Chapter 4

Love Again...???
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The dorm was more than I what I expected. There was a mini library and a place to exercise, a place where you could watch movies and have snacks. (I soon found out that we have a nice collection of Yadong () movies too) the place was designed for the well off kids. There were only 21 in this dorm and every dorm room has two people. We all were transfer students and thanks to the uneven number of students, and being the last one to enroll in this collage I gotta use the room to myself. It felt kinda nice to have a room of my own but it was boring as hell too.

But I was glad about it.

No one would hear when I cry. No one will know the pain.



It was the first Saturday and I woke up early today. Ever faced this annoying situation that you know it’s Saturday, the day you could sleep for hours but no sleep was coming, so you just toss and turn on your bed trying all hard to get some sleep in vain and wonder why can’t you just get up this early on school days.

 It was more hard for me, knowing that it’s a day I have to spend alone.. I still don’t know many people around here…


I sighed, yawned, stretched and crawled myself outta the bed. Grabbing a towel on my way to the bathroom.

This is gonna be a long day.




I walked around the school, there was nothing else I could do… my guitar was hanging on my left shoulder. I went to the same bench I sat on, on the first day in the school. There weren't many people around, only a couple of people, walking and taking, completely ignoring my presence. I felt soo little.

I took out the guitar from it’s cover and touched the strings, making it come alive. my fingers touching the strings simply, filling the atmosphere with a soft music. I played my favorite song and then Taemin’s favorite, my Taemin’s favorite...



“aishh Taemin that’s not how you hold a guitar.” I laughed seeing Taemin struggle with the instrument.

It was our second anniversary, it was our happy time. The time where Taemin was still young, healthy and cheerful. I took the latter to the beach, he insisted he wanted celebrate there.

“Shut up.. we are doing this my way…” he said, pouting.

“but if you hold it like that how you gonna play?????” he was literally hugging the guitar. I bit my lip to hold back the laughter.

“but I have to do this..” he pouted again. why are you soo cute Taemin, don’t you know how hard it is for me to restrain myself from kissing you when you pout like that.

“I’ll play the guitar.” I stretched out my hand towards him.

“but you always play for me, let me do it this time.. I wanna play it for you..” he ran this fingers on the strings making horrible sounds. I couldn’t help but to laugh out loud.

The younger boys face fell, eyes filling with tears as he looked down at the ground. 

“Tae baby…”

He didn’t say a word. Did I make you sad baby?

“Tae…” I took the guitar away from his hands and pulled the little boy onto my lap. Snaking my arms around his extremely feminine waist, I rested my chin on his shoulder.

“M sorry baby… but I’ve never seeing anyone playing guitar that way. You looked like you were going to make out with the guitar.” I chuckled. But he was quiet.

“Tae baby…arent you gonna answer me? mmm..” I kissed his neck.

“I just wanted to play you a song….” He said finally. His voice was sad.

“how about I play the guitar and you sing for me..???”

“it’s not fair… I want to play it myself when I sing…” he turned his head a little to see my face. i pecked those pouting lips.

“ok then, I will teach you to play…” I offered.

 I took the guitar again, and brought it to Taemin’s willing hands. He was all excited about playing it.

“you hold it like this. you put your right hand here and the left, here.” I placed his hands on the guitar, he was nodding and following my instructions cautiously.    

“you think you can handle the rest…??” I asked him. his eyes were full of excitement.

“hmm I practiced a bit when I was at home…” he nodded again.

“okay then… m gonna record it..” I took out my mobile and hit the record button.

“start now..” I

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Chapter 10: Ah..... So Key look like with Tae in Jjong's eyes... I know Minho's mind.. I want to read next chapter seriously^_^
2minJongkeyBiased #2
Chapter 10: Did you forget your password???I forgot my 2min_Kyumin password and that's why I never updated.
zakiakhan #3
Chapter 10: Aww its so perfect cute and heartbreaking hope jongkey will have their happy ending plz update it why are u not updating anyways i will wait for update saranghae
Violetta1313 #4
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^ btw new reader!!
Chapter 10: aww it's been awhile since u updates but im still gonna wait for it =)
Bubblybabybee #6
Chapter 8: but.. key's a dude... he can't just get pregnant out of nowhere
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter ^_^ Minho is so protective and me gusta :3
Your grammar is really good, but wanna, gotta, dunno and such words aren't really considered right. Want to, got to and I don't know is perfect ;)
Oh and the ... in every sentence can be quite disturbing for people! You can just leave them out ^^
shiashin #8
Chapter 10: i can't wait to read the next chapter.This is becoming really really interesting! <3 <3 i love this story please update soon.
Chapter 10: this is getting more and more interesting, I'm loving the idea of the story. please update soon. can't wait for the Jongkey s ^^
Chapter 10: eh?? i dont really think a scene with jongtae would fit this like its alrigt if you do but if feels like its not neccesary and about your grammar its "I'm" not "m" when talking about ones self thanks for the update XD minho is all worried T^T