Sending Shin off to Daycare

Who My Son Picked to Love




Can’t really say which one


I smile as I wake up too see my son curled up on my bed and I push his face a bit away from mine only to have him hit something solid… Not hard I swear just enough to wake up the semi light sleeper.

Omma… Appa is still asleep let him sleep.”

I sit up quickly too see that Luhan is on the other side of my son and his hand that was resting on my arm slips into my lap.

No one but my son and I are allowed in my bed… so why is he in it?

I nod my head as I move Luhan’s hand and look at Shin, “Let’s go make breakfast.”

I know that switching between Mandarin, Korean, and English is bad for my son but that’s how I grew up as well… when my father was still in the picture.

I smile as I lean over and kiss Shin’s forehead knowing he’s still tired, “You can sleep for a little bit longer with Luhan I’ll wake you 2 up when breakfast is ready.”

Shin looks up at me and he sleepily nods his head and curls up with Luhan I can’t help but take a picture on my phone.

As I happily hum as I enter the kitchen I hum a song that I thought I wouldn’t think of after so long Tong Hua by Guang Liang.

I open my computer and find a cover that is one of my favorites and I almost like more than the original version of the song that was done by Gerald Ko.

As I skate around my kitchen as I make a simple Chinese congee for us today. I open the fridge and chop up some extra things that I know Shin will want to put on his.

As I finish everything up and add the over easy eggs too the congee I see 2 sleepy boys that look father like son. Seeing this makes my heart ache but yet it warms my heart.

“You two wash up real quick since I'm almost done.”

I notice their heads look up too see the table set up nicely with a bowl for all of us and a few bowls in the middle.


When they get back to the table I smile as I look at Luhan, “I didn’t realize you stayed over yesterday.”

I realize that Tong Hua is still playing so I run over to push pause… a bit embarrassed for some reason.

As we sit down Luhan smiles as he looks at the small spread I set up for all of us, “I know. I didn’t plan too either but Shin kind of kept wanting me to play with him so I agreed to stay because he seemed really lonely.”

I nod my head as I look at my little boy who isn’t even paying attention to us, “He is. That’s why I’m having him go to daycare, but he seems to hate me for that.

In the word daycare Shin looks up and glares at me before he goes back to his food.

Luhan looks surprised, “Is he really that mad about it?”

I think it’s cause he’s so used with being around my dad and exo cause I was looking for 1 so he could make friends especially after I started to completely settle here.

My son looks at me and says,  “Why? Why do I have too go too daycare?

I think for a while and smile, “Remember in New York how you wanted to make as many friends as possible.

He nods his head and looks at me.

That’s what I want to give you now. I want to give you as many friends as possible. Friends that a kid like you deserve.

Shin looks at me confused by what I mean so I explain to him, “You are one of the sweetest and energetic.

He smiles at me knowing I made it short cause there’s so many things that I can say to him.

My son smiles at me knowing that I want him to have everything that he never had which is why after a while I stopped asking him to stop calling Luhan appa.

I watch as Shin takes a spoonful of his food and stuffs it into his mouth and keeps eating quickly.

“Shin!” I shout horrified, “You might be excited now, but you should never eat like that.

Shin stops and slowly starts scooping up his food and eating with all the manners that I’ve taught him.

Luhan looks at me, “He’s a kid don’t you think he deserves to eat a bit messy.

I look at Luhan and shake my head as I look at the time, “Wow, it’s later than I thought. Shin are you dressed for day care?

He looks down and nods his head, “Good, now stay with Luhan well I get dressed real quick.

As I change out of my pajamas and look at them I smile seeing that Luhan and Shin are dressed alike today and that I even match them a bit.

I laugh as I pull on a beanie and coat looking at them, “I’d put on a coat sweetie… and Luhan you have one here right?”

He shakes his head and I sigh shaking my head.

I walk too my closet and pull out a guy jacket that I had bought the year I got pregnant with Shin cause it was the only thing that’d fit me right.

I hold it out to him as I pull out a beanie and scarf set that I had knit a last year, “Here.”

I smile as I wrap the scarf around his neck then I place the beanie on his head, “There much better. I know it’s not that cold but I can’t have my boys get sick can I? Mostly cause you two can easily get sick.”

They tilt their head as they look at me and I realize I spoke English around them and Shin isn’t really used to it.

I shrug my shoulders as I walk too my door and pull on my shoes at it.

I notice that I’m alone so I turn back and say, “Come on… We need to head out like now if we don’t want Shin to be late on his first day.

I watch as Luhan helps Shin into his outerwear and I worry that with the little that Luhan is wearing if he’ll get sick.

Luhan, do you want something warmer to wear?”

What do you have?”

I have a thicker sweatshirt than the one you are wearing that’s a male sweatshirt.

Why do you have a guy sweatshirt?

Cause it’s comfy and warm. I also bought a few guy things while I was pregnant too make it feel like I was dating someone.

He frowns as he looks at me and then looks at Shin, “I’m sure he loved you from the second he heard your voice while he was in utero.

I smile as I nod my head, “True,” I mumble to myself as I pull the sweatshirt from the closet by the door.

I hold it up and nod my head, “Here you go this will fit you.”

Luhan smiles at me as he takes it and slips off the jacket for he can put the sweatshirt on. Once that’s finished I pull Shin into my arms and look at Luhan holding out my hand too him.

He takes my hand and opens the door for us causing me to giggle and Shin too give him the thumbs up.

As we’re walking down I open my phone too see that I have a message from my father.

I sigh as I open it and see that he had sent a driver to pick up my son, boyfriend, and me.

I hand Luhan  mask and make him put that on along with a pair of sunglasses.

He doesn’t argue with me cause he knows he’d do it anyways.

I smile as I juggle Shin in my arms as we walk over to the car since I know the driver after living in Seoul for about 9 or so months I think. truthfully it might be less… it’s probably less but I can’t be for sure my time keeping skills are horrible.

I smile as I look to see that Shin has his own booster seat that’s in the middle so Luhan has to walk too the other side too slip in instead of sitting up front with the driver.

I smile as he slips into the car and the driver starts off towards Shin’s daycare which is only 2 blocks from my apartment so I would have been fine walking there.

A lot of fans of exo believe that Luhan and I are dating… when we’re not really official or anything.

He’s never asked me out on a date or me too go out with him this is how it’s been since I met him, but for the last few months it’s definitely felt like I’ve been in a relationship with him.

I look at the driver and I know he won’t say anything, “Luhan… are we officially dating or is it too please Shin?

He looks at me appauld, “I’m dating you. I’m dating you and it only has a small piece to do with that I love your son.

What’s the other part?

He smiles as he takes my hand in his own and pulls it up too his mouth too give it a kiss even with his mask on it almost felt like he had burnt my skin.

He says to me as he smiles, “The other part is that I fell in love with you at first sight. It made me go crazy whenever I don’t see you. I feel even crazier when I don’t hear your voice. For some reason when I’m around my usual worries don’t matter at all.

I nod my head knowing from what I heard from the others like how he fell asleep on my couch with a drooly Shin.

I smile as I squeeze his hand and look at it slightly, “Luhan, your hand it’s bleeding.

He looks down at it too see a small cut that I didn't see when I was leaving the apartment.

Shin, got me with his nails a little bit ago it’s no big deal.

I give him a look as we pull up to the school and wait for him too get out of the car as I pull out some neosporin and a pororo band aid.

Let me see your hand,” I more than order him as I hold my hand out to him.

He does as I tell him and I quickly spray his hand then slip the band aid over the small cut, “There now let’s get Shin too his class.

I thought it was a daycare.

I shake my head, “No, I found a school that would accept Shin early that’s why he had to take those tests that last time you were over. I wanted him to have an early and fresh start.

I smile was I look at Shin who’s happily skipping to the front of the school.

Omma, are you going to talk with my teacher?

Maybe for a short while since omma and appa have too get too work.

Luhan looks at me shocked.



I realize what I said then and blush, “Do you have a problem with it?

He shakes his head, “No… If anything now that you called me that as well I feel really happy.

I smile as we walk into the school with Shin standing between us, “Omma appa can I hold your hands?

I smile as I take his hand in mine, “Omma, is so happy that she gets too see you being happy about this Shin.

He nods his head as I see his teacher, “Luhan… Can you wait here with Shin I need too talk too his teacher?

He nods his head and I walk straight too the teacher.

Luhan’s POV

I watch Jia Li run over too the teacher and I look at Shin, “Will you be alright?

Shin looks at me and shakes his head, “”I don’t know. Omma… She’s set on this.”

Shin is a really smart kid but that’s cause he has a hard time with Jia Li’s mother.

Shin… How is it you're so bright?

He shrugs, “Omma… Grandpa said she had a high IQ… What’s an IQ?

I feel a bit shocked but I’ll talk too Jia Li later.

Well then you must be amazingly bright,” I say to him.

Shin looks up at me, “Yes, mommy used to read a lot of books too me. She still does.

I smile, “She’s not forcing any of this on you is she?

Shin shakes his head, “No, I want to become really smart.


Then I can save mommy from pain.

Before I ask more questions a little girl runs up to us and asks, “Are you Luhan?

I look at her confused and Shin attaches himself too my leg as he says, “He’s my appa.

I smile as I crouch down too look Shin in the face and smile, “Let’s go over too your mommy she looks like she wants to talk to us.

It’s not much longer when we’re sitting in the car that Jia Li’s father had sent for her.

I can’t help but to notice she’s shaking a little bit so I take her hand in my own, “Don’t worry I’m sure he’ll make friends quickly he’s a good kid.

She nods her head, “I know. He’s a smart kid he’s got that from me… and his father. His father was a smart guy. It’s just he let drugs get the better of him. When I met him he was on his way on having an IQ of above 115, but after a while his IQ just became a little above average.”

What is your IQ?

Last time I checked was when Shin was about 1 and it was 130. I just let my emotions and that too cloud my mind.”

So your IQ might be higher than that?”

She nods her head, “It’s possible since I have an almost eidetic memory.

Wow the things we can learn about people.

Seoul National University must be nice. What are you going for?

She simply looks at me and says, “A little bit of everything. Though my main goal is humanities, language, social sciences.


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Chapter 23: Omg luhan is good appa to shin. Hello there author nim when are you going to update it?
Chapter 23: Update soon please!!!!Luhan is such a good Appa to Shin
Yeners #3
Chapter 22: More Please!!
Chapter 21: Update soon please!!!
Chapter 19: update soon please!!!!This story is so good!!!Luhan-Shin moments are cute, they do look alike...
Chapter 19: Love this story so much .. Update as soon as possible author-nim :D
BassLover16 #7
Chapter 18: Love this story too freaking much. Update? Pretty please?
Chapter 18: Update soon please!!!I hope Her ex doesn't show up and ruin everything...
BassLover16 #9
Chapter 15: yitugzdgruyer YOU.ARE.AMAZING!!!! I swear this is like THE best story I've ever read. Ever.
Chapter 15: Update soon please!!!!