Chapter 1

The Unfortunate

Your POV:

I woke up to the beautiful summer morning or should I say 1 week before school starts summer morning. I looked at my clock to see what time it was and it was a little past 12. Wow Chanhee you over slept, again! What happened to I'll wake up early today so I'll make the best out of this summer!? I slowly got up and ruffled my hair. Next week would actually be my first time going to a Korean High School since I've been living in Seattle, Washington all these years. My parents just recently decided that they wanted to move back to Korea as if saying, "Oohhh let's torture our daughter since she she's lacking a lot in Korean!" And yes, I am lacking a lot in Korean! Being a full Korean (I was born in Korea then soon moved to Seattle) I felt like a disgrace for not even wanting or trying to learn anything in the Korean language! I knew basically nothing! My mom told me that I should go explore but I'm just too afraid that if I got lost I wouldn't know my way back and I know no Korean! I've always thought about Hansel and Gretel by bringing a loaf of bread and slowly dropping it down piece by piece. That was a pretty genius idea until I get to the part that the birds ate the little pieces of bread. I smirked to myself as I thought of the childrens book and headed for the bathroom before I went downstairs. I washed my eye boogers and put on my contact lenses and brushed my hair out before putting it in a ponytail. After my morning ruitine I went downstairs to search for breakfast/lunch knowing that my parents had gone off to work. I decided to cook some scrambled eggs for myself with toast and nutella, as I happily the tv. I flipped through the channels until I saw The Amazing World of Gumball was on. I happily watched my show as I ate and that was how my whole morning/afternoon went. I stayed home the whole day since I didn't know where to go until my mom and dad came home.

"Hi mom and dad!" I greeted not leaving the couch.

"Why are you home Chanhee? You have a week left get out of the house!" My mom yells at me.

"But mom I don't want to get lost!" I complained not wanting to leave the house. She came up to me and dragged me out of the house and shuts the door in my face, "Dad!" I yelled as I pounded at the door and I saw it slightly open.

"Chanhee listen to your mom and stay out of the house for about an hour if you don't want to get scarred of life." With that he winks at me and shuts the door. I stood there shocked, scarred, grossed out. What the heck dad!? I shivered just thinking about it and started walking away from the house. I stopped in front of a  reflective window by a convinient store and I realized I had no money and I was still in my pajamas. Oh great! Not only am I going to get lost but I'm going to get a lot of stares for looking like this! I walked away from the house and explored Seoul as I tried to remember all the turns I took so I won't get lost. I wish I could of brought money with me to buy at least a map! As I was walking people kept staring at me... probably because I look so weird wearing just pajamas and they're not used to it. Oh mom I can't believe you! I kept walking and saw this foreigner probably from the US having some troubles speaking with a woman. I came up to her.

"Hi." I greated the person.

"Oh you speak English! Thank you! Do you think you can translate what this ahjumma is saying?" She looks at me desperately.

"Ah-Ahjumma? What's that?" I looked at her confused.

"Don't you speak Korean?" She looks at me.

"Well, no I don't. I just recently moved here from the US."

"Oh gosh. You should of told me." She facepalmed herself.

"I'm sorry... but uhmmm... are you going to use that map?"

"Uh, no do you want it?" She hands me the map.

"Thank you!" I said happily while shaking her hand.

"Yeah you're welcome but I still need help! I need to know what this lady is saying!" 

"You can ask around here there's bound to be someone that knows both language." With that I left the foreigner woman.

Now, where do I go? I turned the map not sure which way is up or down. I kept turning not looking where I was going and bumped into someone, "Ooff! I'm so sorry!" I appologized in English while bowing. Clumsy me bumping into people already!

*A/N: Italics are in korean and regular is English.*

"Watch where you're going!" The person says and they shoved me aside. How rude! I turned to look at him and didn't see his face just his back. Well, I'll let you slide this time you look pretty cute in the back I hope you're not some old dude! With that I looked back down at the map and kept walking.

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carla23 #1
Chapter 9: next chapt please sooner
Shrfhaldrs #2
Chapter 9: update more soon!!
Chapter 6: Update soon !!! I really like your story !!! (And don't ever think of deleting it !!!! ^.^)
Shrfhaldrs #4
Chapter 6: Update soon!!I love your story
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 4: ahh love it aha update soon and merry Christmas ahah :)))
eyethelaw #6
Chapter 3: omg IIhoon so hot dan ahah update soon cant wait
KISSmeBecca #7
Chapter 3: Omg Ilhoon! Wtf? That was uncalled for. :/ geez.
Chapter 3: AAAh... I want more!!!
dddxo9 #9
Chapter 3: first to comment? hehs! hope you'll finish this story fast!