Chapter Twelve

Soul Searching (JeTi)



Jessica was out with Hyomin, having lunch with her mother just before she left for New York. Since the blonde didn’t want to be bored while she waited for her mother earlier, she invited her cousin to tag along. She figured might as well suffer together since they were kin. But to defend herself and to make her feel less guilt, Hyomin was going to get a free meal out of this. That was a good deal, she thought. Who didn’t like to come to a place to get free meals? Didn’t they do that at parties anyway? People never really wanted to congratulate the celebrator on their birthday; they were there simply there for the free meals, dessert, and most importantly, the free alcohol. So that was pretty much the same to Jessica.


“When are you coming back, Auntie?” Hyomin asked as she finished chewing her food.


“Probably in a month or two. It will really depend on how busy I am there,” she answered as she sipped on her wine. “But if I can’t, you two should just visit me during the summer.” She swayed her glass in circle as she looked at the whorl it made.


Hyomin’s smile was huge, ecstatic at the fact that she could use her aunt as an excuse to her parents to be allowed to go out of the country without them. “That sounds great! Now I’m excited!”


“Jessica?” Her mother called for her, inquiring if it was something the blonde would want to do.


The blonde nodded. “I’m always with you for at least a week or two during summer. Especially if someone’s with me and you won’t leave me in my suite all alone again, then you have a higher chance of seeing me there,” she finished as she looked at her cousin.


“If my parents allow me, I’ll go with you.” She waved her hand at her cousin, playing it cool. Although, Jessica doubted it. Last year, she said the same thing but ditched her because her family was heading to Paris. So ever since then, she figured her cousin wouldn’t go with her if her family was to go elsewhere she liked better. Although, the blonde didn’t blame her. They had been there for so many times, it wasn’t anything special anymore, and the only reason Hyomin would possibly go with her was to get away from her parents, who constantly nagged her to help with their real estate business. The blonde could never imagine her cousin selling properties, she was the artistic type so the closest thing to that with real estate was architecture, that was the reason why Hyomin majored in that.


More or less, at the very moment,  to Jessica this whole she would go so long she was permitted was complete bullock. She had her hopes high before, and never again would she trust her cousin when it came to this.


“So,” Missus Jung started as she brushed her loose locks to the back of her ear, tucking them neatly. “How’s Tiffany, by the way?” She looked at Jessica. “Is Mister Im done processing her papers? I talked to him yesterday to make sure things were taken cared of.”


Jessica took a sip of her water first as she made eye contact with her cousin, who was clueless. Hyomin stared at her with a very confused look on her face, not following where things were going. She couldn’t blame her cousin since she never told anyone that she was trying to help Tiffany get a scholarship. “I sent the papers to Uncle Im two weeks ago; I hope he speeds the process.” Her mother then nodded as she smiled at her. “You’re sure she’ll get the scholarship, right?”


Her mother then told her that she would do all she could to help Tiffany, but of course it would still be up to Mister Im; however, she winked at Jessica, hinting that everything would be taken cared of for the lifeguard. That was the good thing about Jessica’s parents. Even though they didn’t have time to spend with her since she was young, they made she things were provided for her and more. Much, much more. Missus Jung then called their server over, asking for the cheque so they could all head out since she needed to be at the airport as soon as possible.


“What scholarship are you talking about?” Hyomin looked at Jessica as she sat her water down. “Wait, let me get this straight, okay?” She looked at her aunt and then back at her cousin. “You’re trying to give Tiffany a scholarship?!”


“No,” Jessica flatly answered. In all technicalities, she really wasn’t going to give Tiffany a scholarship, the company would. So she really wasn’t lying to anyone.


“Don’t lie to me,” Hyomin kicked Jessica’s shin under the table, which caused Jessica to glare at her.


“The hell was that for!?” She slammed on the table as she winced in pain.


But before it escalated to anything more, Missus Jung interfered. “Ladies, Ladies, I actually need to go soon. My flight’s departing in two hours,” she said as she looked at the bill, leaving cash in it. “We should go.” she then gave Hyomin a hug, and then told her to study hard and be a good kid, not giving her parents any troubles since the girl was infamous about not obeying her parents when it came to learning the art of selling houses.


“Yes, Auntie.” Hyomin mumbled. “Mom should stop telling people about me. I mean, really, Auntie. She just makes it seem like much worse than it really is,” she countered. Which only garnered a giggled from the older female.


“Bye, Mom,” Jessica said as she gave her a hug as well - longer and much tighter hug. “I’ll visit you during the summer.”


“Okay,” she kissed Jessica’s forehead. She then grabbed both of her cheeks, squeezing them a little, causing Jessica’s lips to pucker. “Maybe you should start the semester in New York next fall. We have really good universities there.”


“I’ll have to transfer my credits there and all. That’s too much hassle.” Jessica sighed. It wasn’t just that, but her life was also established in Korea, where most of her friends were. Sure, she wasn’t just thinking about her friends and not her future. She did plan on going there on the right time. It just wasn’t now. Plus, it was her parents who decided to move back to Korea before, so she couldn’t just up and leave again just because her parents were separated now. “Although, I do plan on taking my Master’s there.”


Missus Jung kissed her forehead again. “Invite Tiffany to New York this summer, and tell her to check out the curriculum at the universities there. I’ll help her get a degree there since she’ll be under the scholarship anyway. We’ll even pay for her trip this summer if you want.”


“I don’t think Tiffany’s gonna like that. She yelled at me when I talked to you and Uncle Im about her scholarship last time,” Jessica rolled her eyes.


Missus Jung laughed heartily, not ever imagining her daughter to act so child-like lately. It was really refreshing to her. “If she can convince you to stay in New York with me, I’m even willing to personally pay for everything for as long as you’re with me. That means I won’t have to fly to Korea and see your father.” Her mom pinched her cheek.

If she was one of Jessica’s friends, she would’ve swatted her hand away. However, she  was the parent, which she couldn’t disrespect. “Mom, that hurts.”


“Just tell her, okay? If not, I’ll personally call her.” She then let go of Jessica. “If she can make you live with me, then everything will be fine.”


“That’s pretty desperate, Mom.”


“Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Missus Jung smiled. “Anyway, I’m really going now. I have the driver waiting for me outside. I’ll see you soon, kids.”


They all walked out together, and then Missus Jung head to the limousine, while Hyomin and Jessica waited at the valet pick-up for her car. “I honestly don’t understand how Auntie knows about Tiffany, and what is she talking about financially helping Tiffany if you both move in with her in New York?!” Hyomin bellowed. “Why aren’t you telling me crap?! I thought we’re closer than this, Cous!”


Jessica looked at her, face distorted. Her cousin was annoying her with all her blabbering. “What the ? You’re cluttering my brain with too many questions, you know?”


“How did Auntie know about Tiffany? She doesn’t even know half of your friends, and she already knows about your newest friend?”


Jessica saw her car pulling up, so she began walking to the driver’s side. As soon as it stopped, the valet attendant opened the door, holding it for the blonde. She then handed him a tip, and quickly got in. She really didn’t want to explain things to her cousin since she would end up telling Sunny about it, then Sunny would tell everybody. That would just give them all the reason to annoy Jessica and about Tiffany. They already did, and this would just be a cherry on top.


“Don’t ignore me, Cous,” Hyomin said as she got in the passenger’s seat, and then buckling up.


Jessica sighed. She figured she couldn’t avoid her cousin since they were in the same car. Even if she left her there, Hyomin knew where she lived. Plus, that would just add fuel to the fire, causing them to think there was more to it than it really was. “They met during the pageant. Remember the first time I introduced her to you guy? Yeah. She met my parents then.”


“Oh, and meeting your parents automatically meant getting a scholarship, right. I forgot that part,” Hyomin sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes and crossing her arms in the process.




Hyomin sighed. “I forgot that part because that part never existed.” She then looked at Jessica, scowling. “Are you sleeping with her or do you plan on sleeping with this chick?”

“What?! What the is wrong with you!?” Jessica exclaimed as she looked at her cousin, then quickly shifted her gaze on the road. “Did you hit head or something? I mean I can totally hit it right back up for you, if you need me to.”


“No, I’m serious.” Hyomin held Jessica’s gaze with hers. There was no hints or indications that she meant for any of this to be funny. “Why is this girl so special? I mean, this is really out of character of you. You even had an argument the other day, and you even sulked for crying out loud!”


So Jessica sighed as she rolled her eyes. “I’m just really happy when I’m with her, okay?” She then turned the steering wheel, heading to Hyomin’s neighborhood. “I mean, with her there, I forget about Taeyeon. And to be honest, I’m sick of thinking about someone who plays with my heart and mind.” Sure, Taeyeon was taken and it was Jessica’s fault for falling in love with her - or at least still loving her - but at the same time Taeyeon still played with Jessica even if she was unaware of it. But couldn’t she be more clueless? They weren’t kids anymore, so obviously she somehow got some hint, right? But if she did, why would she play with Jessica’s heart? This was one thing the blonde couldn’t figure out. Was Taeyeon aware of her feelings or not? Because if she was, that was a bit cruel of her; however, if she didn’t know she should take some hints and figure things out. Or at least read the picture, enough to realize she needed to keep some distance so the blonde could move on. Jessica tried her best to stay away from Taeyeon, but the moment the latter came, Jessica couldn’t help but welcome her with open arms. It was hard; she played the pauper who would take whatever Taeyeon gave her way. Beggars couldn’t be choosers, right?


Hyomin sighed, too, and looked out the window; her chin was rested on her palm. “Taeyeon is a bit iffy, I’m telling you.”


“You don’t have to tell me. I know,” the blonde said as she recalled those times when Taeyeon clung to her like a leech whenever they were together, but would completely be different whenever there were people around them. The blonde never hid things from Hyomin about Taeyeon since she wanted someone to confide to. And even her cousin shared the same sentiments.


“You know what, Cous,” Hyomin started as she gathered her things since they were about to pull up to her house, where she left her car. “I really like Tiffany for you.”


“You’re ing stupid, you know that? She’s my friend!”


Hyomin shrugged. “Taeyeon’s your best friend and you’re in love with her. And I’m hoping that I could say this in the past tense soon.”


Jessica opened , but wasn’t able to say anything so she decided to close it. Her cousin left her very little to nothing to argue with. She did fall for her best friend so what assured her to not falling for her friend? “Tiffany’s different. Plus, she’s straight.” Saying that Tiffany wasn’t interested in girls would make her cousin shut up. At least, it usually worked before.


Hyomin rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say that you’ll really be together, but I’m say I like her for you. Even if it means keeping her as a friend. She seems to bring the best of you,” Hyomin said as she placed her hand on her cousin’s shoulder. “I’ll keep her around and never fight with her again if I were you,” she finished with a giggle.


“Whatever. She’s my friend, so duh.”


“Uh-huh,” Hyomin mumbled. “Just don’t close doors, okay? I just don’t want you to be hung up on someone that doesn’t even appreciate your worth.” She smiled softly.


Jessica frowned, being reminded of her unrequited love. “You’re right. I’m actually getting over her, so baby steps, yeah?” She then smiled at her cousin. “I don’t think of her much lately.”


“Good. I’ll see you at school tomorrow, okay?” Hyomin then closed the door after Jessica nodded.


After dropping off Hyomin, Jessica then headed to the hotel, where the lifeguard worked. They agreed to meeting up just after the blonde had lunch with her mother. Pressing buttons on the screen of her car, it then dialed Tiffany’s number.




“Hey, I’m almost there,” Jessica said.


“Oh, okay. Just wait for me out front and I’ll be there,” Tiffany said before hanging up.


Not long after, Jessica pulled up at the main entrance of the hotel, where Tiffany stood. She was still wearing her lifeguard uniform, and she waved at the blonde happily. When Jessica parked in front of her, she then jumped in the car and called, “Jessi!” ecstatically. Grabbing Jessica by the neck -  in for a hug. “I got the scholarship! I got the call today!”


Jessica then awkwardly patted her friend’s back, uncomfortably at that. “You know, just a couple more seconds, I might die,” she joked.


“I’m not even hugging you that tight,” Tiffany said as she tighten her embrace.


“Now you are!”


The lifeguard then laughed. “Thanks, Jessi! I can’t believe this! I got a call from Mister Im and told me he’ll have some paperworks that I need my parents to sign for me.” Tiffany then squealed. “Eeeek! Oh my God, I can’t believe this! I mean, can you?!”


“Yeah, I can.” Jessica smiles at her friend, and then continued driving. “You’re you after all.”


“Here comes sly-Jessica.”


The blonde rolled her eyes. “Shut up.”


“You don’t know how indebt I am to you,” Tiffany said as she looked at her phone, re-reading the email Mister Im sent to her after the call.


“You don’t owe me anything, okay?” the blonde said and then continued. “I don’t know what you wanna watch so I just got four different movies.”


“I’m not that picky as long as they’re not scary.”


Jessica raised her brow at her friend as she looked at her. “A horror movie?! Are you ing kidding me?! Who in the right mind will pay to be scared?!”


“A lot of people,” Tiffany said.


“There are lot of stupid people.” Jessica sighed.


Just like their usual cycle, they both headed somewhere to hang out. It was weird that for the blonde to be hanging out with someone other than her peers, but Tiffany was another welcomed guest, so she didn’t mind the fact that they met up every day to have a meal or two together. If she didn’t hang out with Tiffany, Jessica thought she might end up thinking of her ex, and at the same time went for the blonde. Without Tiffany, she would end up wallowing in her own self-pity. So she figured might as well mend their hearts with each other’s presence, and so far it was helping.


It was just that she prayed to whoever was listening that this kept on going.

I hope you guys liked the update! :)
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Chapter 31: Hei thornim... Can u continue this story.... Please???
Chapter 17: Actually I'm glad that Taeyeon has the same feelings towards Sica... but the way she's been doing all this time is wrong, and Sica doesn't deserve to be treated like that... so it's better for Sica to move on.
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 31: Ahhh it's been 5 years and i'm still here reread this story... Hope for some miracle that u gonna back... :)
Chapter 22: I'm back again hehe. Love this story still!
Jeti48 #5
Here i am for the 9th time reread this story just because i miss jeti and ur story...
Sweet jeti is my weakness...
Is there even any magic that would make up finish this story?? Have a nice day authornim...
Chapter 31: I think I came back here every year to reread this 🤓
Chapter 31: Rereading 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 27: I'm back her reading this. Such an amazing story and plot. Wish this was still continuing. Will anticipate your return :)
otnine0922 #9
Chapter 31: Please comeback author ssi, I miss this story
Hello my favorite author. I hope youre doing good