Chapter 7

Pure Love



"Hey L.Joe!" It was Chunji and Ricky, our classmates calling for him.

"Hyung, gwenchenna? You looked pale!" Ricky said.

"Ya L.Joe ahh, what happen? I heard Chunji said too.

I can only see L.Joe nodding his head answering them. He was indeed tired. 

"Hyung, lets us accompany you back home!" I heard Ricky said.

Oh well, they don't even bother my exist here with L.Joe. Nah, nevermind. L.Joe is their bestfriends. They cared for him of course knowing he was looking pale. Although I am still worrying about him, but I can rest assured now as there were someone who can accompany him. 

"I shall leave L.joe to you all. The nurse said he still had a slight fever and breathing problem. I said to Chunji and Ricky. Take care I said to L.Joe as I walk back home alone.

L.Joe's POV:

After the nurse allowed me and xxxxx to leave the sickbay, she assured xxxxx to accompany me. xxxxx and I was about to leave the school gate when I heard Chunji and Ricky calling out for my name.


"Hyung, gwenchenna? You looked pale!" Ricky said.

"Ya L.Joe ahh, what happen? I heard Chunji said too.

"Hyung, lets us accompany you back home!" I heard Ricky said.

I can see Chunji and Ricky worrying about me as they can saw how pale I am because of that incident that happened. They both are my bestfriends since childhood. Well since they both have asked to accompany me back home, I heard xxxxx said to Chunji and Ricky,

""I shall leave L.joe to you all. The nurse said he still had a slight fever and breathing problem." xxxxx said to Chunji and Ricky. Take care xxxxx said to me as she walk back home alone.

On the way back home, Chunji and Ricky keep asking me if I am fine after they asked me what happened. They knew about the incident I had during my childhood. That fear of being locked in darkness alone. I am still feeling sick and in shocked. I was glad that there were Chunji and Ricky accompany me back home, taking care of me. 

But the only one I was hoping now to stay by my side was actually xxxxx. I don't know why I have that feeling for it. I wish that xxxxx can stay with me, taking care of me, so I won't be fear. Her warm pair of hands that hold me tightly. I don't feel pain nor fear any longer with her staying by my side, calming me.

I reached home and Ricky helped me back to my bedroom to rest. I fell asleep for hours when I was wake up by Chunji for my dinner. I can said Chunji was a good chef. I have a good dinner and I feel much better now. Also after taking my medicine, Chunji and Ricky accompany me through the night until I fell asleep again. Is Saturday tomorrow, so I can had a good rest. I am really tired of all these things that happened to me again...



Author's Pov:

A brand new week. L.Joe had recovered from his fear and illness after having a good rest at home. While xxxxx was trying to stay away from L.Joe as she thought he does had feeling towards IU since he even gave her a flower. 


After school:

Your's POV:

It seems L.Joe had recovered from his illness since he was in school today. He looked much more better now than how he was like a vampire, his face was damn pale that day. I am glad he was alright. While, I am trying to avoid him too. I doesn't wish to talk more to him. I don't wish to break the relationship between me, IU and L.Joe too. He does have feeling for IU. If not, why did he gave IU a flower and even sent her back home after the piano concert?

I should try staying away from him and stop thinking too much. I should focus, focus on my studies then thinking to start a relationship with L.Joe...

After our lesson, I walked past the music room and saw L.Joe playing the piano. I wanted to go off as I wanted to stay away from him but my foot doesn't listen to me. I was standing there like a rock watching L.Joe playing the piano. He looked handsome when he played the piano. After he done playing, I was about to leave when L.Joe spotted me and he started packing his bag, running to me.


L.Joe's Pov:

I feel better now after resting for days at home. I was practicing my piano skills in the music room. After I am done practicing, I spotted xxxxx standing ouside. Why is she out there? She seems she was enjoying the music I played on the piano. I packed my things up and run towards her. I wanted to thanks her for accompany me that day in the sick bay and when I was in fear, she calmed me down. But when xxxxx saw me, she started walking away in speed.

"xxxxx ahh, xxxxx." I said while following up her steps.

"Any problem?" xxxxx replied but she keep on walking.

"xxxxx ahh, xxxxx, wait, I said again while I followed up her steps.

"Mwoya?" She replied in a cold tone. 

"Erm are you free later? Do you want to join me for a drink?" I asked.

"Mianhae, I am not free." xxxxx said immediately rejected me. I can sense that xxxxx was avoiding me. But why? Is it because of that incident?

"Are you avoiding me?" I asked xxxxx.

"Aniyo. Mian, I really got something on." xxxxx said while she started walking away in speed again.

I knew xxxxx was staying away from me. I wanted to thanks her but she seem to be avoiding me. I want to know the reason. Is there something happen to cause a misunderstanding between me and xxxxx? Did I do something wrong? Or did xxxxx hated me that much?

"xxxxx, xxxxx ahh..." I called again. This time xxxxx exploded.

"Mwoya? Stop calling my name. I said I got something on right?!" She keep on walking in speed.

"xxxxx ahh, please wait..." I said while running after her. I was panting hard. My chest feel pain.




Your's POV:

When I  saw L.Joe done practicing his piano, I started walking away but he spotted me standing outside the music room. I started walking in speed when L.Joe called out my name.


"xxxxx ahh, xxxxx." he said while following up her steps.

"Any problem?" I replied as I keep on walking.

"xxxxx ahh, xxxxx, wait, he said again while he followed up her steps.

"Mwoya?" I replied in a cold tone. 

"Erm are you free later? Do you want to join me for a drink?" L.Joe asked.

"Mianhae, I am not free." I said immediately.

"Are you avoiding me?" L.Joe asked. I think he sense me avoiding him.

"Aniyo. Mian, I really got something on." I said while she started walking away in speed again.


"xxxxx, xxxxx ahh..." I called again. This time I exploded.

"Mwoya? Stop calling my name. I said I got something on right?!" I exploded and keep on walking in speed.

"xxxxx ahh, please wait..." L.joe said while running after me. I saw L.Joe slowing down when suddenly, I heard him in pain, holding his chest."

"Ouch..." I saw L.Joe holding his chest in pain.

I was shocked to see L.Joe in pain. I stopped walking and went up to him. He was panting hard. As I remember he got asthma. He can't run that much. I was guilty.

"Gwenchanna L.Joe ahh..." I asked worriedly.

"Ne, just a bit of trouble breathing." I am fine. He said while still panting.

"Mianhae, I forgot you got asthma and can't run too much." I said a bit guilty...

"Is okay. Do you still want to join me for a drink?... L.Joe tried to ask again.

I was guilty to cause L.Joe to has another asthma attack again. As I saw how he was trying to stop me for times, I don't have a heart now to reject him since I caused him panting hard..

"Araso.." I replied and I followed L.Joe off.












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Thanks for reading! ^^
naznew #2
Chapter 13: Good story...
Haha xD Thanks for reading it! ^^
Thanks for the comment ^^ I will :)
woww~~~such a sweet story,author-ssi!!!!keep it up!^^
Haha I am glad you like this.
I will try to come up another fanfic if I have the time~
*crying of happiness*
*clapping and wiping her tears away*
I hope you make another fanfic like this!
Aww >< Hehe thanks for supporting this fanfic! ^^
Hehe you are sweet too :9