Help Me Remember (Chapter 21)

Help Me Remember

He woke up squinting his eyes as he rubbed his head to ease the pain from whatever caused this random headache; though he couldn’t remember drinking the day before, or what he had done to have this headache. He tried to remember, to recall such vague memories; nothing came to. Stretching his sore muscles, he slipped out of whoever’s bed this belonged to, and headed into what he figure out was the owner’s bathroom, hoping that they would have some pain killers. Thankfully, he found them inside of the mirror cabinet and swallowed them with tap water until he felt like they were moving into his stomach. Just as he was about to leave, however, the mirror closed with a small bang and saw a man in it.

He stared at it, wondering who it was that was in the mirror staring at him back. Taking a closer look, he leaned in and realized that the man in the mirror was him. He brought his hands up, touching the fairly white skin and slapping it, still unable to believe that this person was him. And now that he thought about it while looking so hard at himself, who exactly was he? Shrugging since it probably might come to him later, he left the bathroom, feeling a little bit better after taking a painkiller. As soon as the door closed behind him, he stopped in his tracks after seeing a picture of him, probably while he was younger, smiling along with the person next to him in between two other pictures.

He immediately grabbed the frame, wondering what in the world he was doing in this picture besides someone he never met before. He looked up again, to the wall, and saw that he was in another picture but with a different person with an even huge grin. The other picture had the person he had seen in the first frame, smiling huge with another kid he didn’t know. This all confused him so much. If the wide-grinned person and the person with him in the first picture knew him this well, then how come he didn’t know who they were, or who he himself was? As if his questions were heard, a thinly and small body bumped so carelessly against him.

“J? Are you feeling better?” This person asked him, his head down while his hands were probably rubbing his eyes.

“W-who are you?” He ignored the question as he backed up with the frames pressed against his chest.

“J, it’s...” The man looked up, his eyes showing nothing in them as a pained expression ran through his face; it only last for a while when the latter smiled. “...I’m Ninomiya Kazunari, nice to meet you.”

“I... You’re the person here?” He asked him, ignoring the fact he had to introduce himself when he didn’t even know his name, and shoved the frame towards the man’s chest. He saw him look to his right where all the frames rightfully belonged before putting them back up, and sighing as he stared at them. “Yeah... But that doesn’t matter right now. Does your head still hurt?”

He was about to nod his head when the man’s hand was placed against his forehead. It stayed there for awhile, checking whatever what was wrong with his head before the man pulled away and smiled. He wanted to say something, or even ask him a million questions, but he couldn’t do it since he was pulled away by his hand. When he thought he finally had the chance to do so, he was instead sat on a chair and something was being placed over his eyes.

“What’s this?!” He shrieked. “Are you going to kill me?!”

The man didn’t answer and instead heard the soft sounds of piano keys playing and soft singing from somewhere in the corner. He wanted to pull the blindfold off but the soothing voice stopped him from doing so. By the time he realized it, he was swaying along with this wonderful voice and even clapped when he had finished. However, the song was only meant to be sung for people who were born on this day.

“Hmm?” He hummed curiously, “Whose birthday?”

His questioned wasn’t answered, however, his blindfold was taken off. Even if it was so bright outside, the kitchen was so dim that the only light source was coming from the candles on a small cake. It was white all over but was sprinkled with purple and yellow glitter all over the top. the colors gave off a nostalgic feeling somehow, and he didn’t know why he felt that way about someone else’s birthday cake. On a small white box, laying on top of icing and strawberries, was the name ‘Matsumoto Jun’ and a ‘Happy Birthday’ written at the bottom.

“What do you think?” The man grinned as he took the empty seat besides him.

He shrugged. “Well who’s it for?”

“You,” the man told him, “I baked it for you last night when you were sleeping and spent the rest, after, learning how to play a happy birthday song perfectly in my own chords.”

“Me?” He raised an eyebrow, “But it’s not my birthday.”

“That,” the man grinned before standing up, “I will prove it.” With that said, the man left him to another room and came back with paper in his hand. This very same paper was then shoved onto his lap and he read it all before looking at the man confused and dumbfounded.

“You’re Matsumoto Jun,” The man told him, “It says so in your birth certificate.”

“How do I know it’s really me?”

“Ugh,” the man rolled his eyes before taking the paper from him, “It doesn’t matter, but just to let you know, you’re 25 starting today!”

“Woah,” He stopped him, “25? I don’t even remember being 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 1--”

“Ok, I get it!” The man whined so childishly, his mouth forming a slight pout. “But if you don’t care then this was all a waste. I’ll just throw it away then.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t care,” He told the man as he grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down the chair. “Matsumoto Jun or not, my birthday or not... just hand me a plate and fork. I’ll eat it.”

Even if he was this Matsumoto Jun, or the fact that this Matsumoto Jun was born on August 30, the cake looked very promising ever since he laid eyes on it. It’s just that he really wasn’t sure if he should trust this stranger, or even call the police on him, but somehow, he found himself sitting patiently on the dining chair like an obedient child. At the same time he heard his stomach growl so loudly that it echoed in the kitchen, the man finally sat down with two small plates and two forks on either side.

“J,” the person whispered, “You want to cut the cake?”

He willingly nodded his head, surprising himself as he took the knife and cut it in the middle. For some unknown reasons, he felt happy just being like this and he really couldn’t explain it no matter what. While he cut the cake into long rectangles, he looked under his arm and saw that the man was staring at him with bright eyes and a huge toothy grin on his face. He can tell he was so happy when he was like this, and immediately his feelings of happiness increased just by looking at him. When the cake was finally cut into pieces, he settled back into the back of the chair, and sat there waiting for something to happen.

“Do you want the first piece?” The man finally spoke up, “I’ll give you it...”

“No,” he grabbed his wrist and pulled them away from the cake. Taking the knife, he shifted it to the side, grabbed a piece of cake and placed it so nicely on the middle of the man’s small plate. Satisfied, he took one for himself too before placing the knife somewhere as far away from them on the table.

“Isn’t birthday boy supposed to get first serving?” The man asked him in confusion.

He nodded his head. “That may be the case, but because you spent your night on someone like me, you deserve it.”


“You don’t have to say anything,” he said, “And can I call you Nino?”


“Well let’s eat!” He declared as he took his fork and stabbed it into the cake.

It felt so nice in his mouth, the way it immediately melted as if it were ice and the sweet flavor it gave off was enough to top it off. It was so good that he kept shoving cake in his mouth, and swallowing it like there was no yesterday. There was no doubt about it that this cake was far by the best cake he had ever tasted, mind the fact that it was the first cake he ate, and was glad that Nino had made it with his hands. Out of impulse, he grabbed Nino’s hand until he could see what godly hands made this cake. It was long, yet stubby, it was thick, yet it felt so soft against his hand. Grinning so happily to himself, he brought the hand down, refusing to let go and was about to get another serving when he saw Nino staring at him wide-eyed.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jun apologized and was about to pull away when something very amusing caught his eyes. Using his free hand, he brought it up to Nino’s face, cupping his cheek and thumbing the icing off of the corner of his mouth. Pulling away, he the icing off of his thumb before going back to getting himself another serving. It was as if Nino’s hand belonged with his, that he didn’t even know he held onto it the whole time...

He finally gave in to using the name Jun since he couldn’t go on forever without having one. And because Nino said that he needed more grocery, he was glad to accompany him to the supermarket that was only a few blocks from their apartment.

As they moved around together, asking if this or that was good, Jun grabbed a couple without knowing that Nino was putting them back. At the same time he dropped white bread into their cart, he saw Nino take it and put it back.

“Hey!” Jun whined, his hands about to go for the bread but Nino slapped them away, “I want that!”

“You don’t like white bread,” Nino told him, “You prefer whole wheat and grains.” After telling him so, he grabbed the mentioned bread from the shelf and dropped into the cart before moving ahead without Jun. It was by then he caught up with him that he noticed everything on the cart he grabbed was missing. He was about to question Nino, to beg him to put it back, but he heard the latter tell him that he didn’t like any of those as if he knew what he was going to say. Sighing in defeat, he dragged his feet closely behind Nino like a moping child and didn’t bother to say anything anymore.

It was about time they left the supermarket since he felt like they were in there for about 2 hours or more. Once all the groceries were placed on the cart, they pushed it to their small car and drove away so their fresh produce will still remain fresh. The whole ride was quiet since Jun was still bummed out that he didn’t get to have what he wanted. And when they made it home, he didn’t even help and just shut himself in his room. However, this rebellious state didn’t last long when he finally came out of the room, and watched Nino cook.

“Nino, were we always like this? I mean, you’ve been doing everything for me since this morning and I feel bad about not doing anything.”

“It’s fine, J, I don’t mind doing all the work. As long as you’re here, that’s enough for me.”Jun smiled at his words, glad that Nino had forgiven him for his selfish actions.

While Nino cooked their meal, he walked around his house and examined at every picture on the wall. He recognized them as himself and some people he never knew. But what was strange was that he was smiling as huge as the other unknown person on the walls. Maybe he used to know him, but his head couldn’t tell him who it was. Giving up, he moved to the next picture.

There he was, a bit older than the last one, smiling with his best friend Nino. He tried to remember this scene, when it happened, what happened, and what words were being said. However, he just couldn’t.

“Ah, that was after we graduated high school,” his friend sighed, “We met right after and went out to celebrate our adult life.”

“Really?” Jun raised his eyebrows. “We did that?”

“Yep. Now come on, the food is waiting.”

After Nino had disappeared into the dining room, he stayed for a while, staring hard at the picture. The way Nino’s eyes were twinkling in the photo as he looked him in the picture, was the same when he was looking at him earlier. Jun thought it was strange, but he didn’t let it bother him when he heard his stomach make a loud growl. Turning on his heel, he walked to the dining area and sat there, waiting for Nino to serve him lunch. When the latter finally finished, food was placed on the table and soon, he was digging into it.

As always, the food Nino cooked was delicious. He thought this because he ate his cooking yesterday all day, and the cake that tasted oh so heavenly in his mouth. It tasted so new in his mouth and he understood now why he liked this. While he ate, he noticed that Nino wasn’t eating with him; he did the same thing during breakfast too. Instead, his friend was watching him eat which made it all the more awkward.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” He asked him after slurping the miso soup.

“I’m good,” he answered, “I just want you to eat what I made for you.”


“I said I’m good,” he repeated. “Just enjoy it.”

Then Jun started to remember the picture in the hallway. He was meaning to ask Nino earlier, but the food was so delicious like his mouth was made for it. But the food can wait, and he wanted to know now.

“Nino, earlier at the picture, why were you looking at me like that?”


“Is there something I’m supposed to know other that what happened that day?”


“Please tell me, I won’t finish this food.”

Nino turned his head away but he heard what he was saying under his breath.

“So what if I won’t remember? Please, just tell me,” He begged.

“I-it’s nothing,” Nino stuttered, “My eyes were just teary that day.”

Jun could tell he was lying and he couldn’t stand it if he kept doing this to him. When he was about to ask him again, his friend stood up and left him to go to his room. Jun had long forgotten the warm food on the table and he stood up and followed him. They ended up going inside his room, and he saw so many photos of him with Nino together.

“You won’t remember it anyways so I think it’s better I tell you now. I... I like you ok?” Nino told him, his back facing in his direction. “Satisfied?”

Jun didn’t say anything, but he found his hand reaching the man’s shoulder. When his hand came in contact with his small frame, he turned him around and gave him a hug. For some unknown reason, Jun was starting to cry when it was supposed to be Nino who was doing that. He felt bad enough that he would forget this in the end, but as he pulled away, he looked him in the eyes and pecked his lips. They stayed in that position for a while and Jun felt something wet on his face. Taking the smaller man towards the bed, they snuggled together until they fell asleep. Jun woke up hours later, groaning in pain as he clutched hard onto his head. It hurted so much that it was worse than the random headache he had yesterday. He couldn’t move around and he didn’t want to wake up Nino just because of this problem. However, one of his hands was reaching out towards Nino’s face, and something weak, and raspy came out of this mouth


What happened after was a blur as he became quiet and finally slept peacefully besides his friend.

He woke up the next morning, his memories of the past few days gone, and asking why he was hugging a crying man.


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Chapter 25: Aww the ending is so sweet <3 So glad J got his memories back... I read your story on tumblr before but I'm reading it again because it's so good~!! I like matsumiya and ohmiya too X)