From now on you are mine


Mi Cha had now moved to the dancers dorm building. She shared a dorm with four other dancers. The dancers didn't really like Mi Cha because she had replaced their friend. Mi Cha spended her free time mostly alone or at the dance studio practising. After their last encounter at the studio Mi Cha had triend to avoid Jiyong as best as she could but everytime their eyes met he winked at her or something like that. Mi Cha didn't know why he was acting like that and she was a little bit disapointed because that was not romantic at all. Jiyong was all about the play, she knew he was a player and had no intention to fall for his games. 

Mi Cha was on her way to the YG building since it was rehearsal time again. She was walking because the distance between her domr and the Yg building was not that long and she saved money by walking. As she got closer to the building she noticed a woman standing in the yard facing the building. Mi Cha walked closer and soon realised who it was. Lee Mi Ok. Her sister. Mi Cha froze and stood there quietly. Mi Ok turned around and saw Mi Cha. "Omo Mi cha-ah, there you are", Mi Ok said with a wicked smile on her face. "What do you want Mi Ok unnie", Mi Cha said coldly. "Ya Mi Cha-ah dont be so cold to your sister, I just came to see how you're doing", Mi Ok said. "Im doing fine, now that you know mind leaving?", Mi Cha said and started to walk past her and towards the building. "We're engaged, me and In Su", Mi Ok suddenly said. Mi Cha froze again. "I guess you just weren't good enough for him Mi Cha-ah" Mi Ok said coldly. "You were too innocent, Mi Cha" she continued.  "With the way you are you'll never be enough for anyone, you are kind of pathetic you know, so naive", Mi Ok said and walked away leaving Mi Cha standing there in disbelieve. Salty tears fell down her cheeks as  she couldn't move still being hurt by her sisters words. Her legs didn't hold her anymore and her knees gave away. Jiyong had been watching Mi Cha and her sister from afar and ran to Mi Cha when he saw her break down. "Ya, are you okay? Mi Cha do you hear me?" Jiyong said and shaked her a little bit. Mi Cha didn't answer and it was like she wasn't even in this world she just stared straight ahead tears falling, when suddenly she lost consciousness and fell to Jiyongs lap. Startled Jiyong picked her up Bride style and carried her inside to the YG buildings nurse room. Nurse came to conclusion that Mi Cha was over exhausted by all the stress and practising. Nurse left the room. Jiyong stood by her bed. Mi Cha looked beautiful even in her sleep. But her face didn't look peacefull at all. It was full of pain and heartache. 

After a while Mi Cha started to wake up. She opened her eyes slowly and lifted herself up a little. "Ya dont push yourself", she heard a voice. It was Jiyong. "J..jiyong-ssi" Mi Cha muttered. "Yeah I happened to see your encounter with that woman and you passed out on me so I had to carry you here", Jiyong said with irritated voice. "Im so sorry I.. I dont know what happened", Mi Cha said quietly. The look on Jiyongs face softened. "Who was that woman, she seemed to give you a hard time", Jiyong said while carefully examining the look on her face. Mi Cha's eyes started to fill with tears again. "Oh nevermind that seems to be a difficult subject to you, you dont have to tell me", Jiyong said alarmed. Mi Cha sighed deeply. "She's my sister", she said surprising Jiyong. "She just came to tell me that she's engaged..with my ex-fiance" she said with watery eyes. She blinked once and a tear fell to her cheek. "She never was the kindest person to me, but she really hurt me this time.. my own sister" she said and let out an exhausted laugh. Jiyong looked at her suffer, and felt bad for her. She was so innocent. He felt like he had to protect her even though he didn't even know her that well but her eyes, those beautiful dark blue eyes were so full of sadness, he wanted to make her smile. Jiyong got up from where he was sitting and went closer to Mi Cha. Mi Cha didn't even look at him, she was deep in her sad thoughts. "Mi Cha-ah", Jiyong said softly, getting Mi Cha to look at him. Her eyes were wide and still watery. "Dont look like that, my heart hurts you know" he said and sat down to her bed. Mi Cha didn't say a word. He grabbed her head and placed it to his chest, he put his arms around her. "Mi Cha-ah you dont deserve that, you hear me? Dont be so sad you have to be happy for me Mi Cha, because from now on you are mine". 

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lovis89 #1
Chapter 10: wtf in suk!!!!!
lovis89 #2
so cute
Asdfghjkl this is cute ; u;
aguslagar #4
''Dont be so sad you have to be happy for me Mi Cha, because from now on you are mine". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loved this chapter!! I look forward to your update soon (:::::: i'm already a fan!