That moment


I had to write this TWO TIMES because my computer shut down in the middle >.< anyways here it is! Thank you to my subscribers Saranghae!! ~ Here is a song that fits the title so let's make it a theme song for this fanfic:


Mi Cha ran down the hallway and didn't see YongBae come behind the corner. She bumbed right into him and fell down. "Omo T..Taeyang-ssi I am so sorry, did you get hurt?" Mi Cha asked embarassed. YongBae just laughed and gave his hand. "Dont worry Mi Cha wast it? Im fine how about you? You bumbed into me pretty hard", Yongbae said laughing. Mi Cha grabbed his hand shyly and he pulled her up. "Yeah Im fine gomawo Taeyang-ssi", Mi Cha said gratefully. "You can call me Yongbae if you want", Yongbae said letting her hand go. "N..Ne Yongbae-ssi", Mi Cha said blushing a little. "Yongbae-ssi... That sounds a little bit too formal to mee try YongBae oppa", Yongbae said grinning when he saw Mi Cha blush even more. "Ne, yongbae..oppa", Mi Cha said turning her head to the floor. "That sounds more like it! You're a little bit shy arent you?" YongBae said smiling until his eyes disappeared. "Ne", She said. "Well Mi Cha-ah you should get going you seemed to be in a hurry", Yongbae said. "O..Ok thank you Yongbae oppa" Mi Cha said cheerfully and started running again. YongBae watched her vanish around the corner and smiled softly. Suddenly Jiyong walked to him. "Ah, Jiyong were are you coming from?" Yongbae asked his friend. "Nowhere special", Jiyong answered mystically. "Arasso, arasso", Yongbae said laughing. "What?", Jiyong said surprised. "You're hiding something from me dude, I can see right through you", Yongbae said giving a tap on his shoulder and walked away. "You know me too well Yongbae", Jiyong said quietly smiling. 

Mi Cha walked to the practise room. She was confused as she sat down to the bench. She was confused about Jiyong. He had just suddenly stated that she's his and even slept beside her. Everything was happening so fast. Still she was grateful to Jiyong who made her feel a little better, her heart felt like it started to heal very slowly. She didn't even bother to greet the other dancers anymore since they had made clear she's not welcomed. Jung Hwa walked into the room and waved cheerfully to her. He was nice to her and she was thankful. With a big smile on her face she waved back. Bigbang arrived too and they started the practise. Mi Cha tried her best to avoid eye contact with Jiyong. Four long hours went by until they stopped practising. Dancers and Bigbang members started to leave the room and Yongbae flashed a huge smile at her as he passed by. Mi Cha smiled back. Jiyong saw this and waited the others to leave. When Mi Cha was about to leave too he grabbed her wrist once again and pulled her close. "Since when have you and Yongbae been so close?", Jiyong said a bit irritated. "Dont you remember what I said, You are mine now!" He continued. "How can you just make me yours? We dont even know each other that well.. And why would you want to make someone like ME yours? Im sure you have plenty of girls in line",it was Mi Cha's turn to get irritated. Jiyong grinned. He let her hand go and grabbed her cheeks instead. "I have know idea too why im doing all this you crazy girl", Jiyong said and let out a  laugh. He grabbed her wrist again and started walking. "YAH, where the heck you think you're taking me?", Mi Cha yelled startled. "Were goin on a date", Jiyong said casually. "N..NE?". 

He pulled her all the way to the YH buildings cafeteria. He placed her to a table in the corner and sat down himself. "Let's start from the beginning shall we? Ok I'll start, How old are you?" he asked her smiling that cute smile. "What?", Mi Cha hadn't really understood the situation yet. "You sadi we dont know each other that well so im going to change that", Jiyong said. "So.. how old are you?", he asked again. Mi Cha was stunned. She also felt a little bit happy. It was not the most romantic place or he didn't even ask her that romatically, but they were on a date. "Um.. im 22 years old", Mi Cha said letting out a small smile. "Ok, im 25 years old. Tell me about your family then", Jiyong answered but regretted it the next second. Mi Cha's eyes began to fill with water as she though about her family. "Mi Cha-ah im sorry I didn't -" he didn't get to finish his sentence when Mi Cha started to talk. "There's me my mom and.. my sister", Mi Cha started to talk with weak voice. "My fater left us when me and my sister were young I dont even remember him", she continued. "There has always just been us three, my mom and sister were always close and they were alike. Both sosial loud and wild", she continued and turned to look out of the window, like she was having a flashback. "I was always the quiet one.. the shy one", she continued. "It wasn't a secret that mother liked Mi Ok more than me", she said and let out an exhausted laugh. "I think she was kind of disapointed when i was about to get married before Mi Ok", she said with watery eyes. "She must be happy now", she said and sighed. Jiyong listened carefully trying to read her face. He couldn't believe all that she had been through. He wanted to protect her even more. He never wanted to see those sad eyes again. They stayed quiet and Mi Cha kept looking out of the window. Suddenly she turned and smiled. Jiyong smiled back. "So how about your past?", Mi Cha sked cheerfully. He was amused by her attempt to be brave. Jiyong let out a long sigh. "I have no past, just future", he said smiling. Mi Cha didn't ask more. Jiyong looked deep in her eyes. For the first time she didn't turn away. The butterflies weren't there but instead she felt something more strong. It was like her heart was about to burst. He looked at her so softly. Jiyong got up from his seat   and walked to her. The cafeteria was now empty. He didn't say a word, neither did she they just stared at each other. Mi Cha got up from her seat too. They were standing face to face. He grabbed her cheeks again and started to bring his lips closer to hers. She didn't pull away this time. He got closer slowly until his lips met hers. He pressed them against hers softly. Mi Cha put her hands around his waist and pulled him closer. He started to run his fingers through her hair as she pulled him even tighter to her. She didn't want to let go. Ever again. She just wanted to be kissed.. Held by Jiyong. And she slowly but deeply started to fall in love.


                                                      Always you should know you're my honey

                                                              Always you are on my mind
                                         Always you can call on me any 'o day or night... oh yeah
                                                            No way I be shady or frontin'
                                                          No way that aint even my style
                                            What I'm sayin is always and forever be you and I...

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lovis89 #1
Chapter 10: wtf in suk!!!!!
lovis89 #2
so cute
Asdfghjkl this is cute ; u;
aguslagar #4
''Dont be so sad you have to be happy for me Mi Cha, because from now on you are mine". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved this chapter!! I look forward to your update soon (:::::: i'm already a fan!