UYU! UYU! U-Y-U!~♥

Only You

          Donghae's POV

     Come on bell.... ring! I was too lazy to listen to the lesson and began tapping my fingers on the desk impatiently... "So, when you distribute the-" Ding Dong Daeng~ Finally! "Okay, we'll continue this later. Class is dismissed." Kim seonsaengnim finished. Lunch lunch lunch! So hungry!

     "Hurry, we gotta go before someone takes our spot!", Henry said hurriedly, literally dragging me out the class, barely grabbing my lunch. Henry released me as I followed him as he raced down the hallway towards Sungmin's class. Sungmin was already waiting outside of the class room talking to someone. Sungmin spotted us and gestured for us to hurry up. "Is that who I think it is?" Henry questioned with a wide grin forming across his face. Nugu?

     "Donghae, bali!" Sungmin started. "I want you to meet someone." By Sungmin was a fragile looking male around the same height as Sungmin. He had dark brown hair that almost looked violet and high cheek bones. He was wearing what looked like the smallest uniform size ever, but for someone that small and fragile looking, he was carrying a really big bento box... two of them. Damn, he must have a high metabolism.

     "This is Ryeowook, the one we told you about yesterday, ya know, the one with the mad cooking skills?" I nod my head, remembering everything they told me yesterday. Sungmin then turned to Ryeowook and continued, "and this is Donghae, the new kid I told you about over the phone."

     "Ah~" He responded, handing one bento to Henry and extending a hand towards me to shake. "Take good care of me." He smiled at me. 

     "Nado." I responded, taking his hand in mine. 

     Henry swung his vacant arm around Ryeowook. "Bali! I don't want anyone taking our spot!" Henry pouted.

* * * * * * * * * *

     Sungmin, Ryeowook, and I hurried behind Henry who was way too eager to get to "his" lunch spot. As we approached our spot outside, we saw that there were already some students there. Henry turned around and started complaining how we weren't fast enough. "Minnie~!" called a voice. Without even looking, all of us, except for Ryeowook, seemed to know who it was. From our lunch spot from yesterday stood Kyuhyun accompanied by Eunhyuk and... um... what's her name.... ah Yoona-ssi! I giggled as Henry elbowed Sungmin.

     "Who's that?" whispered Ryeowook.

     "It's Sungmin's "boyfriend"." answered Henry.

     "Ehhh!?" Ryeowook squeaked, looking just as suprised as me when I found out. We walked closer to where the three were.

     "We'll explain it to you later." Henry whispered back.

     Kyuhyun brought Sungmin to go sit by his side. The rest of us went to sit on the other side of them. I sat myself next to Yoona-ssi. "Annyeong... Donghae.." someone sounded. I looked to my right and saw Eunhyuk smiling at me. I instantly smiled back, "O-oh.. Annyeong." We awkwardly turned back to our own things. I could feel Yoona-ssi staring at me, but I chose not to look back.

     Ryewook and Henry were fussing over the bento. Ryeowook looked at me.

     " Donghae, have some!" He said smiling widely. I looked at all the things his had. everything was so nicely decorated and looked very appetizing, even the smell was delicious. I looked back my bento... No side dishes, just rice and kimchi. Lame..... Even though I really wanted some of his, I felt too shy to just take some.

     "U-um it's okay, I already have a bento." He looked at me pouting.

     "Just take some!" He answered back, his eyes becoming a little red.

     Henry nudged me and whispered in my ear, "Just take some, if you don't, he'll definently cry. No lie." I looked up at Ryeowook seeing his eyes gradually become red and teary.

     Panicking, I quickly responded, "Um... could I have just a little?" A smile grew on his face as he handed me half of his bento. I couldn't possibly eat all of it, but by the look of his face, I felt that if I didn't he'd be sad. He stared at me, waiting for me to start eating. I hurriedly took the chopsticks from my bento and started to eat. "Mmmm~ Daebak! This just may be better than my moms cooking!" I confessed. He laughed with a victorious smile on his face.

* * * * * * * * * *

     Immersed in my food, I didn't talk to anyone, and barely noticed that Henry and Ryeowook had left to the bathroom. After finishing, I looked to my right, unconsciously staring into the eyes of Eunhyuk. Surprised I shifted my eyes to Kyuhyun feeding Sungmin. "Umm Donghae..." Eunhyuk started. I turned back to him. Yoona-ssi was also staring at me. "Hmmm?" I answered.

     "I haven't introduced you two yet." He started. "Um Donghae this is Yoona, my childhood friend, Yoona this is Donghae." he introduced. I nodded my head smiling at her. She seem to be holding back a laugh. Wae? Is there something on my face. Eunhyuk nudged her on the arm. For some reason, I felt nervous and felt my throat start to dry up. They must be really close.

     To distract myself from the feeling, I grabbed my bag, remembering that I had brought some strawberry milk. Seeing I had two, I also recalled that I grabbed one for Eunhyuk. Even before I offered it to him, his eyes were set on the pink carton in my hands. When I offered it to him, his eyes sparkled, but yet he hesitated to take it. I chuckled and took his hand and placed the carton of magic onto it. He showed his gummy smile once again and quickly began to take it all in. With his innocent looking face, he slowly drank it, savoring it. 

     Yoona-ssi was observing Eunhyuk just as I was, with an amazed look on her face. "Wow Eunhyuk, after all these years, I can't believe I didn't know that you had this big of an addiction to strawberry uyu!" 

     Really? Yoona-ssi, a childhood friend, didn't know that? Unconsciously, the corners of my lips began to curve up. I guess I felt kind of special to know that before Yoona-ssi. I was about to stick in the straw of my drink, but I saw that Yoona-ssi was now looking at me. "Mmmm.... Do you want it?" I offered. She didn't respond, but instead just kept looking at me with a weird look. It kind of made me feel uncomfortable. She still didn't answer, but instead turned back to Eunhyuk. Did I say something wrong? Maybe she's allergic to strawberries...

     "Okay you guys, I've decided! We're going to the amusement park this weekend!" yelled Kyuhyun. 

     "Ehh...? Why?" Eunhyuk replied, not seeming interested.

     "Because I want to. You'll come right!" Kyuhyun said winking at Eunhyuk.

     "....Fine.." Eunhyuk sighed.

     "Yoona, you can come too." Yoona just nodded. "And you're coming too, okay Donghae." Kyuhyun finished.

     "B-but... umm.." I looked over to Sungmin who looked as if he were begging me to go. 'Mmm... okay..." I gave in.

     "Great! We'll meet at the amusement park at 12!"

     B-but I hate amusement parks..... Sungmin-ah, you better be greatful! T^T


OMO sorry I wasted a particle of your life! I know, I should update faster, but I'm having deep author's block! I'm almost on summer break, so I'l be spending more time on the fic, or at least trying! Damn Tumblr always distracting me! follow me: jeweledELFish92!

LOL Hyukkie and his milk! Go Kyumin go! And what's Yoona's problem?

Please comment! PLEASE! I'm a loner(jk) I need something to read even if it's "wooooooooooowww"!

Well bai bai! 

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I want to post faster... but I'm having writers block... I have no idea what I want to write, but I really want to write!!!! Bare with me!


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257471 #1
Chapter 10: hope you'll update this curious here :)
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 10: Thx for updating and yes eunhae in this chapter is better but I'm still hooked on kyu who wants to be with his bunny by himself where in fact he invited all his friends to join him kekeke
Hey! New subscriber here! ^^
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 9: Is it because yoona likes hyukjae that is why she is ackward with hae? And kyu, you should be more honest to yourself or your adorable bunny will be sad thinking you are just playing with him, hope there'll be kyumin moments in the amusement park...
mochie #5
Chapter 8: Finally.. You update !! Make sure the next chapter comes faster !! XD
Silver-Soul #6
Chapter 6: Hehehe update soon~ i wonder what kyuhun feels now... Sungmin is just being his fake boyfriend but how about Kyu?? Can't wait to find out and read more!!^^
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 6: Sweet kyumin, more please? And eunhae too....
Chapter 6: That's one big group hangout!
Hehehe birthdays!
I wonder Eunhyuk actually has something against that guy..
Fighting Dongsaeng! :)
Silver-Soul #9
Chapter 5: EUNHAE KISSED!!! WOOT~ lol okay... i have a feeling sungmin said yes because he thought kyuhyun was irritated of the girls and wanted to help him...
ichathoriqlover #10
Chapter 5: The song is great and the chapter is great too, but is kyu really likes minnie or just playing? Update soon