Chapter 9

Love Again...???
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Chapter 9




(A/N – he hee… m sorry if you are shocked that Key was pregnant… cant help it though, I’m a big fan of mpreg stories… <3)








“Minho ah” I whispered amidst the sobs.


“it.. hurts……… Minho.. I cant… I cant breath… it hurts…”

“Key… I’m coming to your place…” I heard his panicked voice.

“it hurts Minho… Taemin… I can’t do this anymore…. I want..myTaemin……….”






Minho parked his car in Ki Bum’s yard, not bothering to lock it he stormed inside the house only to find out crying mom of Ki Bum on a sofa..her fist was over , trying to muffle the heartbreaking sobs.


The frail lady held up her head from her hands…

“Minho ah…”

“Ki Bum…???”

“he’s crying again… Minho ah… I – I dunno what to do… how weak I am… I’m his mother and ….. I canteven stop him crying….”

“is he in his room?”

She nodded, tears were streaming down her face. Minho had never seen her aunt broke down like this, he gave her a quick hug before moving to Ki Bum’s room.

He could hear Key’s miserable cries.. Taking a deep breath he entered the room that was covered in darkness.


In Minho’s POV.




“M-minho..” I heard his breaking voice mutter my name.


“hey baby bro… why are you crying again…?”


“it hurts…” Key answered.


I walked up to his bed and collected the crying boy in his arms. Key was shaking violently, his whole frame was shaking as he sobbed.I settled him on the bed and tucked us both in a blanket, mumbling soothing words and rubbing his back to calm down the feminine boy.


“Minho…” his voice was hoarse from all the crying. I tightened my arms around Ki Bum’s waist.


What else could I do… it hurts me too… seeing him like this…


“it’s my fault Minho…”


“it’s not baby bro”


please don’t say like that… it wasn’t your fault…


“I killed my baby….. was all my fault…..” Key was sobbing harder. His eyes were shedding the tears that seems to be never ending.


“you didn’t kill him Key… it was a miscarriage.” Key gripped my shirt tightly as I said the word miscarriage. I’m sorry Key…


“it’s still my fault… if I was… strong enough…..”




“I couldn’t save… my own kid Minho…” he broke down again. My heart was squeezing painfully as he cried in my arms.


“you were only fifteen back then Key… your body wasn’t mature enough to bear a kid…”


“that’s why it was my fault Minho… if I was stronger  he would still be with us.”




“there were so much blood that day… I didn’t know what to do.”


“ssh… you don’t have to talk about it..”


“they said… the doctors said he was soo little…he was only five months…” i bit my lips, i could taste the metal taste of blood as the skin broke.


I know… I saw him…


“they said he was the size of my palm Minho… and they never let me see him… I couldn’t even bid my farewell…”


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Chapter 10: Ah..... So Key look like with Tae in Jjong's eyes... I know Minho's mind.. I want to read next chapter seriously^_^
2minJongkeyBiased #2
Chapter 10: Did you forget your password???I forgot my 2min_Kyumin password and that's why I never updated.
zakiakhan #3
Chapter 10: Aww its so perfect cute and heartbreaking hope jongkey will have their happy ending plz update it why are u not updating anyways i will wait for update saranghae
Violetta1313 #4
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^ btw new reader!!
Chapter 10: aww it's been awhile since u updates but im still gonna wait for it =)
Bubblybabybee #6
Chapter 8: but.. key's a dude... he can't just get pregnant out of nowhere
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter ^_^ Minho is so protective and me gusta :3
Your grammar is really good, but wanna, gotta, dunno and such words aren't really considered right. Want to, got to and I don't know is perfect ;)
Oh and the ... in every sentence can be quite disturbing for people! You can just leave them out ^^
shiashin #8
Chapter 10: i can't wait to read the next chapter.This is becoming really really interesting! <3 <3 i love this story please update soon.
Chapter 10: this is getting more and more interesting, I'm loving the idea of the story. please update soon. can't wait for the Jongkey s ^^
Chapter 10: eh?? i dont really think a scene with jongtae would fit this like its alrigt if you do but if feels like its not neccesary and about your grammar its "I'm" not "m" when talking about ones self thanks for the update XD minho is all worried T^T