Chapter 9

The Unfortunate


You grabbed the pillow he threw and ran towards that jerk Ilhoon. Tonight, he will for sure die I'm not about to hold back. I was charging him with the pillow in my hand as if it could really do any damage. I mean, I could suffocate him but, there were too many witnesses and his mom is downstairs and I'm too young to go to jail for murder. I could make it look like an accident if his friends weren't actually here witnessing this right now. When I got to where Ilhoon was I started hitting him with the pillow nonstop as if it hurt him.

"YAH!~" he screams at me.

"I hate you, I hate you! Get the hell out of my room you !" I screamed back while hitting him with the pillow as hard as I could.

I didn't hear my door open until I heard, "Lee Chanhee! What are you doing?" The person says while glaring at me.

I suddenly stopped and stared at my mom before responding, "Uhhh, mom! I was uhhh... dusting his shirt off with my pillow? We all got along so well that uhmmm... we were like rolling on the floor laughing at Peniel's joke and since my floor is so dirty Ilhoon got dusty and I didn't wanna touch it so, I used my pillow. I might have a respiratory problem later on but that won't matter helping my good friend Ilhoon over her." I pinched his arm for him to nod but he just smiled at my mom.

My mom stared at me weirdly and I heard a whisper beside me, "Tsk liar!" I looked at Ilhoon with a fake smile and he looked back at me with a smirk. I looked away to where my mom was but, she was gone and I didn't even realize it.

"You, almost got me in trouble again." I said while glaring at Ilhoon.

"And is that my problem?" He looks at me with a cold expression. 

I was speechless, this boy is uningbelievable! I watched him as he leaves my room with his friends behind him shaking their heads in disapproval at how rude their friend is acting right now. For s sake, I will never like that guy ever! He's a brat that needs to learn how to treat people nicely. If I had powers, he would of died a million times already. That boy gets under my skin so quickly. He's so irritating I can't even breathe without having any thoughts of wanting to murder him. I snapped out of my thoughts after hearing my name getting called downstairs. Aughhh, that stupid Ilhoon must have told, I definitely won't get my skateboard now. I sighed and headed downstairs, "I swear mom I didn-" I was suddenly cut off.

"What are you talking about Chanhee? The boys said they had fun and they're leaving now so, you should bid them goodbye. You won't be seeing them probably until school starts which is the day after tomorrow right?" I saw Ilhoon and Sungjae nod.

"Wait, am I going to be in the same school as these losers-I mean my new best friends?"

"Well sweetheart, it's actually just going to be you, Ilhoon, and Sungjae. You and Sungjae are in the same grade, juniors. Ilhoon is going to be a senior this year and he'll be off to college like the rest of his hyungs!" Mrs. Jung clapped happily. Pfshh, that is if your stupid son will actually be smart enough to end his high school career this year. 

As if reading my mind I hear Ilhoon speak up, "I will most definitely graduate this year!  I'm really excited to graduate so I can be off to the real world and focus on my college life to prepare for my future." 

"That's great Ilhoon," I hear my mom praise him. I let out a scoff only to be glared at by my mom, I bowed in apology, "so, Ilhoon what do you plan to be?"

I saw Ilhoon smile brightly, "I plan to follow my older sisters footsteps on becoming famous. I just want to help my parents out and the fact that I barely see my sister except on some holidays, maybe this way I can get closer to her through music and just have fun with it. The Jung siblings will take over kpop!" The parents giggled at Ilhoon's cuteness and I practically gagged. I never knew his sister was famous or the fact that he even had a sister. She must be proud I said with a snort. If he becomes famous he would act fake like the rest of them other celebrities. I hate to admit it but, I would rather have this Ilhoon here who's a total complete jerk face than have an Ilhoon who's pretending to be nice when everyone else here knows at least his friends and I know he's not nice. What am I thinking? Once he's famous, he'll finally be out of my hair and I don't have to stress anymore! Yes Ilhoon, become famous and leave me the alone! I smiled to myself at the thought of having no Ilhoon around. Ahhh, peaceful! I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door slam.

"Chanhee, I'm proud of you today." Your mom says as she embraces you in a hug. As a girl you hated skinship. It's one of those other things that get under your skin other than Ilhoon of course. 

"Uh, yeah mom." You replied as you tried to wiggle out of the hug. 

She let you go, "With that, as promised I will get you your skateboard." 

You smiled brightly, "Thanks mom!" I said walking away.

"Chanhee, hold on," you stopped in your tracks and waited for your mom to say something, "I want you to befriend those boys and please, be nice to them specially Ilhoon. I like that boy and the fact that you guys were childhood friends whenever we came to Korea to visit."

I smiled and nodded my head. Ilhoon and I, close? Not in a million years! I walked back to my room to get ready for bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth,  then, hopped to bed. I lay there not really being able to sleep. I had too much on my mind, school, making new friends,  Ilhoon,  Myungsoo,  Infinite,  Ilhoon, Korea, and Ilhoon. Ilhoon somewhat got to me. I couldn't really stop thinking about him for some reason. I've been laying in bed for hours! I looked at the clock it glowed 3:30am. I sighed in frustration as I ruffled my hair. Get the out of my head you obnoxious jerk! I stared at the ceiling when Ilhoon's faced popped in my mind when he was saying what he wanted to do after high school. I noticed earlier that glint of happiness in his eyes talking about his sister and wanting to follow her footsteps and having the Jung siblings take over the kpop industry. I caught myself smiling randomly and I went back to my poker face in a split second thinking I've gone soft on Ilhoon. No way in hell I will get tangled up with that idiot, then slowly I started to drift off.



Sorry for not being able to update in a couple days. I had major family time at the beach before school started. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter! Look forward to new ones! Pictures do not belong to me btw! Kudos to the people of tumblr and I give credits for those pictures to them and gifs haha.




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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!