Chapter Fourteen

Soul Searching (JeTi)

WORD COUNT: 4,399 


It's only been like a week since I updated so I think this is good, right? :)


Anyway, here's the update!!! 


Hope you enjoy! <3



“Hey,” Tiffany called Jessica as she stayed in the latter’s living room, sitting on the floor, her laptop was on the coffee table and books scattered everywhere. They figured they should just study at Jessica’s place since it was more convenient – the blonde never liked Tiffany’s loud and obnoxious roommate so she insisted they studied there. The blonde never forgot when Tiffany once invited her over to her room so they could watch a movie - the dorm was closer to their university and they only had two hours of free time. To Jessica, it was the most uncomfortable time she spent at one place for the roommate bombard her with questions and was just too friendly at fault; at least to Jessica it was annoying so she never wanted to be there ever again; she even wonder how Tiffany was able to sleep with that kind of roommate. She even thought of inviting Tiffany to stay at their guest bedroom if her roommate would one day annoy her enough. “Is Taeyeon mad at me?”


The blonde looked at Tiffany with her face contorted. “What do you mean? Why would she?”


Tiffany looked at Jessica and then back at her laptop. She shrugged a little. “She just gives me this weird vibe whenever I’m around. It feels like I’m unwelcomed.”


“Nah,” Jessica said as she went back to reading her textbook, trying her best to memorize complex formulas for their upcoming finals. “I don’t think she is.”


There was a long pause before Tiffany answered her friend with, “If you say so.”


Jessica stopped reading her book and threw Tiffany a curious look with her brow arched. She really didn’t understand what Tiffany was trying to say since even she was awkward around Taeyeon, and maybe the girl was just dodgy around her because they had very minimal conversations now. “What’s that supposed to mean?” She wanted to clarify what the girl meant.


“What I mean is…” she paused as she played with her pen, twirling it around her finger. “I honestly don’t know the girl so if you say you don’t think she’s upset with me, then maybe it’s just me over thinking,” Tiffany elaborated; her eyes were still on her textbook. There wasn’t much time for them to just chat since exams were around the corner.


“I mean, why would she be mad at you? It’s not like you did anything to her. You don’t even talk to her,” Jessica explained. It was true though. Whenever Taeyeon and Tiffany were together, it was always with everybody; in fact, the only times they were ever together – with a smaller group – were when Taeyeon visited Jessica’s suite and when Taeyeon ran into them in front of Tiffany’s class a week ago. “Maybe you just think she’s mad at you, but she’s really not.”


“Maybe. I just feel like she doesn’t like it whenever I’m around.” Tiffany sighed but she stayed silent after that so Jessica didn’t bother to explain further and continued to study as they were supposed to. She simply couldn’t defend Taeyeon when the girl was becoming like a stranger to her.


Not long after, Tiffany sighed again but was ignored by Jessica. There was more to what she was currently doing that paying mind to what Tiffany was sighing about; however, on her sixth sigh, Jessica snapped. “What?!”


“Jessica, what did you like about Taeyeon?”


That question got Jessica thinking and speechless. She never thought of the reason why she loved the girl. Should there be a reason? Shouldn’t it be that she loved the girl and that was that? Also, a question coming from Tiffany was just odd. The talked about how she liked Taeyeon and that she wanted to move on, but not in details; she was unsure on how to answer the girl. “I don’t know to be honest.”


Tiffany looked up and dropped her pencil down on the coffee table. “That’s no good,” she said as she got ahold of Jessica’s gaze. “Shouldn’t there be a reason? At least tell me what you like about her.”




“I don’t know,” she said as she shrugged. “So I’ll understand why it’s hard to let go of her. And why it’s so hard to forget about her. I mean, I really don’t know her. So I want to believe that she’s not a mean person.”


“You think she’s a mean person?” Jessica raised her brow at Tiffany. Why would she think that, Jessica thought. There was no instance whatsoever that Taeyeon was ever mean to anybody, at least to Jessica’s knowledge.


“No, I just think she doesn’t like me,” Tiffany said, “So I want to know why you like her so much, you know? So I can understand from your point of view.”


Jessica sighed as she closed her book and made herself comfortable. She figured this talk would take longer since it was Tiffany after all – the girl loved stories. “Don’t you ever have that one person you can talk to and you know that person won’t judge you?”


“Yeah, like a best friend.”


The blonde rolled her eyes since Tiffany knew Jessica didn’t mean for it to be that way. “That’s the thing though. I judge a lot. I judged everybody around me.”


Tiffany frowned at Jessica. “You shouldn’t do that. This is why people think you’re so uptight and unapproachable.”


“No, this is why I don’t get hurt by a lot of people.” Jessica corrected her. “I judge people all I want. I judge them for their worth,” she paused and then looked Tiffany in the eyes. “It doesn’t mean that by judging them, I already think I’m higher than them. I just think you should know yourself well enough to know your worth. So by judging others, you will know who deserves that worth, no?”


Tiffany shrugged. “I just can’t see myself judging people.”


“And this is why you end up with d0uche bags.” Jessica placed flatly.


“Hey! This is about you liking Taeyeon, not about me liking d0uche bags,” Tiffany said as she threw her pen at Jessica.


“Well, yeah. I like her. Because even when I judged her, I still like her. Even when she showed me everything that she is, I still have these stupid feelings for her.”


“That doesn’t explain anything.” Tiffany rolled her eyes.


“Because I told you, I can’t explain why I like her. She was just there for me. She was my roommate. Who wouldn’t gradually grow to liking their roommate anyway? You see them all the time!” Jessica threw a pillow at her friend.


“Hey! I don’t like my roommate like that,” Tiffany said as she laughed. “There’s just no way.”


“Well that’s a different story though; you’re straight.” Jessica answered.


Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Says who?”


“Says me. I mean, look at you.” Jessica pointed at her friend. “You’re not gay.” Tiffany never talked about any girls or anything so she always pictured the girl straight as an arrow. So there was no point of bringing this up now since they both knew it was the fact.


“Because you assumed I’m straight? Just so you know, I can actually date a girl,” Tiffany said.


Here came the competitive side of Tiffany, and the blonde figured she should just let it go. “Whatever,” Jessica answered. “You just don’t want to lose this argument that’s why you’re saying that.”


“What? You don’t believe I can be with a girl?”


“Nope.” Jessica then opened her book to the page she left off. “It’s just unbelievable that a girl as pretty as you and as straight looking as you can be gay or even bi, okay? It’s just too unbelievable.”


“What? What will you do if I tell you I, too, can date a girl?” Tiffany raised her brow at Jessica, and the blonde didn’t like where it was going. She knew Tiffany would always want to get things her way, so she would argue. That was why they usually ended arguing about the silliest things.


“Nothing. I think you’re kidding and that it’s not funny,” Jessica said.


Grunting, Tiffany then stood up from the floor and sat next to Jessica. “I’ve never dated a girl, that’s a fact. But I’m not one of those close-minded people who just wouldn’t try if they start falling for the same gender.”




“Yeah!” Tiffany exclaimed. “What? You don’t think I won’t fall in love with a girl simply because I’m a girl too?”




“You fell in love with Taeyeon,” Tiffany pointed. “And gender didn’t stop you. What made you think it will stop me?”


The blonde simply shrugged. “Just don’t go falling in love with the wrong person, okay?” She then lifted her textbook atop Tiffany’s head, and then gently hitting her forehead. “I don’t know what I’ll do to them if they hurt you,” she said and finished with a soft smile on her face.


Tiffany smiled at the blonde. “And I wouldn’t know what I’ll do if someone hurts you, actually.”


“You wouldn’t have to,” Jessica said as she stood from the couch. “If someone ever cheated on me, I’ll slap the sh!t out of them.” Tiffany cleared and then raised her brow at her friend. “I’ll slap the crap out of them,” Jessica said once more, now in a suggesting tone, but Tiffany crossed her arms on top of her chest, not satisfied by Jessica’s demeanor. “I’ll slap them. Happy?” In which Tiffany flashed a grin as she nodded. “Idiot,” the blonde muttered as she walked over to her kitchen.






Just before exams would start, Jessica and her friends decided to go out so they would actually have some time to themselves other than studying. They figured that a Saturday night to themselves wouldn’t be so bad since they have been working so hard all week. The blonde wasn’t the one to question things like this since she did like going out – it meant not being alone. Plus, there was no point arguing with Taeyang since he was a party animal. Any excuse to go out, he would grab.


The blonde and Tiffany walked in the bar, where some of her friends were already there.  She saw that they occupied two tables, given they were too big of a party to fit in one that was meant for four people. Taeyeon, Taeyang, and TOP were seated at one, while Sunny was by herself on the other table, making sure it was kept for them and nobody would occupy it. The blonde’s eyes landed at Taeyang and TOP, flirting with each other, whispering to each other and laughing – they were always like this, not even looking their way. And he really expected the blonde to believe there was nothing going on between them? Sure.


“Hi Tiffany!” Sunny stood from her stool and rushed towards where the duo stood, hugging Tiffany tightly. The girl reeked of alcohol already, and they haven’t even started. She must really be stressed out since Sunny wasn’t the type of person to drink a lot. Cocktail drinks were her usual order so Jessica looked at the table where Sunny stood from, only to see four shot glasses already emptied. “I haven’t seen you since last week,” Sunny said.


The blonde simply rolled her eyes at her friend. “You saw each other two days ago.”


“You’re just jealous I’m not hugging you,” Sunny said as she still held Tiffany in an embrace.


The blonde simply cringed her nose, not liking the alcohol smell of her friend’s breath. She figured there was no point in talking to someone who was drunk before everybody got there. She simply looked at Tiffany, wondering if her friend was really fine with being hugged by someone who stunk.


As though reading her mind, Tiffany then said, “It’s fine,” and then flashed a smile, “I’m fine.”


“Hey Jessica,” Taeyang greeted but then went back to talking to TOP. The other guy simply looked at Jessica and smiled, acknowledging the girl’s presence, which she returned the favor.


“Sica!” Jessica knew it was Taeyeon, judging from the voice.  Looking at where her best friend sat, Jessica flashed a smile. “Come sit with me!” she invited with a smile on her face, showing her perfect set of white teeth. “Come on!” Taeyeon bellowed as she patted the top of the stool, telling Jessica to hurry.


“There’s only one vacant stool there,” she answered. She just didn’t understand why Taeyeon would invite her when it was clearly free so that Yuri could sit there. Plus, Tiffany clearly came in with her so it was a given that they would end up sitting together. The blonde looked at Tiffany, trying to see her friend’s reaction. There was a soft smile on Tiffany’s face; however, it just told Jessica more than words could. With that look, Tiffany seemed to have told Jessica ‘I told you so’ and it somehow made sense. Why would Taeyeon invite Jessica alone when Tiffany was there? Maybe her best friend didn’t like Tiffany, but why wouldn’t she? Tiffany has done nothing to Taeyeon for her to be upset with the girl. Was this because of the thing Taeyeon brought up? That Tiffany was her replacement?


The blonde placed her hand on Tiffany’s head, smiling at her friend as though reassuring her and herself that she was never and would never be a replacement. “No,” she said as she looked back at Taeyeon with that soft smile still plastered on her face. “Thanks though. Yuri can sit with you,” she said as she held Tiffany’s arm, which Taeyeon looked at briefly and then back to meeting Jessica’s eyes. “Plus, I can’t leave Tiffany alone.”


“You know you can sit there if you want. You don’t have to babysit me,” Tiffany said in a low tone. To Jessica, it seemed like Tiffany was simply forcing herself to say this. That maybe she didn’t want things with Taeyeon to be much worse. But at the same time, Jessica didn’t care if Taeyeon and Tiffany weren’t going to be the best of friends. There was no point in that; it just meant she would have more time with Tiffany and wouldn’t have to share.


Sunny then hugged Tiffany tighter. “Yeah, she can come and sit with me.”


The blonde cringed her nose at the smell of liquor that reeked from Sunny’s mouth. “Get off Tiffany will you?” She tried to pull Sunny, but the latter’s embrace was too tight so she wasn’t able to do anything. “You stink of alcohol! Stop getting so close to her!”


“She’s not complaining though,” Sunny said as she tightened her grip on the girl.


Grunting, Jessica then said, “She’s just being nice to you.”


Sunny then released Tiffany from the hug, and then patted Jessica’s shoulder. “Honey, she’s being nice to you, too.” Jessica simply narrowed her eyes on her friend, not being able to retaliate. Knowing that Jessica would be end up being a b!tch, Sunny then whined, “But I wanna sit with Tiffany! Please?” She hugged the girl again. She was always clingy when drunk, and since Hyomin wasn’t around, she needed somebody else to cling on to.


Jessica rolled her eyes as she sighed. “Fine. We’ll sit with you.” She then looked at her best friend. “I’m sorry, Taeyeon, I’ll go with Sunny and Tiffany. Save that seat for Yuri,” she finished with a soft smile on her face. Honestly, she was happy that someone was there, keeping her from falling for Taeyeon’s pleads. With this, she was really on the right track to falling out of love. Even though she ended up needing to babysit her cousin’s girlfriend, she didn’t mind since Tiffany was with them.


When they were seated, Jessica called the waitress over, ordering shots for everyone. “Open the tab for me,” she said as she handed her credit card. “Whose tabs are open?” Jessica looked at Taeyang. “Don’t tell me yours is? Last time, you went crazy.”


TOP smiled at Jessica. “I wouldn’t let him do that. He told me that you took care of him… kinda. So I made sure I came today so you wouldn’t be troubled.”


“Oh,” Jessica started. What did Taeyang tell his roommate anyway? The last time they went out, Taeyang ended up with his face flat on the ground. If that was the definition of taking care of someone, then she did an amazing job with her friend. “That’s good then,” she said. That meant she could drink without anything holding her back.


“If you want anything, just add it on my tab,” he offered with a smile on his face. To be honest, Jessica was happy that Taeyang was somewhat, since it wasn’t confirmed, with TOP. He was a genuine guy, and Jessica liked that.


“I just opened mine. Thanks though.” Jessica winked at him. “I do like alcohol, so send them my way, I’ll send some to you, too.”


“Jessi, you shouldn’t drink too much.” Tiffany said as she grabbed the blonde’s hand. “Remember last time we went drinking?”


“It’s fine. We don’t have to drive. The condo’s just two blocks from here,” she said with a smile on her face. She didn’t plan on getting too wasted, but drinking more than five was at least her goal.




“You’re sleeping over, right?” Jessica tried to change the subject. “So why don’t you drink as well. Let loose.”


Tiffany shook her head. “I’ll drink, but I won’t get drunk. One of us needs to be sober enough to make good decisions.”


The blonde then looked at her friend. “Fine. I wouldn’t drink too much.” Which the latter simply smiled in return.


Sunny then looked at Tiffany and then at Jessica. “Funny how you used to be like this with Taeyeon when she still had your leash,” she blabbered and then took another shot. “Tiffany, what did you do to Jessica? She seems more tamed.”


“Shut up!” Jessica said as she threw a peanut at her friend.


“I heard from Hyomin Tiffany even got a scholarship with your help,” Sunny said, obviously intoxicated; Hyomin clearly told her to not discuss it with anybody else. The blonde simply sighed since she figured they would know eventually, and here came the whistleblower.


“Wait, what?!” Taeyang exclaimed. “You did what?!”  Jessica looked behind her and from the corner of her eyes, she could see Taeyeon’s mouth hung open. She didn’t know what to say, but she couldn’t deny it either; she wasn’t going to lie now.


“Yeah, Jessi’s really nice,” Tiffany said as she scratched the back of her head. “She really helped me a lot.”


“So it’s true?” Taeyeon asked in a low tone, almost like a whisper.


Tiffany nodded. “Yeah, it’s true. Her mom’s really nice, too.”


“Wow,” Taeyang said as he turned around, facing Jessica and patting her head. “You are nice when you want to be. I just hope Tiffany doesn’t leave you anytime soon because I like you when you’re like this.”


“Actually,” Tiffany started which caught everyone’s attention.


“What?” Eager to hear more, Jessica looked Tiffany in the eyes. “What do you mean by ‘actually?’”


“Yeah! What do you mean?! You’re not moving, are you?!” Sunny said as she held her cocktail.


Tiffany looked at Jessica, who was scowling. “No, no, no.” She shook her head as she frantically waved her hands in front of her. “I’m just going to America this summer for three weeks.”


Narrowing her eyes at her friend, the blonde then said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”


Cocking her head to the side, Tiffany then answered, “I thought your mom told you. I’ll be in New York for a week, she said. I need it for my scholarship. But I have to visit my family after since they need to sign the papers.”




“Yeah,” Tiffany then frowned at her. “I didn’t know your mom didn’t tell you. And my parents also want to go to New York for even a day to thank your mom.”


“Why can’t you give me a scholarship, too, Jessica?!” Taeyang stood from where he was, and slapped Jessica’s back. “How could you!”


The blonde simply rolled her eyes as she scoffed. “Not with that brain of yours, thank you.”


“You’re so mean!” Taeyang exclaimed as she pulled Jessica from behind, hugging her tightly. The blonde told him to let her go as she slapped his arm a few times, but only caused him to shake the blonde from left to right. “When are you leaving, Tiffany?” he asked, whilst still holding Jessica in an awkward embrace.


“Ugh,” Tiffany started and then took a sip of her Alabama Slammer. “I leave for California next Saturday.”


“That soon? And you didn’t even bother telling me?” Jessica asked with her brow arched. Weird enough, she truly didn’t like that the girl didn’t inform her about her leave. To the blonde, she felt like they were always together and should at least know when the other would be gone for a while. Wouldn’t that be common courtesy?


“You’re in trouble, Tiffany.” Sunny chimed in as she giggled like a lunatic. “Jessica’s really upset right now.” Despite how drunk Sunny was, she still knew her friend.


Taeyang released the blonde from the embrace to have a better view of her. “Yeah, she’s upset,” he verified. He looked at Tiffany and then said, “You’re in trouble. She gives us this look when she’s pissed.”


“I am,” Jessica flatly said. There was no point denying it anyway. She was upset and that was that. There was no going around, lying to her friend that she wasn’t. By expressing this, at least Tiffany knew that Jessica didn’t like what she had done.


“Don’t be too hard on her, Jessica,” Taeyeon said, who was still seated at the same spot behind Top and Taeyang.


The blonde saw Tiffany give a soft smile at Taeyeon, and then looked at her. “Don’t be mad. I really didn’t know your mom didn’t tell you.”


“Yeah. Sure.” Jessica said and took another shot.


Seeing this and noticing Jessica’s cold demeanor, Tiffany suddenly pulled her by the arm and in for a hug. “Don’t be like that, Jessi.”


“Shut up,” Jessica mumbled. “And get off me.” She pushed Tiffany, but wasn’t enough to escape. Seeing this, her friends simply were laughing and helping Tiffany gang up on Jessica. Taeyang joined in the hug while Sunny was throwing nuts at her. Since TOP wasn’t so close to Jessica, he was simply laughing along as he sipped his drink. “I hate you all.”


“You can’t be mean to me,” Tiffany started. “We’ll live together soon,” she finished as she tightened her embrace.


“What?!” They heard a glass knocking over, so they all looked to where Taeyeon was, who was looking at Jessica, not minding the liquor that she spilled on the table. Thankfully, it was only a shot of Jager so it wasn’t too big of a mess.


“Taeyeon, maybe you should wipe that down,” Taeyang said as he pointed at the table. But Taeyeon didn’t budge so TOP grabbed some napkins from the dispenser and placed it on top of the Jager.


“Sica, is it true?”


The blonde just looked at Taeyeon for a few seconds, and when she gained back her senses she shrugged and then said, “If she wants to live with me, then yes. I’d love for her to do so, actually.”


“That sounded like a proposal to me, Jung,” Heechul said with a smile on his face as he and the rest of the party walked towards them.


“Right? I knew it. Jessica and Tiffany will end up together,” Yuri said cheerfully as she walked behind Heechul. She then smiled at her girlfriend, but Taeyeon didn’t respond. She only had her eyes on Jessica, whose back was facing her now.


“Hey, my cousin isn’t that smooth. Stop giving her credit,” Hyomin said as she sat beside her girlfriend, and then kissed her on the lips.


“Shut up,” Jessica glared at her cousin. “And your girlfriend caused something really unnecessary. Which is actually your fault, so you owe me.” She would make sure later on that her cousin paid for spilling the beans.




“Had you not told her about Tiffany, this wouldn’t happen.” She threw a peanut at her cousin. When she saw the waitress walking, she waved her hand, calling the server’s attention. “Can you get us a round of vodka,” she said and then looked at Tiffany. “Do you want anything else? To help for the taste.”


“Pineapple juice for me,” Tiffany said as she fished for her wallet, but before she could take her money out Jessica already told the waitress to put everything on her tab. “Thank you,” she flashed a smile.


“No. I’m still upset with you.” Jessica simply looked at her friend and then back at Hyomin. “We’ll talk later.” She glared.





On their way to Jessica’s condominium, Tiffany was just silent as she didn’t know how to approach the blonde. They had a couple of drinks and were laughing with everyone, but when it was just the two of them, it seemed like it was harder to talk to the blonde.


“Jessi,” she said in a low tone.




“Don’t be mad.”


“I’ll be over this tomorrow.” Which was true. She probably would. That was how things worked with her anyway. She would be upset one day, and would be over it the very next. So she just needed to cool her head off.


She then felt a pair of warm hands hold her arm. “Come on, don’t be like this.”


“I just can’t believe you’re leaving for three weeks and you didn’t even bother telling me.” Jessica continued on walking as she looked at Tiffany, who clung to her. “I don’t mean to be clingy, but normal friends usually inform each other when they’re leaving in a week.”


“You’re going to miss me?” Tiffany had this grin on her face.


Not liking this Cheshire cat smile on Tiffany’s face, Jessica ended up pinching her cheek. “Of course I’ll miss you.” Seeing this silly look on her friend’s face, the blonde laughed. “I’ll miss messing with you.”


“Awwwe,” Tiffany then hugged the blonde. “I’ll call you every day; I promise!”


“You better.”





Hope you liked it. <3 

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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good