planetarium theme?”

“In a sense, yes. I just want it on the ceiling but you can’t tell that it’s there, you know what I’m saying? I don’t want the ceiling painted. I just want lights installed so when the lights are turned off, the ceiling lights up and it will look like the sky,” she finished explaining. “I don’t want it to look like a toddler’s room with glow-in-the-dark stars. I want LED ones that glimmers just like the actual stars.”


Missis Im paused for a second to think to herself, imagining the possibilities of the project. She then smiled at the blonde and said, “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll contact some good electricians to install them.”


After finishing discussing things and finalizing color scheme and furniture types, Jessica stood up and shook the woman’s hand. “It’s nice to see you again. I’ll come visit if we’re ever in New York at the same time.” To which the woman told the blonde that she was more than welcome to visit since her daughter was very fond of her.


The duo was walking out of the office when Taeyeon finally said something, “Is the room for Tiffany?” She slowed her pace a little so Jessica needed to do the same. “I mean, she did say you guys were going to live together.”


Looking to her side to see Taeyeon, the blonde then said, “Yeah, why?” She couldn’t deny things now since Tiffany said it before, and it would just make sense to tell the truth since there was no point to hiding it anymore when she already found out.


Taeyeon just gave her a soft smile as she shook her head lightly. “Nothing,” was all she said.






“Jessi,” Tiffany started as the two of them were on Skype while the blonde was on lunch break. “It’s so weird how we’re still always talking even though I’m not there.”


The blonde laughed and said, “Since you’re awfully clingy.” She chewed on her food that her father had ordered for her.


Tiffany just stuck her tongue out and said, “Meanie!”


“I’m not. You are too clingy sometimes,” she said nonchalantly.


“Whatever. Anyway, what are you eating?”


Looking at her food, she then sliced a piece of the steak and lifted the small piece and showed it to Tiffany. “Steak.”


“You brought steak to work?”


The blonde knew that Tiffany was thinking that she was acting like a brat or some stuck up princess, and she would understand why her friend and the rest of the company would think so, but at the same time she wouldn’t be able to turn down her father’s caring gesture. Even if it was a bit peculiar to some people, her father tried to provide everything that was best for her; she was in no position to complain. “My dad got me this,” she explained.


Tiffany nodded as she was looking at something on her screen, so the blonde didn’t mind as she continued to eat.


“Hey Jessi, I’ll be going to Yosemite with my family so I won’t be able to be online for a couple of days, okay?”


“Okay,” the blonde answered as she was finishing her last bite.


“Wow,” Tiffany shook her head. “You don’t even say you’ll miss me?” Not believing what her friend was saying, Jessica snorted a laugh in disbelief. Who on earth would say they missed somebody who wasn’t even there beside them? Hadn’t she said it enough? It was true that she missed the girl, but their constant communication made the days go by so much faster. “What are you laughing at?”


“Nothing,” she answered.


Tiffany then scowled at her. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to say you miss me. Come on, you can say it.”


“You can stay there for one more month, see if I care.”


Gasping, Tiffany then raised her voice, “What!?”


“Idiot.” Jessica then looked at her clock and it was just about time for her to go back to work and check the delinquent list.  “I need to go,” Jessica said.


“Okay. Don’t work too hard, okay?”


“Yeah, yeah.”


“Oh, be online on Sunday since I’ll be back from camping,” Tiffany said, flashing a big smile.


“Okay, I will be.”


“You’re such a liar,” Tiffany rolled her eyes at her.


And Jessica did the same thing. “What? I said I’ll be on.”


“And which Sunday are you going to be on? Mine or yours?”


Realizing the difference in their time zones, Jessica then thought of an excuse as quickly as possible; thankfully, she was able to think on her feet. “Obviously, it’ll be my Sunday, you would’ve said Monday had it been yours, right?”


“Nice save, Jung.”


“It isn’t a save, Hwang.” She winked at her friend. Although, she was lying since she just needed something to say in order for Tiffany to shut up, but it did its job and it was all that mattered. “I’ll be on. I promise.”


“You don’t even know what time,” Tiffany said.


“God! If you tell me the details already we would’ve been done with this conversation a minute ago,” the blonde looked at the camera of her laptop, narrowing her eyes as though she was actually looking at Tiffany.


“I wouldn’t wanna inconvenience you so I’ll say about seven in the evening, your time, yeah?”


“Sure. And quit being awake when I’m on lunch. You always do it and you end up staying up late.”


“I don’t mind. Anyway, go back to work now. Bye!”











Can you go with me to the mall?


I can see why not if I don’t have work.



So tomorrow?


Sure. I’ll pick you up?


Yes please!<3





I wrote this chapter like this since we need the path clearer and all that. :) I hope you guys still liked it even though things really didn't happen here. Hey, I'm doing a good job at updating at least. haha


:D Hope you like it.


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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good