Chapter 6

The Unfortunate

Your POV:


I bumped into someone I didn't want to see or least expected myself to bump into.


His face changed from a cold expression to someone who just saw something disgusting, "What?" He suddenly snapped.

I looked shocked, well, someone's in a bad mood, "Nothing, I was just walking now, get out of my way." I said as I tried to shove him aside. I heard him scoff and walk away. What twisted his underwear that he's in such a pissy mood. Oh wait, he seems like he's never happy anyways. He should change his hair color to black to match his pissy mood. I walked into the coffee shop to be greeted by a worker.

"Hello, can I get or help you with anything?" The person asks me in Korean. I looked at the person blankly and decided to ignore them and look for Myungie myself. When I spotted him I looked at the worker and awkwardly smiled and bowed to them and walked away to the group of boys that were waiting for me.

As I reached the table I instantly notice Myungsoo scowl, "What took you so long!?" He asked me as if he's been waiting for 10 years.

"I got stuck in a traffic jam on the way here." I made a face remembering the encounter I had with prince jerk.

"I'm sure." I think he meant that in a sarcastic way but, I wasn't so sure myself so, I chose to ignore it.

"Myungsoo, why did you want me here?" I looked at him as I took a seat in the booth they were in next to Dongwoo.

"Aunty called me last night saying something about taking you out and introducing you to Korea and what not since school is about to start and so far you have done nothing with your life. She scolded me for saying no at first then, she bribed me by saying she'd buy me a motorcycle if I agreed in which I did." He explained.

"Wow, my mom literally just sold me out to you in which you agreed to for a motorcycle!? Do you honestly think MY MOM would buy you a motorcycle!?" I asked as I emphasized in my mom. I didn't wait for an answer and continued, "I asked her for a skateboard not too long ago and you know what she asked!? She asked if I wanted to die! Like I know you can break bones from a skateboard but die!? Well, I mean you could if you were stupid enough to ride it in the middle of a busy street and asking for a death wish early. That's not the case though, she's willing to give you a motorcycle but, she won't even give me a skateboard!  You, are practically asking for a death wish with a motorcycle while I, am asking for a few broken bones! Now, if she's not going to buy me a skateboard do you honestly think she's going to buy you a motorcycle?" I asked in conclusion. 

"I just told you an answer on why you asked me on why you're here and I recieve a life lesson about a skateboard and dying. Are you going through that time of month Chanhee?"

I scowled and smacked him in the arm, "I was just saying I mean if my mom were to buy you a motorcycle she kind of favors you more if she's not going to buy me a skateboard."

Myungsoo flicks me on the forehead, "Stupid, have you ever thought of that maybe your mom doesn't want to buy it for you because you'll turn more tomboyish than you already are?"

I rubbed the sore spot on my forehead, "I still want a skateboard though." I said as I stood up.

"Where are you going?" Myungsoo asks.

"Home." I simply said as I waved good bye to the rest of infinite and walked out the coffee shop. I didn't even get to taste their cake. I pouted and walked home. My mom and I have some things we need to talk about like her bribery. I swear, she would sell me out to a random dude off the street just to get me out of the house. I neared my house and noticed the parked car out in the garage belonging to my parents. I walked to the front door and unlocked it.

I screamed, "Moooommm there are some things I want to talk about with you that I think is unfair!"

I heard her scream back from somewhere in the house, "What is it this time Chanhee?"

Where's this woman, "Where are you mom? This would be easier for us instead of screaming somewhere in the house."

I hear her reply back, "I'm in the kitchen." Upon hearing that, I walked into the kitchen to see her so into cooking a load of food.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I looked at her questioningly asking the obvious.

"I don't know Chanhee, I guess I'm brewing up a spell!" She said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and grunted, "I always knew you were a witch."

She glanced at me, "What was that?"

"Nothing, MOM." I emphasized on mom.

"What is it that you wanted that you were looking for me?" She asked while focusing back on her cooking making sure she put in everything so perfectly. 

"Myungsoo told me." I coldly replied.

"About what sweetheart?"

"About you buying him a motorcycle." She looked up at me surprised.

"Oh yeah, I bribed him to hang out with you today, not a big deal."

"Mom, that's not fair!" I screamed in frustration. 

"What's not fair sweetheart?" She asks as she sweet talks me.

"That you're buying Myungsoo a motorcycle which I think is asking for a death wish while you won't even buy me a skateboard! You even gave me the lecture of death when I asked for a simple skateboard while you're giving Myungsoo a motorcycle which is like throwing him under a bus!"

"That's different. End of discussion. Go get ready, we have visitors coming."

"But mom, that's not fair! It seems like Myungsoo has more advantage than I do when he's not your son! I'm your daughter for crying out loud! He's not even in your side of the family but dad's!" 

She waved her hand asking me to leave, "Listen to me woman!" I screamed to get her attention.

"Chanhee I'm slowly running low on patience so, don't use that tone of voice with me!"

"You're not even paying attention mom!"

"What do you want me to do Chanhee!?" She looks at me with a mad expression, "you can't always get what you want."

I growled annoyed, "It's the only thing I asked for since we got to Korea! You pretty much dropped a nuclear bomb at me by telling me to even come to this hell hole place. I only ask of you once to get what I want!"

"And what is it that you want!?" She asked me more annoyed now.

"I told you, I want a skateboard!" 

"If you want it that badly then, fine! I'm giving you a warning that if EVER something wrong happens with that skateboard of yours I won't be the one to scrape you off the street! If a skateboard will get your upstairs and getting ready then fine, I'll buy it for you but heed my warning Chanhee!" She wagged a finger at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Why do I even have to get ready?"

"We have visitors coming, old high school friends of mine. I want you to dress nicely. Their kids will be here too."

Whatever. I walked out of the kitchen feeling giddy and victorious as I made my way into my room. I ended up texting Myungsoo if he had any idea who some of mom's friends were and I recieved a text back I was not expecting.




A/N: sorry for not updating as much, I just got back from Colorado and the damn place i was staying at which was my aunt's had no internet! I was living caveman! Anyways, I'm so late with my updates and I'm truly sorry! Don't worry, I'll try to update more! Hope you enjoyed this chapter though! :p it was a little boring I'm sorry -.-


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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!