Chapter 4

The Unfortunate

Your POV:

What the hell was that guys problem? Who in the freaking hell is he? What is his problem!? Who in the world is he calling a when the true is the one next to me!? 

"What the-" I was abruptly cut off by the ty girl

"We're not done here Chanhee! I will get my revenge on you, you dirty !" with that she leaves.

I wasn't paying attention to the girl as I ignored her and tuned her out. That guy. Who is he? Why is he judging me when he doesn't know the whole story!? What the ity ? I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I see a hand waving in front of my eyes.

I slapped the hand away, I glared at the owner which happened to be Myungsoo, "You do not want to mess with me right now Myungsoo."

"Chanhee-ah just ignore that person." Sunggyu says.

"Who? Me?" Myungsoo asks.

"Not you pabo!" Sunggyu smacks Myungsoo. I usually laugh at the fact that Myungsoo just got hit but that red brown haired guy lingered in my mind.

"Oh, Chanhee-ah just ignore that guy. Don't you think of leaving our side and running to find that guy. He's not worth the time okay?" He looks at me.

"I wasn't planning on it Myungsoo, but for the record someone needs to teach that guy some lesson." 

"I know, but don't do anything you will regret. Remember last time when that girl pissed you off so bad for just being annoying at school? You pulled her hair out and you beat her up to a pulp. Aunty was pretty pissed off that the whole night all she did was yell at you and Uncle didn't talk to you for a month?"

I stiffened remembering that memory, that was the time I couldn't really control myself, "Yeah I remember that. Now that I think about it, I feel kind of bad for that girl. Ever since then I've learned to control my temper and not let it get to the best of me. I've been good at it for awhile but then when Red said that to me I also wanted to beat him to a pulp. No guy should judge a girl like that! Who the hell is he to even say that? He thinks he's some kind of king in this world? New flash to him he's not." I said as I folded my arms against my chest.

"I know how mad you are Chanhee, and he was out of line to say such harsh things calling girls s but you should be the mature one here and let it slide. He's not worth your time. Just let it go like he didn't even ruin our day together." Myungsoo says as he rubs my back, a sign of him trying to comfort me.

I smiled at what Myungsoo said, "You know what? You're right Myungie! I'm just happy that I got to spend the rest of my day with you guys. Forget that guy. Like what kind of guy has red hair? Are you kidding me? It's the most ugliest hair color ever!" I said as I pouted.

I heard an awkward cough and looked up at Sunggyu. Oh duh... he has red hair. I rubbed the nape of my neck and laughed nervously, "Well, except for you Sunggyu. You work that red hair! Unlike that other guy his hair was aughh!"

Everyone at the table just laughed at me including Sunggyu. I pouted and blushed at the embarrassment.

"Myungsoo I think I should go. It's getting pretty late. But I don't know the way back home, I kind of forgot." 

"Same old Chanhee!" He says as he ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, yeah. I haven't changed. I'm still the same girl who can't give directions to save her life, the girl who can't speak Korean for someone being Korean, same girl for being clumsy, still the same girl who's scared of the grudge!" I shivered as I remember the creepy lady.

"I'm glad you haven't really changed Chanhee, you've just gotten bigger, but you're still the same old Chanhee I know. Just how I like it! I'll take you home my little cousin!" 

I smiled at his little greasiness," Myungsoo-ah I think Woohyun rubbed off on you!" We all laughed except for Myungsoo as he blushed a bit.

"Let's go before you embarrass me any further." He waved bye to the other guys as Myungsoo and I left the coffee shop.

"Where do you live exactly?" He looks at me just as confused as I am about my surroundings.

"You know... near that one store with the food and stuff?" I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Yeah totally because Korea is not filled with that one store with the food and stuff!" He says sarcastically.

"Oh be quiet Myungsoo! You're still just as sarcastic as ever." I punched his arm while giggling.

"Don't worry I know where you're talking about. So, how's life going for you my little cousin?"

"I'm not little anymore Myungsoo stop saying that!" I whined a bit.

"Yeah, yeah but to me you'll always be my little cousin. But since you don't like it, how is life my teenage cousin that's not quite a woman but definitely not a little girl?" He asks smiling.

I lightly laughed at his stupidity, "Feeling a little better now knowing that my cousin is always there for me! Wahhh, I think Woohyun's greasiness rubbed off on me also!" I said as I scrubbed myself.

He laughs a little, "He gets around."

"Whoahh, whoahh, wait what!?" 

"Not like that silly. He doesn't get around that way! His greasiness gets around is what I meant!" he says as he lightly hit me on the head.

"I knew that okay? Myungsoo-ah can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot." He says as he motioned for me to go on.

I hesitated for a second but decided to ask anyways, "Do you happen to know who that guy that told me off at the coffee shop earlier?"

"Oh, we're back to this topic again?" 

"Yeah, sorry for bringing him up. Just a little curious you know? So, who is Red really?" 

"Red?" he looks at me confused.

"You should be answering the questions not you asking me questions Myungsoo!" I said as I lightly pushed him.

"But wait, by Red do you mean the guy at the coffee shop earlier that told you off?"

"Yes Myungsoo! Sometimes you're very clueless."

"Yah~" He yells.

"Sorry, sorry! Now tell me what you know about this guy!" I said as I urged him to go on.

"Well, start off his name is not Red-" I cut him off.

"I didn't know his name okay? Red sounded pretty right because his hair was red and he made me turn red because I was trying to control my anger!"

"His hair is redish brown not really red like Sunggyu hyungs." he defends Red.

"Whatever Myungsoo who is this guy really?"

"Before you cut me off I was just about to say his name. He's not addressed as Red but Jung Ilhoon or Ilhoon."

"Ilhoon huh?"

"Yes, now stop cutting me off unless you really want me to stop!"

"You can stop that's all I needed to know was his name."

"Why you interested?" He smirks and winks at me.

"So not interested with a jerk like that. I needed to know his name just incase I bump into that same idiot again." 

"Whatever you say couzo! Well, I think this is your house right?" He says as he points to a house.

"Oh my gosh it is! How did you know!?" I asked shocked.

"You really think I'm stupid don't you? I texted Aunty and asked the address to your house so I could drop you off."

"Smart move Myungie, smart move." I said as I eyed him.

"Whatever go to sleep Little Girl!" he says as he emphasized little girl.

"Shuttup Myungsoo. I'm not a little girl! Well, night Myungie!!" I gave him a hug and walked to the front door and knocked.

I stood there awkwardly by myself as I see Myungsoo walk away. I waited for a few seconds which seemed like hours and heard the door unlock and open.

"How was your day sweetie?" My mom asks in a sweet voice.

"Oh so, you're not going all crazy and getting mad at me anymore mom?" I asked as I stepped inside the house.

"No, I'm glad you found your cousin out and about and hung out with him. Finally I got you out of the house!"

"Okay mom, well I'm going to sleep I'm way too tired." I replied and walked upstairs towards my room.

I got ready for bed changing out of my old pajamas into newer ones since I dirtied it out from being out and about with them on. I hopped on the bed and cuddled against my teddy bear. My body felt tired but my brain seemed so awake. I couldn't stop thinking about Red or should I say Jung Ilhoon. He was the first guy that ever ed at me and said to my face. He was such a jerk but yet there's something about him that was so intriguing. The whole night I thought about Red until I fell asleep.


Hey everyone! I'm sorry if you waited so long for an update! Just wanted to say Merry Christmas! I'm sorry that this is the only gift I could give but I hope you like the update! :D Please don't throw pumpkins at me for the late updates okay? I mean if you do throw pumpkins make sure they're pies k? hahaha. Anyways, here are some gifs for you guys :D Oh these gifs do not belong to me! 




Oh Myungsoo! (;


Sungjae and Peniel. Get your CRAYon!


oh my Ilhoon XD


wakey wakey shaken bakey baby Ilhoon! haha.

Again, Merry Christmas everyone!




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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!