


Thank you lovely subscribers for not giving up on me. I truly appreciate it. Now, the story begins...



Chanyeol's POV


As I close the door to the apartment, the familiar scent lingers around me as I walk into the living room. Scenes before the incidents haunts me and run a rushing playback in my mind as I sink into Baekhyunnie's favourite sofa bed. It was the first thing he bought when we first bought the apartment. A few things gone taken by the police for investigation felt like it was stolen. stolen from it's original place.

The note was gone. Our clothes that was scattered on the floor? Gone. The ashtray? Gone. But what's stolen from me, what's first on the list, is Byun Baekhyun. My Baekhyunnie is gone. And there's not even a single sign of him returning back to me. To this place. I glance towards the wall clock.

'2359 hours. The exact time you left the house, Chanyeol.' My soul whispered. Just as I was about to lose my self-concious, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I gave a quick glance at the caller ID before swiping 'recieve'.

"Yoboseyo?" I answer.

"Park Chanyeol. Where are you?" Manager hyung panics at the other end.

"Apartment. Wae?" I reply casually, playing with my handphone strap.

"Are you spending the night there? Have you eaten your medicine? Go and eat something and take your medicine. NOW." He nags.

"Yes I am. Not yet. Arasso. Yes I will. Ne, hyung, I will." I sigh, not giving full attention to the important things he said.

"Call me if there's a problem." He said.

"Ne. Kamsahamnida." I thank him before ending the line.

I make my way to the kitchen and the lights brightens up automatically, acting like spotlights to the polaroid pictures of me and Baekhyunnie that I pated on a wooden board. My fingers slide through the pictures, missing him badly. I shook my head and walk towards the kitchen counter and have a few bites of bread. I zip open my medicine pouch and realized that my medicine supplies was left with one pathetic antibiotic pill.

"." I muttered under my breath as I fumble for my phone in my pocket and dialled manager hyung's number.

"Chanyeol?" He answered at the second ring.

"Hyung.. My medicine. It's finished. Where can I get the supply at this time?" I ask him, my voice trailing off.

"I knew it! You have to go to the hospital.. I've checked with Dr. Lee.. He should be on his night shift.. Hang on I'll come to you.. No.. No wait I have to contact Dr. Lee... KIM JONGIN WILL YOU KEEP IT DOWN?!?! I'm talking to Chanyeol!" He panics at the other end.

"Hyung! Hyung! Chill. It's okay. I can go myself. To the hospital right? Can you call Dr. Lee and tell him I'll be there?" I chuckled softly. Kai must be on his strike again, with Sehun.

"are you sure? Arasso. Be careful, Chanyeol." He warns.

"Ne." I end the line.

I grab my car keys and exited and locks the place where memories of me and Baekhyun had died,

only with hopes to find him and bring it back to live.






Jaehwa's POV


It's midnight. I'm in Baekhyun's cozy embrace, and I'm enjoying every minute when suddenly my back had to itc like hell. I shifted slowly but I woke him up instead. I met his gaze and he hugs me tighter, our bodies suddenly shivering due to the weather. It feels good to be with him. And his voice.. His angelic voice soothes me when he sang me to sleep 2 hours ago.

"Jaehwa..?" He whispers.

"Ne..?" I whispered  back.

"You have nice, chocolate eyes." He said, looking at me.

"I do? You can see them? In the dark?" I ask stupidly.

"Silly. There's the bedside lamp right." He chuckles softly.

We were enjoying our moments of silence when my phone just HAD TO spoil the mood and breaks all calmness. Baekhyun immediately let me go. I grunt before rolling over to the table and answering my phone.

"yobseyo? Ne, Kwang Dae ahjussi. waeyo?" I acknowledge the caller.

"Jaehwa! You have to help me. Hea Jung Ahjumma is sick. Her prescriptions are finished. Can you get them for me?" Ahjussi said, calmly.

"Mwo?! Arasso! We will be on our way!" I end the line and jump out of the bed, grabbing my jeans. Baekhyun follows me from behind.

I rush around the room grabbing everything I need and bell the driver for him to send us back to the village. I rumage through my drawers and oak tree cupboard but then suddenly I felt a calm hand grabbing my shoulder. I turned.

"Jaehwa. What's wrong?" Baekhyun ask, looking at me.

"It's Hea jung Ahjumma. She is sick and we need to get her medication. I'm sorry. We had to leave when it's your first night here. I-" I wanted to explain but he cuts me off.

"it's okay. Gwenchanayo? You need any help?" He ask, both hand now on my shoulders.

"I.. I.." I stammered.

"You are not alone. I'm here with you. You have done so much for me. And don't worry like that." He said, smiling. I hug him, not being able to resist him.

"Thank you." I cried, feeling guilty at the same time. If he knew I'm hiding his identity away from him, he will leave me. The thought of him leaving me just scares the hell out of me.

"Let's go. We have to go to the hospital first right?" He push me away softly.

"Ne." I said as I turn and zip up my back.

"Let's go." He said, and I put my arms around him.

"Kkaja." I said.

And with that, we left the room where me and Baekhyun spent our night, together.






Chanyeol's POV


After closing the door to Dr. Lee's office, I scan through my prescriptions and make my way to the pharmacy. The pharmacy here is ridiculously open at night. Don't the pharmacist sleep or something? On second thought, of course they don't. they have to entertain people like me. I reach basement and enter the pharmacy, joining an old man, a couple and two guys sitting next to each other. I sat behind the taller guy, listening to my ipod. I lowered down the volume on my ipod when a number flashed.

"Han Jaehwa, 1346." A pharmacist called.

The duo stand when their number is being called, and when the taller guy turn he gave a loud gasp, his chocolate brown eyes open wide looking at me. The shorter guy wanted to turn but Chocolate eyes guy's arm held him still. i couldn't make out his voice as I'm listening to my ipod, but I smile at the taller guy. Probably some guy fan.

"Park Chanyeol, 1348." A pharmacist called out my name.

I stand up and the two guys passed by me. I turn towards their direction, watching them leave, their backs at me. The shorter guy looks familiar, and I was about to call out to him when suddenly Kai's words from the cafe stopped me.

"I know how you feel hyung. But please, keep your thoughts to yourself."

My hand dropped to my side, the duo getting further and further away. 

'Chanyeol, you have to get a grip of yourself.' I tell myself.

"PARK CHANYEOL, 1348." The pharmacist called out again,

And I turn the opposite way from the two guys.









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an update this week! do wait, and sorry for the late updates. :(


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u made a sequel but to left it hung. what a joke
chubbymorie #2
Chapter 18: . i hate how you leave us hanging and now you make us mooore frustrated with your comeback..
Im so happy you update again.. Welcome back!
chubbymorie #3
Chapter 17: ohmygod!!
Baekhyun NO!!!
This is so painful..
My poor chanie.
Chapter 16: But why *whines for eternity* :((( fine... I jut need to wait for them to do it and not do it in Chanyeol's thoughts only.
chubbymorie #5
Chapter 15: pajamas go to hell!!
Be ready for s0me smexy time
Byun Baekhyun~
Chapter 15: I say no to pyjamas!! Bring on the y time hehehe :D
Chapter 15:
Chapter 15: !! definitely~~ channie got bakkie back~~ *dancing in the dark*
Chapter 15: double update i lovin it
Chapter 13: update please please please please please~~~~~