Chapter 5

Pure Love



"Omma, Appa!... Don't lock me here! Don't leave me!! ARGHHHHHHHH!" 

I keep hearing L.Joe screaming and crying in fears. It was too dark in the room. I was searching L.Joe in the dark when I finally saw him shivering again in the dark screaming, suddenly he stopped and fainted on me.

"L.JOE!" I shouted as I saw him fainted. His body was cold. L.Joe, I keep screaming his name, hoping that he wake up. My tears roll down from my cheeks as I panic. I hold his hands tightly. I was hoping someone will find us. I was scared he will die just like that. No, he won't. I keep on holding his hands tightly... 

Your's POV:

I keep on tearing as there was still not reaction from L.Joe no matter how many times I screamed for his name. I keep on shaking him hardly hoping he will regain his consciousness. 

"L.JOE!!!" I keep on shouting his name, holding his hands tightly. 

Suddenly I heard a weak voice saying out my name. I felt a bit relief.

"L.Joe"? I said as I heard his weak voice calling out for me.

"xxxxx ahh.." L.Joe said weakly. His face was pale while his breathing was quite unstable.

"L.Joe? Gwenchenna? How do you feel ne?" I said while holding his hands tightly. 

"I... am tired. I can'...t br..eathe.. He said weakly, his face was palely pale as his head falls back to my shoulder again. 

"L.JOE, L.JOE! Don't scared me again!" As I saw his eyes closed falling back on my shoulder. Please hang on L.Joe, you are not alone, I am here, my hands were been holding his hands since what happened just now. Cold sweats was rolling down from his forehead, as I took out the handkercheif he give me on that day when I cry to wipe off his sweats.

I was hoping that someone find us being locked in room. We have been locked here for almost 1 hour time. I am afraid that L.Joe can't hang on any longer. His breathing was unstable, cold sweats was forming. 

Please hang on, help will be here, as I holded his hands while praying. As I was thinking in my own world, suddenly the door unlock.

Author's POV:

Suddenly the door unlocked. There stand Mr Kim, one of their school teacher. Upon hearing voice caming out from the storeroom, Mr Kim decided to check out the room and he found xxxxx and L.Joe being locked in the room. He was shocked to saw a crying xxxxx and a pale L.Joe fainted on xxxxx's shoulder. Upon sawing this situation, Mr Kim faster sent a student for help to get both xxxxx and L.Joe to the school sick bay.


Your's POV:

The nurse laid L.Joe on the bed after sawing a deadly pale face. The nurse hook a IV drip on his hand and she fixed an oxygen mask on his face. I was being asked by Mr kim to rest on the sick bay first after what happened just now. He knew both me and L.Joe was shocked. After the nurse done her job, she came to me and check whether I am fine. 

"How are you feeling xxxxx?" Mr Kim asked. 

"I am fine, just shocked of what happened to L.Joe..., How is him doing?" I asked worriedly.

"L.Joe was fine now. He was sleeping now after the nurse give him some IV drip. But he still had a slight fever and an asthma attack. He needed rest now." Mr Kim said.

I was still sobbing softly as I saw an unconscious L.Joe laying down on the sick bay bed. His face was deadly pale. His breathing seem to be stable now. He was sleeping soundly away now at the bed...

As Mr Kim saw me sobbing softly, he said again,

"Don't worry, L.Joe will be fine. You should rest for a while too xxxxx. Stay here with L.Joe after he wake up. He must be still in shocked." Mr Kim assured while he leave me and L.Joe in the sickbay.

L.Joe's POV:

"Omma, Appa..." I was crying out for my parents. My parents were out when suddenly I smell smoke coming from my kitchen. I was panic when I found out my door was being locked. I was stuck in the room, when the smoke became thicker and thicker. I was crying out for help, but none answer me. I was being locked in thhe room for almost hours. When I wake up, I found myself in the hospital....

"Omma... Appa..." I mumbled. My eyes slowly opened up, I found myself laying in the sick bay bed with IV hooked on my hand and oxygen mask on my face. I fixed my eyes and saw xxxxx sitting on a chair next to me.

Then I recalled back what happened. I was in fear and shivering just now when being trapped in the storeroom. And there was xxxxx, staying with me all the time, calming me, holding my hands tightly. Although I lost my conscious, I sense a warm touch, a pair of hands holding me tightly... That was xxxxx's hands...


Your's POV:

I was sitting on the chair beside L.Joe's bed. He look peaceful than just now. He was sleeping soundly unlike how he was behaving just now. I am still worrying about him. His face was still pale. I was about to fall asleep when I heard L.Joe's mumbled out for his parents...

"Omma... Appa..." L.Joe mumbled. Suddenly his eyes opened slowly and his eyes wandered around. I think he was still in shocked like what Mr Kim said. 

"L.Joe? Is okay, you are fine now, we are saved." I said ansurring him. How do you feel? Do you still need some rest? I asked again.

I can see L.Joe a bit refief to see me with him but still he was weak as he had a fever and an asthma attack.

"Ne...better, I am sorry to caused you troubles. You must be shocked.. I am sorry..." L.Joe said weakly. 

He must be guilty for making me worried and shocked, but it wasn't his fault too. Nobody want that to happen right? And he was still weak too, I doesn't want to cause him getting more sick again."

"Aniyo, is not your fault. Just get some rest here. The nurse stated you have a slight fever and an asthma attack. Don't worry, just sleep, everything is fine now." I said to L.Joe.

"Can.. you stay with me, please xxxxx?... Just this time... I am scared, just stay..." L.Joe said weakly when I was about to leave the sick bay just to let him had a good rest but sawing him in a weak state, I don't have the heart to reject him.

"Ne, I will stay. Now just sleep." I said while I saw L.Joe falling asleep in minutes. I bet he must be tired after all those incident just now.

I stayed beside L.Joe's bed and slowly, I started to fall asleep too with him...





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Thanks for reading! ^^
naznew #2
Chapter 13: Good story...
Haha xD Thanks for reading it! ^^
Thanks for the comment ^^ I will :)
woww~~~such a sweet story,author-ssi!!!!keep it up!^^
Haha I am glad you like this.
I will try to come up another fanfic if I have the time~
*crying of happiness*
*clapping and wiping her tears away*
I hope you make another fanfic like this!
Aww >< Hehe thanks for supporting this fanfic! ^^
Hehe you are sweet too :9