

Jiyong held her quietly. Mi Cha was shocked that Jiyong actually was holding her, but it felt good and safe so she stayed there. It was crazy because they didn't know each other that well but it felt right it felt like it was meant to be. She felt like her heart started to heal slowly. She didnt know if she could trust Jiyong.. If she could trust anyone for a while but just being there being held was good. Jiyong her back and felt her breath slow down. She was asleep. He placed her head to the pillow and gave a soft kiss to hear forehead. He was satisfied to see that the look on her face was a little bit more peaceful this time. "You are hurting really bad arent you Mi Cha-ah", he whispered. "I cant stand that for some reason, so im going to make you mine so no one ca hurt you ever again", he continued. "Mi Cha you crazy girl making me like this even though we have seen each other 3 times now" Jiyong said and lauhged a little.

Jiyong went to their practise room where the dancers and other Bigbang members sat looking irritated. "Oh wow he's here FINALLY", Seungri said and stood up. "Sorry guys something came up", Jiyong said apologising. "We were just a bit worried about you since you left earlier but you weren't here when we came" Yongbae said placing his hand to Jiyongs shouldier. "Yes I am really sorry but I had to be somewhere for a while so.. Why dont we just start practising ok?" Jiyong said and they all got to their places and started the practise. It went on for 5 hours until Jiyong was satisfied with the routine. "Ok good job guys see you tomorrow!" Jiyong said to the dancers cheerfully. Jung Hwa came to Jiyong lookin worried. "Um Jiyong huyng, Have you heard of Mi Cha, she wasn't here today", he said. "Yeah I heard that she passed out due too much stress or something im sure she's back tomorrow" Jiyong said and tapped Jung Hwa's shouldier.

YongBae and Seungri walked to Jiyong. "Hyung are you coming?"  Seungri asked. "Theres somewhere I need to go you go ahead", Jiyong said grinning to the maknae. "YA huyng you are so weird nowadays what's wrong with you dude?" Seungri said annoyied and walked away with YongBae. "Im sorry guys I'll tell you soon", Jiyong said quietly so that they didn't hear him. Jiyong rushed to the nurses room and found Mi Cha sleeping just like how he left her. He smiled softly and sat down to her bed. He watched her sleep for hours and finally felt sleepy himself  , he laid down beside her and fell fast asleep. 

The next morning came and Mi Cha finally started to wake up. She yawned as she opened her eyes and blinked since is was so bright. Then she notices someone beside her. "Jiyong-ssi!" she gasped. He was still sleeping face to Mi Cha's face. His face was few inches away from hers. She felt the butterflies again. He looked so peacefull and..cute sleeping like that. She thought about him holding her tight. "From now on you are mine", she blushed as she remembered those words. She smiled, and couldn't get her eyes of him. The butterflies flew around and.. her heart raced fastly. What was this feeling she had, it brought her warmth. She brought her face a little bit closer to his. She  had a sudden desire to kiss him. His lips looked soft and tempting. Jiyong opened his eyes. Mi Cha stopped. They stared each other for few moments that felt like forever. Her eyes were wide from surprise and he was smiling. Mi Cha pulled back and sat up fastly. She was blushing really badly. Jiyong slowly got up too. He stretched his arms and looked at Mi Cha. He was amused by the look on her face. Mi Cha looked at her fingers like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Jiyong let out a laugh. The nurse came in to the room and was a bit surprised to see Jiyong there. "Ok Lee Mi Cha you are now free to go. Remember to get a good sleep when ever you can and eat properly", the nurse said. "Ne!", Mi Cha said cheerfully as she got up and started to pick up her things. Jiyongs also got up and grabbed Mi Cha's wrist and pulled her close. He grabber her other wrist too. "W..what are you doing", Mi Cha said startled. "You were about to kiss me earlier weren't you", Jiyong said softly. He started to bring his lips closer to Mi Cha's lips. Mi Cha was frozen she couldn't move. But since she was shy she pulled away from Jiyongs grib and ran away.




No kiss for you just yet ;) keke what will happen next?

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lovis89 #1
Chapter 10: wtf in suk!!!!!
lovis89 #2
so cute
Asdfghjkl this is cute ; u;
aguslagar #4
''Dont be so sad you have to be happy for me Mi Cha, because from now on you are mine". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved this chapter!! I look forward to your update soon (:::::: i'm already a fan!