Chapter 5

The Unfortunate

Your POV:

I woke up the next day with the sun on my face. I looked at the clock beside me it read 1:30pm. I slowly laid my head back down thinking it was am. Odd only had about 10 minutes of sleep. I flipped onto my stomach and stared at the clock again thinking that if it was AM why was the sun up. Then I realized it was PM. , , ! I stood up from my bed to see myself going face to face with the floor. 

"Ah !" I screamed, "Smart move ." I said as I began to insult and curse myself. Damn, I really need to have better sleeping habits since school is just around the corner. I walked to my bathroom and just stood there for awhile. I stared at my reflection, if someone had seen me like this they would think I'm some ego-centric or something. I suddenly snapped out of my daze and decided to shower since I haven't showered since yesterday and I felt disgusting. I the shower and let the cold water run down my back. I was planning on heading out of the house to that coffee shop I had my little incident with Red yesterday. After about half an hour I got out of the shower and changed into some comfortable clothes like the usual, some basketball shorts and a tank top. I brushed my hair out and parted it like I always do with the side bangs. I put on my contact lenses and ran for my room putting on a pair of socks and grabbing my phone and debit card out of my wallet. I walked down the stairs to put on my vans and headed out the door. As I was walking many people were staring at me as if they've never seen a girl with basketball shorts in their life. This was how I would usually dress in Washington and nobody seemed to care then, I remembered.

"Chanhee-ah when we get to Korea I want you to be wearing all your girly and branded clothes. Arraso?" That was the first time my mom had ever said something to me in Korean. At that time I wasn't really paying attention to her or the people around me since that was the day my parents had told me about moving back to Korea and all I could think about was being mad at them. Now that I look back at it, I have not yet seen any girl walking around in basketball shorts but me. I can see a lot of the girls wearing such cutesy clothes while me, I stuck out like a sore thumb. Damn, I need a huge wardrobe change! I was slowly approaching the park that I saw Myungie in yesterday and surprisingly it was a pretty quiet day out. I saw couples proudly showing off their love for one another as they flirted and acted cute.

"Oppa, let's go get ice cream! Neh?" The girl spoke in Korean and I understood nothing but still cringed at the little high-pitched voice she had just put on. That was a little creepy, is this how couple act towards each other? If it is, I would rather die and be forever alone with my cats. Honestly, I've never had a boyfriend since birth but you know, I'm not complaining. I've seen my American friends go through break ups and let me tell you, it ain't a pretty sight to see. Maybe I'm one of those girls who believed in her fairytales, when one day her prince charming will come and sweep her off her feet and leave on a majestic horse and live happily ever after. But then again that was fictional, it was impossible for someone to fall in love just like that and suddenly running away to some castle with a random stranger. I sat on the grass and looked up at the blue sky. I wish the wheather would be like this forever. I sat there quietly for awhile just thinking that maybe once I turn 18 I can move back to Washington and stay there and not even look back on Korea. Minutes slowly pass and I heard my stomach grumble as if it was ing at me to get something to eat. I know that the coffee shop was not that far so I got up and made my way to the shop. I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out to see that I got a new text from Myunsoo.


Come to the coffee shop right now and hang-out with us! We're all bored! >.< Ppali!

Your best cousin in the world, Myungsoo

I laughed at the last part of the text, not even bothering to respond since I was on my way to the shop anyways. I looked up from my phone to find myself only inches away from someone that looked familiar. The person looked up from their phone being taken aback at how close we were. My eyes widened as I recognized who the face belonged to.

"Y-YOU!" I screamed and pointed at the person who had a cold expression plastered on their face.


Yes, I have updated again! WHOOOOOO!!! Here are some more gifs hope you enjoy them and again they're not mine! (:


look at our lovely Peniel just waking up... and shirtless! :O



yes boys, work that WOW dance XD


surprise yo! haha.


I'm faboolousss!

Last gif goes out to Infinite! <3



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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!