Chapter 13

Pure Love

Author's POV:

The operation was still undergoing for almost 3 hours now. xxxxx, IU and L.Joe's parents were waiting anxiously outside the operation room. xxxxx and IU were both praying down in their heart. They both hoped nothing will happen to L.Joe..

Your's POV:

Is been 3 hours now and L.Joe was still in the operation room. I heard god and L.Joe can heard my prayers for him. Plus the necklace I gave him just now in his ward, I hoped the necklace really bring goodluck to him. I was really worried about L.Joe, worried can be seen on my face. I had been pacing back and forth outside the operation room. I can't sit still.

"xxxxx ahh, don't worried, L.Joe is a determine guy. He can fight this battle! Drink this down and stay calm!" IU said while she handed me a cup of warm coffee."

I took the cup of coffee from IU's hands and finally sit down, taking a sip of it. 

"I know you are worried about L.Joe. Everyone was including me. As a bestfriend of him, I hoped he can really heard our prayers and these prayers were being sent directly into his ears. With these prayers and the necklace, I am sure he can fight this battle. Believe in him and ourselves!" IU said to me with a smile and yes, I believe in L.Joe, he can fight this battle!


Another 2 hours have past... The light of the operation banner goes off, and the doctor came out from the operation room. Sawing the doctor, we all stand up and went up to the doctor. My heart was pumping hard, nothing happen right?

"Doctor Shin, how was L.Joe? He was fine right?" L.Joe's mum and dad asked anxiously.

"Ne, the operation was successful! He will be fine within a week of rest. We will push him back to the ward now. You all can visit him later." The doctor said and everyone was happy to heard that. The stone in my heart had finally drop. I was happy to know L.Joe was fine. The operation was sucessful. Tears of happiness was filled in my eyes. Even IU started teasing me that this was the first time she saw me crying because of a guy I love.. 

L.Joe's POV:

The operation was sucessful. I woke up and find myself in the hospital bed with xxxxx beside me. I was glad to saw xxxxx, that's means I am alive right? xxxxx was like an angel sleeping beside my bed soundly. I gently touched her head and she was being woke up by me. xxxxx was happy to see me awake, and she give me a tight hug.

"L.Joe! You are awake? How are you feeling?" xxxxx asked worriedly.

"Mianhae. I am sorry to disturb you from your sleep, you must be tired. I am fine now." I asked still feeling a bit weak.

"I am glad you are fine." xxxxx said when she suddenly give me a warm tight hug. I was happy that I had xxxxx as my girlfriend. I will never regret her as my girlfriend.

"xxxxx ahh, you are suffocating me." I said teasing her.

'Yah!! Do you know how worried I am? You still have the mood to tease me!" xxxxx said while she hit my hand softly.

Haha, xxxxx was always been worried about me, she did cared for me the whole time. What a caring and sweet girl I had! 

"Mian. Don't worry, I will be fine when I recovered. I will be fine with you staying be my side." I said sweetly and xxxxx was blushing.

"L.Joe!!! I love you..." xxxxx said shyly.

"I love you too..."

Author's POV:

With the good care of xxxxx, L.Joe was recovering well and was discharged from the hospital. He had been staying home for a period time for recovering fully before he can go back to school and study with his xxxxx.

Your's POV:

I had been paying attention to lessons for the whole day and it was finally dismissal time. I walk out the school tiring. As I just stepped out from the school gate, there was someone walking behind me and hugged me all of the sudden. I was shocked that I almost scream out when that person stopped me from screaming,

"Shh... Is me!" Turning back my head and saw it was actually L.Joe waiting for me outside the school.

"L.Joe? I thought you are supposed to stay at home and rest until you recovered fully?" I asked.  I was surprised, happy, but at the same time, I was worried about L.Joe's health.

"I mised you that's why I came here! Also the doctor said I am in a good state and I recovered good." L.Joe said while he give me a smile. A sunshine smile that I never seen. I was glad he recovered, I know he had suffered a lot.

"I still remember the first impression of you, your face was like ice cube. But now, why did you changed and become a sunshine boy?" I purposely asked and .

"This sunshine expression of me, is only belong to you. I will only show this to you, the girl I loved." L.Joe said mushly that I can sense both of our hairs are going to stand, yet almost all girls like to hear those sweets and mushy talks by guys.

"I am not like other girls who was that easy to attract by those sweettalks." I said knowing L.Joe had seen through my personalities that I was not that type of girl, that's why he was being attracted by me, keke.

"Keke. That's why I am being attracted by your impression you deeply leave me. Lets go, finally I can spent my time with you now." L.Joe said happily while grabbing my hand. That icy face of his had totally melted by the happiness and love.

Author's POV:

The god has always been playing tricks on xxxxx. But sawing xxxxx who had been purely loving L.Joe without him knowing, the god was touched by xxxxx and finally agreed to sent this love and happiness for both of them.

Time past by quickly, it had been 2 years since xxxxx and L.Joe dated. Although they both had graduated from their high school, both were in different university now, but that's does not affect their relationship. Also this summer break, xxxxx will of course choose to spent her times with L.Joe as always.

Your's POV:

Is had been 2 years since I dated L.Joe. Although we both were in different university, this doesn't affected our relationship. We both get along happily. As for IU, she was in the same university with me, and in the same class too. Haha, we both can't be separated since we are bestfriends since high school. Oh ya! IU was in a relationship too with Chunji, keke. Kind of surprising right? We all thought Chunji is a playboy type and always flirt around with girls. But when it come to relationship, it seems Chunji really treated this relationship well. I hoped IU and Chunji will last long! 

The starting engine of a car cutted off my thoughts and a sport car vroom, and appeared infront of me. 

"What are you thinking, my darling?" A guy came out from his sport car, took off his sunglasses, and staring at me cooly as he asked."

"Ya Lee Byunghyun! I asked you stop calling me that, if not I will destroyed your sweetheart." I said referring to his sport car, and showing him my long finger nails I been keeping. But actually, I was actaully quite happy that L.Joe called me that.

"Ara, ara, araso. Get into the car, the movie is starting soon!" L.Joe said while he opened the car door for me. Hehe, what a gentleman my boyfriend was.

"Ne, araso.", as I get into his car. Although is been 2 years since we dated, I was still feeling excited for every single of our date we spent. And I knew that I am loving him more and more everyday.

L.Joe's POV:

Time really past by quickly. Is been 2 years since I dated xxxxx. In my opinion, xxxxx was getting prettier and prettier every single day. I never regret having xxxxx as my girlfriend. Her angelic voice when she sang, the deep impression she leave me, those moments that happened during our high school times, I won't forget them. It was actually memories that bring us together. 

"xxxxx ahh, I found out that you are getting prettier and prettier. I truly said out what I think of xxxxx and I can see her blushing a little.

"I also found out something. I found out that you are getting naughtier." xxxxx teased me and flicked my forehead. This has been xxxxx's habit, keke.

"If a man is not naughty nor playful, a woman won't love them, isn't it? I said as I slowly get nearer to xxxxx.

"Lee Byung Hyun, what are you trying to do?" xxxxx said feeling a bit uneasy by my action. 

I winked my eyes, giving xxxxx a evil smile, and suddenly I grabbed xxxxx on my hand, as she bented down on me. Then I slowly pulled her closer to me and kissed her. The amosphere inside the car was suddenly filled with love and happiness.

Jung xxxxx, you are my girl, the girl that I am willing to exchange my life to love her forever till I die.

Author's POV:

L.Joe and xxxxx had a good summer break spent together. The both of them spent their time having a lovely dinner after watching a movie. L.Joe even prepared a song for xxxxx that night at the restaurant and he played on the piano. The amosphere of the restaurant they were in having their dinner were filled with love and happiness. Okay hehe, I should leave and not disturbed this sweet little couple. Well, their love story should ended here now....

Okay finally the story ended.. Aww, I am gonna to miss it :'(

How was the story so far? I hoped you guys enjoy reading this fanfic!

Thanks all subscribers who subscribed to this fanfic! ^^ Thanks all for your support! 

I am sorry for any grammer mistakes but I hoped that I will have a chance to write another fanfic after this story.

Well okay I should stop here. I will perhaps see any of you in my next fanfic if I can! ^^

Seeya guys, and once again, thank you! ^-^





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Thanks for reading! ^^
naznew #2
Chapter 13: Good story...
Haha xD Thanks for reading it! ^^
Thanks for the comment ^^ I will :)
woww~~~such a sweet story,author-ssi!!!!keep it up!^^
Haha I am glad you like this.
I will try to come up another fanfic if I have the time~
*crying of happiness*
*clapping and wiping her tears away*
I hope you make another fanfic like this!
Aww >< Hehe thanks for supporting this fanfic! ^^
Hehe you are sweet too :9