Chapter 7

Love Again...???
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Dropping him at his place I came back to my eyes were still fluffy but heart wasn’t that heavy as it always felt. Maybe telling him aboutTaemin was the right thing…

I walked into my room and the light, making the place come back to alive… it still had his scent… that sweet vanilla scent of his. Walking up to the bed, I picked up the guitar and settle myself on the soft mattress with a book and a pencil.

Closing my eyes and thinking of Taemin… and Ki Bum, I ran my fingers on the strings softly… pouring out my heart into words along with the sweet melody that the guitar gave.


I’ve never said this before

To tell you the truth, on that day

I felt my heart beating

I knew since the beginning

I wasn’t sure

But it felt like our fate was already decided

Love is coming to me

Through the time that leads me to you

It felt like a dream I’ll never wake up from

It really seems like a dream

I remember the day we first met

On a dazzling and a bright day

You came to me

Thank you for coming to me

You are smiling at me

On a good day like this

But why are the tears forming in my eyes

I hope this is a dream I’ll never wake up from

I hope things will never change

The place where the love lingers

Through the time where we can be together

It felt like a dream that will never change

It seems like a dream to me….


I scribbled down the words that came to my mind… was it about Taemin??? Was it about Ki Bum, I still don’t know.. I just wrote what my heart whispered.


And it was the first time in three years that I tried to compose a song… the words aren’t the best… but it somehow felt agreeable..

Pulling up the blanket up to my neck to cover myself fully I let the sleepiness to wrap me in her arms..



I felt like ME after a long time…



Taeminnie ah,

The prince… I dunno what’s happening to him…… the air he’s breathing, it doesn’t feel heavy anymore….



In Ki Bum’s POV

(A/N - this is the very first time I’m using Ki Bum’s pov… <3 )


I simply asked him if he co

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Chapter 10: Ah..... So Key look like with Tae in Jjong's eyes... I know Minho's mind.. I want to read next chapter seriously^_^
2minJongkeyBiased #2
Chapter 10: Did you forget your password???I forgot my 2min_Kyumin password and that's why I never updated.
zakiakhan #3
Chapter 10: Aww its so perfect cute and heartbreaking hope jongkey will have their happy ending plz update it why are u not updating anyways i will wait for update saranghae
Violetta1313 #4
Chapter 10: Update soon ^^ btw new reader!!
Chapter 10: aww it's been awhile since u updates but im still gonna wait for it =)
Bubblybabybee #6
Chapter 8: but.. key's a dude... he can't just get pregnant out of nowhere
Chapter 10: I loved this chapter ^_^ Minho is so protective and me gusta :3
Your grammar is really good, but wanna, gotta, dunno and such words aren't really considered right. Want to, got to and I don't know is perfect ;)
Oh and the ... in every sentence can be quite disturbing for people! You can just leave them out ^^
shiashin #8
Chapter 10: i can't wait to read the next chapter.This is becoming really really interesting! <3 <3 i love this story please update soon.
Chapter 10: this is getting more and more interesting, I'm loving the idea of the story. please update soon. can't wait for the Jongkey s ^^
Chapter 10: eh?? i dont really think a scene with jongtae would fit this like its alrigt if you do but if feels like its not neccesary and about your grammar its "I'm" not "m" when talking about ones self thanks for the update XD minho is all worried T^T