Our Late Christmas

Who My Son Picked to Love




No Clue what it is or Mixture

Your POV

I just had my first Christmas with EXO and it wasn’t anything special because they’ve been so busy that I haven’t really spend more than an hour with them when I get freetime myself.

Shin spends almost all his time with my father while I’m either at school or work.

Today will be the first day that I’ll get to spend with them.

Today even though it’s almost the end of January.

Mommy, why do I have to start going too a daycare?

Shin, you have to make friends your age. Mommy knows that you’re lonely when she’s at school or work and Luhan and Exo are gone.

Shin pouts and I simply smile at him, “Remember that you need to speak Korean to your fellow classmates tomorrow.

Shido. Why do I need to speak Korean?

Baby. Why won’t you speak it now? You were doing when Luhan-appa and Exo talk to you in Korean.

My son looks at me and pouts, “I won’t until I see Luhan-appa. He promised he’d come over tonight.

too be nice I switch back to Mandarin, “He said it might be later into the day since he and EXO need to drop off their things before they come over too celebrate with us.

Shin nods his head as he looks at his presents from Christmas that he refuses to open without Luhan here and we haven’t seen Luhan out of concerts and my father’s office. Though i bring me snacks and that sometimes when I have some open time before I’m supposed to be home.

I sigh as I lean back and watch as Shin just sits there eying his presents like he does every day.

I pull out my phone and take a small video of Shin just sitting there watching his presents I add that in a small text message below saying just that.

I smile as I recieve a picture of what looks like Luhan in car with the guys of Exo holding up presents.

I chuckle as I look at Shin mumble, “he’s so spoiled.”

“Mommy,” Shin rubs his eyes and I sigh.

Don't rub your eyes like that Shin. If you're tired will you take a nap.

Shin starts shaking his head as it drops since he’s tired, “No, I can’t sleep until dad comes.

I chuckle as I pull him close to me as I crawl over to him on the floor, “Let’s take a nap and wait until they get here. They have a key so they can let themselves in.

Shin nods his head as he curls up with me as I notice it’s only 3 in the afternoon.

I should have enough time to catch some sleep.

I smile as I wrap my arms tightly around my son as he curls up against me. I his hair as I realize that he’s turning 5 in 3 months and then I’m turning 22 in 4 ½ months.

I’m so young with a child getting older by the year, but I guess so am I.

Luhan’s POV

We end up leaving the studio earlier than I thought we would still 5 is still pretty early from what I told Jia Li.

Did you send Jia Li the picture?

I nod my head as I open my phone to see if she messaged me back but I notice all I got was her and Shin point too a few small presents that are set under a small tree.

They got us presents?

I nod my head as I smile at it, “It’s probably nothing too special since she probably knows about us getting tons of presents from fans and such.

I feel kind of guilty about that since it’s true she might want to give us a all kinds of presents and she can’t really because fans already send us. I was happy that we didn’t get a lot of them cause I’d rather have fans pay for presents for their family and friends instead of idols. Still their hearts are in it.

Isn’t that hard for her? Knowing that she can’t really give you anything for holidays and your birthday without fans beating her too the punch.” Suho asks me.

I nod my head knowing where he’s coming from.

I sigh as I answer truthfully, “I don’t need anything fancy from her. All i want is for her and Shin too be happy. As long as they are smiling and happy with me being by their sides I’m okay with it.

They look at me surprised.


Nothing just surprised that you see things like that and I’m sure Jia Li is perfectly happy with that.

We stop by the dorm just for we can get the rest of the presents for Jia Li and Shin… We did a bad thing with Shin’s presents he has a few from each of us. Even the cheap maknae’s bought him real presents instead of what they did for Chanyeol’s birthday.

I look at the trunk when we’re doing pushing everything inside and sigh, “Next, time we buy presents for them we’re setting up a spending limit. Jia Li isn’t going to like him having such expensive presents.

They seem too see my point, “Let’s just see how they react to them.


Tao looks at me and asks, “Does she know that we’re leaving for China for a while?

I shake my head, “I was going to tell her tomorrow. Shin doesn’t want too go too daycare saying he only needs us and mommy. She knows he’s lonely with no one to play with most days. I’ll help her explain to him then I’ll tell her. She’ll understand.

Kris looks at me and says something wise for once that doesn’t deal with him mentioning himself, “Just cause she’ll understand doesn’t mean she'll be happy about it. Luhan I bet she’ll miss you a lot.

Which reminds me her father wants to do a press conference sometime soon too announce the two of you are now officially dating and it’s not just speculation.

I’m taken back and I wonder if I can protect Shin from being hounded for a bit longer, “I don’t want too until I know that Shin and Jia Li can deal with the press. Jia Li is strong but everyone has their breaking points.

They seem to nod their heads as we make our way too Jia Li’s apartment that is actually pretty hard for us to enter because of the doorman, but now he’s so use too seeing us that he lets us by. The guy is pretty scary with how strict he is. Though Shin and Jia Li seem to get along with him just fine.

I wave to him and he actually smiles at me, “Hello, Luhan-shi. Miss. Jia Li said you could just come up when she came through here earlier today..

I nod my head as I smile at him, “Thank you. Have a nice day.

The doorman nods his head as we walk past him and up too Jia Li’s apartment. I knock or so kick the door and there’s no answer.

I sigh as I call out, “Jia Li can you open the door?

There’s still no answer so I hand off my presents too Sehun who happened to be closest as I pull out the key to her apartment.

I open the door too see Jia Li and Shin on the floor curled up together.

I don’t rush to them since I see their chest move as they breathe slowly like they are sleeping. I walk over to them and smile down at them. I pull out my phone and snap a picture of them.

Jia Li wakes up and looks at me with her still hair still in a perfect braid and sweater looking like it was just pulled from the hanger.


When Shin wakes up he asks for chocolate and his mother hands him it and he keeps it between his lips. I chuckle as I notice that he’s wearing a grey sweater matching his mother a little bit.

I call his name as he looks up at me and I snap a picture and show his mother… my girlfriend.


Ahh he looks so cute,” Jia Li gushes, “Oh Luhan you mimic him.”

I look at her and she smiles slightly at me, “Please. The two of you are wearing the same sweater too. You look so much father and son.

Fine, by me… but you have to do a picture with us after you take this one.

She lifts an eyebrow as she slowly nods her head, “Deal.

I smile as I mimic what Shin did the first time and he does it again and wait for his mother too take the picture.

Got it. One more. Luhan can you hold him closer.”

I chuckle as I pull him close to me and our faces are against each other as Jia Li takes that picture.

Alright. Jia Li, now you have too join in. Sehun, can you take a picture of us?

He walks over and Jia Li takes a piece of chocolate and mimic her sons face. Her face is bright with happiness and when Shin sees his mother face with a smile as she does that and his face brightens. I can’t help too let my smile break through as well taking the picture with them.

When they get a few pictures of us together I chuckle as we look through my phone too see the pictures.

We laugh as we look at them and Jia Li smiles, “Let’s get the other guys in.

We all laugh as we take pictures with everyone and they seem to enjoy our time together.

As we all sit down too open presents we make the youngest go first.

Shin goes through all the presents to show different outfits and toys.

Jia Li gives us a look and sighs, “You know he’s a little kid and probably destroy these in a matter of days.”

Shin looks at me appalled at the idea, “Aniyo. I’m not going to wreck these. Appa and uncles gave it too me. I’ll try to keep them. They will be good.

I laugh at Shin being so cute.

Your POV

I nod my head as I look at my 20 something presents in front from me a mixture of one’s from my friends that I gotten for Christmas and ones that I got from EXO.

I smile as I open them too show beautiful clothing, jewelry, and purses. When i come too the last 2 presents I smile as I pick up a small present and read too see that it’s Luhan’s last one.

I smile as I peel back all the wrapping paper to show a small jewelry box to show a circular locket with  爱 (ai) engraved on the front of it. I open the locket too show a picture of Shin, Luhan, and me holding each other smiling. This picture we took after the mama awards.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I look at it, “It’s perfect.”

Luhan smiles as he looks at me, “I’m glad you liked it. I was worried it was too simple.”

No it’s perfect simple, but etiquette with two people that I love resting inside it next to my heart.”

He smiles when I notice the envelope that is resting among everything I say, “Let’s ignore that for now I want too see what you guys think of  your presents.”

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Chapter 23: Omg luhan is good appa to shin. Hello there author nim when are you going to update it?
Chapter 23: Update soon please!!!!Luhan is such a good Appa to Shin
Yeners #3
Chapter 22: More Please!!
Chapter 21: Update soon please!!!
Chapter 19: update soon please!!!!This story is so good!!!Luhan-Shin moments are cute, they do look alike...
Chapter 19: Love this story so much .. Update as soon as possible author-nim :D
BassLover16 #7
Chapter 18: Love this story too freaking much. Update? Pretty please?
Chapter 18: Update soon please!!!I hope Her ex doesn't show up and ruin everything...
BassLover16 #9
Chapter 15: yitugzdgruyer YOU.ARE.AMAZING!!!! I swear this is like THE best story I've ever read. Ever.
Chapter 15: Update soon please!!!!