Chapter 2

The Unfortunate

Your POV:

I kept walking around and stopped around a park. I heard music coming from a corner of the park and I decided to check it out. As I got closer I saw a crowd formed into a circle and the music got louder. I slowly made my way into the crowd and easily made it into the front. There I saw 7 good looking boys performing. When the music ended everybody went crazy! By crazy I meant shoving and pushing! One of the girls was practically screaming in my ear. I tried to get away from the crowd but they kept on pushing me back in my spot. Gee! What's wrong with these people I'm just trying to leave! I felt another push and the clutz that I am completely lost my balance and fell on my right in front of the 7 boys. One of them decided to help me who seemed oddly familiar.

"Hey, are you okay?" The person says in Korean which I didn't understand.

"Huh?" I replied looking confused.

"Oh, you speak English... I said are you okay?" he repeated it this time in English.

"Oh! Uhmm, yeah I'm fine!" I replied dusting myself off.

"You know... you look like someone I know." He said thinking.

"Odd... same here." I said staring at his face. 

Someone coughed behind us which caught me off guard and I jumped, "Yah~ Kim Myungsoo are we gonna eat or what?"

The only thing I understood from that was Kim Myungsoo which my guess is this guys name then he replies, "Oh yeah... I'm coming!" He smiled at me before leaving.

He started walking away then something inside of me just suddenly clicked like some puzzle came together, "Myungie!" I accidently screamed out loud and I covered my mouth. The boy stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"What did you say?" He asked with a poker face.

"I said Myungie?" I said feeling embarrassed.

He smirked, "Yah~ Lee Chanhee didn't I tell you to stop calling me that!?" He says with a chuckle.

My face suddenly lit up, "Oh my gosh! It really is you! Myungieee!!" I screamed and jumped on him. Some of the girls that were still there started talking and whispering in Korean, they were probably talking crap about me.

"Wow Chanhee! I haven't seen you in 3 years!" He says while hugging me.

"Uh, Myungsoo are we still gonna go or what?" The person says.

"Oh yeah! You guys go ahead I'll catch up in a bit." The person eyed me, nodded his head and walked away.

I looked at Myungsoo confused, "What?" I asked.

"I see that your Korean has improved a lot!" He said sarcastically while laughing. 

"You're so funny." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

He stopped laughing, "So you wanna come with us?"


"At this coffee shop that sells amazing cake!" He said happily.

"Oohhh cake! I wanna go!" I said jumping up and down like a little kid.

"You still haven't changed I see." With that we started walking to the coffee shop which was not far from the park. When we got there he opened the door and I stepped in and a whip of coffee smell whipped my face, it smelt nice. Then he led me to 6 other boys sitting at a table.

"L hyung who's that?" One of them said.

"You guys this is Chanhee she just came from the US from Seattle and she doesn't know any Korean so if you guys could speak English in front of her that would be nice!" Myungsoo says in Korean. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what they're saying.

"Oh well, hi Chanhee!" One of them greets me.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"I'm Sunggyu by the way the oldest!" A guy with very chinky eyes said.

"Hi nice to meet you Sunggyu!" I said smiling.

"Hi there beautiful, I'm Woohyun!" He said winking at me.

"H-Hi." I greeted while blushing.

"Yah~ Nam Woohyun stop flirting! Chanhee that's Namgrease!" Myungsoo says to me and I laughed.

"Shut up Myungsoo." Woohyun says and I giggled.

"Hi! I'm Hoya!" A boy says with muscular arms.

"Hello." I waved and smiled.

"Hi there I'm Dongwoo!" This guy says that looks like a dinosaur but a cute looking baby dinosaur!

"Hi Dongwoo!" I said smiling.

"Hello Hello Hello! I'm Sungyeol!" This really tall boy says.

"Hi Sungyeol!" I replied back.

"Don't mind Sungyeol hyung he's a choding. I'm the actual maknae I'm Sungjung!" This very feminine guy says.

"Hi, you're really pretty!" I accidentally blurted out.

He chuckles, "Thanks!"

"So... What's your relationship with L?" Sungyeol asks.

"L?" I looked at him confused.

"Sorry we call him L but I meant to say was what's your relationship with Myungsoo?"

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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!