Love Your Child

Who My Son Picked to Love



Can’t really say which one

Your POV

It’s the K-pop Star Olympics today, but I have to go to my classes today because my teachers are evil. Not that I have a problem with them being who they are, but I have to say they are evil because I don’t’ get to see Luhan and the guys with Sehun and my father.

Mommy, aren’t you coming?”

I pull my blanket over my head, “Sorry Sehun you know that I have to go to school today. I can’t go with you and appa.

Mommy why do you focus so much on school, don’t’ you love me?

I pull myself up to see my son at the side with his arms resting on the mattress and doe like eyes looking up at me.

Sweetie don’t’ say something like that of course I love you. I love you more than anything and that’s why I’m working hard on getting a better education so I can make sure you have a great life growing up.

He looks up at me and starts crying as he runs away from me and out of my room.

I jump up not caring that it makes me dizzy I carefully but as quickly as I can race after him.

I see him in my father’s arms as I race into the room only to trip and fall.

When I don’t hit the ground I look up to see that Suho from Exo-K had caught me.

Thank you,” I look down at my clothing and sigh in relief when I notice that my tank top is padded and my shorts are basketball shorts.

I look over at my son, “Sweetie can you come over here? Mommy doesn’t’ know what she said to make you sad but she’s sorry.

He looks over at me and nods his head as he slowly walks over to me and into my arms where he starts crying even more.

I shush him carefully hugging him and humming ‘Baby don’t Cry.’

Mommy, can you skip school today?

I shake my head, “Sorry sweetie, but you know that I have tests today and I don’t’ show up I can’t take them.

It’s just a few tests why should it matter? I just want to spend more time with mommy like I did before,” he whines.

I nod my head and start crying as I wipe away his tears, “I know that sweetie, but I need to take these since I’ve missed a bit of school so I could spend more time with you. I’m free all day tomorrow so how about we go to the zoo.

Jinja?! You’re not lying?” he says to me.

I tap his nose, “Of course, I’m not why would I ever lie to you?”

He shrugs and I wrap my arms around him pulling him close to me so I can tickle him.

Suho’s POV

I’m surprised by how great of a mother Jia Li is.

She knew what to say right away she didn’t even notice that every one of Exo is here and not just me. She’s only focused on her son.

She knows just what to say to make her son feel better even though she seems to work herself to the bone to make him happy. She still makes as much time for him that she can without ruining parts of her life.

Your POV

I’ve been staring at the wall surprised that my tests took over half of the day.

When classes are over I just want to go home and curl up in bed, but instead I’m called into work. I send my father a message telling him that I was called into work until 10 and I wasn’t going to be home until 11.

“Yes my shift is finally over,” I shout as I leave the building.

I race my way home hoping that I’ll be able to slip time for Sehun even if he’ll be asleep.

I walk into the apartment to see Sehun curled up on my couch with Luhan.

I smile as I sit down on the couch next to them and move my son’s hair away from his face.

Note to self remind myself tomorrow to take Sehun out for a haircut.

I smile as I look at my son and slowly let my eyes become drawn to Luhan who looks so adorable sleep, but also handsome.

I smile as I curl up close to their sides taking my sons hands in my own as I curl up into Luhan.

Luhan’s POV

Jia Li ’s son Sehun had dragged around me for a while until we got back to his home.

We curled up and started to watch movie after movie until I guess we fell asleep even though I wanted to wait up for Jia Li .

Still I woke up by the sound of the door opening. I was going to act like I was awake until I saw how tired looked when she turned the corner into my line of sight. She smiled when she saw us but instead of most parents probably would have woken us up still it was soon she fell asleep holding onto Sehun’s hand and curled into my body.

I open my eyes when I feel her breathing turn into the steady breathing of a sleeping person.

I look over to see how peaceful her face looks but it still looks like she wants to sleep for days.

Still I didn’t’ think she had such a busy life until today. I thought she worked a few hours before or after school, but from the sounds of Sehun this morning she works, studies, and at school for almost 24/7.

She does so much to try to give her son a better life, but she doesn’t know that for him being with her is the best thing that can happen for him.

I lean over and kiss her forehead, “I hope that you realize how important things are in your life soon. Not just for you but for your son… and me. I love you. Both you and your son are ingrained in my mind and my heart.

I see a smile from on her lips as one of her hands let go of Sehun’s and she wraps it around my waist, “I love you and Sehun, too.”

Her head is buried in Sehun’s hair as she mumbles more in her sleep.

Your POV

It’s morning and I find that I had wrapped my arm around Luhan’s waist during the night. Before I can say anything the boys of exo barge into my home to see Luhan and me in each other’s arms with Sehun between us.

I look up to see Luhan’s eyes on me.

Huh do I have something on my face or did I do something to my hair?

No, it’s just you look kind of cute… Ahh I mean both you and Sehun looked so cute. Ahh…” Luhan looks down with a slight blush on his cheeks.

I let go of his waist and hide my embarrassment by running into the kitchen with the excuse of going wanting to make breakfast for my son.

Luhan’s POV

I watch her race into the kitchen and glare at my friends, “Nice job guys.

Oh come now it’s not like you were helping yourself by very much. Stuttering over your words the way you were. Trying to make it seem like you don’t’ think her morning face is cute. Exo’s Sehun starts laughing.

You’re an evil maknae aren’t you?

Oh no me and baby Sehun are just teaming up on you right bucko?

Yea, Mommy and appa… I want you to really be my appa.

I look down at him, “Is that how you really feel?

He nods his head as he grips my hand as he sits there with me on the couch, “I want you to be my dad.

I think I ended this chapter nicely and pretty cutely with a somewhat bonding moment

I did a nice cute moment. i feel happy now


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Chapter 23: Omg luhan is good appa to shin. Hello there author nim when are you going to update it?
Chapter 23: Update soon please!!!!Luhan is such a good Appa to Shin
Yeners #3
Chapter 22: More Please!!
Chapter 21: Update soon please!!!
Chapter 19: update soon please!!!!This story is so good!!!Luhan-Shin moments are cute, they do look alike...
Chapter 19: Love this story so much .. Update as soon as possible author-nim :D
BassLover16 #7
Chapter 18: Love this story too freaking much. Update? Pretty please?
Chapter 18: Update soon please!!!I hope Her ex doesn't show up and ruin everything...
BassLover16 #9
Chapter 15: yitugzdgruyer YOU.ARE.AMAZING!!!! I swear this is like THE best story I've ever read. Ever.
Chapter 15: Update soon please!!!!