Chapter 12

Pure Love

Author's POV:

During the day of operation, L.Joe asked xxxx to come to the hospital and see him before he go for the operation. During these period of time, it was IU who stayed by L.Joe's side and take good care of him, and xxxxx thought the relationship between them must be stable so far now. 

L.Joe's POV:

Today was the day of my operation. I asked xxxx to come to the hospital and visit me before I go for the heart operation. I was scared that this might be a last chance I can see xxxxx... I was afraid what if the operation failed? I wanted to confess to xxxxx my feeling before I go for the operation, if not I was afraid it might be too late...

"Do you know why I suddenly agreed to go for the heart operation?" I asked xxxxx.

"Not interested..." xxxxx said.


Your's POV:

It was the day of L.Joe's operation. I hoped he will be fine after he go through the operation and be healthy again. God, please pray for L.Joe as well as nothing go wrong during the operation. I was being asked by L.Joe to visited him before he go for the operation.


"Do you know why I suddenly agreed to go for the heart operation?" L.Joe asked.

"Not interested..." I said actually hoping that I was the one who make him change the decision and agreed to undergo the operation. 

"Is because of you." L.Joe said out the wish I am been wishing for.

"Me?" I said  while pointed a finger at myself, checking if I heard wrongly.

"Ne... I don't know if you already have open up the gift box, but the gift was actually a music box. If you have already open up and listen to the song, there was a hidden message in it." L.Joe said.

"I thought... you gifted it to the wrong person..." I replied. Actually I had already opened up the gift that day when I was in my bedroom. I opened up and found a music box in it. I turn the handle of the music box and was surprised it was the song that L.Joe and I performed that day for the Christmas Party... He actually recorded the song with my singing in it. I was shocked when I suddenly heard L.Joe's voice in it. 

"Can you be my angel, who stay by my side forever and be my happiness ever?"

"You already opened it? L.Joe seemed to be happy when I opened up the gift he gave me. "I know you misunderstood me that I got feeling towards IU. But I already explained to IU that we can be only friends." L.Joe continued and I can't believed what I heard.

"Misunderstanding? Only friends?" I said with my eyes opened big still can't believed what L.Joe was saying. I thought you brought IU a flower and even sent her home after the piano concert? Isn't this called wooing a girl?" I asked kidda taking up the cudgel for IU.

"We did went out together, but with Chunji and Ricky too. I treated IU nicely because I knew she was your bestfriend. But I only treated her like my own dongsaeng and as a bestfriend too. As for the flower, I and IU saw someone who was selling it for the charity, that' why I and IU decided to buy two of it. But I decided to gave mine to her. As for sending IU back home, it was to show I am a gentleman to everyone. I hoped these things do not caused any troubles between me and you. L.Joe tried explaining everything to me clearly.

"But..." I wanted to say about IU, as she was the one who had been taking good care of L.Joe when he cutted off my words...

"No buts! Actually I start falling in love with you ever since the day we met. Still remembered that day when you was crying alone at the school gate? Your attitude and behavior that day had leave me a deep impression, I can still remembered it cleary in my mind. No one dares actually talk to me rudely or coldly like you. Since meeting you, my EQ started messing up. Even Chunji started saying me, the usual icy prince and finally been melted." L.Joe said kidda laughing at himself. 

"The first time when I saw the usual confidence, bubbly & hot temper you actually break down and crying, I felt uncomfortable that time. I even told myself I won't let myself or anyone to make you cry, but bring happiness to you. After that, I wanted to ask you for a date for the piano concert, yet you push the chance to another person. And who knows since that, you started avoiding me, staying away from me, stop arguing with me like you always did. What is the problem with you? Did you know because of you, my grades started to drop and I don't even the mood to concentrate on my mood." L.Joe talked like a girl complaining about his boyfriend to me.

"That is your problem..." I said softly but kind of guilty as L.Joe continued off.

"I, whose IQ was 200, actually forced the teacher to let you be my partner for the performance for the Christmas party. That day when you started singing when I played the song, your angelic voice had melted away my heart. I can sense the happiness in it when played the song. The enjoyable of singing the song with a person you liked. Your voice really had the power to stole my soul away to you." L.Joe was staring through my eyes when he said these.

"Are you trying to tell me that you like me from all those words you had said?" I asked while I was laughing thinking if I can trust his words.

"Not only like, during the days we had spent together, I can truly tell you that I had already fallen in love with you." L.Joe grab my hand suddenly when he said.

So the person he actually like was me? I was happy that he actually love me and I love him too. But thinking that if I was to date with L.Joe, that means I betrayed my own bestfriend, IU who like him too. I can't betrayed IU, she was my best friend. I don't have the heart to saw her being disappointed. 

"Stop fooling around. Is impossible for me to love a guy who my best friend like." I said as I harshly shaked his hands off and swallowed back my tears hard not wanting to let L.Joe knows that actually I love him too.

"But the person I love is you!" L.Joe said kidda agitated. 

"L.Joe.. I was happy that you love... Because.. I love you too. I said kidda shakily as tears started foaming in my eyes.

"Since you had feeling for me too.. But why...?" L.Joe said when he suddenly, he hold his chest in pain. Pain can be shown on his face...

L.Joe's POV:

I was happy to found out that xxxxx had already opened up the gift and saw what was it. I started confessing to xxxxx and she seem shocked, at the same time happy. So xxxxx does love me too? But why can't she accepted me? Is it because she doesn't want to hurt IU, who was her bestfriend? But I don't having any feeling towards IU. I just treated her nicely like my own dongsaeng and as a best friend because she was xxxxx bestfriend too.

When I knew xxxxx rejected me because of IU, I started to felt heartbroken and agitated.

"L.Joe.. I was happy that you love... Because.. I love you too. xxxxx said.

Since xxxxx had feeling for me, but why... I started to question xxxxx when my chest started to be in pain again...

Your's POV:

"L.Joe, gwenchanna? Don't say a thing, let me help you back in your bed." I said worriedly as I saw L.Joe started to be in pain again. I don't wish to cause him being agitated since he was undergoing operation later. The doctor said he need to stay calm and not moody.

"Aniyo... Stay." L.Joe said stubbornly when I was to leave him here in the room to rest.

"L.Joe, I just purely wish to love you sliently, purely love you without any outcome." I finally said out everything I bottled up inside my heart.

"But now... L.Joe still wanted to argue further want his phone rang...


I heard everything xxxxx and L.Joe said in the ward. I heard every words between their conversation. I didn't knew that actually xxxxx had feeling for L.Joe and so does him. They are both truly in love but why didn't they tell me anything? Why didn't xxxxx tell me that she love L.Joe? Why did xxxxx rejected L.Joe? Is it because of me? I understand that I was xxxxx's bestfriend. For my sake, xxxxx had actually rejected L.Joe and decided to love him purely without any outcome. I felt selfish all of the sudden. Because of me, xxxxx can't love a guy he had feeling for but purely love him without letting him know.

As a friend, I should fullfill both of them since xxxx and L.Joe are both truly in love. As I said, there won't be happiness between anyone if he/she wasn't the person you love. There will only be happiness if both are truly in love. For the sake for xxxxx, as a bestfriend of mine, I should fullfill her a dream. I should give up on L.Joe and gave him to her. L.Joe was only the guy who was xxxxx happiness. I will be happy to see both of them together. I don't want to see my bestfriend unhappy for my sake. 

I, who was outside the ward of L.Joe, heard everything. Both of them confessed they are truly in love with each other. I, who decided to call L.Joe outside his room, as I wanted to speak to xxxxx telling her that is okay to love L.Joe as...

Your's POV:

The phone rang. L.Joe answered the call and handed over me his phone and whispered,

"Is IU..."

I was kind of surprised why IU wanted to have a chat with me. Is it because L.Joe rejected her and she knows about everything?

"xxxxx ahh... I had already heard your conversation between L.Joe. If you really just want to love L.Joe purely, just accept him. Both of them are truly in love, this is what it was called, pure love. Don't rejected him because I am your bestfriend. As your bestfriend, I should encourage you and L.Joe to be together. You both are truely to be meant to get together. Love can't be force, there won't be happiness if he/she are not truly in love with another. Is okay xxxxx, don't worry, I am okay. As your bestfriend, I should fullfill you both. I don't wish to see my bestfriend unhappy and lost her own happiness right? Okay, I shall hang up now, remember, don't reject me because of me. L.Joe is yours, he belongs to you." IU said as she was just outside waiting for me to nod my head.

"IU ahh... Gomawo..." I don't know what more to say as tears was forming in my eyes. For my sake, IU actually give up on her happiness for me... I really don't know what more I can say and thanks IU who is willing to fullfill me and L.Joe as a couple.

"I don't know if you realised this, regardless which places it was, library, canteen, I will always leave a empty space until you appeared. I was hoping that one day you will sit at the empty seat beside me. I wanted to let you know, with or without me, I will always be there by your side because my heart had already been stolen by you. xxxxx ahh, L.Joe said to me while grabbing my hands again,

"You, Jung xxxxx, would you like to be my girlfriend?" L.Joe asked sincerely looking straight through my eyes. I can felt my tears again. But this time round, it was tears of happiness.

"L.Joe, I won't like you again, but I will love you forever. Although you are a guy I can't love, but still you are the guy that I am willing to sarcrific my life for to love you forever!" I nod my head happily accepting L.joe as my boyfriend.

"I love you too forever." L.Joe said excitedly while he hugged me tightly.

"I won't ever let you off," L.Joe said as he kissed my cheeks.

The whole ward was suddenly filled with loves and happiness

L.Joe's POV:

I was happy that xxxxx finally accepted me. I can saw tears of happiness on xxxxx and me. I really want to thanks IU, who fullfilled me and xxxxx. Without her, xxxxx might not willing to accept my feeling towards her. The ward was filled with loves between me and xxxxx until the nurse came in. It was time for my operation... I was kind of afraid what will happen if the operation failed? What will happen to xxxxx? We just started our relationship and if something really go wrong... I don't wish to think further... I will be alright with the accompany of this necklace that xxxxx gave me to wish me goodluck. 

"Please take out any accessories that you are wearing on your body..." The nurse said to me...

"Miss,... Can I keep this necklace with me into the operation room? I said as I looked at the necklace which xxxxx gave.

"But... Alright then..." The nurse agreed to let me bring in the necklace as I was eyeing on the necklace and on xxxxx. With this necklace, I should stop worrying further.

"L.Joe, don't worried, you will be fine, with my prayer, IU, your friends and family. Promise me, you will be okay. xxxxx said while holding my hands tightly.

"I promised. I said while I touched the necklace xxxxx gave. With this necklace, I will be fine.

Is time for the operation. The nurse injected me with a medicine and slowly my eyes feels tired. I can sense that I was being pushed to the operation room. Everything turned dark. Please god, let me be okay...



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Thanks for reading! ^^
naznew #2
Chapter 13: Good story...
Haha xD Thanks for reading it! ^^
Thanks for the comment ^^ I will :)
woww~~~such a sweet story,author-ssi!!!!keep it up!^^
Haha I am glad you like this.
I will try to come up another fanfic if I have the time~
*crying of happiness*
*clapping and wiping her tears away*
I hope you make another fanfic like this!
Aww >< Hehe thanks for supporting this fanfic! ^^
Hehe you are sweet too :9