Meeting the Bigbang


The past week had been like a dream to Mi Cha. She had spent her every free moment with GD, secretly of course, since Bigbang members were banned from dating. It was actually pretty fun hiding and stealing glances secretly from each other and kissing everytime they had a moment alone. 

Mi Cha sat in her dorm room's living room. She was smiling like a stupid person texting with Jiyong. She pretented not to hear what her room mates talked about her. "Look at her smiling, does she have a boyfriend?" One of them said. "No way she's too ugly to have a boyfriend", other one aswered. "If you bishes only knew", she thought to herself while grinning. They would die jelous if they heard she was secretly dating the all mighty G dragon. She let out a small giggle. Go to sleep now Cha Cha ~ Jiyong wrote. Mi Cha let out another giggle. His message was so overly cheesy but she didn't ever care. She was happy that Jiyong was sending her cheesy messages. Arasso Jiyong oppa, good night ~ She answered and got up from the couch and floated to her room ignoring the dirty looks coming from her room mates. Her phone let her know she had another text message. She smiled widely thinking Jiyong send another cheesy message. Her smile faded quickly when she saw who the message was from. In Su. Meet me at the park tomorrow at 5pm. Mi Cha's eyes narrowed. "As if", she though to herself, and went to sleep. 

Mi Cha walked down the YG buildings hallway, she was half asleep. She bumbed into someone. "We cant keep meeting like this", Yongbae said grinning. "Omo Yongbae oppa! Im sorry I was half asleep", Mi Cha said smiling embarassed. "Haha it's okay Mi Cha-ah, wanna go grab something to eat?" Yongbae asked smiling. "Umm, sure" She knew Jiyong wouldn't come before 11 and it was half past 9 so she had time. They made their way to the cafeteria and grabbed something to eat each. They chatted cheerfully and ate. "Wow Mi Cha-ah I only now noticed that your eyes are actually dark blue", Yongbae said fascinated. "yeah, I have extraordinary eyes they say". After noticing her blue eyes he couldn't take his eyes off her. he thought that she was actually really cute, different from the others. "What? What are you looking at?" Mi Cha asked in surprise. Yongbae was forced out of his thoughts. "Nothing, I was just thinking about something", Yongbae said and flashed a smile. They finished eating and left the cafeteria. Mi Cha's phone made a noice. Meet you at the lower storage room now ;) It was from Jiyong. "Um yongbae oppa you go ahead I have somewhere I need to", she said waving good bye.

She was exited like a little girl going to candy shop when se made her way to the storage room. She opened the storage room door and found Jiyong waiting for her. He turned around and looked happy to see her. She ran to him and hugged him tight. "Mi Cha-ah are you that happy to see me?", Mi Cha hugged him even tighter. "Im happy to see you too", Jiyong said softly. "AS much as I love just being like this I did have something to talk about", Mi Cha lifted her head so she could see his face. "What?" she asked curiously. "I was just wondering..If you'd like to meet the other members of Bigbang.. as my girlfriend", Jiyong said and blushed for the first time. Mi Cha smiled widely and nodded. "Great", I'll pick you up at 4 ok?" Jiyong said and hugged her tightly. 

Mi Cha was annoyied. She was annoyied because she had nothing to wear. At least if you want to meet the whole Bigbang and look gorgeous. Of course she had met Bigbang members before but only one she had actually talked to was Yongbae.. And of course Jiyong. Now she was about to meet them.. As Jiyong's girlfriend! Yes she had nothing good enough to wear. She ended up wearing tight jeans and wihte silky shirt with black heels, yeah she was all about the hip hop but sometimes she liked to wear more cute clothes. She desided to put a black headpand Yongbae style, so she wouldn't appear to be too cute. Im waiting ~ after seeing that message Mi Cha grabbed her purse and ran down. Jiyong couldn't come and pick her up from the door because of her room mates. "Damn those room mates", she though to herself. 

As they drove to Bigbangs dorm building Mi Cha started to feel nervous. Jiyong could sense that and let out a laugh. "Relax Cha Cha", he said but he did feel a little bit nervous himself. He had just told his fellow members to be home at 4, without any explanation. They made their way to dorm door and Jiyong pressed the door code. They walked in to their dorm to see other bigbang members gathered to the living room. They all looked surprised seeing Mi Cha. "Um guys, you know Mi Cha right? She's umm.. She's my girlfriend", Jiyong said and held her hand tightly. "A..Annyeon haseyo", was all Mi Cha could say and she bowed nervously. Yongbae looked stunned. That girl? Jiyongs girlfriend? He just stood there with his mouth open. There was a moment of silence before Seungri made his way to Mi Cha. "Aigoo I've always thought she's really cute, good catch hyung!" he said pinching her cheek. Mi Cha blushed slightly. "YA she's your noona you treat her with respect", Jiyong said irritated. "Aigoo you are so cute too Seungri-ah", Mi Cha said and also pinched his cheek. Everyone laughed exept for Seungri who felt a little bit embarassed. Next one to come to Mi Cha was TOP. "Annyeong Mi Cha-ah" he said smiling shyly and bowed slightly. "Annyeong she answered and gave a biggest smile she could give". "AIGOO MI CHA-AH JIYONG HYUNG YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER", Daesung came to them with a smile, Mi Cha couldn't see his eyes. She giggled. YongBae was the last one to come to Mi Cha. "We already know each other", Yongbae said and pulled her into a hug. Jiyong felt irritated to see that. " Yongbae oppa", she said startled and gave a glance at Jiyong, Jiyong however smiled at her. They all sat down and Mi Cha kept laughing at the guys, they were so silly. Before they noticed it was already 7pm. "Ok I think I need to go now my room mates will start to wonder where I am, since I never leave the doorm", Mi Cha said a bit embarassed. "I'll take you home", Jiyong said getting up. "You dont have to, I actually want to walk", Mi Cha said smiling. "Thank you guys I had fun today!" she said goodbye and the guys waved at her. Jiyong walked her to the door. "Are you sure you want to walk? I can walk with you", Jiyong said worried. "Dont be silly nothing will happen to me it's 7pm, and I want a little fresh air, I'll send you a text when I get home" Mi Cha said and placed a kiss to his lips. 

Mi cha felt happy as she walked down the street. The guys were so cool about it and made her feel welcomed. Such sweet guys. She giggled when she thought about Seungri, he was so cute. She walked slowly in her heels towards the dorm building and as she reached the  yard she went pale. "Yah, I waited for you today at the park", In Su appeared in front of her. "I really needed to talk to you but apparently you had something better to do", he continued walking closer to Mi Cha. "Stay away from me you " she said taking a step back. "I though I made it clear I dont want to hear from you again", she said as she tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her wrist. "YAH that hurts!" she tried to free her wrist and he didn't let go. She slapped him. In Su looked shocked holding his cheek. His shock changed into anger. He slapped her back. Tears started to fall from her eyes, as he lifted his hand to slap her again.

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lovis89 #1
Chapter 10: wtf in suk!!!!!
lovis89 #2
so cute
Asdfghjkl this is cute ; u;
aguslagar #4
''Dont be so sad you have to be happy for me Mi Cha, because from now on you are mine". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved this chapter!! I look forward to your update soon (:::::: i'm already a fan!