


Han JaeHwa's POV


I  stared at the person lying in front of me, sleeping beautifully. I've been taking care of him for a month already, and some how or rather, I feel old. I feel so close to him. Like I'm inclined to him. It's like I'm falling for him. Snapping out of a trance, he moved.

"Hey.." I called out. I smile widely, showing my pearlie white teeth.

"Hi.." he mumbled looking at me., giving me a weak smile.

"Ummm... here's your ID card I found in the tux you were wearing.It's the only thing I found in your pocket that identify you, with a wad of cash, ummm obviously wet." I said, putting all the things I found onto his hand. he nodded and mouthed thanks.

"Byun Baekhyun..." He read out. I nodded, looking hopefully.

"Can you remember anything yet?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I can't. I can't remember anything." He frowned.

"It's okay. Take your time." I said, smiling. He stared at me for a while before giving me a cute smile. 

"Jaehwa, na baegopayo," he pouts. I laughed out a hearty laugh.

"Aigoo.. I'll bring food for you," I chuckled, getting on my feet.

"Ani, I want to get up and eat. will you help me?" The latter asked, holding out a both hands.

"Aigoo.. Wae? You're still sick" I frowned, folding my arms, shaking my head.

"Please Jaehwa-ah.." he begged, pouting on his lips.

"Hey! That's informal! Haha okayy okayy.." I chuckled pulling him up.

Byun Baekhyun got up and arrange his steps neatly and slowly as we make our way to the door, when I lost my balance and fall on top of him. I landed right on top him, our faces inches away, his eyes wide open. My heart beats like a horse running in a race as I stared  into his eyes, as though the time froze for us.

" Yah Han Jaehwa! Gwenchana?!" He asked, frowning.

"Ah ne.. I-I-I lost my balance.." I stuttered, avoiding eye contact.

"If you're okay... Then.. can you get up? You're heavy." He whined.

"Uh oh.. Mianhae!" I scurried getting on my feet. I then pull him up and gave him a smile. "Really sorry about that."

Baekhyun just shrug it off.

"Han Jaehwaaa~ Baegopayo~!" he then screams.

"Oh oh! Right!" Istutter. i quickly turn around and was face to face with the wall. "OUCH!"

I heard laughter and see Baekhyun trying not to laugh. I cross my arm and look at him.

"You know, you remind me of someone.. But I don't know. Maybe it"s just my imagination" Baekhyun said.

"Come on Jaehwa. How many times must I tell you I'm hungry?" And with that, he took my hands. His hands are warm and gentle making me light-headed.

Is this what they call Love?

What is Love?








A tune is stuck in my head, ever since I woke up from the coma. Particularly when Han JaeHwa is around. I don't know, but he just reminds me of somebody. His wide smiles, his deep baritone voice. I stared at Jaehwa whom is now cooking ramen, since Kwang Dae ahjussi left nothing for him. I pouts as I waited for him to put the food infront of me, but he is just too slow. So I got up and crept up behind him and held his arm. I felt his body stifenned but then he relaxed.

"Why are you so slooow~?" I whined again. This time round he place his arms around me, him being the taller one.

"Hang on, will you? I'm making it easier for you to chew." Jaehwa chuckled as he ruffle my hair.

"Ppaliwa, ppaliwa, Jaehwa! Hey it rhymes!" I laughed, Jaehwa pinched my cheeks.

"Aigoo! You can't keep still! You should have stayed in bed!" He nagged.

"Aigoo. You sound like Kwang Dae  Ahjussi. Han JaeHwa, why are you so stupid?! " I immitates Kwang Dae ahjussi.

"Oh no. If he hears you right now..." Jaehwa shook his head, wagging his fingers infront of me.

"Then he will kick me out of this house." I said jokingly. Jaehwa who was pouring ramen in the bowl stopped abruptly and looked at me, frowning.

"Don't say that. If he does that I will take you in." He said, all serious. I kept quiet, regretting for saying that.

"JaeHwa.. Mianhae..." I said, looking down.

"Gwenchana. Now sit down and eat. I don't want you to fall sick." Jaehwa shrugged, the pull me into a sit.

"Kumawo, Han JaeHwa!" I grinned and indulge in the ramen.

Sigh. At least JaeHwa has a name. I shall call myself Baekhyun. I grinned to myself. Then I hummed a tune.

What is this tune stuck in my head?















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an update this week! do wait, and sorry for the late updates. :(


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u made a sequel but to left it hung. what a joke
chubbymorie #2
Chapter 18: . i hate how you leave us hanging and now you make us mooore frustrated with your comeback..
Im so happy you update again.. Welcome back!
chubbymorie #3
Chapter 17: ohmygod!!
Baekhyun NO!!!
This is so painful..
My poor chanie.
Chapter 16: But why *whines for eternity* :((( fine... I jut need to wait for them to do it and not do it in Chanyeol's thoughts only.
chubbymorie #5
Chapter 15: pajamas go to hell!!
Be ready for s0me smexy time
Byun Baekhyun~
Chapter 15: I say no to pyjamas!! Bring on the y time hehehe :D
Chapter 15:
Chapter 15: !! definitely~~ channie got bakkie back~~ *dancing in the dark*
Chapter 15: double update i lovin it
Chapter 13: update please please please please please~~~~~