
12 Hearts for 1 Soul


It's been a week since you were given the "Flour Baby" project and fortunately, it was the last day you had to "take care" of it since tomorrow was the day you had to give it back. You had started to get used to the boys' presence little by little and actually began to think they were quite funny and kind...well, they were okay. 
You had not had too much problems with the floor baby neither, except the time you had to save it from being used as a pillow by Tao and the other time Chen almost sat on it. 
"Last day..." You thought, relieved " Tomorrow I'll stop worrying about it." Indeed you always took homeworks, exams and school stuff too seriously, which made you become twice more stressed as usual. 
When dinner time came, you were surprised to see all the dishes already on the table. 
EXO and you sat, eyes shining. 
"Who made all this??" You asked, almost drooling over the food. 
Lay appeared with your apron around his waist. 
"I did it. I hope you don't mind?" He told while taking the apron off. 
"If I mind?? Of course not! It looks delicious! But...when?" 
"When you were in your room doing your homeworks. I thought you already had lots of work so .." 
The other EXO members whistled and began to wiggle their brows suggestively. 
"Woooo Lay Hyung, you're so caring and nice~" Baekhyun cooed, placing his head on the palms of his hands. 
Lay blushed and slapped his arm " I-I just wanted to be nice!!" 
You didn't understood Baekhyun's nor EXO's jokes and just laughed along. 
"Thank you Lay~shi, I really appreciate it. " you said gladly. 
Lay softened and smiled at you. "You're welcome. Oh, and you don't have to be so formal you know, just call me Lay. " 
"Yeah, Sun, stop being formal with all of us. It's been a whole week you've been calling us formally." Chanyeol added. 
" You even can call us Oppa!"  Chen exclaimed. 
You reddened and quickly waved your hands " Errr...I think just your names will be okay, Chen~sh-"
"Ahem! What did you say?" He cut you narrowing his eyes. 
"I mean...Chen." You corrected. 
"Hm, better. " he smiled. All of EXO agreed although they were slightly disappointed by the fact you didn't want to call them Oppa. Well, at least you weren't formal anymore so it was okay. 
"So...Enjoy your meal!" you told cheerfully while taking your chopsticks. 
Everyone cheered and began to eat as well. 
"Hmmm~ Lay, it's awesome, you're the best!" You happily said with two thumbs up. Indeed, it was delicious. 
"I can cook too!" D.O suddenly exclaimed.
"D.O, stop being an attention ! Whe know you can cook but don't be jealous and let this time to Lay." Xiumin jokingly scolded him, rolling his eyes. 
"I'm not!" He protested. 
"I support D.O Hyung! He's the best at cooking too. " Kai told while tapping on his shoulder. 
"Aww thanks for supporting me, Kai." D.O answered proudly. 
"You're welcome. So since I'm so nice can you cook me pancakes tomorrow?" 
D.O's jaw dropped, disappointed by his dongsaeng fake support.  
"You just helped me so I would cook for you, didn't you?" 
Kai blinked innocently and went back to his food. 
You laughed at their silliness. *Babo and double-babo* you thought. 
"Can we eat in peace or is it asking too much??" Kris suddenly said. D.O was about to retort but he decided to stop at Kris' comment. Even you who were usuall stubborn wouldn't have dared to continue. He could really be scarry behind those cool and charismatic look of his. 
You were even more amazed by Lay's cooking talents when the dessert came. 
"Oooh a banane cake!!" You happily said. The cakes was perfectly round, cutely decorated with nuts and smelled lovely. 
"I love fruit cake, they're my favorite. " you added. Lay seemed positively surprised. "Really? I'll cook more of them in the future if you want then. " he kindly offered. You smiled happily and the others faked to gag at his too-much-cheesiness-for-them-to-handle but you didn't noticed and Lay just laughed at them. He knew they were joking and they knew it was Lay's nature to be so kind and sweet. He was also very polite and well-mannered and they always told him he was a gentleman and called him "Charming Prince". 
"Charming Prince in the place, everyone~" Kai sung. You giggled at the surname and thought it actually fit him perfectly. 
As you were about to take a bite, a question popped in your mind. 
"But..where did you find the floor? I wanted to make small
breads this morning but I couldn't find any." You asked, a bit surprised. 
"Really? You mustn't have looked good enough because I found a big package on the table though. "
Your eyes widened in panick and your jaw dropped. 
"Lay..." You tried to keep your voice tone as calm as possible "Could you show me this package?" 
He seemed taken aback by your question and even more by your stiffness but did as you asked and got up to to open the kitchen drawer. The EXO boys were watchng him as well, some understanding the situation while the others were as surprised as Lay. 
When he took the package he was reffering to out, 11 other jaws dropped as they recognized what it was. 
"Lay Hyung..." Sehun whispered. 
All the eyes were going back and forth from the flour ,that now had a long cut in it,  to Lay. And Lay, at this moment, looked like a little lost boy, not knowing what was happening but knowing it was something bad. 
Xiumin slapped his face as well as Kris and Suho tried hard to keep his smile. 
"Errr...Lay, do you know what it is?" He asked him, hesitantly throwing glances at you who had frozen. 
"What?" He still didn't understand. 
You suddenly (and finally) exploded "OH MY GOD LAY IT'S THE FLOUR BABY YOU USED!!!"
He jumped at your shout with wide eyes. He then looked at it again and finally his eyes grew wide in recognition. "Oops..." He muttered with a blank face. 
"OOPS?? Hell yeah oops! How could you not recognize it?? It's too big to be a normal floor package!" You shouted at him; your voice wasn't angry but rather annoyed and desperate.
"Errr... I forgot." He said, awkwardly smiling and scratching his neck. 
Forgot. The oblivion. Indeed, it was one of the biggest flaw of this nice "Prince Charming". He always forgot and lost things, so much it was actually weird some times. There was that time he forgot where he parked the car and EXO had to search half the town to find it, this other time he forgot Sehun was on the balcony and left him freeze for hours and also the time he forgot he was in pajamas and went like that to his dance exam. There are many others moment but it would take several months to tell it all. 
"Forgot??" You asked in disblief "b-but-"
"Don't be angry, MinSun~ah" Suho cut you, patting your choulder "our Lay is naturally forgetfull, he forgets things all the time, it's not new. He just can't help it. " he explained. 
"It's right, Sun, it's a miracle he doesn't forget our names" Chanyeol joked. 
You softened and sighed. 
"I'm not angry, it's just that it was a homework. What are we going to do now? The teacher will surely give us a F for sure..." You whined, lowering your head and walking to your room like a zombie. 
"Well...I think she lost her appetite" Chen stated. 
" It's understandable, Lay Hyung habe disemboweled our baby XiuHan" Kai pouted. 
Lay flicked his own forehead and whined 
"Aissh, why am I so forgetful..." He kneeles down and burried his head in his arms. Lu Han laughed and went to put an arm around his shoulders. 
" Don't worry, Lay, she's not angry. Just go apologize and it'll be okay. " 
Lay nodded and got up before walking out the kitchen. 
"You think she'll come back?" Kris asked when he was gone. 
"Of course!" Tao nodded " She's so nice, she doesn't look like the type to be angry for those things or to hold grudges". Everyone agreed. 
"Too bad for you, XiuHan, you didn't live long enough to becom a handsome guy like me" Xiumin joked, holding the floor baby. Everyone laughed and sat back at their places. 
Knock Knock 
"Err..MinSun?" Lay hesitantly called. He heard footsteps and quickly the door opened. You still looked upset but your zombie face had disappeared. 
Lay scratched his neck in and lowered his head in discomfort. 
"I wanted to apologize for the floor baby. I know I'm too forgetfull and I'll try to be more aware the next don't be mad at me? " you smiled and shook your head. He seemed so sincere and kind. Not forgiving him would be impossible, really. 
"No, it's okay. As I said earlier, I'm not mad, I was just surprised and I didn't control my reactions. And for the floor baby, we'll find something to explain to the teacher, it's all right. " 
Lay lighted up and sighed, relieved. 
"I'm happy then. " He said smiling. Strangely, when he smiled, his whole self shined. You didn't really know how to explain it but he was happy, a lovely and positive aura emanated from him. You "Will you come back down now then?" He proposed. You snapped out of your thoughts and quicly nodded. 
"Of course, I was going to go down when you came by the way, I just wanted to refresh myself." You explained while showing him the towel in your hands. You wanted to cool down a bit not to show them an annoyed weird zombie face "Furthermore, I couldn't go to sleep without having tasted your beautiful banana cake!!" You added, clapping your hands enthusiastically and rushing downstairs. He laughed at your cute actions and followed after you. 
"Tsk tsk, I hope you'll be late and get detention you bunch of Babos." You muttered while pouting. You were walking to the school alone and were quite upset. Without you knowing, Kai and Sehun had sneaked in your room and changed the time so you had woken up 30 minutes later than usual. You had drummed on their doors like crazy to tell them to rush but even then, they just had just told you it was still too early and that you could sleep a bit more. So you had decided to go alone, fuming and cursing them under your breath. Indeed, when you noticed the time, you thought you were going to die of panick. Being late? You? No way! It was some of the things you really hated. 
Fortunately, you still arrived 10 minutes earlier since you had walked as if someone was chasing you. 
And unfortunately for your devilish wishes, Sehun and Kai arrived right on time. And Kai didn't let the occasion to prove you were wrong because you understood the smirk he had when he entered the class was for you. They sat at their places and when Sehun discretly turned back to you and did a peace sign, you kicked his chair and stuck out your tongue. "Meeerong~". He laughed at you and rolled his eyes. 
The morning went rather well. Although they were still little whispers about you when you walked with Kai and Sehun, it was better than last week. Better in that the stares were less powerful and you felt less like a criminal. Of course, you had not expected they would leave you alone since, and you reminded it to yourself for the nth time, Kai and Sehun were incredibly good lookings, and you... Just didn't really belong with them. Well, that was mostly what you thought. 
Oh, and another sign of almost-peacefullness, Eunmi had not try to stare-kill you yet. What a handsome day!
Furthermore, Teacher Lee had decided not to grade your Baby Floor Project thanks to Kai and Sehun who had managed to make him believe it was your cat who damaged it. And since they saved you for this one, you decided to forget what they did this morning. 
Right at the moment you began to thought it was an actually nice day, your joyfull thoughts were broken by Mrs. Kang, the PE teacher. 
"Since it's a so warm period, the school has decided to change the normal indoors sport games to a new one. For a month, we'll have swimming instead!" 
Everyone had cheered happily over this new. Indeed, it was very hot and why sweat like mad in the gym hall when you can exercise, have fun and not to die because of the heat. You wouldn't have been bothered neither if there wasn't a little problem.
You didn't know how to swim. 
Sorry, small chapter ( did on my phone xD) next one will be longer, better ( faster, stronger~). Hope You'll enjoy though ;)
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kayepop #1
Chapter 8: pls update it soon~
Snooring #2
Chapter 5: waahh! keep updating please! ^^
Chapter 4: Awe so cute^^
Chapter 3: Hahahaha, Cutie Yeollie<3 Can I just cuddle with you and your cute self?
Chapter 2: wow nice chapters^^ Keep up the good work!~
Chapter 1: This looks really good! Can't wait for the next update!
Hello I was wondering if the plot has a love intrest or not?